My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 634 Marriage

Chapter 634 Marriage (First Change)
Needless to say, Sifujin.

She is not very old, but she is an old daughter-in-law after being married for ten years.

Sanfujin and Sifujin have also been married to the royal family for many years.

The rest are Wufujin, Qifujin, Jiufujin, and Shifujin.

In the early days, the clan's relatives had a lot of criticisms about Wu Fujin, from family status to how he did things, they were picky all over.

Now the tide has changed.

Just look at the Queen Mother taking it with her on the northern tour, and also on the southern tour, and you know that she is satisfied with this granddaughter-in-law.

Others know what is interesting, so no one dares to break their mouths.

As for Qi Fujin, he is not tall, has a delicate appearance, and has a bit of momentum when he doesn't speak a word, but he looks more and more like a prince Fujin.

There is also a pure Wang Fujin behind this person, who is also a Buddha, and he can't afford to offend easily.

Jiufujin and Shifujin are both equally delicate.

It's just that the former is tall and tall, with a straight waist, which is a standard Eight Banner noble lady; the latter has a different appearance, and is also shorter and thicker, but has a typical Mongolian appearance.

There are several elders around, and the princes Fujin have all become juniors.

Even Sanfujin and Sifujin didn't speak much, let alone Shu Shu and others.

In the room, only Prince Yu Fu Jin said to An Jun Wang Fujin: "Our prince said that Ba Bei Le has a good heart and is diligent in doing things, which is very rare."

Anjun Wang Fujin smiled stiffly, nodded and said: "Our prince also praises Belle for being modest and polite..."

If this was a nephew, the two of them would have boasted to each other; but this was a nephew and son-in-law, and they still wanted to marry Cian Fujin's nephew and son-in-law.

An Jun Wang Fujin was just going through the motions, not very interested.

Seeing this, Prince Yu Fujin also put off his greetings.

There were more than 20 female guests in the entire flower hall, but it was getting quieter and quieter.

The few female family members of Prince An's Mansion were almost as if they were mourning and concubine, and everyone lost the mood to joke.

The atmosphere is also weird, it doesn't look like a feast at all.

Those who look at the nose with the eyes and the heart with the nose, also feel that the time is more difficult.

She is still like this, let alone the lively and active Ten Fujin.

Shu Shu noticed that someone was looking at her, so she saw Shi Fujin wink at herself and pointed outside.

She nodded slightly.

Ten Fujin immediately stood up.

The room was quiet, and everyone else looked at her movement.

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "I'm going to change clothes, and sister-in-law Jiu will accompany me..."

Shu Shu got up too, and followed Shi Fujin out.

When they got outside, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't sit still, my waist is straight..."

Shi Fujin whispered, "Why do they keep looking at people? There are hooks in their eyes..."

Shu Shu said: "If someone looks at you later, you should just look back. Except for Prince Yu Fujin and Prince Gong Fujin, as long as the others are decent..."

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "Mmm, um, I'm not happy that they are sizing me up!"

It seems to be disgusting, do they need to be disgusted?

The ten blessings were full of anger.

She also knows that thinness is the beauty in the capital, but why don't they have different tastes?

Shi Ye likes her like this!
The sister-in-law came out under the pretext of changing clothes, and just went there.

When I came back, I saw a girl in the yard who was giving orders.

The women next to me responded, very obedient.

This woman is in her twenties, tall and tall, dressed as an unmarried woman, with a bit of heroism in her eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing Shu Shu and Shi Fujin, the woman hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and knelt and said, "I've seen the two Fujin..."

Shi Fujin's eyes fell on the woman.

She is wearing a begonia red flag dress, which is close to Zhenghong.

Shu Shu's eyes fell on the woman's wrist, wearing a pair of jasper bracelets.

Although jasper is not comparable to mutton fat jade, it is also divided into three, six, and nine grades.

The jasper bracelet on this woman's wrist is top grade.

Shi Fujin glanced at Shu Shu, seeing that she didn't intend to speak, he said to the woman, "Whose family do you belong to, why are you wearing clothes of this color?"

Even Shi Fujin, who likes red clothes so much, changed into rouge today.

It's because you want to avoid big red, so as not to look like a newcomer.

The woman's face turned red, but she didn't answer right away.

Shu Shuxin moved, thinking of someone, said: "Yun Haitang?"

The woman raised her head, there was agility between her brows and eyes, and she was indeed somewhat beautiful.

Shi Fujin looked over and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu knows?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I've only heard about it, but I don't know..."

After finishing speaking, she called Shi Fujin to leave.

Yun Haitang stayed where she was, her face turned red and then pale, trembling with anger.

Who is this looking down on?

Another guest just happened to arrive, and Si Fujin came out to greet them, and frowned when he saw Yun Haitang.

Such an old girl in her twenties who is still unmarried stays in the mansion, and her parents are still in charge of internal and external affairs. Isn't this adding to the trouble?

Either it should be given to Grace to release it, or it should be directly received in the inner house.

Now this is neither slave nor master, not inside but outside, it will only make people difficult to do.

At this moment, the flower hall was no longer as quiet as before, and the female relatives also chatted and laughed in twos and threes.

Qi Fujin's spirit has also improved a lot.

Seeing the two of them coming back, she got up and changed seats with Wu Fujin so that she could talk to Shu Shu conveniently.

"Little heartless, don't say go and see me..."

Seven Fujin scolded.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Isn't this living in the garden? I thought Seventh Sister-in-law would go there too..."

Qifujin smiled and said, "Next year, next year we will live next to each other!"

Shu Shu touched her wrist and said, "It's fine to be as thin as this, sister-in-law Seven, don't lose weight anymore, you still have to eat more sweets every day..."

Eat more sugar, feel good, don't be depressed.

Seven Fujin didn't answer.

Her eyes were a little moist.

She loved candy since she was a child, and so did all sweet pastries.

But now she can't eat sweets anymore, and she feels sick when she eats them.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help doing Tongrentang blowing again, and praised Lejia's ancient recipes in a low voice, saying: "Nowadays, I'm holding a post in the imperial hospital. I'll wait until my niece is older."

Qifujin's lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything, just nodded.

Shu Shu opened the conversation and said, "Has Auntie visited Seventh Sister-in-law recently? Have you mentioned about the marriage of Big Brother?"

Qifujin has a brother and a younger brother, the elder is named Naqin, and the younger is named Kuerku.

Qifujin nodded and said: "I just said it, but I don't agree with it, it's too awkward!"

Nala's family and Dong'e's family share the same surname of Zhenghongqi. Although there are some conflicts in private, they actually live in the front and back streets, and they are still relatives-in-law. They are relatively friendly on weekdays.

It would not be beautiful if there was a rift between the two families because of the eldest son's continuation.

Shu Shu said: "My Amu doesn't care about this, and I, Ama and Ernie, don't care too..."

Guizhen Gege has already been married once, and her options for remarrying are also limited. At that time, she will either marry far away or marry low.

It's not as good as the Nala family, which has a title and a world position, and is also married to Prince Lilie.

Qifu Jin praised: "Uncle Shi, Aunt Shi are really kind."

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "My cousin lives in the world, the elders can only boast, she is like a sister-in-law, and we got along very well at that time..."

Qi Fujin knew it well.

It is not only that the Dutong Mansion does not object to this marriage, even Shushu does not object...

When we arrived at Sizheng, side Fujin's sedan chair arrived.

It is still the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who go to greet relatives, and there are fixed regulations.

The elder Fujins didn't move, and the fourth Fujin had no choice but to call the sisters-in-law to get up.

You can't let the newcomer sit on the bed alone.

The new house is located on East Road.

It is an independent secondary courtyard with about thirty rooms in total.

Everyone came here to watch the excitement, but they couldn't help but be moved when they saw the courtyard.

"It shouldn't be any worse than the main courtyard..."

Sanfujin gritted his teeth and said: "That is to say, the eighth younger siblings can't come out. If they come out and see this place, they will probably die of anger..."

Si Fujin didn't speak, but it didn't feel good to be hurt by something.

Wu Fujin lowered his eyes.

Liu Gege from the Five Baylor Mansion brought Big Elder Brother, Big Gege, daily supplies, etc., and he was actually no different from Fang Fujin.

Qi Fujin said to Shu Shu in a low voice: "So what was the big courtyard built at that time? They should all be built into small courtyards, and then each courtyard should be filled with one. The side Fujin is a gold, but one gold, two, three are worth it." Is gold expensive?"

Shu Shu was taken aback, and looked at Qifu Jin.

Seventh Fujin raised his eyebrows, and said: "When the time comes, let the side Fujin fight with the side Fujin, and the lower Gege wants to come up, but he also wants to fight the upper side Fujin, what has it to do with us?"

Shu Shu held Qi Fujin's hand, knowing that what she said was in line with the world.

But it's just in line with the world.

Brother Seven is a person with a cold face and a cold heart. If Qi Fujin responds like this, the couple will just "respect each other as guests".

"Although that will save you worry, but it's also quite deserted..."

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "I still have to spend most of my life, so where will I go? If I don't keep it while I am young, do I have to keep my eyes open? Is it a loss or not? If you want to live a clean life, what? It's time to get bored and then..."

Qifujin smiled, and said: "You're right, I'm thinking about it..."

Gege who is valued by Ama is still different from Gege who is not valued by Ama.

For the sake of my daughter, I also want to hug Seventh Brother.

While talking, I arrived at the new house.

The new house is full of dowry furnishings.

Fucha's family is also a rich family, or a family of eunuchs, and Ma Qi is the pillar of the family, so the dowry prepared for the eldest daughter is also generous.

Sitting cross-legged on the kang was a woman in a silver-red auspicious dress.

There are two nuns and four maids standing beside them, which should be the dowry population.

Nanny Yun was also there, talking to the bride.

Seeing everyone entering the new house, the bride raised her eyes and looked shyly.

She is sixteen or seventeen years old, with willow-leaf eyebrows and an oval face. She looks gentle and amiable, not a sharp-edged character.

Nanny Yun said from the side: "Ci Fujin, these are the princes Fujin..."

After all, she introduced several Fujins.

Mrs. Fucha didn't get out of the kang, but bowed to meet the crowd.

Si Fujin looked at Yunmao and said: "Where is the dining table, should someone give it away?"

Mother Yun said: "It's all ready, this old slave will go and give instructions..."

(End of this chapter)

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