Chapter 627 Heartbreaker

On this day, Jue Luo came.

I came to send invitations to my daughter and son-in-law.

The table at the end of the month is shown.

Before Shu Shu and Brother Nine lived in the palace, it was inconvenient to get in and out, so they were not counted; now it is much more convenient to live here in the garden, so I sent invitations for the two of them.

As for brother Jiu who said before that he wanted to act as a big media, he was just going through the motions.

"Bei Zi and Mrs. Bei Zi are extremely considerate, and Ge Ge has nothing to say..."

Jue Luoshi said with gratitude on his face.

In fact, the news of Dong E's family in the first half of the year is one after another, and they don't want to be eye-catching.

So resolved, it can be considered complete.

Shu Shu recalled Fusong's participation in the Eight Banners imperial examination, and said: "If anyone asks about Fusong's marriage, Er Nie will push it away first. If it really benefits in the imperial examination, we can talk about marriage at the scholar's home later, and we will support each other in the future. "

Jue Luo nodded, still depressed and said: "There are some rumors about the first marriage."

It was Fu Song's stepmother, who knew that Shu Shu and Brother Nine were standing behind her stepson, so she didn't dare to confront each other head-on, so she wanted to take advantage.

I have shown off my previous marriage to others.

"The Daughter of the Phoenix Nest" is not something ordinary people can climb.

Shu Shu said: "It's because of my daughter's carelessness."

Jue Luoshi glanced at her and said, "This is also a lesson for you. If a person is greedy, it is easy to be incomplete."

If I had looked directly at ordinary people's homes before, there would not have been such disturbances.

Shu Shu nodded, not quibbling.

Bahrain Tai Fujin was thinking about her niece's dowry, didn't she think about it at all?

The blind date was also promoted with the idea of ​​"picking up the leak" before.

Thinking of being better educated than a small family with a rich dowry, life will be better in the future.

It's rare for mother and daughter to get together, so Shu Shu keeps a meal.

As a result, the dinner table was not set, so Sifujin and Wufujin came over hand in hand to greet Jue Luoshi.

One of these two is an old relative of the family, and the other is his own daughter's sister-in-law, and Jue Luoshi is also somewhat close.

Without saying a few words, Shi Fujin also arrived, presented two plates of beef jerky, and said, "Add food to Sister-in-law Jiu and Madam..."

After a while, the Empress Dowager also sent Nanny Bai over with a plate of milk rolls and a plate of kidney bean cake.

Seeing her daughter's ability to do a job with ease, she felt relieved and distressed at the same time.

"It's a good thing to show filial piety to elders and be friendly to sisters-in-law, but you don't have to seek perfection everywhere. You have to put yourself first, otherwise, how can you be worthy of me and you, Amajiao, who have raised you for more than ten years..."

Shu Shu said: "Ernie, don't worry, is your daughter such a pitiful little girl? It means that the two sister-in-laws are generous, and the ten younger brothers and sisters are also simple. After changing to Sanfujin and Bafujin, my daughter will be pissed off immediately... "

Jue Luoshi didn't say anything more, and went back after lunch.

Brother Jiu came back in the afternoon.

He went back to the city by order today.

It's mid-volt weather right now, and it's sweltering outside.

Brother Jiu's clothes were soaked through.

Shu Shu called for water and asked him to freshen up, only to see dense prickly heat under his armpits.

"What does the emperor think, this hot day makes the Lord run errands?"

Shu Shu complained while rubbing lemon essential oil on him.

Brother Jiu said: "Not only the master, but also Prince Jane Yabu..."

Prince Jian Yabu is now the Zongling of the Clan Mansion.

"What kind of errand is it that the Clan Mansion and the House of Internal Affairs should handle together?"

Shushu said.

"Find a suitable house in the mansion under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and repair the residence in the capital for Princess Gu Lun Shuhui..."

Brother Jiu was also very thirsty, and drank half a pot of warm tea "gudong gudong".

Before Shu Shu got married last year, she was taught by Mrs. Uncle about the royal relationship.

This eldest princess Gu Lun Shuhui is the daughter of Emperor Taizong and the Empress Dowager. She married into the Ministry of Bahrain and is also known as the "Princess of Bahrain".

"Bahrain Department..."

Shu Shu felt that it was really a coincidence.

That Niu Hulu who never forgets to marry is also from Bahrain.

"The eldest princess is still in court, will she live in the capital in the future?"

Shushu said.

The Eldest Princess has been a widow for many years, and the current King of Bahrain is her grandchild.

Brother Jiu whispered: "He's in his [-]s. There is no good doctor in Mongolia. I guess he wants to live a few more years before thinking about returning to Beijing..."

Everyone is afraid of death, the older you get the more so.

Shu Shu didn't say anything more, that eldest princess was too senior, no wonder Kangxi asked Brother Jiu and Yabu to run errands.

"Which house did you choose?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu said: "I went to see a few places. The empty houses are so dilapidated. Finally, I settled on a house inside the Deshengmen, which is Suo'etu's house. The official house will be confiscated in the first month..."

While the couple were talking, there was movement outside.

It was Wei Zhu who came and said, "Jiuye, the emperor's upload..."

Brother Jiu got up and agreed, and left with Wei Zhu.

"What's the matter with Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu asked in a low voice.

Wei Zhu's eyes fell on him, and said: "Prince Jian is in front of the imperial court..."

Brother Jiu muttered: "Really, what's the rush, it's the same when I report back in the afternoon..."

After entering Qingxi Bookstore, Kangxi was stunned by the fragrance of his body.

"Open the window..."

There was an ice basin in the room, and the windows were closed, which made the smell in the room even stronger.

Brother Jiu looked aggrieved, glanced at Kangxi, and said, "Isn't this because my son has prickly heat all over his body, so he just wiped this off!"

Kangxi glanced at it with disgust, looked at Yabu and said, "Apart from Suo'etu's old house, is there any other suitable place?"

Hearing this, Yabu hesitated, and said: "There is also a house of Tong's family, which also covers a vast area. The house is newer and easier to repair. It is the place where the eldest princess is resettled in Beijing..."

This is the house of Tong Guowei's family, which is on the same street as the house of Erlundai's family.

That street is also known as "Tongfu Street".

Kangxi pondered and said: "Let's just go to the place of Suo'etu..."

Jacob agreed.

Brother Nine guessed in his heart that his empress had softened his heart again.

Even if Tong Guowei did something wrong, he is still his uncle, a man of age.

Kangxi had already looked at Brother Nine and said, "According to the restructuring of the Princess Mansion, the Ministry of Construction and the Department of Construction will be repaired as soon as possible..."

Brother Jiu bowed and agreed.

His movement is "fragrant overflowing".

Kangxi hurriedly said: "Okay, let's kneel down!"

Brother Nine just came out from inside.

Jacob was left behind.

Brother Nine wondered, has there been any movement in the clan mansion recently?

In Qingxi Bookstore, Kangxi looked at Yabu and said, "Jiugege has reached the age of choosing a son-in-law. In order to comfort the Queen Mother, I plan to let her stay in Beijing. The house vacated by Tong's family will be rebuilt according to the regulations of Princess Heshuo's Mansion."

Dragons have Ni Lin, and what the Tong family touched was his Ni Lin.

Even if he didn't deal with the Tong family as harshly as he dealt with Suo'etu, he wouldn't forgive him easily.

Yabu bowed and agreed.

You must know that although the place where the eldest princess lived was repaired according to the regulations of the princess mansion, it is not the princess mansion after all.

Jiugege is different here.

Can Tong Guowei come back?
Yabu was also full of thoughts.

Now that he entered the garden, brother Jiu went to the House of Internal Affairs to watch the house.

The doctor Gao Yanzhong is on duty here.

Brother Nine said: "Have you demarcated the ice cellars in Changchun Garden and West Garden?"

In the future, if Shengjia is here to "garden administration" more, there will be a lot of harem and ministers who will follow, and the consumption of ice will be huge.

Before Changchun Garden, there was only a small ice cellar, which was not enough at all.

Gao Yanzhong bowed and said: "Three places have been selected, and the construction can begin when Shengjia returns to the palace."

Brother Nine responded, and dealt with a few trivial matters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs before coming out of the garden.

When I got to the new fifth office, I saw a person standing at the door of the first office.

It's eighth brother.

He still looks like he has loose clothes, but he's getting thinner against the backdrop.

Little brother, seeing him like this before, brother nine would feel a little distressed; but after being revealed by brother ten, he felt weird.

It seems that starlings love to act, and it's no exception in front of their brothers.

"You come to look for the eldest brother, the eldest brother is probably at the racecourse..."

Brother Nine stepped forward and said.

On the back of the West Garden is the Royal Racecourse, and the garrison of Changchun Garden is also there.

The eighth elder brother nodded, but did not leave immediately, but looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu felt a little hairy, and laughed twice and said: "Fu Jin is still waiting for me to have dinner, so my younger brother will go back first..."

The eighth elder brother nodded and watched the ninth elder brother enter the fourth institute.

Brother Nine touched his arm and felt his hairs stand up. He said to He Yuzhu, "Did you see the eyes of Brother Cai just now? Why do you think it's weird?"

He Yuzhu whispered: "Some small complaints, maybe it's because the master is not willing to run errands?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's this called? It seems that the master was just an errand runner before..."

He Yuzhu closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Brother Jiu also felt that it was boring.

Thinking about it now, was he a fool before?
It's easy to be tricked, and then take the initiative to dig out your heart and lungs, afraid that you won't dig out enough.

But he is not happy now.

He also hopes that brotherhood will come and go.

When they got to the house, Elder Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "I just saw mynah just now, hey, I didn't do anything, how can I feel guilty..."

It's like a heartless person who empathizes with another.

Shu Shu said: "Is it time for Fucha Gege to come in?"

If it drags on, Ma Qi will pay homage to the prime minister.

Brother Nine said: "Who knows, maybe it's why the eighth brother went to the eldest brother for this..."

At the Royal Racecourse, the eighth prince found the big prince.

The elder brother is sweating all over his body, his shirt is bare, and his tendons are all bulging.

"Please come forward..."

The elder brother heard the intention of the eighth elder brother, and said: "Have you chosen a date? It really can't be delayed any longer!"

The eighth elder brother said: "There are two days at the end of the month..."

The elder brother happily said: "Then I will walk for you tomorrow..."

The eighth elder brother is raised under the name of Concubine Hui, and the eldest elder brother is also duty-bound to this younger brother.

The emperor's son, Fang Fujin, who was appointed by the emperor to be married, is different from the ordinary Ge Ge and his like, and there will be regulations at that time.

In addition, the situation in Babeile Mansion is different, and serious female relatives are also required to come out and walk...

Drinking water is the most effective thing. It was still 39 degrees in the morning, and then drank 1.5 liters of water, sweating like rain, and the result was 38.1 after re-measurement. Oh, and there is also insomnia. I lay down early yesterday, almost every day I woke up once an hour, my fingers hurt a little, and the rest was just like a common cold.

(End of this chapter)

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