Chapter 622 Is It OK To Be Your Elder Brother For The Empress (Second Monthly Ticket)
The west garden, the west place of the lotus pond.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother got the news, and they both came over, and their expressions were not good.

In the afternoon, their elder brothers were not in Wuyi Zhai, but went directly to the horse farm in the northwest of Changchun Garden to practice riding and shooting.

It wasn't until after school, when I went back to Elder Brother's Institute, and heard that the Imperial Physician was passed on by the Companion Institute, that I heard some rumors.

The fourteenth elder brother stared at the fifteenth elder brother and said, "You still have the face to cry, you are an uncle, Akdon is rude, why don't you spit on him?"

Elder Brother Fifteen had red eye circles, mumbled his mouth, was speechless, and looked pitiful.

The thirteenth elder brother looked at the fourteenth elder brother, and persuaded: "Okay, don't talk about these..."

He looked at the fifteenth elder brother and said: "Haha, there are eight people on your side, which is twice as many as the emperor's grandson's companion. Even if that De Ning went crazy, he should be stopped. Why did you let elder brother Baofu suffer?" Injury, even you have been hit twice?"

Elder Brother Fifteen's face was sullen, with anger, he said, "Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai didn't move, and even held Cao Qi..."

Brother Fourteen was so angry that he almost jumped.

Fifteen elder brothers are now accompanied by eight haha ​​beads, and the age is divided into two waves.

The four older ones are in their teens; the four younger ones, the oldest is eight years old, and the youngest is six years old, younger than Brother Fifteen.

Zhou Lian, Zuo Hai, Cao Qi and Bao Fu are the big four.

Shoushan, Brother Changen, Xishan, and Li Ding are the four younger ones.

"Is there any reason for this, a black-hearted slave, who doesn't know who is the serious master?"

The fourteenth elder brother couldn't bear it anymore, looked at the fifteenth elder brother and said, "What do you want from such slaves?"

Brother Fifteen shook his head and said, "No more!"

The fourteenth elder brother pulled him and said: "Let's go, let's talk to Han Ama, we can't let it go like this, it's the first one, and we will be bullied to death in the future!"

Brother Fifteen hesitated after hearing this.

The fourteenth elder brother squatted down directly, hugged the fifteenth elder brother and walked out.

The [-]th elder brother's familiar eunuch wanted to stop him, but the thirteenth elder brother said: "We must go through the imperial court."

The eunuch Adidas sighed and followed behind.

A group of people hurriedly followed to the gate of the West Garden.

Elder Brother Twelve happened to come out of Dongsuo, seeing this he wondered, "Where is this going?"

Brother Thirteen just wanted to explain, when he heard a group of people coming in from the gate of the West Garden, he grabbed Brother Twelve and whispered, "Brother Twelve, follow!"

The fourteenth elder brother is stronger than children of the same age, but the age is here.

Fifteen princes also weigh tens of catties.

After walking for a short time, Elder Fourteen felt a little struggling.

Brother Twelve saw it, stepped forward to pick it up, and said, "Let me hug you!"

The fourteenth elder brother glanced at him, and he was not polite. He turned the fifteenth elder brother down and rushed forward like a calf.

When Kangxi entered the garden with the prince, he saw them rushing towards him.

Seeing Kangxi, the fourteenth elder brother yelled: "Khan Ama, hurry up and make the decision for the fifteenth brother, the fifteenth brother will be bullied to death!"

Kangxi: "..."

Prince: "..."

Brother Fifteen originally only had red eye circles, but when he saw Kangxi, he curled his mouth and couldn't help crying.

Big tears fell down and fell on Brother Twelve's neck.

Elder Brother Twelve was scalded by tears, and anger was born in his heart.

Are emperors and grandchildren so honorable?

There is no seniority, only respect?
How despicable are these concubine princes?
Kangxi breathed a sigh of relief, and scolded the fourteenth elder brother: "Speak well, what are you shouting about?"

"My son is going to die of anger!"

Brother Fourteen didn't hide his anger, and his small chest was also bulging.

Kangxi was unhappy.

Although this matter is irritating, but don't make it public, otherwise it will be a joke.

What should be punished should be punished, what should be rewarded should be rewarded, and the rest should be made small.

The fourteenth elder brother is not sensible, so he follows the fire.

The crown prince stood beside Kangxi, looking at the fourteenth elder brother, with some inquisitive eyes.

This is the youngest son of Concubine De, who is notoriously willful, but he was also respectful when he met him before.

He was so angry, could it be because the fifteenth elder brother was raised in the palace of the concubine De concubine?

The fourteenth elder brother has been working hard for a while, and he has already talked about the reason in a small mouth, and finally said: "I don't know if I don't know it. Once it happens, it's scary. I don't ask them to be loyal, and I can't be so rebellious. The fifteenth brother said just now. No, I don’t want these two slaves anymore, you should replace them earlier, there is no such thing! The master was humiliated in front of him, they just watched and didn’t say anything, and even stopped others to help, what is it?”

Kangxi's face was also a little ugly.

The prince knew that he was thinking too much just now.

He was getting more and more embarrassed.

Those two are the children of officials, and they once followed Xishan to Yuqing Palace to pay their respects.

Kangxi looked at the elder brothers.

Elder Brother Fifteen was still in tears, his little face was full of grievances.

The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also had stern faces, and they didn't greet the prince like they used to.

Kangxi looked at the fifteenth elder brother and said, "I really don't want it anymore?"

Brother Fifteen nodded and said, "No!"

Kangxi said: "I see, Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai didn't serve Elder Brother well enough, and Prince Ge accompanied him to study, beat [-] boards, and send them home!"

Brother Fifteen stopped crying after hearing this, and looked at Kangxi with a tangled face.

Kangxi said: "Do you want to intercede for them?"

Elder Brother Fifteen shook his head and said, "Don't plead, Cao Qi is tall and strong, if they don't stop Cao Qi, Baofu won't be injured, let their family lose money..."

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Not only Kangxi was stunned, everyone was stunned.

Brother Fourteen asked curiously, "How do you know this?"

Elder Brother Fifteen said: "I'm already seven years old, I'm not a child anymore! Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai's families have money, and they also have generous purses for rewards. Baofu's family has no money. I saw Shoushan give Baofu a purse." It's..."

Kangxi did not speak, but looked at the prince.

The prince said to the fifteenth brother: "In addition to Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai who lost money, let Akdon lose money, okay? Let him pay you first, and then let him compensate Brother Baofu..."

The fifteenth elder brother glanced at the prince, turned his head away, and buried his head in the twelve elder brother's chest, leaving the back of the prince's head, obviously unwilling to deal with it like this.

The prince smiled wryly, and said: "I still hit him with the board, punish him well!"

Elder Brother Fifteen moved, turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Don't beat him, as long as... just..."

He was a little nervous, he glanced at Kangxi, then at his elder brothers, and even at the eunuch Wenda who was following him, and finally mustered up his courage, and said seriously, "Just let him be more respectful to your mother." Already!"

After hearing this, the prince was speechless.

Elder Brother Fifteen misunderstood that he would not agree, so he pulled Elder Brother Twelve and said, "Brother Twelfth, I want to go to the ground..."

The twelfth elder brother squatted down and put the fifteenth elder brother on the ground.

The fifteenth elder brother walked a few steps "dengdeng", came to the prince, looked up at him, with expectation in his eyes, and said: "The people in Yuqing Palace said that the empress does not have an elder brother, and I will see Akdon in the future. Brother's complexion is so bad, can I be your elder brother for your mother? I was not born by my mother, but I was raised by my mother..."

Listening to the childish words, the prince felt a lump in his chest.

The fourteenth elder brother couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Little fool, don't talk like that! A sister-in-law is a sister-in-law, not Ernie..."

The light in Brother Fifteen's eyes went out, his whole body drooped, and tears filled his eyes again.

It is said that there is no real child in the palace, and if it is someone else, the prince will have to ponder whether these words are intentional.

But Elder Brother Fifteen is only five and a half years old. He was raised in Yuqing Palace in his early years, and the prince watched him grow up, but he is a bit naive and not too clever.

The prince smiled wryly, reached out his hand to touch the little head of elder brother fifteen, and said: "If you like the princess, you will often come to Yuqing Palace to pay her respects in the future."

Brother Fifteen choked with sobs and said, "I like..."

Kangxi glared at the prince, this is the end of the inner chaos, all ghosts and snakes have come out.

If it wasn't for saving face for the prince, he would want to scold him now.

He glanced at the twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother. They are all good, they look like older brothers and know how to take care of younger brothers.

He looked at Elder Brother Fifteen and understood why he was more attached to the Crown Princess than the nobleman Wang.

The ten fingers are long and short.

The fifteenth elder brother was not raised by him, but the sixteenth elder brother was raised by him. Naturally, Mrs. Wang loves the sixteenth elder brother more.

No matter how ignorant Brother Fifteen is, he can still tell good from bad.

To be honest, it has been three years since he moved out of Yuqing Palace, but his nostalgia for the Crown Princess has not diminished.

If the princess didn't really love him, she wouldn't make him so envious.

It's all a lawsuit.

But Brother Fifteen is too stupid...

Just now, I still disliked the stupidity of Akton, and my son is not much better, so he wants to be the elder brother of Yuqing Palace in a whimsical way.

Can't figure out the seniority of the prince and grandson?
If it changed from usual, Kangxi would have to teach him a lesson.

Today, when his son was wronged, he was very kind and said: "You were also hit twice, did it hurt?"

Elder Brother Fifteen shook his head and said: "Just hit the front hard and bumped into the shoulder, and Shoushan stopped him from the back and hit Shoushan on the face..."

Kangxi looked at the familiar eunuch of the fifteenth elder brother.

The eunuch Wenda bowed and said: "The servant checked it before, and my elder brother has no green on his body..."

Kangxi nodded.

He just came to visit his youngest son, and since he was not injured, he was relieved.

Those who should be punished will be punished, and those who should be rewarded will be rewarded.

Just what to reward, I haven't figured it out yet.

My elder brother is a treasure, and other people's children are not grass.

Kangxi turned around and told Liang Jiugong, "Remember, send someone to Nuo Luobu and Qi Xi tomorrow morning, and let them take the child back to recuperate for a few days before coming back."

Norob, Ama of Brother Baofu, used to be a first-class bodyguard, and in spring, he was promoted to the deputy capital of the Han army with a red flag.

According to the rules of the Eight Banners, the flags of all colors are simply dialed from their own flags.

Since 36, there has been such a case of serving as the capital commander and vice capital commander across the banner, but it is also a special case.

This year again.

Now the Eight Banners are also waiting and watching, knowing that in the future, the selection of the capital and deputy capital of the Eight Banners may not be limited to the banner.

As for Qi Xi, it is Xiao Liu Shoushan's Ama.

Brother Thirteen stood behind, a little ashamed.

Before that, Brother Nine specifically told him to watch Xiao Liu and stop being bullied by others.

As a result, he was really bullied.

But it was Akton, the elder brother of Yuqing Palace, who did the fighting.

It is easier to distinguish who is more noble, the eldest son of the crown prince or the emperor's concubine prince.

It's really hard to say in the future.

Besides, that was a child, so he could call him back?

The thirteenth elder brother glanced at the direction of the new fifth institute.

It's not yet time to light the lanterns. When Khan Ama leaves, should I tell Brother Jiu and Sister-in-law Jiu...

(End of this chapter)

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