My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 618 Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 618 Brother and Friend Congratulations
The corner of Kangxi's mouth twitched.

Isn't this the beginning of learning the rules?

People who start a family and start a business should be like this.

It can't just go on forever.

I am Ama, so I don't pick on him, but what about the future?

Wouldn't it be more embarrassing for my brother and nephew to dislike him?
On the table, the fifth elder brother whispered: "Is it too light? Don't you need to send an antique inkstone, jade paperweight, or some Xuande stove? I have rich ones there, and I will find you two later... "

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "This is an old etiquette, it's not easy..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then said: "But the inkstone, paperweight, Xuande furnace, etc., since the fifth brother is rich, the younger brother should take it away, and put it in the study later, and the younger brother has to use it!"

The fifth elder brother said generously: "Then use it, what's missing, you can say something..."

When Brother Jiu heard this, his eyes lit up and he was very moved.

Brother Wu has a lot of good things there.

The empress dowager's private treasury is not just the empress dowager's private treasury.

It is said that before the Empress Dowager died of illness, she divided up her private house for the rest of her life.

It is divided into three parts, one for the queen mother, one for the emperor, and one for the eldest princess Gulun Shuhui.

He just wanted to ask for some more antiques to decorate the living room of the Prince's Mansion, but seeing the stern face of the fourth brother next to him, who wanted to teach others, he changed his words and said: "My brother built a library in the Prince's Mansion. If my elder brother has any books that I don’t read, I will ask people to gather them up, and then I will fill the library for my younger brother, or else I will have to search outside.”

The fifth elder brother said proudly: "There are quite a few boxes. I will give them to you later. I have a headache after seeing them."

Brother Nine: "..."

He glanced at Kangxi.

Didn't you hear?

Isn't this the one who should study hard? !

Kangxi didn't seem to hear it, and was talking to the elder brother with his head down.

Brother Nine felt a little upset.

He re-learned, brothers don't need it?

Seeing Xian Siqi together, shouldn't they be together? !

He looked at the boss, what's the shortcoming?
Can't seem to pick it out.

The eldest son of the emperor is full of style, but that can't be wrong.

Originally, his identity was here, and it wasn't the temperament of a corporal who was a virtuous man.

He glanced at the fourth elder brother again.

This person is a little less sophisticated, he doesn't speak well, and he will be cold-faced if he has nothing to do, shouldn't he learn from scratch?
Then look at the fifth elder brother.

Needless to say, Fifth Brother, the Four Books and Five Classics are all stumbling, and he still has an impression, but he probably doesn't even have an impression.

How can this be so?

Is it stupid to pretend to be stupid? !

It's just that I'm lazy and don't like to study.

With the same parents, he is so smart, how can Wu Ge be so stupid?

It's so uncomfortable to see other people idle.

Seeing that the conversation between Kangxi and the elder brother came to an end, the ninth elder brother said: "Khan Ama, although you prefer your son, but the son is not easy to deal with, can I ask you for a favor, and point out to my brothers? If there is really no suitable teacher for a prince, just one person will do..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu and wanted to ask how old his face was.

Yesterday he was languid, with a guilty conscience, knowing that it was his inadequacy, that's why he had an extra prince teacher; today, he just cocked his tail and said "preference" without shame.

This proposal...

The princes who left the study room, arrange for the princes to teach...

Kangxi looked at Big Brother.

Eldest brother quickly waved his hands and said, "Ama Khan, no need, no need, my son is already old, seeing that Hong Yu is about to be enlightened..."

Hong Yu is the eldest brother's direct son, born in Kangxi in 35 years, and is four years old this year.

Kangxi was noncommittal, looking at the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother bowed and said, "Ama Khan, Honghui is also three years old."

So his husband is also free.

The fifth elder brother also heard that his younger brother was playing tricks, and hurriedly followed: "Our eldest brother and nephew Hong Yu are born a year later, and they will be a few months older, and they should start studying next year. Bar!"

After hearing this, Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, and he felt a little disappointed.

Are the emperor's grandchildren also reaching the age of enlightenment?
Then he remembered that the eldest son of the prince was already ten years old and had been studying in the upper study for half a year; the eldest daughter on the eldest's side was older and had started to grow her hair.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, snorted lightly, and said, "It seems that there are no shortage of Mr., or you can accept your kindness..."

Having said that, he looked at Brother Ten and said, "Or give it to Brother Ten directly?"

Brother Nine wanted to bully his elder brother, but he didn't want to bully his younger brother, so he hurriedly said: "Forget it, the tenth brother is working in the clan's mansion, and he just asks the elders of the clan for advice, and he can't learn anything serious from outsiders. "

This time, the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother were added to grind their teeth at him.

The two of them could see that this younger brother was not kind and treated people very close and distant, they were obviously behind the ten elder brothers.

Although it is normal to know that the two little brothers grow up in the same class and are close to each other, it is also disturbing to show favoritism to one another.

Kangxi saw that elder brother Jiu could offend everyone by opening his mouth, so he didn't bother to talk about him, he just said: "Okay, let's eat!"

Everyone quieted down, except for the sound of eating.

The dishes given by Shifujin were not suitable for eating with rice, and no one touched their chopsticks.

The dishes delivered by Sifujin and Wufujin are also ordinary, and everyone is tired of eating them.

Everyone unanimously aimed their chopsticks at the dishes of Sisuo.

Fortunately, there were only four dishes in the first food box, and four more dishes were delivered later.

Add sesame paste noodles, mung bean jelly, etc., which can support the stomach.

Even if everyone eats these things, they are still very rich.

Big brother ate steamed meat and was satisfied.

The best pork belly is marinated with salt and pepper, baked to six minutes dry, and then smoked with fruit wood.

It smells fruity, looks oily, and chews in the mouth.

The translucent fat contains rich oil, and it bursts in the mouth after taking a bite, it is so fragrant.


The fourth elder brother was eating half a bowl of iced bean curd.

There is no complicated seasoning on it, just soy sauce, vinegar, chopped green onion, etc., but it is just right to eat.

He is a vegetarian himself, and he is tired of vegetarian dishes such as tofu and shiitake mushrooms.

The fifth elder brother is eating mung bean jelly.

He is relatively fat, and his internal fire is dry. In summer, he likes to drink mung bean soup and eat mung bean cakes.

This mung bean jelly, covered with a layer of sesame sauce, tastes delicious, just to his taste.

Elder Brother Ten is much calmer, and has eaten most of the dishes of the four schools.

Especially the sweet and sour poached eggs and shredded cucumber mixed with egg skin are his favorite dishes.

If he stays with Jiu Ge for dinner, there will be more of these two dishes.

It's just that the current cucumbers are not as tender as winter ones, but the ones made by the dining room are also exquisite. The cucumber skins and seeds are removed and then shredded. It is also good to eat, and it tastes better than eating cucumbers in winter.

With thinly sliced ​​egg skins and shredded pork fried in soy sauce, this dish is as good as it is.

It's not a meat dish, but it's not bland.

Kangxi also has some problems with bitter summer, and his appetite will be worse in summer.

But the sons were all able to eat, and they ate deliciously one by one, and even Kangxi's appetite improved a bit.

He looked around at the dishes, the recipes at the Fourth Institute were not complicated, and looked very ordinary.

Steamed meat is steamed meat directly, with some tender cabbage leaves underneath.

The rest are also common ingredients.

But when he moved his chopsticks, Kangxi noticed the difference.

Most of the dishes in the imperial dining room are thickened with cornstarch. They look oily and taste salty, but they get greasy easily.

The dishes of Sisuo are not like this, they are more authentic, which is another kind of simplicity.

Kangxi tasted everything, and he was very full without knowing it.

He put down his chopsticks.

I'm only [-]% full on weekdays, and I'll go back to the Changchun Garden in a while, and I can stroll around to digest my food.

Everyone put down their chopsticks one after another.

Kangxi looked down at the bowl of rice wine at hand.

The color looks yellow and thick, which is different from ordinary rice wine.

He picked it up and tasted it, the taste was very light, much thinner than the rice wine in the dining room, but it was good as a drink.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Why is this different from ordinary rice wine?"

Elder Brother Jiu was somewhat proud, and said: "This is thick wine made by my son Fujin according to the prescription in the book. It is said that it was recorded in the history books in the Spring and Autumn Period. The old yellow rice used is not expensive. Food, this is good for the stomach, and it will not hurt my son to drink it..."

thick wine...

Kangxi was somewhat impressed.

He glanced at Brother Jiu, not knowing what to be proud of.

This is a recipe Dong E's figured out when she was in her natal family, and it was to satisfy Xin Dali and Qi Xi's greed.

The two brothers are both fond of wine, but they don't have the capacity to drink, and they get drunk when they get drunk.

According to the prescription in the book, Dong E asked people to try non-intoxicating rice wine.

The elder brother was not satisfied, he drank it up in two or three gulps, ordered someone to add another bowl, and then said: "The taste is too thin, like thick rice soup, it's not intoxicating, but it can fill you with water..."

Brother Nine didn't like to hear this, so he looked at elder brother and said, "Brother, you should drink less on weekdays, don't think that wine is food essence, it is still medicine for wearing intestines, it is not a good thing, and it will turn into rosacea Don't say it, it stinks all over!"

Eldest brother heard this and his hands were itchy, but in front of the emperor, it was not easy to teach his brother a lesson, so he changed his fist into a slap, patted elder brother Jiu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, elder brother will write it down!"

Ninth elder brother was staggered by being photographed, raised his eyebrows to look at eldest elder brother, dissatisfied, and said: "Elder brother, take it easy, when everyone is as rough as you, you can stand this iron slap!"

The elder brother's hands were itching more and more, looking at Kangxi, he said: "Ama, when Lao Jiu was in the study, he was not only confused by reading, but also seemed to be struggling with riding and shooting. The left and right sons are also idle now, or give Lao Jiu Be a teacher and teach him again?"

At that time, Lian Buku will practice together, and everyone will be rough together.

She tidied up like a big girl all day long, with a sachet hanging on her body, so that people could fight with each other, isn't it shabby?

Brother Jiu's hairs stood on end.

It seems that the shadow that was raised high when I was a child reappears.

He hurriedly said: "No, no, when the nephews are enlightened, I can just practice with them, there is no need to teach it once!"


At that time, I will have revenge for revenge, and revenge for complaints.

When his brothers bullied him when he was a child, he would write it down and make up for it.

His little calculations were written all over his face, making everyone speechless.

Just such a small profit? !

The fifth elder brother couldn't see it anymore, and said: "Then you can't practice together, why don't you practice with the twelve elder brothers, it's almost the same..."

Ninth elder brother looked at fifth elder brother with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

How can it be similar?
Can he compare with the twelfth elder brother or the thirteenth elder brother?
The point is that Elder Fourteen is only 12 years old, but he looks like a calf, and already has a bit of strength. If he can't compare with him, is he ashamed?

(End of this chapter)

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