Chapter 628 Cousin
After a few days, Brother Eight sent someone to send a post.

On the 24th of this month, the Baylor Mansion hosted a wedding and married Fucha Gege.

It can only be said that the system of concubine and concubine in the Qing Dynasty was very deceitful for concubine wives.

There are side Fujin and side wives, which are different from ordinary concubines. Until 36, the children born were all "nobles together with the legitimate children".

Baylor's side Fujin has a crown and is equal to Mrs. Beizi.

Just looking at the clothing regulations, one can tell that the two levels are equal, and when meeting outside socially, they also salute each other equally.

Although she didn't like Fujin Ba, Shu Shu still sighed when she looked at the post.

Fucha Gege should be the concubine most feared by all the clan Fujin.

Ama is an important minister of the court, and the family is still a noble.

The future little rice cake is also linked to this.

Shu Shu sighed and put it aside.

It's time to go through the motions.

On the other hand, Brother Nine was lucky and said: "It just happened to be staggered, the day of appreciating the teacher is 28, so the makeup ceremony will be saved..."

He is not stingy, but occasionally not generous.

He didn't have this kind of teacher-student relationship before, and he still wanted to act as a senior and add makeup as Ma Qi's colleague.

But with more teacher-student relationships, his seniority has dropped, so he doesn't want to go.

The next day, Si Fujin came to say goodbye.

It turned out that the eighth elder brother begged her to help Zhang Luo get married.

Sifujin was also speechless, and couldn't help complaining to Shushu: "What's the matter? Our master didn't think so much. When Babeile came to beg, he readily agreed, saying that sister-in-law is not here now. If we don't help, who can help..."

Shu Shu felt uncomfortable listening.

With Ba Fujin's narrow-minded temperament, I am afraid that he will hate Si Fujin.

It would be fine if the eighth Fujin remained silent, but if he came out of the mountain again some other day, the fourth Fujin would be completely different inside and out.

Sifujin took Honghui back to the city that day.

Within two days, Wu Fujin also came to say goodbye.

"Brother is ill, I know, I have to go back..."

Shu Shu was also speechless.

According to etiquette, that is Wu Fujin's son.

The son is not comfortable, and it is really not easy to enjoy leisure outside when he is a nephew.

Ten Fujin was also there, but he didn't say anything in front of Wu Fujin.

After Wu Fujin left, Shi Fujin whispered, "I'm still a doll, I only want my own doll, not other people's dolls..."

Shu Shu thought so too.

But she still reminded Shi Fujin: "It's good to say these things in front of the tenth younger brother, don't show it in front of the elders..."

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "Well, I know, this is jealousy, the worst thing..."

Speaking of this, she lowered her voice and said: "Second sister-in-law, fourth sister-in-law, fifth sister-in-law, and seventh sister-in-law are not jealous, they also take care of other people's older brothers and princesses; eighth sister-in-law is jealous, so she was locked up..."

Speaking of this, she was a little depressed, and said: "I don't want to distribute Shi Ye to others. If I don't want to take care of other people's elder brothers, will I be locked up too?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't listen to the outsider Hu Qin, you and your tenth brother are newly married. The elders wish you were sticky..."

Eight Fujin's reputation has long been ruined in the capital.

It was said before that she was insane, so she would sue her natal family's property.

Later, the voice changed instead.

Became the jealous and intolerant character of Bafu Jin, who abused the backyard, and was not liked by the elders in the palace.

Just which woman is not jealous?
After coming and going again and again, no one will talk about the eight blessings...

Just two days before the wedding in the Babeile Mansion, it was the day when the Dutong Mansion held wine.

It can be regarded as three blessings.

Qi Xi was delighted by the original rank of the second-class uncle.

The second son, Toyong, originally succeeded him Rabulhafan and then dragged Shalahafan the Duke.

Plus Fuyong's engagement joy.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are not outsiders, they set off from Haidian early.

Just before breakfast, we arrived at Dutong Mansion.

Except for Xiaoliu, brothers Fusong and Zhuliang were all there.

"Congratulations, mistress..."

Shu Shu looked at Fu Yongdao.

Because there are too many younger brothers, Shu Shu also has distant relatives.

Fu Song and Zhu Liang at the top, Xiao Liu at the bottom are closer, and the three in the middle spend less time together.

But after all, they are brothers and sisters, and the relationship is not shallow.

Looking at Fuyong today, he is a tall and slender young man, and he is very gentle, and he is also very organized in speaking and doing things.

No wonder Su Nu Beizi took a fancy to it early on.


Fuyong's face turned red.

As usual, Shu Shu still went to the uncle's house for breakfast, and then came back.

After a while, the general's wife from the general's mansion brought Qing Ru Gege.

Ever since she got married, Shu Shu hadn't seen her for a whole year.

She took Qingru Gege's hand, looked at it carefully, and said, "No wonder you say 'Eighteen Changes of Women's University', I dare not recognize it..."

Qingru is one year younger than Zhuliang, she is fourteen this year.

Last year, he was like a child pretending to be an adult, stable and steady, still looking childish, this year he has drawn a lot, and has the grace of a girl.

Qingru said generously: "I'm taller and fatter..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not fat, women have to go through this..."

Qing Ru is a young talented girl, who has read a lot of books, nodded and said: "It's 'Er Qi Tian Gui Zhi'..."

Shu Shu said: "That's almost what it means."

"I heard that my sister's house is going to prepare a library?"

Qingru's eyes are shining.

For those who love books, that is the biggest temptation.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The place is ready, but the book is not there yet!"

Qingru whispered: "Eldest sister, I heard that there are out-of-print books from the previous dynasty in the palace..."

Shu Shu nodded.

There are indeed many books in Jingyang Palace that are not available outside.

When Guining was in Guining before, Xiaosan and Xiaosi also talked about it once.

"I asked someone to copy some, and I will sort out the book list later, you can see if there is anything you want to read..."

Shushu said.

How could she be willing to miss such a good resource?

Even in the second institute, few people could copy books, only Xiaochun and Xiaosong were employed as laborers.

The rest, Shu Shu, also copied books on health preservation.

With anticipation on Qing Ru's face, she said, "Second Lord also helped me borrow books from Prince Kang's Mansion..."

King Kang's Mansion...

Shu Shu felt uncomfortable.

My aunt is widowed and won't go out for banquets, but my cousin will come.


She is also heartless enough.

I never thought of visiting my aunt...

Front living room.

Brother Jiu saw Chuntai, Prince Kang, and felt a fit of slander in his heart.

Why does he look so weak?
It's been a few months since the filial piety, even if the filial piety is reduced, it should be better now, right?
Seeing his nephew like this, Qi Xi felt distressed, and said, "Even if it's a bitter summer, you have to force yourself to eat more. This appearance makes you worry..."

Chun Tai said in shame: "At the beginning of the month, I had a heat stroke in middle school, so I lost my appetite. Now I'm still taking medicine, and I'll be fine when I get out of bed."

Brother Nine was by the side, feeling sore in his heart.

This one is also bitter summer!
Same as Shushu!
Is it because of growing up with you when you were young that you have the same problem?

Chun Tai has already looked at Brother Nine.

Although Brother Nine has long been known as domineering, Chuntai also knows that he can't follow others' advice.

Just seeing that he went directly to the Prime Minister's Office of Internal Affairs before he was a weak crown, and that he had no mistakes in a year, he knew that his ability was not bad.

"Ninth Master..."

Chun Tai nodded.

The prince has a distinguished status, and the schedule is still ahead of the prince.

Brother Jiu coughed lightly, and said: "My lord, you are too polite. You are Fujin's cousin, and you are also my lord's cousin..."

Chun Tai was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "Well, it's okay to say that."

It's just that people in the world talk about relationship, clan first and then in-laws.

Chun Tai and Brother Jiu were originally relatives, and they were cousins ​​of the same great-great-grandfather.

Brother Jiu had some fears about this Prince Heshuo at first, but now he is gone.

This is a man with a very straight face.

It's not the temperament that waits for the cousin to get married and still misses it secretly.

Zhu Liang was at the side, seeing the two of them talking together, she felt a little nervous.

Seeing him, Fu Song pulled him aside and said, "What are you thinking about? Don't look for trouble!"

Zhu Liang said in a low voice: "I discussed marriage with the Wangfu back then, but I couldn't hide it from anyone."

Fu Song said: "So what? Times have changed, the prince is safe, and Jiu Ye will not go to fight with the eldest sister because of this..."

Zhu Liang nodded and said: "It's also..."

Because the Duke's Mansion was still in Xiaozhong, no one came over there, and the people who came to congratulate today were the clan members of the Second Household and Zhengbaiqi, as well as the old relatives of Dong E's family.

Shu Shu was originally a married aunt, her status had to be elevated, and she was still the prince Fujin, so no relatives dared to talk about her.

Just like before she came out of the cabinet, she entertained Princesses who came to drink with her elders in her yard.

There is Qingru, Nala Gege from the vice capital's mansion, Shu Shu's uncle and cousin, and the sisters from Dong E's family.

When everyone was seated and looked at each other, they all smiled.

They are all former guests.

When Xizhu got married last year, Shushu served as the host Gege and entertained everyone.

Now besides her own head, there is another clan Gege who becomes the bride.

Others are either preparing for the draft, or preparing to say goodbye, and there are not a few years of easy days.

The little cousin is also a little twitchy, no longer the apple face before, and there is a little sadness between her brows and eyes.

When Shu Shu was changing clothes, she followed her out and said, "Cousin, my eldest brother's marriage, but Niu Hulu's family can't be picky about Ama's character?"

Shu Shu glanced at her, and said, "Why do you think of asking this? There are twists and turns in your marriage?"

The little cousin is of the blood of Aixinjueluo, so she doesn't need to be drafted, she can hire and marry on her own.

The little cousin is one and a half years younger than Fusong, so it's time to see her.

With red eyes, she shook her head and said, "I heard Enie quarrel with Ama, and it was mentioned..."

Because Ba Fujin sued Ming Deng and his wife, he also revealed the matter of Fu Song's prodigal family.

Mafa is a bad gambler, and Ama is also a bad gambler...

In addition, it was clearly agreed that today is Fusong's engagement ceremony, and it was replaced by Fuyong.

Others thought they had heard it wrong, but the Fusong family knew it was a replacement.

Shu Shu said: "It's not because of this, it's because Niu Hulu has a high heart..."

She didn't elaborate on anything else.

This involves the in-law relationship between Tong Guowei's family and Niu Hulu's family, all kinds of grievances and so on.

The little cousin smiled wryly and said: "The elder brother is here, and now he has made up for the fourth-rank deficiency, and he has been picked on so far, what will happen to me in the future, I really dare not think..."

Shu Shu didn't answer.

Although Ma Jia was mean to Fu Song, she still loved her two children very much.

She is willing to intervene in Fusong's marriage, that's because of love.

Here with the little cousin, it is a normal relationship between cousins, and there is no reason to go beyond Ren Ama and Ernie to intervene in her marriage...

The antigen arrived in the afternoon, and then all the mothers went to the sheep together. The source of infection is unknown, or it was a courier or an elevator.The next week will be at 10:30 in the evening. If you don’t have it, you will be gone. Everyone, please take care of yourself. If you have underlying diseases, you must prepare medicines in advance. Xiaojiu suffered from bronchitis caused by a high fever. There is no azithromycin at home, so it is difficult. The medicine is now on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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