Chapter 625 Suiqing's Self-Project
When he left Qingxi Bookstore, Brother Jiu pursed his lips, showing a bit of seriousness.

This time the mouth should be stricter.

He didn't tell anyone except Shu Shu.

When the matter is finalized, he will try to please people one by one, so he can't be a good person in vain.

As a result, as soon as he came out, he saw Qi Xi and Norob who had rushed over to see him.

Both of them lived in Zhenghongqi, not far away, they met at Xizhimen after receiving the order, and they came together.

Seeing Qi Xi's worry, Brother Jiu comforted him and said, "Father-in-law, don't worry, Xiao Liu is fine, except that there are two pieces on the corner of his mouth..."

Qi Xi lowered his volume and said, "Why did you fight, but Xiao Liu got into trouble because of his stubbornness?"

Norrob next to him also showed concern.

His son is in his teens, he should know the seriousness, how can he still fight?

Apart from the prince and grandson in the study room, the rest of the haha ​​beads also have family backgrounds.

Brother Jiu didn't know what the imperial father was going to say, so he said vaguely: "It's not a bad thing..."

Afraid that his father-in-law would set him up, he immediately said: "My son-in-law is still busy, let's go first..."

But thinking that his wife would be happy to see her family, he said: "Fujin is in the fourth institute, if you have enough time, you can go over and have a sit..."

The entrance of Qingxi Bookstore was full of talkative words, and it was not a place to talk, so Qi Xi nodded.

Seeing the meal delivery eunuch arrive, he was preparing the meal box.

It's time for the emperor's breakfast.

Both of them were mature, and they had more winks. Even though they were urgent, they didn't rush to see them, but went to the housekeeper.

Seeing that Norob was feeling uneasy, Qi Xi said: "There shouldn't be any serious problems, third brother, don't worry too much, it's really going to get involved, Jiu Fujin sent someone home last night."

The two of them rode horses and came along the official road. They also passed through the West Garden before arriving at Changchun Garden. Naturally, they also saw the New Fifth Institute.

It is really convenient to get in and out.

Norob nodded and said: "That's the truth, I'm timid..."

It's really not going well with the Shuncheng Palace.

Not only Chengjue's direct lineage, but he, the son, brother and uncle of the county king, was also implicated.

Cheng Ding was not knighted, and in the past few decades, he has not been given a chance to be conferred.

It's just an idle clan.

He was only promoted to be a first-class bodyguard last year, so he has become an official.

But he was born in the seventh year of Shunzhi, he was 49 years old last year, and he is already fifty this year.

For the other clan members, this age is the age for retirement.

The emperor showed grace and began to promote him.

He was also worried that if his son got into trouble, it would affect the future of his lineage.

After an estimated two quarters of an hour, the eunuch serving food brought out the dining table.

Qi Xi and Nuo Luobu just got up and went to see him outside Qingxi Bookstore.

When Kangxi heard the notification, he didn't ask them to wait, and called Chuan directly.

After the two met, Kangxi told them the reason, and then said: "Although it is a child's play, but it is related to the prince and grandson, I only say that Akton's companion is rude, and I have already kicked him out." leather……"

Not only was De Ning dismissed alone, but another companion who was related to the Li family did not do anything, but after Kangxi asked about the relationship between these people, he also ordered them to be dismissed.

Norob and Qi Xi hurriedly bowed in response.

They were all fighting at this age, it was just an ordinary fight, it wasn't that their own child made a taboo, so the two of them relaxed.

As for the elder brother of Yuqing Palace...

If the crown prince concubine is born in the first place, it will still make people jealous. I am afraid that the emperor will not take it seriously for a concubine grandson who is raised by a good character.

The reason why he changed the rhetoric and turned the big thing into a small one is nothing more than to preserve the prince's face.

Otherwise, the crown prince would be "unable to teach his son".

Compared with the fifteen princes born by a concubine, the face of the crown prince is naturally more important.

Kangxi looked at Nuo Luo and preached: "Baofu is good, he is available, and Brother Fifteen will also need such a proper person to accompany him in the future."

Nuo Luobu endured his excitement, and said: "The naughty boy, thanks to the emperor's grace, he has the opportunity to serve the prince to study, the servant and his family are very grateful."

Kangxi nodded slightly, then looked at Qi Xi and said, "Yesterday, you submitted a report to the Ministry of Rites, and you want to point the previous title to your second son?"

Why is it so hasty? It is not uncommon for the youngest son of a noble family to attack the noble.

The older brothers at the top were supported by the family and made up for various flag vacancies. The younger ones at the back, when they became adults, the elders were already old and unable to arrange their son's future, most of them reserved titles.

This is also the legacy of the Manchu "young son guarding the stove".

As long as it doesn't involve the succession of the title of the direct branch, probably no one will interfere.

Even if it is the inheritance of the title of the direct branch, as long as the father and brother are willing, no one else will say anything.

Just like the title of the Ma Qi family, what was passed down from the father and grandfather was inherited by the younger brother.

Kangxi didn't have much impression of Qixi's other sons, but he had seen Shoushan a few times. He was young and already had rules in his actions, so he inevitably preferred them in his heart.

Qi Xi sighed and said: "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, but these ten fingers are still long or short. Even if the servant has a loving father's heart, he can't treat everyone equally. Wake up, this title should be determined early, so as not to fight for these brothers in the future, it will become a joke..."

Kangxi listened thoughtfully.

This is the case for ordinary noble families, so why not the royal family?
The reason why he enshrined the prince elder brother in front of him and opened the mansion was also thinking about it.

He glanced at Qi Xi, Bahrain Tai Fujin's letter hadn't been approved yet.

But he also knew that the marriage between Qi Xi's family and Niu Hulu's family had troubles.

Bahrain Tai Fujin was not that respectable, and he made arbitrary demands on the court, but he came back with Bahrain Tai Fujin's son, and his mother-in-law, Gu Lun Shuhui, the eldest princess.

The eldest princess claimed to be old, and asked for an order to return to court, planning to go to the cemetery of the empress dowager to worship while she was able to walk.

Taizong's princesses, there are currently two living princesses, besides the eldest princess Gulun Shuhui, and the eldest princess Heshuokechun who is imprisoned in the palace.

The eldest princess is about to be seventy years old, and now the only ones who are worried about her are her children and grandchildren.

So what about the request from the Ministry of Bahrain?
It's just that the identity of Yan Zhu's daughter is flawed, and she is not perfect after all.

Kangxi thought that it was recommended by the ten princes, so he made up his mind.

As for the title of Qi Xi's family, he is not easy to interfere.

Besides, there was a Su Nu Beizi jumping up and down, so he knew why Qi Xi had finalized the title as soon as possible.

The family status of the Yue family, the eldest son of the Dutong Mansion, is more common, not comparable to that of Sunu Beizi's family.

In case it is a situation of competition in the future, it will not be good.

He nodded and said, "This is Qing's family matter, you can just do it yourself."

Qi Xi and Nuo Luobu came here to pick up their son by order. They met before the emperor, and Wei Zhu led them out of Changchun Garden to the Companion Reading Center in West Garden.

Except for Bao Fu and Xiao Liu got orders, no one else was there, they still went to Wu Yi Zhai to study.

When the two entered the room, the younger brothers were each holding a piece of watermelon, eating deliciously.

Watermelons are different from ordinary watermelons in that they are extremely long.

Seeing Qi Xi, Xiao Liu immediately jumped off the kang and said excitedly, "Ama..."

Looking at Norob again: "Third Uncle..."

Brother Baofu also put down the watermelon, and respectfully greeted the two elders.

Brother Baofu looks fair, and the bruises at the corners of his eyes are obvious.

Seeing that it is next to the temple, Norob couldn't help but feel scared, and said: "Is it confused, is it disgusting?"

Brother Baofu nodded first, then shook his head, and said, "Just came back yesterday and felt sick, just throw up."

Xiao Liu put his arms around Qi Xi's leg, bared his teeth and said, "Ama, my tooth is about to fall out, it's so embarrassing, why don't you stay at home for a few more days this time?"

Qi Xi carefully looked at his Hei son, there were two pieces of skin on his lip, and the side didn't look like he was injured, he said with dissatisfaction: "How can I teach you on weekdays that you can't beat people in war?"

Xiao Liu said with a guilty conscience: "I was fooled at the time, so I didn't bother to fight back..."

This is not a place where foreign ministers stay for a long time, so the two brought their son out of the West Garden.

Shu Shu was already waiting with Brother Nine at the gate of the West Garden.

Brother Jiu wanted to avoid it before, so as not to ask his father-in-law, but he thought it was inappropriate, so he came over in person.

"Father-in-law, brother-in-law, we've caught up, why don't you go have a cup of tea with us before returning?"

Brother Jiu said politely.

Nuo Luobu knew that it was rare for father, daughter and husband to be reunited, so he said, "Next time, Mother Baofu is still worried..."

Brother Jiu didn't keep any more people, but he still sent someone to call a car for Norob and his son.

A good boy, riding a horse for dozens of miles, is not confused but also confused.

After Norob and his son left by car, the group returned to the fourth institute.

Qi Xi looked at Brother Nine and praised him sincerely: "Brother is humble, he is becoming more and more organized..."

There are many snobbish people in this world, and Norob is a noble clan, and the princes of the clan would not put him in the eyes at all.

Even if he is now the deputy governor, not being knighted is the biggest shortcoming.

In addition, he himself is already at the age of knowing his destiny, and his son is not outstanding, so in the eyes of others, he has no future.

Ninth elder brother is a prince, but he can treat each other with courtesy.

Brother Jiu said: "That's Mrs. Uncle's brother, Fujin's cousin, you should be more polite..."

Hee hee, it's this seniority...

When I look back, I can also call Fujin a "great niece"...

There are people coming and going here, even if it is the residence of his own daughter and son-in-law, there is a difference in dignity, Qi Xi is not good at staying, after entering the fourth house, he made a long story short about the mistress's attack on the noble.

"The emperor agrees, I will go to Beizi Mansion with you Enie tomorrow to pay a visit, and we will talk about the engagement at the end of the month..."

Raise your head to marry a daughter, bow your head to marry a daughter-in-law.

It was because they were reckless, too hasty.

"If Beizi's Mansion dislikes being in a hurry, then choose another date. It turns out that we have caused trouble for others..."

Qi Xi said.

This preserves the decency of Dong E's family and Fu Song. If Beizifu nods, everyone will be happy; if Beizifu is not happy, they will be considerate.

Shu Shu thought of Niu Hulu's big gege, and felt a little blocked, and said, "Did you bring the gift back?"

Qi Xi sneered and said, "I didn't give it away, you Ernie went over and got it back in person!"

Who would like to spoil their temper, as if they insist on getting married by force.

"How many of the noble daughters raised in the capital can withstand the sandstorm in Mobei? If there is a noble daughter, it's fine, with the dowry and personal belongings from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, noble daughters, they can only ask for blessings..."

Qi Xi has always been kind to others, but now he speaks harshly.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, and didn't say that he planned to ruin Niu Hulu's Da Gege marriage.

It's better to keep it a secret, so as not to be embarrassing...

When things are done, he will tell his father-in-law and mother-in-law about his achievements...

After getting up early, the thermometer was 37.6, the thermometer was broken, and I didn’t feel safe at all. I didn’t know when to take antipyretics. My friend gave me a thermometer, thank you, and then it was 38.8. My mother was 38.1. There is no third update, so everyone will watch it in the morning instead of staying up late. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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