My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 633 Struggling

Chapter 633 Struggling (Second Update)

The next day, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu woke up early.

This is the advantage of living in the suburbs.

It was cool in the morning and evening, and it was early when I rested, so I had a good night's sleep.

Xiao Chun prepared two sets of clothes yesterday and hung them up.

One set for the upper body, and one set for the preparation.

They are all clothes that have been through the water, not as timid as new clothes, nor are they too homely that are half-new and not old.

Today I went to dinner, not to spoil the show, so I didn't choose the colorful clothes.

The body she is wearing now is a water-colored Ningxia silk shirt inside, and a turquoise Ningxia silk cloak with auspicious patterns on the outside.

In order to match the dark green and light green on her body, Tianzi uses turquoise Fuqi Tianzi, which looks young and delicate.

Brother Jiu watched from the side, smiling from ear to ear.

Because the clothes are the same color as his regular clothes.

He was wearing turquoise uniforms, looking fresh and refreshing, and held a fan in his hand, which was blank.

"When I go back to the Imperial Palace, ask Khan Ama for a favor..."

Brother Jiu looked at the fan in his hand and said, "At that time, Khan Ama will write a few strokes and stamp it, and it will be passed down to the world..."

The couple had breakfast and came out of the fourth institute talking and laughing.

The carriage and guards were already waiting outside.

The ten princes and his wife have already come out.

Ten Fujin was pointing at the rice fields in the distance, talking about something.

Elder Brother Ten listened with a good temper.

The new five institutes where they are located are surrounded by imperial fields on three sides.

Seeing Shu Shu and Brother Jiu coming out, the couple looked over.

Seeing Shu Shu's makeup clearly, Shi Fujin's eyes lit up immediately, trotted over, took Shu Shu's hand to look him up and down, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu's clothes are so pretty!"

Shu Shu looked at Fujin's eyes, in a rouge-colored flag dress, with pink coral tassels and beads on her head: "Siblings look good too!"

It's not that it's embarrassing, but these two colors complement the skin tone very well, making Shi Fujin a fat beauty.

Shi Fujin covered his mouth and smiled, glanced at the clothes on Brother Jiu, and whispered to Shu Shu: "Next time I will make clothes of the same color for Master Shi..."

Shu Shu smiled but did not answer.

Ten Fujin's clothes are all kinds of red, dark red, light red and pink.

If Elder Brother Shi also wears the same matching outfit, it will look really bright.

If I were my own Ninth Master, I'm afraid I wish I could be different from others.

Elder Brother Ten, on the other hand, is more conformist, probably because he doesn't like being so conspicuous.

So what?
The two are still newlyweds, so they can work together to influence each other.

San Fujin came out the latest, and saw Shu Shu and Shi Fujin holding hands, shoulder to shoulder.

They are all delicate and charming.

She lowered her head to look at herself, the fragrant gown was probably new.

The color looks similar to Jifu, but it is not as solemn as Jifu.

The tin son on the head is made of group inlaid sapphires, which looks plain.

"Three sisters..."

Shu Shu and Shifujin let go, and bowed to Sanfujin.

Sanfujin looked like a sister-in-law, stretched out her hand and said, "Get up!"

Shu Shu woke up and realized something was wrong.

Tang Bo died less than a hundred days ago.

Sanfujin can go out to have a feast?

When she got into the carriage, she asked Brother Nine: "Sister-in-law San doesn't keep a hundred days?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "No need, the Eight Banners are light-hearted, married women are even lighter, and the funeral is full..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

Is it light?

When the uncle and sister-in-law die, they have to observe a hundred days of filial piety, but if the relative Ama is gone, the funeral will be full? !
Brother Jiu said: "Why do you think of asking this? The Eight Banners are all relatives. If they are dressed according to the rules, there will be no idle time throughout the year..."

Speaking of this, he whispered: "Sister-in-law is too young. When sister-in-law passed away, Khan Ama probably didn't expect so much, and felt sorry for elder brother, so we only guarded the system together. If there is another time, it will not be like this..."

The husband and wife looked at each other, thinking that would be reliable.

As for siblings...

The eldest elder brother is less than thirty, and his life span is long, mainly to deal with the clan.

This uniform will only change and become lighter and lighter, from everyone keeping the system together to a fixed number of people wearing mourning.

Shu Shu whispered: "It's okay to change it, if you want to take it lightly, you can take it lightly..."

In fact, even mourning sacrifices also suffer.

The husband and wife gossiped a few words, Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Don't mention this, we are eating wedding wine, not white wine..."

Hearing this, Shu Shu said: "I just forgot to ask my sister-in-law, He Yi..."

Speaking of this, I remembered the gift list they saw after their wedding last year.

The big brother and the third brother have the same gift money, 800 taels of silver.

The fourth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother are the same, and the silver is 500 taels.

In addition to the 500 taels on the face, the fifth elder brother is the two [-] taels that are not kept in the account.

When the tenth elder brother got married, Shu Shu and the ninth elder brother followed the gift money from the elder brothers' example, and it was also 500 taels in the account book. In private, it was the two boxes of gold and silver purses that Shu Shu had prepared for the tenth elder brother.

That was an example of marrying Fujin.

Fang Fujin must be reduced.

How much less is hard to say.

"Sister-in-law San is more reliable than Sanbeile..."

Shu Shu couldn't help complaining.

Brother Jiu gloated, and said: "At that time, when the third sister-in-law was in the palace earlier, the Dong E family and the Ma family had a lot of filial piety, and the money was loose. Anyway, it was not my own money, but now it may not be so. The third brother has been fined for several years, and I heard that life is tight, so he won't make a fool of the starling..."

Shu Shu smiled unkindly.

I really want to see how to do a joke!
The carriage traveled slowly, and it took an hour to enter the city.

At the intersection next to the Eight Baylor Mansion, there are two carriages parked, which are the carriages of the Five Baylor Mansion and the Seven Baylor Mansion.

Wufujin and Qifujin were waiting outside because of Shangli.

Sanfujin picked up the curtain of the car and saw it, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.

She looked up at the girl who was following her, and she carried a red envelope in her bag, which contained two dealer tickets.

Each piece is 80 taels of silver, and the total is only 160 taels.

This is what she "struggled with reason" to fight for with her husband.

According to San Age's original intention, it was planned to be two 50 taels.

Thinking about the future.

There are many brothers, if they all set up wine to welcome Fujin, if they give too many this time, they will die in the future.

San Fujin was so annoyed that he couldn't say it directly, so the third elder brother reluctantly raised the amount to 160 taels.

When San Fujin got off the carriage, his face was flushed.

She hesitated again and again, but put out the idea of ​​subsidizing herself.

Not to mention that the subsidy will not fall well, and the third elder brother will complain; the key is that it is only a side Fujin, not a serious sister-in-law, and they will not be able to deal with each other in the future.

The gate of Babeile Mansion.

Nanny Yun brought someone to welcome the female guest.

Seeing that several princes Fujin had arrived, they stepped forward respectfully.

Sanfujin got out of the carriage, saw that Nanny Yun was the only one, and said with disgust, "Why is it that Nanny is the only one outside to welcome guests?"

Didn't it mean that Sifu Jin was invited to arrange marriage?
Sanfujin also took pleasure in other people's misfortune.

They are all women, so of course they know that women love to hold grudges.

Especially Ba Fujin, who is not sympathetic to others.

Sifujin has always acted like a sister-in-law, but this time it might be a thankless effort.

Mother Yun said: "Prince Anjun Fujin is here, and Si Fujin is accompanying the guests!"

Sanfujin kept walking, and the corners of his mouth turned up even more.

When she was about to reach the reception desk, she felt uncomfortable and motioned for the girl beside her to come forward.

The accountant bowed and took the red envelope with both hands.

When he saw the amount of the banknote clearly, he paused, then took his notes and made a sum.

Some sharp-eyed people saw it, and quickly told Wu Fujin and others behind him.

Everyone is equipped with purses of various colors, and it is quick to prepare.

The sisters-in-law followed Sanfujin's example to salute.

As for Brother Nine and Brother Ten, they haven't been knighted yet?

Don't worry about it so much anymore, he is already a brother who is on duty.

Si Fujin was here, and also got the news that the sisters-in-law were coming, so he got up and said to all Fujin, and then went out to welcome him.

By the door, Sanfujin had already brought all his sisters in.

Seeing Si Fujin, San Fujin took her hand and said in a low voice, "What do you mean by the Prince's Mansion of Anjun? Is this supporting the eighth younger siblings, or is it disowning the side Fujin?"

Si Fujin didn't answer her words, but said: "There are also people from Xinjun Palace..."

Even if they are not in-laws, someone will come to the Prince's Mansion of Anjun today.

Babeile is the lord of the Zhenglan Banner, no matter what the internal conflicts are, but externally, he still has the favor he deserves.

Hearing this, San Fujin felt bored, and said in a low voice: "They are trying to save Babeile's face, but they trampled on the faces of the eighth siblings! Prince Jingui, what is Prince Fujin?"

Si Fujin didn't answer the conversation, just looked at Wu Fujin and asked, "Is elder brother's illness better?"

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "Okay, I couldn't stand using too much ice before, and I caught a cold..."

Sifujin touched Qifujin again and said: "This is too skinny..."

Qi Fujin was a little fat after giving birth, but now she has lost weight, and her previous watermelon seed face has become a melon seed face.

Qifujin smiled, and said: "It's a bit bitter summer, and the beginning of autumn will be fine."

Shu Shu watched from the side, trembling in her heart.

Looking at Qi Fujin's appearance, what can't be understood?

This is knowing Xiao Gege's illness, and there is no other reason.

But this is not something that can be comforted with a few words.

When they arrived at the flower hall, except for the four elders, Prince Yu, Prince Gong, Prince An, and Xinjun, who were still sitting comfortably, the other Fujins and wives got up and gave up their seats one by one.

Shu Shu glanced at all Fujin, the last time it was so complete was at Da Fujin's funeral.

Eighth Prince's popularity is better than expected.

She is a little daughter-in-law, and she follows behind her sisters-in-law, so she doesn't need to be in the early stage.

It's just that Fujin's level here is cheating, especially for those who start directly at the level of Fujin, which is different from Tian Gege from Sanbeile Mansion and Li Gege from Sibeile.

They are all serving in the capacity of Princess, and in the future, "mother is more valuable than son", please seal the side Fujin.

Before that, they were also used to being humble to Fujin.

Like Fucha Fujin, if you come in directly, you will be side Fujin, and your waist is not so hard.

Anjun Wang Fujin is not very old, but he has added some old looks to his face in a year's time.

The other elders, Fujin, are not young anymore.

The older a woman is, the more she likes to look at bright little women...

Let's start with these today, insomnia is too uncomfortable, take medicine to catch up on sleep.

The next update, before 12 noon on December 15th, welcome to Qidian APP.

(End of this chapter)

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