My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 620 Infighting

Chapter 620 Infighting

From the beginning to the end, the fourth elder brother was silent for a long time.

He closed the booklet, looked at Brother Nine, his eyes were inquiring, and his voice was a little cold: "Why Chayaqibu?"

It's wrong for Yaqibu to be greedy and disloyal, so isn't Brother Jiu's behavior wrong?
Brother Nine looked straight into his eyes and said, "Fourth brother also knows about that old girl in his family. Do you think Yaqibu made it up on his own, or is it something else?"

The fourth elder brother was stunned.

He was speechless.

No one is a fool, he doesn't want to think too badly of his brother, but he also knows the strangeness of that matter.

But this matter is really disgusting, and there is no way to bring it to the surface.

It's not easy to delve into it.

Brother Jiu snorted softly, and said: "Just treat it as the old boy having a dream, I beat him up, I have to prevent him from being a villain!"

"Thinking about knowing yourself and the enemy, and being a second-hander, who knows that you can find out these things..."

"I planned to hand it to Ba Fujin and let them 'dog bite dog', but who would have thought that that one is useless now..."

"Brother wanted to leave the palace a few years ago. Looking at Fusong like that, are you the opponent of that old Yaqibu?"

"Anyway, keep this person, right next to my younger brother's house, my younger brother feels uneasy..."

Brother Nine knows that this brother is serious, so instead of making up nonsense, it is better to tell the truth.

Anyway, he is not harming others or benefiting himself.

Hearing his truth, the fourth elder brother's expression softened a little.

He still warned: "Such things are taboo and will not be allowed in the future."

According to the rules of the Eight Banners, even if a bannerman violates the national law, he must be returned to his owner after being dealt with according to the law.

This kind of coated slave who bypassed the master and directly dealt with others did not act like this.

This is slapping Eighth Brother in the face.

Brother Jiu said irritably: "The younger brother didn't take care of him himself, but waited for the starling to take care of him? They are the internal and external housekeepers of the Babeile Mansion, and the starling acted as his confidant, so the younger brother went directly and said, this proves that he is blind, isn't it also a beating?" face?"

The fourth elder brother frowned, feeling troubled.

This slave is the root of trouble, it is not easy to keep.

To keep it is to pierce between brothers, and to prevent him from instigating in front of the eighth elder brother.

It's just that this matter should be kept confidential.

"Who else knows about this?"

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "Does the old ten know?"

Brother Nine quickly shook his head and said, "It was only found out. Gao Bin was used to find out through Yaqibu's uncle and brother. No one knows..."

As for Shu Shu, don't forget about it.

Not "who", the husband and wife are one.

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Brother Nine hesitated a little, and said, "Will it make it difficult for the fourth brother? Or just hand it over to Ama Khan. This nanny and grandma are not good, and it's because he didn't choose a good person, so he directly asked the Punishment Department." tidy!"

The fourth elder brother looked at him and said, "Just leave no room for it?"

When it comes to the Punishment Department, things get serious.

Of course, Yaqibu and his wife will not get well, and the eighth elder brother will also be laughed at.

Brother Jiu drooped his head, and said: "Anyway, I don't want him to continue wandering around the capital. Look at what he's doing?! I'm still the prince brother, provocative once or twice, there is such a person in Mynah By my side, I have attracted starlings to go astray..."

He also felt bad.

No one wants to admit that they are blind.

Seeing him drooping, the fourth elder brother couldn't reprimand him, he just said: "Brothers, it's not unreasonable to have been so stiff..."

Brother Nine looked at him and said, "Fourth Brother wants to be a middle-aged man, and then listen to Myna pretending to compensate my younger brother, right? Let's forget it. Mixed together during the day..."

The fourth elder brother sighed, still feeling a pity.

If you make a mistake, you have to admit it and change it.

As siblings, there is no need to be too harsh.

Brother Nine saw that he wanted to say more, and hurriedly said: "My brother is timid, he is cowardly, you see, the starling is Han Ama's help for the elder brother, and he is also regarded as a 'big thousand-year-old party' behind his back, younger brother should stand far away, So as not to turn around and offend the crown prince!"

The fourth elder brother glared at him.

Why didn't Zhang Luo think of the prince when he was eating today?
Do you know how to avoid suspicion now? !


The fourth elder brother felt a little strange, as if he had heard a lot of nonsense from Lao Jiu recently, and every time he felt that there was some truth.

He stopped thinking about making peace, and said: "Okay, don't be above Qiqing from now on, seniors and young are orderly, and you will be able to get along on the surface."

Brother Jiu sneered twice, nodded and said: "Okay, brother understands."

It's really that the crow can't see that he is black, and with his sour temperament, he actually has the nerve to let himself not be on Qiqing!
When I got back to No. [-], Brother Jiu still couldn't help but complain to Shu Shu: "At that time, I really resisted, or I just went back! I'm ashamed to say that, Khan Ama never said that I was happy or angry. indefinite'……"

Shu Shudao: "It's always the same for older brothers. I'm afraid that my younger brother is doing something wrong. Zhu Liang also likes to nag in front of the younger ones..."

Brother Nine said: "But I know what is good or bad. I remember this favor. Let's return the favor when we find an opportunity later."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement without any objection.

Just as the fourth elder brother warned the ninth elder brother, it is taboo to go beyond the master to clean up other people's clothes, but now this hot potato is handed to the fourth elder brother, but it is a bit unkind.

The fourth elder brother took care of everything, whether it was for the ninth elder brother or the eighth elder brother, he looked like a big brother.

West Garden, Douyuan Bookstore.

The prince listened to the eunuch's report.

"The king of Zhijun gathered a few elder brothers for a feast, and the emperor has also passed by..."

The prince was a little surprised, and said, "What day is today?"

Even if you want to have a banquet, don't you have to have a reason?
The eunuch said: "The slave doesn't know either."

After the prince finished speaking, he knew that he must have missed something.

If it was really an elder brother's birthday, it wouldn't leave a few younger elder brothers from Hechi No. [-] Institute.

He looked at the eunuch and said: "In the future, you don't need to stare at that place, and you don't need to ask others about Sheng Jia's movements, it's a taboo."

To be caught at that time will be the serious crime of "spying on the emperor's trace".

The eunuch bowed and agreed.

The prince felt that his heart should be calm, but he couldn't help but look in the direction of the new fifth institute.

Right now there are Big Brother, Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother, Ninth Brother and Tenth Brother living there.

Even Brother Nine and Brother Ten are out on errands.

Isn't the boss always arrogant, and he started to win over the younger brothers?
Then one goes up and down...

Khan Ama wanted to get close to the third child...

The prince's mind raced, thinking of "Han Shu".

The abandoned prince Liu Rong...

That is also a lesson for the past.

His own biological mother is dead, Khan Ama will not worry about his harem, but Khan Ama treats the princes very seriously.

Until now, he believes that he is still the most valued son of Khan Ama, but he is not the only one.

The eldest son of the emperor is different after all.

He looked towards the four places in Hechi.

Not only does the boss win people over, he also treats his little brother kindly.

Changchun Garden, Qingxi Bookstore.

Looking at Boser, the first-class guard who came to plead guilty, Kangxi's face was very ugly, and he said, "From the beginning, what's going on?"

Bose's forehead was sweating profusely, and he didn't dare to quibble, telling the truth about the situation on the school field in the evening.

"Brothers are going to shoot in the afternoon, the Haha bead next to Brother Akdun has a dispute with the Haha bead next to Brother Fifteen, Brother Akdun is annoyed, and wants someone to hit Brother Fifteen's Haha bead ..."

"Brother Fifteen stopped me, Brother Akdon said that Brother Fifteen didn't know how to respect..."

"Haha Zhuzi Shoushan of the fifteenth elder brother said that seniors and young are in order. If the fifteenth elder brother is wrong, the emperor can teach him, the prince can teach him, but Akdun elder brother should not say..."

"Brother Akdun said that the fifteenth elder brother's birth mother is humble, she is a younger elder brother, and will become the banner of other elder brothers in the future..."

"Shoushan said that elder brother Fifteen's honor comes from the emperor, no matter who his biological mother is, he is a noble prince; the same is true of elder brother Akdun, his honor comes from the prince..."

"Brother Akdun got annoyed and wanted to beat Shoushan with his hands. Brother Fifteen and Brother Baofu stopped him. Later, Brother Akdun's companion also stepped forward..."

One group is accompanied by four emperors and grandchildren, and the other group is accompanied by eight princes.

Brother Fifteen was supposed to win here, but Brother Fifteen is young, and several of his companions are of the same age, so it should not be used.

On the contrary, the four grandchildren of the emperor accompanied the older ones at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and the younger ones at the age of eleven or two.

So when the guards pulled away the little masters, the prince will suffer a disadvantage if he reads here.

Elder brother Baofu had his head broken, the corner of Shoushan's mouth was broken, and elder brother fifteen was also hit twice.

Kangxi looked at Bose and thought a lot in his mind.

This is a child of Niu Hulu's family.

Wasn't it too hasty when I arranged for him to be the martial arts master in the study?
Then he thought that Elder Brother Shi was still in the palace and his relationship with Niu Hulu's family was just like that, so he knew he was thinking too much.

He looked at Boser and said, "There are only twelve people in total. It doesn't make sense for you to remember a few names and not others..."

There was more sweat on Bose's forehead.

Kangxi said: "Who is in dispute with Akedun and who is in the fifteenth elder brother's side?"

Bo Se said with a pale face, "It's De Ning and Xi Shan..."

The companion of the emperor's grandson was chosen by Yuqing Palace himself, but the companion of the fifteenth elder brother was hand-picked by Kangxi.

Xishan, the nephew of the Crown Princess, is also the youngest of the group of princes accompanying him, the same age as the fifteenth elder brother, only seven years old.

"Which family does Dening belong to?"

Kangxi asked.

The crown prince's nephew, the young master of the uncle's residence, is not an outsider to the people of Yuqing Palace.

Not to mention being respectful, why did you take the initiative to provoke?
Bose said: "It's Brother Akdon's uncle and cousin..."

Kangxi glanced at him, knowing why Bose was vague before.

This is the internal strife that got involved in Yuqing Palace.

He said, "What did the imperial doctor say?"

Bose said: "Brother Baofu needs to rest for a few days to prevent dizziness."

Kangxi nodded and asked, "Who did something to brother fifteen?"

Bose's eyes turned black, but he still responded honestly: "Brother Akton..."

Kangxi was not surprised, nodded and said: "Okay, let's kneel down!"

He was already extremely angry in his heart, but he didn't intend to punish Bo Se right now.

In that case, the infighting in Yuqing Palace will be presented to the world.

Boser went down tremblingly.

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Let Zhao Chang..."

Liang Jiugong went out in response.

After a while, Zhao Chang came in by order.

"Check, find out the disputes in the school field this afternoon from beginning to end..."

Kangxi ordered.

Because Li Gege once hooked up with the prince's wet nurse, and the two had a deal in private, Kangxi didn't like the elder brother and second elder brother of Yuqing Palace at first, and now he hates it even more.

His prince elder brother, it is not the turn of others to belittle him.

The Crown Princess is Akdon's aunt, as long as he knows the rules, he should restrain the people around him instead of letting them bully the Crown Princess' nephew.

In terms of etiquette, Xishan is his cousin...

There is a new leader on the [-]th, thank you leader's father!
The next update will be at 12:10 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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