Chapter 623 The Lord Humiliates His Officials and Worry
The days are long in summer, and the sky is still bright.

Brother Jiu was worried that Shu Shu would be bored here, so he said, "How about I take you to Zhuangzi in a few days?"

It is close to Baiwang Mountain, and they also raise a lot of chickens and pigs there.

Especially that pig, it will be one and a half years old by the end of the year, and it can be slaughtered.

If it is a chicken, the beginning of spring this year will also make people make up a lot.

But Shu Shu didn't like to move, and said: "Wait until you get out of bed, now you're sweating and don't like to move."

Nine Elder Brothers calculated the time and said: "It's time to put your head down now, two days for 20 days, three days for ten days, there is still one month..."

Shu Shu said: "It's just right, Sheng Jia will not be there by then, it will be more convenient for us to go out..."

The husband and wife were talking, when Sun Jin said at the door: "Master, Fujin, the slave has something to report."

Brother Nine raised his voice, "Come in!"

Sun Jin followed in, and said: "Master, Fujin, Shengjia has arrived in the West Garden, and came with the prince..."

He was ordered to deliver Yi noodles and mushroom sauce to the elder brother just now, and he saw it seriously.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Understood, if we see you later, stay away, it's a taboo."

Sun Jin agreed and withdrew.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and guessed: "Ama Khan came here with the prince? That means the prince went to Changchun Garden first?"

Having said that, he gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it really for the meal in the next afternoon? This is uncomfortable and didn't ask him to complain to Khan Ama?"

Shu Shu didn't think so.

That is the prince, how could it be this pattern.

"There should be something..." Shu Shu guessed.

"Maybe it's because I saw my eldest brother getting close to Khan Ama, and I also wanted to compete for favor. Anyway, the two of them didn't stop before..." Brother Nine said.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "When I was young, I was fighting for favor, and Han Ama was willing to accept it. One precious prince and one precious eldest son; I'm in my thirties, and I'm still doing the same thing. Is it disgusting?"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said, "Didn't you start to shut up when you spoke before, and now you can do whatever you want?"

Brother Jiu made a motion of silence, and said: "Well, I won't talk about it, and I won't get involved. Let's just wait and watch the fun..."

Before the words were finished, footsteps came from the yard.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother..."

Before anyone arrives, the sound arrives first.

Brother Nine had disgust on his face, and said to Shu Shu: "Isn't it because Old Fourteen is greedy, and he is thick-skinned to beg for food?"

Shu Shu had already stood up and looked at her body.

In summer, her clothes were light and thin, so she added a half-new blouse, which looked decent.

While speaking, the fourteenth elder brother entered the yard, followed by the thirteenth elder brother.

It's rare that Brother Fourteen knows the rules.

No one reminded him, so he stood at the door and said, "Brother Jiu, Sister-in-law Jiu, is it convenient for you to come in?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "It's not convenient, go back!"

Elder Fourteen was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

Shu Shu gave Brother Jiu a white look, pulled out the curtain and went out, saying: "Come in, your Brother Jiu is just teasing you!"

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

The fourteenth elder brother was very respectful, and called someone together with the thirteenth elder brother before entering the house.

Shu Shu followed behind, her heart sank.

The fourteenth elder brother is not the usual hippie smiling face, and the thirteenth elder brother also seems to have something on his mind.

It's this time again, it's about to light up...

She looked in the direction of the West Garden, feeling worried.

Brother Jiu sat cross-legged on the kang in the second room, with a small table beside him, on which were a plate of melon, a plate of apricots, a plate of plums, and a plate of fruit.

There is a faint fruity aroma in the room.

He was wearing trousers with loose legs, and the robe on top was loose, and he looked very comfortable.

Seeing him like this, the fourteenth elder brother knew that he hadn't heard the news yet.

He didn't rush to say it, he waited until Shu Shu also came in, and said: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister-in-Law, Wu Yi Zhai had a fight this afternoon..."

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourteenth elder brother, then at thirteenth elder brother, and said, "Did you two suffer?"

As he said that, he shook his head and said, "No, Elder Brother Twelve doesn't stand in front of people on weekdays, and those haha ​​beads of his are also very honest. If it's not on his side, then it's on the same side as the companion at Yuqing Palace. Got it? The companions selected over there are about the same age as the people around you..."

Shu Shu was at the side, and said: "Is it Xiao Liu and the others who started a fight?"

Brother Fourteen nodded.

The thirteenth elder brother said in shame: "We will go to the racecourse to ride and shoot in the next afternoon, and we will not be in front of us, otherwise we will not be able to make a fuss..."

Seeing Brother Thirteen's expression, Brother Nine said, "Did Xiao Liu suffer?"

Before the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother came over, they went to the accompanying reading center first, and came after seeing Shoushan.

Brother Thirteen pointed to the corner of his mouth and said: "I was hit on the face by Akton, the corner of the mouth was broken, but the side was not injured, Baofu protected..."

Brother Jiu was unhappy, and said: "What's the matter with the boy, it's been half a year, and I don't know that Xiao Liu is the master's brother-in-law?"

Others respectfully call him the elder brother of Yuqing Palace, but he is just the elder brother of Yuqing Palace.

What about the eldest grandson of the emperor?

Not to mention it was born by Ge Ge, even if the princess concubine gave birth to a grandson, she is now behind them.

Brother Fourteen snorted softly: "You don't even pay attention to Xiao Shiwu, how can you care about in-laws or not?"

The thirteenth elder brother was by the side, talking about the cause and effect.

Even though elder brother Thirteen said that he had just seen Xiaoliu, Shu Shu still planned to visit.

One is that caring will lead to chaos, and the other is to express our attitude.

If she doesn't take Xiao Liu seriously, then others will follow suit.

Dong E's family has no tradition of corporal punishment on children, and Zhu Liang and the others have never suffered a single finger.

Xiaoliu is the youngest, lively but not naughty, and has never received "stick education".

She looked at Brother Nine and said, "Master, I'm really worried, I want to go over and have a look..."

Brother Nine said: "Then go, it's easy..."

This is the advantage of living in Haidian, the access control is not so tight.

With Shu Shu's clothes, it's not easy to go out, so she went to the east room to change clothes.

Fourteenth elder brother whispered: "Ninth brother, is ninth sister-in-law annoyed?"

Brother Nine snorted coldly and said, "Master is also annoyed. What's wrong with Akdon? He didn't pay attention to uncles like us!"

Fourteenth elder brother nodded and said: "Isn't that right, how dare he directly attack Xiao Shiwu? I heard that the Crown Princess is not very respectful in Yuqing Palace, and he only cares about being close to her family. I'm really spoiled!"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Go back and take a closer look, what kind of extraordinary man is it..."

After half a quarter of an hour, Shu Shu changed her clothes and came over.

A group of four went out.

When passing by the second institute, the fourth elder brother just came out.

He nodded to Shu Shu, looked at Brother Fourteen, frowned and said, "What time is it, and you still run outside the garden? Have you previewed tomorrow's homework?"

The fourteenth elder brother said with dissatisfaction: "Just talking about people without thinking, I have something to tell Brother Jiu and Sister-in-law Jiu..."

The fourth elder brother also found that everyone's expressions were wrong, so he looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu said: "My younger brother's brother-in-law is injured, take Fujin over to have a look, and then I will talk to Fourth Brother in detail..."

The location of the New Fifth Institute is in the southwest corner of the West Garden.

If there is any movement at the gate of the West Garden, I can see everything here.

Therefore, the fourth elder brother also got the news that Sheng Jia left and returned, and went to the West Garden again.

Then the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother came over, and he also got the news.

Seeing that Brother Nine and the others were anxious, Brother Four nodded and said, "Well, let's go!"

Brother Nine and his party left in a hurry.

When we got to the accompanying reading room, the accompanying reading room was quiet.

On weekdays, thirty or so children would be making a fuss, but now they are all as quiet as chickens.

Elder Fourteen felt weird, and asked the eunuch in charge, "There was a disturbance just now, why are you so honest?"

The age is here. When they are in the study during the day, everyone is well-behaved and restrained; but when the get out of class is over, they are also lively.

The eunuch in charge said: "Director Zhao just came and beat De Ning, Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai in public..."

The fourteenth brother knows, this is "killing chickens and scaring monkeys".

The dignity of the royal family cannot be violated, and the prince's study cannot tolerate beatings and killings.

Especially those like De Ning, they can't be tolerated.

So even though De Ning didn't live in the Companion Reading Institute, he was dragged here to play the board.

It seems that the results are remarkable, and the monkeys are all honest.

In summer, the doors and windows are open, and if there is any movement in the yard, the accompanying readers in each room will look over.

Seeing the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were there, their companions came out quickly.

They live between Dongci and Dongshao.

Although they didn't personally experience the fight in the afternoon, they had watched the follow-up with trepidation.

Someone like De Ning who doesn't know how to persuade his master, but instead encourages him to fight, forty boards.

Like Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai, who watched their master being humiliated and still dragged their feet, twenty boards.

The reading companions of the three were all changed.

You must know that apart from Dening's Ama, there is only a noble, and there is no real shortage, and Zhou Lian and Zuohai's Ama are still senior officials of the second and third ranks.

Even so, he didn't save any face.

Everyone was really scared.

It is a grace to be selected as a companion, and they will have a future in the future, but if they are not careful, it will completely cut off their future, and it may even affect the family.

The Companion Reading Center has a total of five east rooms, one bright and four dark, which are the residences of the Companion Readers.

The other companions are the guards of eunuchs and nuns.

As for the kitchen, it's not here, but in the row room on the north side of the Empress Dowager's Palace, next to the Empress Dowager's dining room.

Xiao Liu and the others were in Xici's room, and they also heard the movement outside, so they opened the window to watch.

Seeing his sister and brother-in-law, he immediately smiled and said to Bao Fu, "Not only the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Masters are here, but the Ninth Master and Jiu Fujin are also here!"

After finishing speaking, he got off the kang, trotted out, and approached Shu Shu.

Seeing him coming, Shu Shu looked him over carefully.

But Xiaoliu was dark, and he was exposed to the sun all day in summer, so he couldn't see any bruises, but there were two little thumb-sized breaks on his lower lip, which were a little swollen.

"Is your tooth okay?"

Shu Shu said with concern.

Xiao Liu opened his mouth, revealing his precarious lower teeth.

"Haha, I didn't let it fall out, I don't want to be told that I knocked out my tooth..."

He has also reached the age of changing his deciduous teeth, which should be some loose teeth before.

Seeing that he was still laughing and joking, Shu Shu also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "How is Brother Baofu?"

"It's all right now. The empress dowager sent someone to deliver the pastry twice, and the princess also sent someone to deliver it once. We all ate it, but when he came back in the afternoon, he vomited. confused……"


Brother Nine was beside him, holding his small head, and said: "When you should be smart, you are not smart. If you encounter this kind of situation in the future, don't move forward. Remember to call someone. Isn't there a martial arts master next to you? , and the eunuch who attends the brothers to school..."

After hearing this, Xiao Liu's eyes became entangled, then he became firm, shook his head and said, "Your words are not right, the master humiliates the minister, the fifteenth master is my little master, I have to stop in front..."

Ninth elder brother said in disgust: "You are only a little bit old, and you know whether you are a minister or not? You are loyal, is it working? Isn't it still a burden for Baofu to protect you! At the beginning, he protected the fifteenth elder brother alone. That's fine, you stir it up to the front, will you delay things?"

Xiao Liu was said to be in the dark.

But Zhou Lian and Zuo Hai, who were watching just now, were both boarded.

"Aren't there a few left who didn't suffer?"

Brother Jiu said.

Xiao Liu whispered: "It's not the same, Brother Enchang is timid, like a little girl; Li Ding is still young, Cao Qi also wants to make a move..."

The next update will be at 12:11 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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