My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 637 Difficulties

"Well! It's time to ask for a name. I'm four years old, and I'll be enlightened next year..."

Wufu Jin said.

She was still a little anxious about having a baby before, but after more than half a year, she regained her composure.

I have tried everything I should, but it can only be that the fate of children has not yet arrived, so I can't force it.

In addition, the matter of Qifujin also scared her a little.

Where is it so easy to have a baby?
It is frightening to give birth to a broken body like Dafujin frequently, or to give birth to unhealthy children like Qifujin.

"What does Big Ge look like, does it look like Big Brother?"

Shu Shu was a little curious.

These two brothers and sisters are from compatriots, so they should look similar, right?

Wu Fujin thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "When I was young, my eyebrows and eyes were the same as that of my elder brother, but after half a year, they have grown up, and they look more like her mother..."

Shu Shu heard a biological rumor in her previous life.

It is said that newborns are like their fathers, in order to inspire fatherly love.

Because he (she) can be sure that it is the mother's child, but not the father's child, there is a portrait of appearance.

If I had a baby myself, it would be a miniature version of Brother Nine...

Shu Shu was looking forward to it.

Seeing her recite the Child Sutra, Wu Fujin's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "You want it?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The body is almost recuperated, I want to try..."

Just after moving, I started to "beg for a child". If it goes well, I will have a confinement next autumn.

Before that, you can pick up Amu.

After all, women are also delicate in raising babies.

Wu Fujin said: "Didn't you say that the incense in Hongluo Temple is effective? Then when the weather is cooler, you can go to Hongluo Temple?"

Shu Shu said: "Is it going to say goodbye, when the time comes, my sister-in-law will go with me?"

Wu Fujin shook his head with a smile and said, "You guys go first, I won't go, we will go there together when Wu Ye is in Beijing..."

Jinqiu Shengjia traveled north, and the list of the princes who followed has been passed out, namely the first elder brother, the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother.

Hongluo Temple is located in Huairou County, 120 miles away from the capital city, and it is not possible to go back and forth on the same day.

When fifth elder brother was away, it was really inconvenient for Wu Fujin to travel.

Shu Shu also thought about the distance issue, it seems that it is really not easy to go there.

If you don't ask for an order to report, it will be considered a violation of the order to leave Beijing forty miles.

Even the prince elder brother and the prince Fujin, there is no need for people to pick their braids and talk about it.

Wu Fujin sat for a while, and then took the elder brother back to the third place.

It's inconvenient to have many children, and I'm afraid that the noise will disturb Shushu's cleanliness.

Shu Shu asked the dining room to install food boxes and various small pastries, and Wu Fujin asked Wu Fujin to take them back to grind his teeth for eldest brother.

After the room became quiet, Shu Shu went to the study.

On the desk, there is a set of "three rituals".

This is what Shu Shu read when she was a child, and she intends to review the past and learn something new.

When Brother Jiu came back, he found that Shu Shu was writing something with a pen.

He tiptoed over, wanting to take a peek.

Shu Shu had noticed it a long time ago, so she gave him a funny look, and her hands didn't stop.

"Is this a copybook?"

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu said: "Annotate "Zhou Li"..."

In fact, it is translated into vernacular, which is easier to understand.

Brother Jiu heard this, put the "Zhou Ritual" on the table, and said: "Look, the 'meeting ceremony' prepared by Ma Qi for this disciple..."

When Shu Shu saw it, she couldn't help but smile, and said: "Isn't it just right, I don't have any burden to keep it!"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "I want to be famous, but I want to be beautiful, I am short of senior staff..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Ma Qi's sons, and said: "The sons of Fucha's family are all good, tall and mighty, they are qualified to be a bodyguard or something, not Ma Qi's sons, but rather Ma Wu's son..."

Seeing his appearance, Shu Shu knew that his heart was moved, and asked curiously: "But isn't that a person from the Babeile Mansion? Can the master use it?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Yes, in the final analysis, what I get is the salary of the imperial court..."

Shu Shu then talked about the offering of incense at Hongluo Temple, and said, "It's too far away, why don't we change to a temple in the capital?"

Brother Jiu also mentioned the matter of making a wish at Hongluo Temple before.

Because Shushu's Amagene had been seeking a son in Hongluo Temple in the early years, so Brother Jiu is more superstitious there.

He thought for a while and said: "It's okay, just report and report. We haven't lowered the flag yet, so we don't need to report to the flag, just say hello to Khan Ama. It happens that the Lord is going to the imperial court this afternoon. You can Tell me about this..."

After lunch, Brother Jiu went to Changchun Garden to check the house, and was not in a hurry to go to Qingxi Bookstore.

After finishing the daily affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and standing by the lotus pond to feed the fish for a while, he clapped his hands and went to see him outside Qingxi Bookstore.

At this time, the official who turned over the sign was about the same time.

Sure enough, when Brother Jiu arrived to check the room, only one person was missing.

He is not an outsider, but the new Shanxi governor Kari.

He was about to leave Beijing, and he handed over the sign as a sign.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming, Ga Li stood up and said, "Master Jiu..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Master Kar..."

Logically speaking, as long as they are relatives from Fujin, Brother Jiu feels very close, but this Kari is an exception.

This person is really too floating.

Brother Nine still remembers clearly that when he brought Fujin "back home", the room was full of Kali bragging.

Although it was a drunken talk, if it wasn't for being self-righteous and ruthless, he wouldn't be able to say such ridiculous words.

It's as if Khan Ama married Gege of Dong E's family to himself, and he didn't look at his father-in-law's family status, but at Kari.

Brother Nine is so disgusting, he holds a grudge in his heart.

In addition, Fujin seldom mentions this elder brother, so Brother Jiu is also indifferent.

The past few years have been a time of prosperity for Gali, and his spirit is also high.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu had an ordinary attitude, he followed suit lightly.

Just when an official whom His Majesty had met came out, the eunuch came to pass on the message, and Gali left with great strides.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he saw this.

I don't know what will happen to such a person who is so successful and rampant, if he is sent down to be the governor of a province, or in a wealthy place like Shanxi.

Khan Ama is not confused. Didn't he know that Gali was suspected of being greedy for ink when he was supervising the transportation of grain?

Although the censors can hear about things, they are actually officials in the same dynasty, and some of them are based on rumors, and most of them have empirical evidence.

But in the end it was nothing.

Khan Ama is considered "cronyism", right?
Brother Jiu has something on his mind.

He remembered his previous weird idea, "Pig Raising Theory".

He doesn't want Ga Li to be a "pig" and it will affect the reputation of Dong E's family.

He took his pocket watch and looked in the direction of Qingxi Bookstore.

Sure enough, he was a single-handedly promoted courtier, but it was different.

His Majesty Gali saw it for a full quarter of an hour before he came out of the Imperial Palace.

When he went in, he was full of vigor, and when he came out, Gali also walked with his head held high.

Looking at it like that, he already has the aura of a governor.

Brother Jiu snorted softly, with disgust.

After a while, Liang Jiugong came over to say hello: "Master Jiu, the emperor is free, let's pass it on..."

Brother Nine whispered: "Anda, why does Khan Ama like Kari so much? It's normal for me to look at him. How did he get promoted so fast?"

In the 35th year of Kangxi, he was only a fifth-rank doctor, and he made great contributions in supervising grain and grass in Yunzhong Road. Then he moved to the second-rank cabinet bachelor three times a year, and now he is in charge of the party.

Liang Jiugong said in a low voice: "The emperor is happy, Li Qinmin!"

Brother Nine thought about these two words.

Needless to say, "diligence", Khan Ama can't see the ministers being lazy now.

Every time there is a large number of officials, a lot of weak officials are dismissed.

There is no shortage of princes of the Eight Banners.


How do you say this?

The Imperial Response is alert?

Just like myself, try to figure out Khan Ama's mind?
When he arrived at the Imperial Palace, he was still a little distracted.

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "What embarrassment did the Ministry of Internal Affairs encounter?"

Brother Jiu wanted to shake his head, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Son, I don't know if it's a problem, Princess Shuhui's capital courtyard has already started to be repaired, and now the Ministry of Industry is publishing the blueprint of Jiugege's princess mansion , Don’t you need to ask Jiu Gege for his opinion? Is this where Jiu Gege will live in the future?”

Kangxi murmured, "Has the Ministry of Industry issued a sketch?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, it has been handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Because it is a joint construction, it also depends on whether there is anything that needs to be added or modified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu remembered that before he built the Prince's Mansion, he and his wife both made a simple plan.

The current construction of the Prince's Mansion, except that the middle road is fixed and the regulations have not changed, the east and west roads are built according to the opinions of their husband and wife.

Kangxi nodded and said: "Then take it to Jiu Gege to have a look, and increase or decrease according to Jiu Gege's opinion."

Brother Jiu agreed, and then said: "There is one more thing that is private, and my son is still undecided, so I will ask you."

Kangxi looked at him, and said: "It's rare, when you still can't make up your mind, tell me, what's the matter?"

Brother Jiu said: "Today is the ceremony for my son to become a teacher. In the first afternoon, my son went to Mr. Ma Qi's house and met several sons of Mr. Ma. The first five of them are all adults, but only the eldest son has an errand now, the others The four are all idle, and the son thought that the staff on the son's side were all vacant, or he would give two places to the Ma Qi family, or guards or rituals, but the Ma Qi family is now the banner subordinate of the starling, and the son I don't know if it's taboo to employ people like this, I thought I'd better ask you..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Ma Qi's son is idle? How old is it?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "The older one is in his early twenties, the younger one is sixteen or seven..."

Kangxi dissatisfied: "This Ma Qi is too cautious, why can't he ask for grace!"

Brother Nine said: "Maybe it's because these sons are concubines!"

The Eight Banners have a clear lineage between the concubine and the concubine, but the concubine has a poorer future and usually cannot get family resources.

Ma Qi has long been at the rank of Shangshu, and is qualified for Yinzi to study in the Imperial Academy.

After finishing the Imperial College, you will be eligible to fill in the official position.

Kangxi regards Ma Qi as a confidant, so he naturally favors Ma Qi.

He is also an Ama, and he knows what it means to be an Ama.

Both the legitimate son and the concubine are sons, and I hope that all sons can become talents.

"Forget about Dianyi, when the time comes, I will arrange an old adult for you, just a guard, you can recommend someone yourself, even if it is someone else's banner, it will be fine..."

Kangxi thought about it and said.

Brother Nine smiled when he heard this, and said, "Thank you, Ama Khan, that son has confidence in his heart, otherwise it would be embarrassing, and the future is promised in the morning!"

Kangxi glanced at him angrily, and said: "Monkey has an impatient temper, and he doesn't know how to be considerate when encountering it. No one does such a thing..."

According to the rules, he should have greeted the eighth elder brother first, which can be regarded as buying a double favor, so if he oversteps the eighth elder brother, he will offend others instead.

Brother Jiu said with a sneer: "Isn't that pitiful, it's just a quick talk..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Ama Khan, do you also believe in the saying that 'when the water is clear, there will be no fish'?"

Kangxi was puzzled, and said, "What are you talking about?"

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, and said: "Isn't this a few days ago when my son was carrying Fujin, my son went to have a feast? Now I have seen what moths are..."

He said something wrong with the "Swallow Wing Mat".

"My son is quick-talking. I told my fourth brother in private. I don't know if my fourth brother told my eighth brother..."

Brother Jiu originally wanted to mention Kari directly, but changed his words when the words came to his lips.

That was the governor handpicked by Khan Ama, and he couldn't change the candidate with just a few words, and he could only make fun of himself.

He just changed Yazib's business...

I lay down all afternoon during the day, but I was tired, cough, I took azithromycin today to treat bronchitis and pneumonia, I hope it will be better tomorrow.Take care everyone, try to delay the time of Yang, this wave is quite powerful.

The next update will be at 12:17 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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