Chapter 636 Becoming a Ceremony (First Update)
The couple's point of view is the same.

There may be truth to the saying "there is no fish when the water is too clear", but raising fish and raising moths are two different things.

"It's fine if you raise pigs. If they are fattened up, they will be slaughtered directly, and the meat will rot in the pot..."

Ninth elder brother said thoughtfully: "But you have to share who owns the feed. If it's your own feed, there's no point in tossing around for nothing..."

Shu Shu didn't answer, but only glanced at Brother Jiu.

When Qianlong condoned Heshen's greed for ink, he also "raised pigs"?
Harm the public and benefit the private?

Why is it more like Emperor Jiaqing is paying respects to Qianlong?

There is no such thing as "scheming", just "foolish".

Brother Jiu had already thought of going to the House of Internal Affairs, rolled his eyes, then shook his head, with regret, and said: "It's not good to set a precedent, the atmosphere is broken, and the small will lose the big..."

Shu Shu smiled.

Although "fishing for law enforcement" is a way, but when others are not going astray, it is a bit shameful to deliberately fish for law enforcement.

"It's all trails, it's better to follow the law..."

Shushu said.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It's true, a conspiracy is a conspiracy, and you still have to plan for big things..."

After all, it's someone else's business, and the husband and wife let it go after talking about it.

Next, it's time for Brother Nine's apprentice ceremony.

Even if Ma Qi is not happy, Brother Nine is not happy, but things can't be delayed any longer.

It's been half a month.

Appreciation ceremony is the prepared "six rituals".

He greeted the fifth elder brother in advance, and asked the fifth elder brother to accompany him to show his solemnity.

The younger brother, brother ten, is like Siamese twins, so of course he doesn't want to be left behind.

Shu Shu originally wanted to prepare another gift for Mrs. Ma Qi.

After hesitating for a while, she still had nothing to do.

It was mediocre at first, and then increased appropriately as we got along with each other.

If it is enough at the beginning, it would be rude to give less later.

It is a good habit to respect teachers, but it is not necessary to put oneself in the position of students.

Just be polite to each other and keep your distance.

The capital, with the yellow flag inlaid, Ma Qi's mansion.

Not only Ma Qixiumu, but Ma Qi's family is also there.

Ma Qi's eldest son is a descendant of the East Palace, named Fulton, who is about the same age as the prince, and is married.

He didn't know about Brother Nine's apprenticeship before, but he found out when he came to him, he was very puzzled, and said: "Ama, what does the emperor mean? Now Brother Nine is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there is one brother and one younger brother. And now you point him to Ama as a teacher?"

Ma Qi didn't even raise his eyelids, and said: "Jiu elder brother didn't enter the court..."

Fulton said: "But there is always a time to enter the court?"

Ma Qi glanced at him and said, "The prince is in a hurry?"

Fulton hurriedly said: "That's not true, it's just that my son is thinking too much..."

Ma Qi frowned and said, "Then you don't need to think about it!"

I really have to be afraid, there are still a row of princes who have already been knighted.

Ninth elder brother ranked so low, not the youngest son, but also the treatment of the half-launched youngest son, so I can't be afraid of it.

Fulton fell silent.

Cheng Ding's sons are still several, and none of them make up errands.

Earlier, the emperor moved several assistant leaders of their family from the upper three banners to the Zhenglan banner, and then shook them, cutting off their chance to make up for the guards of the three banners.

Now if you want to fill in the guards, you want to fill in the guards of Babeile Mansion, but Ma Qi doesn't allow it.

There is an extra prince and junior, so I don't know if I can use my strength?
The brothers jumped for joy.

They are all adults, and no one is willing to wait for nothing.

Ma Qi looked at his sons with helplessness.

When the son is grown up, he will have his own selfishness.

But he didn't dare to let go completely, for fear of bringing the family down.

But Brother Nine is indeed safer than Brother Eight.

It's not impossible.

After a while, someone from the concierge came to announce.

Brother Nine is here.

Ma Qi didn't care too much, and took his sons to welcome him out.

In addition to Brother Nine, Brother Five and Brother Ten accompanied him.

Seeing that Ma Qi was going to bow to everyone, brother Jiu had already supported him first, and said, "Okay, teacher, don't be a layman!"

The fifth elder brother also said: "Yes, Mr. Ma is the teacher of the ninth elder brother, not an outsider, so you don't have to be so polite."

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak, but was paying attention to Ma Qi's sons.

Needless to say, Fulton is the prince's subordinate.

The rest of them seem to be quite big, but they have been under the name of Ba Age for more than half a year, and they have not become staff officers of Ba Bei Le Mansion.

It seems that Ma Qi is not optimistic about the eighth elder brother.

Since I came here today to pay homage to my teacher, I must first become a gift.

There are fixed rules.

It's just that Brother Nine has a noble status, so he skips the step of kneeling and kowtowing, and simply bows and salutes.

After going through the cutscene, Brother Jiu presented the "Six Rites", and Ma Qi also gave back a hand-copied "Zhou Ri", which was regarded as a gift.

Then the teachers and students sat down, and Brother Jiu recognized Ma Qi's sons.

Except for the two little ones who were still in their infancy and were not brought up, there were seven sons left.

The eldest son, the third son, the fourth son, the fifth son, and the sixth son are all adults. The nine and ten sons are in their teens, and the other is six or seven years old.

Brother Nine focused on the few Chengding students, and said, "Brothers didn't make up for the vacancies of the banners, are you planning to take the Eight Banners imperial examination?"

Ma Qi hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "Study is normal, there is no suitable vacancy for the time being, let's talk about it later!"

The flag shortages of the Zhenglan Banner are all fixed, and have been divided up by fixed assistant leaders.

They are the new Zuoling drawn from the upper three banners, and there is no flag missing from the Zhenglan Banner.

This requires their lords to fight for it, or a new banner distribution plan, or directly give them Zhenglan Banner to fight for a new banner, and return it under their leadership.

In the past six months since his birth, the eighth elder brother has not been going well, and he is still idle, so he should not care about the future of the flag subordinate.

Brother Jiu has taken a fancy to Ma Qi's sons.

It's true that Ma Qi is a civil servant, but the children of Fucha's family are tall and big, and they look good.

You must know that several of Ma Qi's brothers are now serving as military officers.

If there is no such important relationship, Brother Jiu would not be able to use people from the Fucha family. After all, this is the banner population of the Babeile Mansion.

But there is an extra layer of teacher-student relationship, so it doesn't matter to use it.

He said: "I plan to open the mansion at the end of the year. At that time, the brothers can go to fill in the vacancies first. After the grade has improved, we can move around later..."

Ma Qi knew that Brother Jiu's Prince's Mansion had already been built, and it was built according to the regulations of the Baylor Mansion, and the internal affairs officer had already obtained the official post of chief of ceremonies.

Seeing his sons all looking at him, Ma Qi didn't shake his head, and said: "Then I will trouble Master Jiu..."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, it's cheap for me, I'm in need of someone to order..."

Ma Qi's wife is Dai Jiashi, who also came out to meet several princes.

Ma Qi also has two daughters who are waiting in her boudoir.

Because they are all big girls with long hair, they didn't come out to meet each other.

Be polite, after the cutscene, Brother Nine and a few people came out.

After leaving Ma Qi's house, the ninth elder brother asked the fifth elder brother: "Is the Dai Jia family of my teacher's wife the same family as the nobleman Dai Jia?"

The fifth elder brother calculated the age of Ma Qi's eldest son in his mind, and said: "It's really hard to say, Ma Qi's grandfather was the head of the House of Internal Affairs. There are also family members who have been the head of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Marriage of the Eight Banners is also limited.

Ordinary people's families are mostly of the same class with the same color flag.

For official families, there are more marriages with the same color flag.

The Fucha family was originally from Manchuria with the Yellow Banner, and was a family of tired eunuchs, and their fathers and grandparents were all first-rank officials, so it would not be easy to marry with Baoyi's family.

But if it's the honorable official in the coat, it's not impossible.

Marry a woman from a low family, marry a woman from a high family.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, and said, "It should be. Fucha side Fujin seems to have met someone before, and it's Dai Jia's uncle's branch, and it's the grandson of the late head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Galu..."

Brother Jiu said in surprise, "Is there such a thing?"

You must know that the head of the House of Internal Affairs is not only Dai Jiagui's uncle, but also one of the emperor's confidantes. The elder brother was raised outside the palace in his early years, and he was raised in Galu's house.

It was not sent back to the palace until enlightenment.

Raising the prince is such a great responsibility, but also such a great grace.

"Does the eldest brother know about Fucha's side Fujin discussing with Dai Jia's family?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "No one should mention this to Big Brother..."

It's not easy to explain this kind of thing clearly, otherwise it would be like accusing the emperor's father of impropriety in the marriage.

Brother Jiu expressed regret, and said: "It would be great if I really married Dai Jiashi. It will save trouble, but maybe I can still use it personally..."

He is short of manpower, not only because the Prince's Mansion lacks a team, but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs more proper people.

Elder Brother Ten reminded: "Even if you marry into the Dai Jia family, their family will no longer be wrapped in three flags..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "No wonder the elder brother recommended people last time, they were all from people who were not familiar with him. Dai Jia's family is no longer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

The fifth elder brother moved back to Haidian again, and the three brothers went out of the city together.

Shu Shu here, ushered in a little guest.

The elder brother of Wubaile Mansion, who is already four years old this year, was brought by Wu Fujin to live in Xinsan this time.

The elder brother is four years old, he doesn't look like a naughty child, but he is rather well-behaved.

A nephew is like an uncle.

Shu Shu looked at the elder brother's eyebrows and eyes, which looked a bit like the ninth elder brother, and felt quite strange.

The child couldn't sit still, and after being honest for a while, he couldn't stay still, so Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to take him down to see the fish.

In the water tank outside, there are a lot of fish, and there are mud-spitting ones, which were caught by Brother Jiu from the West Garden.

"Just brought it like this, Liu Gege didn't make trouble?"

Shu Shu whispered: "Didn't you treat it as your lifeline before?"

Wu Fujin said helplessly: "Why didn't you make a fuss? I couldn't bear to see her crying, but our master was annoyed this time, because he thought she couldn't take care of the child well, so he made eldest brother sick. He warned her if there was any more trouble." Come back, Da Gege doesn’t need her to look after her..."

Who is willing to bring bastards?
It is not credit for raising well, but it is responsibility for mistakes.

Shu Shu said: "Is it time to ask for a name?"

This is the difference between the concubine and the legitimate son.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, and the elder brothers in the fourth elder brother's house have all circled their names, but the elder brothers in the fifth and seventh elder brothers' houses have no names so far...

(End of this chapter)

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