My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 624 The stingy Shu Shu

Chapter 624 The stingy Shu Shu

By the time Shu Shu and Brother Jiu came out of the West Garden, the sky had already darkened.

Brother Jiu was still whispering: "Let's not say that Akdun's Erniang hasn't sealed the crown prince's side Fujin yet, even if she is sealed, she can still ride on the heads of us princes now? The crown princess should give birth to a grandson." It would be better if the plans of Akdon and the Li family come to nothing..."

Shu Shu thought of the miscarriage of the princess last year.

If you really want to count, it has been a whole year since she married into the palace at the end of June last year.

Li Gege of Yuqing Palace, the elder brother and the second elder brother did not have any sense of existence before.

Maybe getting preferential treatment in Yuqing Palace is only in Yuqing Palace.

Anyone can see that no matter whether it is the emperor or the concubine and his wife, they are all looking forward to the emperor's grandson.

This made Yu Qinggong's elder brother rarely appear in front of people, and he didn't even have a famous name.

You must know that the little elder brothers in the houses of the big elder brother, the third elder brother, and the fourth elder brother have all asked the emperor to circle their names long ago.

When did it start changing?

It was the first month of this year when the emperor's grandson entered school...

Shu Shu didn't tell Brother Nine about this, but said: "That De Ning got [-] boards, a half-grown child, how can it be any good? Don't be upset, the House of Internal Affairs is the Emperor's House of Internal Affairs after all. Really using power for personal gain, to clean up the Li family, but all in the eyes of the emperor, I lost my job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I am afraid that I will not be able to be so leisurely in the future..."

Just like the fifth elder brother who took over the job of the Ministry of Industry before, he will go to Gyeonggi to inspect the river workers.

The fourth elder brother took over the errand of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and spent all day and night watching cases in the Ministry of Criminal Justice before Qiu Jue.

The eighth elder brother took over the errand of the household department, and at the busiest time, he wished that the board and lodging were all from the household department.

The key is to go to other yamen to work as errands. There are Shangshu and Shilang at the top, and Langzhong and Yuanwailang at the bottom.

If you do a good job, you won't be able to show your merits, and if you don't do a good job, you will easily take the blame.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in charge of the house, so it is much more comfortable.

This year's "three festivals and two longevity" also make people rich, no less than the royal salary of Prince Heshuo.

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and said strangely: "Aren't you annoyed at first? You don't want to clean up that Li family?"

Shu Shu whispered: "Do you think the roots are from the Li family?"

Brother Nine was silent.

Both husband and wife knew that the root cause of Akton's rudeness was not Li's boy's "instigation" and "fake prestige", but that the status of Yuqing Palace was raised too high before, making everyone who was associated with Yuqing Palace feel uneasy. arrogant.

Brother Jiu glanced at Shu Shu's stomach, and whispered: "Fortunately, we didn't rush to have a son this time, or else we would be bullied by the elder brother of Yuqing Palace..."

Shu Shu said: "Master thinks too far. Once this time, the crown prince will teach his son well. If he doesn't teach him, he will be abolished."

But she is not generous, and she has a grudge in her heart.

He didn't go directly to the Li family like Brother Nine.

It's just that outside is not the place to talk.

After returning to the fourth house, the husband and wife washed up and lay down, Shu Shu said: "Master came back earlier and said that Fifth Brother asked the emperor to refer to the emperor's grandson teacher?"

Brother Nine said with regret: "I was thinking of 'being blessed together', and asked Khan Ama to point out a prince teacher to my brothers, but the eldest brother was shameless and talked with his son, and the fourth and fifth brothers reacted quickly. That's what I said..."

Shu Shu whispered: "Why don't you tell the emperor tomorrow that the emperor's grandchildren are going to be enlightened, and will you also give me the grace to study in the study?"

Now children are enlightened, the earliest is five years old, and the later is eight years old.

The emperor's grandson of Zhijun Prince's Mansion, the emperor's grandson of Sanbeile Mansion, and the emperor's grandson of Wubeile Mansion are all four years old this year and five years old next year.

The emperor's grandson of Sibeile Mansion is one year younger than the emperor's grandson of Qibeile Mansion, and they follow closely.

The grandson elder brother of Yuqing Palace, no matter whether it is the current Akton who is only mentioned in the historical materials, or Hong Xi who later regarded himself as the grandson of the emperor, has nothing to do with Shu Shu.

But when Akdon hit Xiaoliu, Shu Shu was not happy to see the status of the two brothers being so detached.

Pulled to a line, the pros and cons will be clear at a glance.

How could such a tutor satisfy Kangxi?

I have a younger brother in the future, so I don't have to worry about being a head shorter than the elder brother in Yuqing Palace.

Brother Jiu turned over and sat up all of a sudden, looking straight at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu also sat up and said, "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Brother Jiu shook his head, gave her a thumbs up, and said, "Yes, that's right, why didn't I think of this..."

However, his expression was still a little weird, and he said, "Have you heard a rumor?"

Shu Shu blinked and said, "Which aspect?"

"About the eldest brother and the crown prince..." Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I didn't notice it. In the early years when I was at home, I didn't care much about the news in the palace. In the past two years, we didn't have much contact with those two. After all, there is a difference in age..."

Brother Jiu pointed in the direction of Changchun Garden, and said: "The garden was built in 23 and completed in 26. At that time, the eldest brother and the others were all young, so Khan Ama asked the princes to study in Wuyizhai together with the prince. , I heard that at that time, many censors wrote a book against this matter..."

What the crown prince learned is the art of the emperor.

What the ordinary prince learned was to become a virtuous assistant king.

The purpose is different, in Yushi's view, they should not teach together.

After hearing this, Shu Shu didn't take it seriously.

A bunch of old Confucianists from the Hanlin Academy taught the art of the emperor, making fun of the world.

Except for Kangxi's hands-on teaching, who dares to say that he is teaching the emperor's art.

"Big Brother and the Crown Prince started to fight at that time..."

Brother Jiu said, pondering: "The emperor's grandchildren also go to school together, they will lose respect for elder brother Yuqing Palace, what should I do if they start to fight each other?"

He would draw inferences from one instance.

Shu Shu was silent.

How is known history?

A bunch of brothers?

It's really not.

Basically, this group of emperors and grandchildren either died young or lost their position as sons.

She hesitated.

Although he wanted to pull down the special treatment given to Elder Brother Yuqing Palace, he didn't mean to cheat the children.

Brother Nine shook his head after finishing speaking, and said, "Master, it's too late. You can't compete with Ama. If you can't compete for one piece, it will be our old buddies who will fight..."

Whoever has a higher title and is more respectable in front of the imperial court, the little elder brother will have more confidence in the upper study.

He was a little dissatisfied, and said: "For our boy to be more confident in the future, I have to work hard, this title can't be too far behind..."

Shu Shu wanted to vent her anger, but she didn't want to involve the innocent, so she said, "Don't be impatient, sir. If you think about it carefully, I'm just saying, maybe it's because you didn't think carefully..."

These royal grandchildren have been studying in the study room for ten years, and their qualifications have been built up, and their talents have also been tempered.

It would be better if the fourth elder brother was still in charge and Hong Hui passed the test of life and death.

The cousins ​​who study together will all be close clan clans in the future.

Supporting the near branch and decentralizing the remote branch are also general regulations.

But if Honghui is still dead and Qianlong comes up, then these cousins ​​will be an eyesore.

What's more, in this crop, not only are the eldest sons of Zhijun Prince's Mansion, Three Beile Mansion, and Four Beile Mansion, but also the eldest sons of Five Beile Mansion and Seven Beile Mansion.

The child is innocent, but Shu Shu is still partial to Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin.

This eldest son is not afraid of being outstanding, as long as Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin give birth to a son, the inheritance of the title will be fixed.

But the eldest son of the concubine is promising, and the fifth elder brother and seventh elder brother will also promote Fang Fujin for the sake of their son status.

Although in history the biological mothers of these two people were also Chu Fujin in the end, it shouldn't be so fast, most likely after the two Fujin hadn't given birth to a son for many years, they made that step.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, master, think about it again, don't worry..."

He said so, but he was not a patient temper.

The next day, he went to Changchun Garden's House of Internal Affairs to handle official duties.

He estimated the time, and it was about to arrive at Chenzheng, so he hurried to Qingxi Bookstore to see him.

It's time for the emperor's father to have breakfast, and he has finished seeing all the officials that should be seen, so he is free.

After hearing Liang Jiugong's report, Kangxi really wanted to say that he was not free.

I'm going to eat soon, I'm afraid I'll feel stuck after seeing her.

This early in the morning, what can Brother Jiu do for it?
The designation is for the fight with the readers yesterday afternoon...

But this time, Brother Jiu's brother-in-law really suffered...

Kangxi rubbed his temples and said, "Let's pass it on!"

It's not generous, if you don't let him talk about it for a while, and designate revenge, I don't know how to make a fuss.

I don't want to, Brother Nine came in and didn't mention the fight with the companion at all. Instead, he took a note and said, "Khan Ama, the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has written a note to repair the study..."

It was the rainy season before, so construction was not easy.

When the volts come out, there will be less rain, and it can be repaired.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu and felt that there must be something to say.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "My son was thinking, should we also repair the place where the hole in the southeast corner of the upper study room is?"

The enclosure in front of the Qianqing Palace has not been repaired for several years.

Kangxi nodded and said, "Then let's fix it together!"

Just these days, the upper study room is empty, and the princes and grandchildren are studying in the garden, and the construction over there is not hindered.

Brother Jiu said: "Ama Khan, there are several empty rooms in the north of Rijing Gate, how about moving the place where the hole is worshiped?"

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Then what about the room vacated by the Confucius Temple?"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "Didn't you also hear the elder brother and others mention it yesterday? The nephews have also reached the age of Kaimeng, and they are all the grandsons of Khan Ama. If you don't stare, those brothers who seem to be able to Taught his son well? Looking back, he looks like Akdon, with crooked growth..."

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu angrily.

At first I thought he was promising, he was not frizzy, and he knew business first, but he made a big detour, and it was because of the fight with his companion yesterday.

"Yesterday's matter, I have already dealt with it, don't allow any more complications!"

Kangxi warned.

When it was spread to the outside world and was embellished by others, all kinds of speculations arose out of nowhere.

Brother Nine nodded in dissatisfaction and said, "Is my son that ignorant? Even if he feels hesitant, he can still go to the Gouyuan Bookstore to beat Akton up? I just feel that the child is spoiled, so don't spoil it. Children know how to look at their faces best, and they will be sensible when they turn around..."

These are fallacies.

But Kangxi was a little concerned about what he said before.

The eldest son and eldest son of each family are different.

I really don't worry about teaching my sons.

He thought for a while, and said: "Let's repair it according to what you said first, but don't make it public, and we will talk about it at the end of the year..."

Brother Jiu's mouth was cracked, and he nodded in response: "Don't worry, my son's mouth is the most serious..."

Kangxi looked at him, feeling more and more worried, and hummed softly: "If it gets out, then let's forget about it!"

Brother Nine immediately covered his mouth, feeling a little worried about himself...

55, no antigen, don’t know if it’s a cold or a sheep, 37.6, my throat hurts, both my mother and I, please take care of yourself
(End of this chapter)

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