Chapter 621 Godson

four miles.

The couple had no idea that there were other stories in the afternoon, and Xiao Liu was also involved in it.

Brother Jiu was a little excited, and learned how his brothers eat.

"The business of the restaurant in front of our house should be good. My brothers love to eat it, not to mention the people outside..."

He took a bit of pride.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The location is good, the menu is also good, and the gains in the first half of the year have been a lot."

Brother Jiu said: "How is the preparation of the shop that old ten Fujin was talking about before?"

Shu Shu said: "The shop is ready-made, but the purchase of goods has to be negotiated with Jiangnan, and we have to wait for the goods from there to arrive. I guess it will be after the Double Ninth Festival..."

Brother Nine said: "Don't be afraid of being late, there are more time to go to the ceremony at the end of the year..."

Wuyizhai, where the princes and grandchildren study, is also self-contained in the Changchun Garden.

Except for Master Wu, the guard on duty, I really didn't know they were fighting.

But brother Baofu was injured and passed on to the imperial physician, so it's hard to hide it from others.

Especially here in West Garden.

Both the queen mother and the prince got the news.

The accompanying reading center in the garden is not far to the east of Weide Palace in Danbo, where the Empress Dowager lives.

The queen mother did not ask why.

Ten-year-old boys are just when they are naughty. It is common for a dozen or so to get together and make a lot of noise.

"Take a few boxes of pastry and go over there to have a look. There is Shu Shu's little brother in it. He is young. See if he has been bullied by the older children..."

The Empress Dowager ordered Nanny Bai to say.

Jiugege was also there, and said, "Which family does Brother Baofu belong to?"

The name is ear-sounding.

Bai Momo said: "I came here once in the first month. It was the grandson of Prince Shuncheng Gonghui, and now the cousin of Prince Shuncheng..."

King Shuncheng Gonghui is the first king of Shuncheng County, the grandson of Prince Lilie, and the son of Prince He Shuoyingyi.

Jiugege couldn't help frowning.

This is the closest branch of the palace, and the yellow belt of the emperor's grandchildren.

Whose family's accompanying reading dares to beat the elder brother of the palace, this is too disrespectful...

Discuss source bookstore.

The prince looked at Akdon who was kneeling on the ground, with disappointment in his eyes.

Akdon's face turned red, and he pressed his head tightly against his chest,
"You don't know who Xishan is?"

The prince asked lightly.

Akdon clenched his fists and said, "It's your mother's nephew..."

"De Ning is thirteen, Xi Shan is seven years old, De Ning and Xi Shan have a dispute, don't you reprimand De Ning, why do you want someone to beat Xi Shan?"

The prince asked: "Who taught you such a rule? Can you beat the fifteen elder brother to beat his haha ​​beads?"

Akdon couldn't hide his guilty conscience, bit his lips and said, "There are so many of them, and my son couldn't face it, he got annoyed for a while, and lost his sense of proportion..."

The disappointment in the prince's eyes deepened, and he said: "Brother Baofu is a descendant of Emperor Taizu, a member of the Huangdaizi clan, De Ning is wrapped in a lowly clothes, dare to do something to elder brother, if you don't stop him, you still want to cover up the matter for him? "

Akdon raised his head, his face turned from red to white, and said: "Ama, watch...De Ning was in order to protect his son, so he didn't care about it for a while. It was because Xishan was disrespectful when he saw his son and didn't say hello... ..."

The prince looked away, not wanting to listen to his sophistry.

A seven-year-old child who hasn't learned all the rules yet cares about being respectful or not.

Besides, even though they are studying together in Wuyi Zhai, they are not in the same house, nor are they in the same teacher. It is estimated that Xishan can't even recognize everyone.

Akton, on the other hand, was badly taught by Mrs. Li.

Who can hide this little thought and little calculation?
He thought that the one who taught Xishan a lesson was the Crown Princess's face, but he didn't know that it was Yuqing Palace's face.

The prince didn't cry out, Akton's face was full of grievances, and his eyes were red.

After a while, Zhao Guoshi, the chief eunuch of Yuqing Palace, came in with a heavy expression on his face.

The prince took a look, frowned and said, "Brother Baofu is seriously injured?"

Knowing that the emperor's grandson was fighting with the prince's companions, and some children were injured, the prince sent the chief eunuch to visit the companions.

Zhao Guoshi shook his head and said: "Fortunately, when the slave passed by, he was eating fruit..."

If you hurt your head, you may feel dizzy and nauseous and you won’t be able to eat anything. If you can eat something, it’s mostly a skin trauma, so you can rest assured.

Having said that, he glanced at Akton and said, "It was Zhao Chang who went to the Companion Reading Center and asked about the afternoon..."

When the prince heard this, he couldn't help but startled.

Of course he knew who Zhao Chang was, and the fights among the companions, not to mention alarming the imperial court, even sent the chief eunuch Zhao Chang to interrogate him?
The prince looked at Akdon and said, "What else are you hiding?"

Akdon turned pale, and said, "My son didn't..."

The crown prince was too lazy to grind his teeth with him, and ordered the people next to him: "Call the eunuch who goes to school with brother..."

Akdon's face turned even paler.

The two eunuchs who followed Elder Brother to school, in their twenties, knew the seriousness and did not dare to hide it, so they talked about the dispute in the afternoon.

The prince felt physically and mentally exhausted.

He looked at Akton with a sneer and said, "Brother Fifteen doesn't know respect, or do you not know respect? What's wrong with him protecting his companion? On the contrary, you have no other rules, such as seniority, orderliness, respect and inferiority." I understand, it's ridiculous to say that the fifteenth elder brother has no respect, is frivolous and rude!"

Akdon said he was nine years old, but his birthday was young, and he was born in the twelfth lunar month, so he was actually only seven and a half years old.

There were some foolish thoughts of children before, but now he is aware of being afraid, and cried out loudly, "My son didn't do it on purpose, I just don't want to lose Yuqing Palace's face..."

"How dare you hit Brother Fifteen?"

The prince really didn't understand what he was thinking.

That was an uncle, even if he was two years younger than him, he was still an uncle.

Akdon cried "woo woo" and was speechless.

The prince stood up helplessly, left the Douyuan Bookstore, and went to Changchun Garden.

It was originally Akdon's fault. Now that he knew it, he had no choice but to plead guilty on behalf of his son.

In Qingxi Bookstore, Kangxi had just turned over the green card.

It is Wang Guiren's brand.

The fifteenth elder brother was wronged, and Wang Guiren didn't know about it, but Kangxi also wanted to go and have a look, and by the way, the sixteenth elder brother.

Although there are seventeen elder brothers under the sixteenth elder brother, it may be because the nobleman Wang has often accompanied him in the past few years. He often mentions the sixteenth elder brother and sees the sixteenth elder brother more often, plus The elder brother on the [-]th is Yuxue and cute, and Kangxi cares about this little son very much.

The reason why Akdon dared to treat the fifteenth elder brother disrespectfully was because of his biological mother's low background.

Kangxi was a little worried that the people who served around Elder Sixteen would also push him too hard and despised his son.

"Your Majesty, the prince is here, see you outside..."

Liang Jiugong came in and said.

Kangxi frowned and said, "Let's pass it on..."

Liang Jiugong went down in response.

Later, the prince came in with a face full of shame.

"Khan Ama, my son has come to apologize..."

Kangxi scolded: "Stupid! That is your eldest son, even if he is a concubine, he should not be raised in the hands of a woman!"

The prince became more and more ashamed, and said: "At that time, the son was young, and he didn't think carefully. He thought that he would be able to do nothing wrong if he was raised by his biological mother."

When Akdon was born, he was just.

There is no crown princess in Yuqing Palace either.

Although it refers to marriage, it is preparing for the wedding.

Kangxi snorted softly: "Li's heart is not right, she is not allowed to teach the two grandsons!"

The prince bowed and said, "My son understands."

"Where's the eunuch Wenda? We need to replace him with a mature and polite one, too young and careless..."

Kangxi said carefully.

The prince became more and more ashamed and said: "It is my son who is not good, but he was negligent..."

Because the emperor's grandchildren did not live in separate palaces, the eunuch Wenda was not selected.

Kangxi felt a headache, shook his head and said: "Raising a son is not like this!"

Just stock them directly, and it will be strange if you don’t raise them crookedly.

But thinking about this time, Kangxi can also guess why he was negligent before.

Here, the prince, I also looked forward to my elder brother a few years ago.

Thinking of the child lost by the Crown Princess last year, Kangxi felt regretful.

If no one had tampered with it, maybe the first emperor's grandson would have been born by now.

The nanny who handled it has been executed, but Li Gege, who is suspected of being behind the scenes, has not been punished yet.

Thinking of Akton saying "respect" to the fifteenth elder brother, Kangxi turned cold and said, "I heard that Princess Gege Li is in Yuqing Palace to provide the same crown prince's concubine every day? Why don't I know what a 'prince's concubine' is?" Is there still this level in the palace?"

The prince said embarrassingly: "It's the servants talking nonsense. After the second elder brother was born, the son thought of her meritorious service in childbirth, so he ordered the son's share to be moved over to make up for it..."

Kangxi snorted, "This is because I have grown my appetite, and dared to instigate my son to be disrespectful to the princess!"

The prince smiled wryly: "I was also a respectful and cautious character before, otherwise, my son would not tolerate her..."

He also didn't expect Li Gege to be so stupid.

Li's family is indeed a decent family in the coat, and Li Gege's family also has military merit and title heirs, but this family background has to be compared with whom.

Compared with the nobles of Manchuria, they are nothing.

As a result, she has no self-knowledge, is arrogant and rude, thinking that "mother is more valuable than her son", so she can compete with the princess.

The prince didn't even know how Li Gege, who was respectful and considerate before, became so arrogant.

When Kangxi heard this, his face became even darker.

He thought of the reason.

"Li's heart is poisonous, and she is harming the mistress. She knows that the princess's body is damaged, and she claims to be the mother of the emperor's eldest grandson. There is no other reason..."

Kangxi snorted coldly.

When the prince heard this, his face became more and more bitter.

I didn't think about it before, and after thinking about it, it's not hard to guess why.

No wonder the Li family held on to Akdun tightly, for fear that Akdun would get close to the Crown Princess and Guerjia's family.

However, Kangxi knew that the situation in Yuqing Palace could not be tolerated any longer, otherwise it would be a disaster if the concubine and concubine were not separated.

The prince is still young, and there will be other elder brothers in the future.

"Li's maid under your name should be provided according to the rules and cannot be overstepped; the third elder brother will be handed over to the crown princess from tomorrow..."

As Kangxi said, thinking about the unknown aptitude of the third elder brother of Yuqing Palace, he said, "This is a rule. In the future, if there are any emperor's grandchildren in Yuqing Palace, they will all be brought up by the Crown Princess..."

The prince did not intercede for Li.

He knows right and wrong, Li Shi can't do without restraint.

In such a situation, both sons were ruined.

Kangxi, however, was still thinking about Akton's wrapped companion, who dared to beat the elder brother of the clan just because he was the cousin of the emperor's grandson.

Akton was young, if no one talked about it, how would he know such silly words as "little elder brother" and "flag genus".

He said: "Akton's companion, who messed up the status, beat the yellow-belt clan relatives, beat forty boards, and was expelled from the palace!"

The prince took the order.

Even if Kangxi didn't beat him, he didn't intend to let him go.

What doesn't a 13-year-old know?

Akdon didn't think well, is he still not thinking well?

It was nothing more than worrying that Akdon would get close to the princess and deliberately make things worse, making the conflict between Akdon and the princess more and more serious, so that he could get closer to the Li family.

Kangxi thought about the parenting scriptures.

Although Kangxi did not personally raise the elder brothers in front, he still kept a close eye on them and dared not relax in the slightest.

When I was a child, I was worried about not being able to support myself and dying, and when I was five or six years old, I began to worry about poor qualifications and dullness...

"You were young back then, and now you are in your thirties. You have to be careful in raising girls here. Brother San teaches well..."

Kangxi said earnestly.

There are not too many concubines in Yuqing Palace.

However, due to the hope that the crown princess would have a son in the early years, she did not choose a beautiful girl from the Eight Banners to fill in, and most of them were beautiful girls from the House of Internal Affairs.

The next draft is the year after next, which is too late for some.

On the other hand, in last year's draft, there were several young girls who were registered as show girls.

But the Crown Princess has nothing to do with it, so at this time, Gege...

Kangxi was a little embarrassed...

(End of this chapter)

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