Chapter 619 Attack of Conscience
Head office door.

Everyone came out and watched Kangxi leave.

Kangxi didn't call for the chariot, but took the eunuch and guards and left.

Only then did Brother Jiu notice that the head of the following imperial guards was none other than Ma Qi's younger brother Ma Wu.

He didn't say hello just now.

From now on, he will also be an uncle.

He looked at the direction in which Kangxi and his party left, showing annoyed expression.

The elder brother glanced at him, and said: "You know you regret it? Didn't you just have a lot of courage? Dare to say anything!"

Brother Jiu looked at him and said helplessly: "It's all going on here and there. My younger brother just regrets not saying hello to Ma Wu, and so do you, elder brother. Why can't you hear the truth? The truth doesn't sound good, but it's a kind heart! "

"Rossy nose? Smelly all over? Is this your kindness? Good intentions!" Big Brother laughed and scolded.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Rude!"

The elder brother rubbed his fists and said, "If I don't let you see it, what is really rude?"

Ninth elder brother hurriedly jumped away, hid behind fourth elder brother, and said: "fourth brother, look at eldest brother, is he still like an elder brother? Not to mention being an example, that is, in front of us, if you turn around, you will be the next one Brothers, if you talk about it before, you will teach the child badly!"

Fourth elder brother: "..."

It's not completely unreasonable to talk here and there.

The elder brother rolled his eyes and said: "You are really promising, you have learned to sue!"

Brother Nine beamed with joy and said: "When you see the virtuous, think about it, old... the third brother's trick is so good, the younger brother learned it, and told me that everyone should learn it, so that we can make things better in the future, so as not to suffer from the third brother! "

Eldest Brother "haha" laughed out loud, and said: "In the past year, how many times did the third child take advantage of you? Every time he was unlucky, and the fines and punishments made his flesh hurt. I guess I will see you hiding in the future!"

Brother Nine proudly said: "Isn't that just right, my younger brother wishes he could be a ghost!"

The fourth elder brother heard him talking more and more out of order, and scolded: "Okay, shut up, and don't talk outside in the future!"

Brother Nine heard this, his little face "boomed" and he said: "It's not in front of others, or in front of brothers, can't you tell the truth? Fourth brother, you are too hypocritical, you are too arrogant, and you are still a man. You have to be like a younger brother, more realistic..."

The fourth elder brother had a dark face.

Is this true?
This is silly!
Fifth elder brother was a little scared.

My fourth brother also loves to hold grudges.

Lao Jiu doesn't have a long memory.

He changed the subject and said, "Is there anything I need to ask Ma Wu?"

Otherwise, what's the point of saying hello.

Brother Jiu drooped the corners of his mouth, and said: "Ama Khan pointed Ma Qi to be the prince's teacher. It's not Ma Wu, but his brother, and he has grown up with him. My brother just wants to be more considerate..."

Except for Elder Brother Ten, everyone else was stunned.

Earlier, when they heard that Brother Jiu mentioned something about the prince's teacher, they thought it was someone who was referring to the Hanlin walking in the South Study Room, who was similar to Fa Hai.

Said to be the teacher of the prince, but actually it was the attendant who watched the elder brother study.

I didn't expect it to be Marzi.

The elder brother frowned and said, "Is there something wrong with the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

The fourth elder brother also showed concern on his face, and said: "Aren't there several supervisors now? When you encounter ordinary things, you follow the rules. If you have a difficult job, you should ask a few more adults..."

Brother Nine raised his chin, dissatisfied, and said: "Brother, do you look down on people? Is my younger brother the kind of incompetent person who messed up his job and let Ama Khan worry about making money?"

The eldest elder brother snorted softly: "That's good, Khan Ama pointed out a master? Khan Ama is full, or Ma Qi is an idler?"

Brother Jiu said with embarrassment on his face, "Hey, my brother also thought about it for a long time yesterday, trying to figure out what's wrong. It should be that the father-in-law's order came down a few days ago, and my brother brought Fujin to Ning , empty-handed..."

"Khan Ama made a big fuss, asked his younger brother to recite "Zhou Li", and pointed at Ma Qi to stare at..."

"It's really wronged. I didn't go empty-handed every time I went there before, but I came back in a hurry that day..."

The big elder brother twitched his mouth and said, "Then what did you go to Yue's house that day?"

"Congratulations! Isn't this the viscount position that was put on hold a while ago?"

Brother Jiu glanced at elder brother and said, "Brother, your news is too ill-informed!"

The elder brother snorted softly and said, "You know it's congratulations, so why are you still empty-handed?"

The fourth elder brother was beside him, shaking his head too.

This is not what it deserves?
The etiquette of favor and etiquette is not complete, no wonder point him to a teacher to learn "Zhou Ritual" again.

The fifth elder brother also said: "It's your fault. Shouldn't you prepare a congratulatory ceremony at this time? The younger siblings are all ready, to preserve your dignity, you should also preserve the dignity of the younger siblings!"

A while ago, when my great father-in-law was transferred back to Beijing, brother Jiu asked someone to give him a congratulatory ceremony, and he paid all the respects.

Thinking about it now, it must be the worry of the younger siblings.

Even Elder Brother Shi didn't expect this to be the reason, and looked at Brother Jiu with disapproval.

Brother Jiu rubbed his forehead and said: "It's just that I forgot, it's not that I didn't prepare. I remembered it when I was out of the palace, so I didn't ask anyone to go back to get it. I thought that my brother's father-in-law and mother-in-law are the ones who love my daughter the most. They will take Fujin back with me." Congratulations, the gift is not a hindrance!"

"It can't be counted in this way. The younger siblings are the daughters of other people. Going back to spend a day with their parents is also part of the affection. You shouldn't use the things in the affection as a favor!"

The fifth elder brother condemned: "Besides, favors are favors, rituals are rituals, there is nothing more, and it should not be less!"

The eldest elder brother said: "This gentleman pointed it out well. People who are almost twenty are not young, and they should learn the ways of the world."

The fourth elder brother said: "The male leads the outside, the female leads the inside, if you don't learn about the outside, do you want your siblings to worry about it?"

Brother Nine felt that his head was getting bigger, so he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, I must study hard, and I will go to visit Mr. Ma Qima tomorrow morning..."

The fourth elder brother was more worried, and said: "I have inquired, Mr. Ma will take a rest tomorrow?"

Brother Nine: "..."

Ma Qi has so many errands, and Khan Ama uses them so hard that he can't wait for one person to become two envoys, and Xiu Mu?

The fourth elder brother said helplessly: "You didn't ask, where did you go to meet Ma Qi?"

"Yuanzi is on duty. It just so happens that my younger brother plans to work here in the future..."

Brother Jiu said: "It's getting hot, I don't want to bother, let the pen post send the official documents every day!"

The elder brother felt inappropriate when he heard it, and said: "No, it's too contemptuous, and it's too ostentatious, I can't do it like this..."

Contemptuousness is stuck in the office to learn from a teacher, and publicity is to spread out the relationship between the two to attract attention.

no need.

There is always such a small group of people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Concubine Yi is already a favorite, but now that she has given birth to the youngest son of the emperor, Brother Jiu is still clearly worshiping under the name of Ma Qi who is about to enter the cabinet, who knows what others think.

The fourth elder brother said: "Listen to elder brother. Tomorrow, I will send someone to Ma Qi's house to deliver greeting cards. I will also ask Ma Qi's family when he will take a bath. He will come to the door in person after making an appointment. Be safe and don't be impatient! Well, no fanfare."

Brother Nine's lips drooped even more, and he said: "My younger brother has died, not to mention 'three festivals and two longevity', if Ma Qi is marrying a daughter now, will my younger brother have to grow up as well?"

Seeing that he still cares about this, the elder brother wanted to kick him twice.

It's useless to think about these things all day.

This means that Suo'etu is gone, otherwise, it would be a cold sweat.

The fourth elder brother frowned tightly, thinking of the relationship between Ma Qi and the eighth elder brother.

Brother Jiu also thought of this, and couldn't help complaining: "What is this called? Is it too late to encourage Ma Qi to regret the marriage?"

The fourth elder brother glared at him and said, "What did you say?!"

Brother Jiu's face became more irritated and said: "If there is no such relationship, a side Fujin, I, Fujin, will not take care of me if I want to, but if there is more such a relationship, I should always be more polite."

Elder Brother Shi said from the side: "You don't have to be so thoughtful, one size is one size, Ma Qi still dares to make a fuss?"

The fifth elder brother also said: "That's right, don't take it too seriously. It's not like the Han people. It's just the prince who attends the study. Just be more polite, and there is no need for more."

People are far and near, and in their hearts, Shu Shu, the sister-in-law (sister-in-law), is naturally closer.

Brother Nine muttered: "Who knows if Khan Ama will be picky when the time comes, and he will talk repeatedly..."

The second half of the sentence was stared back by the fourth elder brother.

Big Brother's line of sight is a little far away.

He glanced in the direction of Changchun Garden, and then in the direction of West Garden.

Without Suo'etu, it seemed that the atmosphere in the court had relaxed.

I am no longer rampant, and the prince does not need to be on guard.

What is the pattern in the future?

The prince is a little older.

Does the prince feel at ease if he doesn't move?
Can Khan Ama feel at ease?
Eldest brother gloated, wanted to drink again, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, okay, let's go!"

Everyone nodded and came out from the entrance of the head office.

Ninth elder brother stood at the entrance of the second institute, and then said to fifth and tenth elder brothers: "I have something to do with fourth brother..."

The fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother agreed, and then dispersed.

The fourth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine looked around and whispered, "Fourth brother, find a quiet place to talk..."

The fourth elder brother nodded.

Brother Nine then told He Yuzhu, "Bring the booklet from the second drawer in the study."

He Yuzhu went in response.

The ninth elder brother thought of the Yaqibu family.

Can't delay any longer.

I have to prepare it before I move in.

Save time to worry.

Also be on guard against villains.

The fourth elder brother saw that he was serious, so he also became serious, and took him directly to the study.

"Fourth brother, I'm afraid this matter will embarrass you..."

Seeing the concern of the fourth elder brother, the ninth elder brother felt a rare outbreak of conscience.

Speaking of it, it had nothing to do with the fourth elder brother, and the fourth elder brother got involved, which might affect his friendship with the mynah.

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "What are you talking about, what is it..."

Brother Nine said: "There is no evidence for what you say, you will know when He Yuzhu takes the brochure..."

In less than half a quarter of an hour, He Yuzhu came.

Brother Nine said: "Pass it to Fourth Brother directly, it has been gathered for a while."

The fourth elder brother was curious, took it over and looked at it, his face became darker the more he looked...

(End of this chapter)

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