My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 635: Swallow Wing Mat

Chapter 635 Swallow Wing Mat (Second Change)
When the dining table was set up, the side dishes were exquisitely prepared, there were several pastries, some fresh fruits, and a bowl of stewed bird's nest.

Sifujin looked at An Xin, and took his sister-in-law out.

Sister Yun sent it out in person, and came back and said to Fucha: "Sibeile's mansion is to the east, and Sibeile and Baye were raised together in Jingren Palace when they were young. They have the deepest bond. Later, Fujin will know ..."

Mrs. Fucha was puzzled and said, "But isn't the eighth master raised under the name of Concubine Hui?"

"That happened after the death of Tong Niangniang. The emperor was kind and pointed to the empress of Yanxi Palace to be the adoptive mother of the eighth master. But at that time, the eighth master was too old to live in the inner court. It just so happened that the renovation of Qianxi No. [-] had been completed. I just moved the palace and moved to Elder Brother's house, I never lived in Yanxi Palace..."

Grandma Yun said.

Mrs. Fucha listened carefully, remembered it in her heart, and then said: "Before, I also heard that the eighth master had a good relationship with the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother..."

Sister Yun didn't answer right away, she thought about it, and said: "It was true earlier, the elder brothers were of the same age, and lived next to each other in the elder brother's house, they were the closest, and they were no different compared to their brothers, but After the eighth and ninth masters got married last year, less people walked around..."

Mrs. Fu Cha glanced at Nanny Yun.

Nanny Yun didn't mean to elaborate.

She is also an old man who has been in the palace for more than ten years, so she naturally knows the rules.

You can say whatever you want in private, but you can't say that the master is half bad, or else it's a fault...

Fu Cha didn't want to ramble on, so he picked up the bird's nest.

When she saw the situation in the bowl clearly, she looked at Momo Yun with doubts in her eyes, and said, "Mom, this bird's nest..."

Wealthy people all know that bird's nest nourishes.

Fucha's family is also well-off. Although she is a concubine, she was raised by her aunt, and she was supported like other sisters when she was young.

With shame on her face, Mother Yun said: "In the past year, the mansion has not been well-off economically. At the beginning of the year, the emperor divided the property, but he lost a few places..."

In the inner courtyard, the mat has been set up.

The female relatives take their seats.

The other female relatives were just going through the motions, but Shi Fujin was really looking forward to eating.

She is "smelling in a pot" and rarely has the opportunity to eat outside, so she is looking forward to today's wedding banquet.

When it was time to eat, Shi Fujin was disappointed, and his interest dropped a lot.

The other female family members looked at each other with strange expressions.

Those in charge like Shu Shu and Si Fujin have clear accounts in their hearts, and they can tell where the problems are at a glance.

The mat is the popular "swallow wing mat" in Beijing, and it looks well-behaved, but the bird's nest is made of bird's nest, and the shark's fin is also made of loose fin.

Sifujin endured it so that his face did not change.

After seeing Shu Shu, she didn't touch these two dishes.

The ingredients of the main course are poor, and the other ingredients are also a bit mediocre.

It looks like a bright face.

There are many plates and bowls, and the quantity is not cheap.

But Prince Fujin is used to being pampered, so no one can see the shortcomings here.

The dissatisfaction of Wang Fujin and his sisters-in-law of Anjun were all on their faces, Prince Yu and Prince Gong Fujin didn't say anything, but they didn't move their chopsticks much, they just drank from a bowl of sweet soup.

The female relatives were reserved, even if they saw that the table was inappropriate, no one said anything, but the male guests in front became lively...

"Is this bird's nest or mouthwash, is it disgusting?"

A prince in his 40s took a bite of bird's nest and was disgusted.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten happened to be at this table.

The tenth elder brother saw that the man looked unfamiliar, and whispered: "Ninth elder brother, who is this?"

It must not be Prince Heshuo and Prince Duoluo. There are countless princes in the clan, and all ten princes know each other.

At such an old age, it can't be said to be "children's words without restraint", right?

But this is too casual.

With so many people around, no one else has spoken yet, so it's his turn to be disgusted?
Brother Nine whispered: "The Duke of Zhen Guo Tunzhu..."

Elder Brother Shi understood.

He can't match the person, but he knows the name of the person.

This one is the great-grandson of Prince Rao Yu, but he is not from the line of Prince An, but a descendant of another branch of Wenliang Beizi Mansion.

Don't look at how old he is, but in terms of seniority, he is the cousin of King An and the elder brother of the princes.

This outbreak is somewhat of an excuse.

After all, today's card is not much different from marrying Fujin.

The uncles and fathers-in-law of the Prince's Mansion in Anjun couldn't say anything, and they were probably disgusting enough.

Tunzhu, the cousin of Bafujin, came out to fight against injustice.

Before the change, brother Jiu would definitely retort, but now he doesn't have that interest anymore.

He thought of Yazib.

This old boy is really invincible.

I have given the evidence of his greed for ink to the fourth brother for several days, but the fourth brother has not moved.

This is understandable.

If things are slow, things will be smooth, and the slaves who deal with others are easy to be wrong inside and outside.

But today at the table, apart from Yaqibu's handwriting, there is no one else.

That's how greed is bred.

Before, maybe it was just three melons and two dates, and I was greedy for ink in places that others couldn't see; after I got used to it, I felt that I was at a loss if I wasn't greedy, so I dared to do anything.

Tun Zhu picked out the bird's nest, then went to pick out the shark's fin, and said with a sneer, "This is also called shark's fin, and the fans are more neat than this!"

No one refuted, but no one cheered.

Everyone looked at their bowls and chopsticks, wishing they didn't have long ears.

Tunzhu didn't know if he was really drunk or pretended to be drunk, maybe he didn't think it was lively, but he looked at Brother Nine and Brother Ten, raised his eyelids, and said, "Why don't you two speak? Or is this shark's fin eaten in the palace?"

Brother Jiu's face turned black, and he said: "You also know that you are two masters in front of you, not grandsons? What's the matter, if you want to know what kind of shark's fin is in the palace, it's easy. Go directly to Changchun Garden with your master. Go to Khan Ama and ask, is the shark fin he eats whole or in half, isn’t it faster?”

Tun Zhu blushed and said, "I didn't mean that..."

"That's not what it means, you still keep your mouth shut! A three-year-old child knows that 'you can't talk when you eat', so don't you bother me by nagging!" Brother Nine said bluntly.

Tunzhu was also annoyed when he was told that he would not be able to come to the stage, and said: "The table is so bad, why don't people talk about it?"

Brother Nine wanted to speak, but Brother Ten stopped him.

Elder Brother Shi looked at Tunzhu and said, "You are a guest, and we are also guests, so we can't tell us..."

As he spoke, he raised his voice and called out: "Mynah, mynah, come here..."

The eighth elder brother is being accompanied by the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother, toasting table by table.

Just after paying homage to the first and second seats, a few people came over when they heard the movement here.

The elder brother said with a smile: "Old Ten wants to drink, can't he wait?"

Elder Brother Shi pointed to Tunzhu and said, "It's Lord Zhen Guo who has an opinion on today's banquet, and wants to talk to Myna..."

Several people looked at Tunzhu.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are young and have not been out of the palace before, so they don't know much about Tunzhu.

Big brother and the others know about Tunzhu.

Although he is only the Duke of Zhenguo, the number of assistants under his name is equal to that of Beizi.

Because his grandfather Jue belonged to Beizi, and his father Jue also belonged to Beizi. In his generation, he and his brothers were both Dukes of Zhen Guo, and Zuo Ling also took half of it.

Last year, the emperor dismissed several clans, including his younger brother.

According to the practice of the Eight Banners, his younger brother's Duke was resigned, but this leader cannot be returned to others, but must be returned to the original owner.

It was still led by Tunzhu.

Therefore, Tunzhu is also the lord of Zhenglan Banner.

Tun Zhu looked stiff.

The room fell silent.

The eighth elder brother laughed and said, "What do you want to order, brother?"

Tun Zhu waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, I drank too much wine and nagged a few words..."

Brother Nine rolled his eyes, disdainful of this cowardly act.

The tenth elder brother shut up, he didn't mean to beat the dog in the water. In that case, it would not be Tun Zhu who was embarrassed, but the eighth elder brother.

It happened to be the turn of the toast here, so the eighth elder brother lifted the cup, and the lively scene resumed on the wine table.

Brother Jiu was in a low mood.

He also saw what hypocrisy was.

When Tunzhu was picking on the noodles just now, no one spoke up for Brother Ba.

Now they all look like close relatives.

He really couldn't see it, so he took a moment to pull the fourth elder brother out, and whispered: "Fourth elder brother, inferior shark's fin and bird's nest were used in the dinner, why didn't you find out?"

The fourth elder brother showed surprise on his face: "Why are good bird's nests and shark's fins inferior?"

Brother Nine sneered and said: "It really made me guess, the bird's nest and shark's fin for the first and second seats are normal..."

The first seat and the second seat are for the elders of the clan, as well as the guests who sent off the relatives, and the elder brother and the fourth elder brother who accompanied the guests.

The fourth elder brother's face was dark, and he said, "How bad is it?"

Brother Jiu said: "The bird's nest is broken bird's nest, it's not whole, it looks like mouthwash; the shark's fin is also loose, and the color is blue-gray, anyway, my brother didn't dare to taste it..."

The fourth elder brother gritted his teeth angrily, and said, "That's why Tunzhu complained just now?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "He kept on talking, and finally he said it to me and Old Ten. His words were disrespectful, so Old Ten called someone over..."

The fourth elder brother's face was ashen, this embarrassment was thrown in front of the clan.

How much can this bird's nest and shark's fin save?
Dozens of taels of silver are exhausted, but this is a big shame.

"Okay, I see..."

Si Age said.

For Yaqibu's family, he originally wanted to take it easy.

However, this is the disaster...

Brother Nine filed a lawsuit and let go of the matter.

But when he returned to the garden, he still started talking to Shu Shu, saying: "Master, I found out, it's terrible that this slave is inappropriate, and it's fooling the master like a fool..."

Shu Shu remembered the embarrassment on the table, and said: "Not many people moved their chopsticks, it's too embarrassing..."

Brother Nine said: "It's not that I've been around for a year or so. I've been by my side for more than ten years, and the starling still hasn't noticed?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "Maybe I don't know everything, I guess I'm thinking about 'When the water is clear, there will be no fish', I think those who are greedy are small heads, but I don't know that this appetite is fed a little..."

After five days, I still have a low-grade fever, and I feel weak and want to cry. I'm here first, and I hope that tomorrow and the day after will be better.

The next update will be at 12:16 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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