My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 639 Apologize

Chapter 639 Apology
There are people fishing in boats on the front and rear lakes of Changchun Garden, which naturally falls into the eyes of everyone.

Big Brother heard that it was Brother Nine's idea to make crispy fish, so he decided to send someone to pass the word, telling him not to only make five-flavored ones, but also to make some spicy ones.

Brother Jiu was not happy after hearing this, and hated such a free-for-all and picky talker, but he still asked someone to share some, and said: "Take [-]% to make spicy ones, Brother Thirteen also likes this..."

As for the third elder brother, when he got the news, he almost jumped up, went into the garden to confirm, and knew that it was indeed the ninth elder brother who asked people to fish, and the fish he caught were sent directly to the garden dining room, so he went directly to the garden guard room to block the ninth elder brother.

It looked like he was provoking a teacher.

Brother Jiu couldn't stop laughing, and said, "Who recruited you again?"

The third elder brother looked at him angrily, and was not in a hurry to speak, but waved his hands to send He Yuzhu and Sun Jin out.

Neither of them moved.

Brother San gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I can't command your servant anymore, can I?"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "How rare, my slave, why should I listen to you? I didn't take your job either!"

The third elder brother pointed to the ninth elder brother and said: "If they dare to listen, I dare to speak!"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "What advice do you have, brother is all ears?"

The third elder brother snorted coldly: "Did you bribe the manpower in front of the imperial court?"


Brother Ninth made a sound in surprise.

Did you buy it yourself?
Is it Wei Zhu, or Liang Jiugong?
No, when did I bribe the imperial court? !
The third elder brother thought he had caught his braid, and said: "You are so courageous, you dare to play tricks to the imperial court!"

Brother Jiu curled his lips, looked out the window, and said: "It's still bright, so you can just talk in your sleep! If you don't wake up and go back to have a good rest, this sleepwalking habit is not good!"

"You still don't admit it?!"

The third elder brother was furious, and said: "If you dare to do something but don't dare to act, if you have the guts to steal other people's ideas, why don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Brother Jiu became more and more confused, and said, "What are you talking about? What did I steal?"

The third elder brother pointed to the surface of the lake outside, and said, "Fish, I was the one who said first to catch fish!"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "When did you say it, why don't I remember hearing it?"

"Just a few days ago, I said it at Qingxi Bookstore!"

The third elder brother held back his anger and said: "You must have bribed the people in front of the imperial court, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?"

Brother Jiu understood, and snorted softly: "You say yours, I'll do mine, is this such a great idea? Then I fished it once in the first month, and there are several baskets, and I didn't say three times. Brother, you learn from me!"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

He had forgotten that when he was answering in front of the imperial court last time, he really thought of adding this one because he remembered Brother Nine who harmed the fish in the West Garden.

The third elder brother wants to say more, the fourth elder brother is here.

He happened to be on duty here in the garden today, and was about to leave the garden when he heard someone mention that the third elder brother had come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to guard the house in anger, so he came here because he was afraid that the two of them would quarrel.

As a result, as soon as he came in, he saw the third elder brother looking angry.

He glanced at the ninth elder brother, what kind of trouble did he make to provoke the third elder brother?
Brother Jiu spread his hands.

Unjustly dead!
Do your job well!

However, he remembered what the third elder brother said just now, gloated, looked at the third elder brother, and said: "Third elder brother, you said you were catching fish in front of the emperor, have you been punished?"

If I hadn't found that there were too many fish in the lake, and it was a serious matter to catch them, wouldn't I have been scolded too?
The third elder brother blushed, and said: "What are you proud of? Didn't you get scolded?"

Elder Brother Nine was triumphant, and said: "I'm doing business. It's too late for Khan Ama to praise me. She specially gave my younger brother grace and allowed me to take Fujin to Huairou to escape the summer heat in a few days..."

The third elder brother's eyes were red when he heard it, and he looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "The fourth elder brother, you can see how much he can lie. How can you be praised if you do it directly? How can there be such a reason?"

Brother Nine grinned at the corner of his mouth, and his smile became wider and wider.

Seeing this, the third elder brother trembled with anger.

Fourth elder brother glared at ninth elder brother, and said, "Speak up, what's going on?"

Brother Jiu suppressed a smile, cleared his throat, and said: "It's nothing, just the fish in the garden have been released every year for more than ten years, and they have never been caught. The fish and shrimps are too dense, so they are beaten when it is cool, and the seedlings are also thinned." ..."

The third elder brother said unfairly from the side: "This is stealing my idea, don't say thank you, and get cheap and act like a good boy!"

Brother Nine frowned, not happy, and said: "Catch a thief and get the stolen goods, and catch the adulterer and get the double. You can't just bribe the imperial court and convict the younger brother. It's next to the lake, fishing is not an ordinary thing, why did it become three Brother, is your unique idea? I was eating crispy fish at home the day before yesterday, and I thought of this, which has nothing to do with you. If you still say that, let's go to the imperial court to confront it!"

The fourth elder brother was at the side, understood the reason, looked at the third elder brother disapprovingly and said: "Third elder brother thinks too much, who doesn't know that the people in front of the imperial court are the most strict-spoken, and the ninth younger brother will not commit that taboo, asking around in front of the imperial court. !"

The third elder brother snorted softly: "Who is so clever, you look like a thief if you are not a thief!"

Brother Jiu put his face down and said: "I'm doing my job well. Third brother, you come up here without thinking to wrong people and don't say anything. You know you have misunderstood and you are still so stubborn. Then I am not happy. I should ask Khan Ama for comment. All right!"

The third elder brother glanced at him, and said: "You can't be more promising, what else would you do besides complaining to Ama Khan?"

Brother Jiu said: "The others won't, anyway, I won't be angry!"

After that, he went out.

Seeing this, the third elder brother stopped him, and said: "Why is it so good that you are sour? It's okay, it's okay, it's a misunderstanding!"

Brother Jiu crossed his arms and said, "Just a misunderstanding and it's over? Myna, I'm sorry for me in February, but I repaired the shop!"

The third elder brother almost jumped up and said: "Old Ninth, you have passed, don't try to blackmail!"

Brother Jiu didn't say a word, turned around and walked out.

In a blink of an eye, he left the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and headed towards Qingxi Bookstore.

The third elder brother was very angry, but he didn't dare to let him go and sue him. He caught up with him and pulled him, "What do you want to do?"

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "You can't suffer in vain, or you wronged people twice in three days, wouldn't I be so angry?!"

The fourth elder brother saw that they were chattering, it was really outrageous, so he also followed.

Brother San gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't I apologize to you? What else do you want to do?"

Brother Jiu rubbed his chest and said: "But I feel bad, anyway, I can't bear this loss, or I will die of anger next time, please apologize, can I still jump out of the coffin?"

"If you don't have a shop, don't worry about Zhuangzi, change to another..."

The third elder brother regretted that his heart, liver and lungs were hurting, but he didn't dare to let the ninth elder brother complain.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "I remember that Brother San has two good horses, a pony with a burning mouth and eyes, and a horse with a silver mane..."

The number of horses of the third elder brother ranks fourth among the brothers, second only to the prince, the eldest elder brother and the fifth elder brother.

"On the other side, the northern tour will use horses..."

San Age said.

A good horse costs hundreds of taels of silver, how can the third elder brother be willing?

Brother Jiu snorted softly and was about to break free, but couldn't.

The third elder brother was taken aback for a moment, then with complacency, he exerted more force and said, "Don't waste your strength in vain!"

Ninth elder brother frowned and looked at fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother looked at the third elder brother and said: "Third elder brother, he doesn't want anything else..."

The third elder brother was dissatisfied: "What else do you want? The two horses he named are among the top five among my horses..."

Although he has more than a dozen horses, some are injured, some are old, and there are only a few of them whose teeth can be used as mounts.

Brother Nine straightened his neck and said: "If you don't let it fall, who cares? If you don't let go, I will call the guards directly, and the imperial court will be alarmed at that time. You can explain it to Khan Ama yourself!"


The third elder brother stomped his feet angrily, but he didn't dare to hold the ninth elder brother any longer, put him down, and said, "What a donkey's temper, turn your face and deny anyone!"

Brother Nine felt hot on his wrist, rolled up his sleeves, and the inside was red and swollen.

He looked at it angrily, his eyes were red.

He looked in the direction of Qingxi Bookstore.

He remembered what happened in the paddock last time...

Although each played dozens of boards, they still cleaned up the third child very well.

This time, I have to teach him a lesson, so that he won't complain when he meets him in the future.

It was just to scare him before, but now this is the evidence.

Thinking of this, the ninth elder brother stretched out his arms, and said to the fourth elder brother: "Look at the fourth brother, how much strength is required, it's not that the younger brother is meddlesome, you can watch it, it's too bullying, why? Because of his age, being a knight has taken advantage of him, and he is not satisfied. If he wants to bully his younger brother who is not a knight, anyway, I will not be angry..."

With that said, he wanted to move forward again.

The third elder brother had no choice but to endure the pain and say: "Okay, here you go, here you go!"

Brother Jiu waved his arm and said, "I will give it today, if the 'evidence' is gone in a few days, someone should be foolish?"

Brother San said: "I don't think I can give it to you today, but in the capital, there are other horses in the horse farm..."

Brother Jiu has a very good memory, he still remembers the horses under the names of the princes, so he said: "Then change to the raccoon fur horse and the red sand pony!"

These two horses are also better horses under the name of San Age.

The third elder brother's face turned green, and he said: "There is no need to change it, it's strange, I remembered wrongly, those two horses are also at the racecourse here!"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Then don't delay, just go, go early, and the matter will be turned around, my brother doesn't like to hold grudges!"

The third elder brother endured the pain and said: "Then go!"

When we got to the racecourse, the third elder brother asked someone to lead out two horses, still hesitating.

The ninth elder brother has already called the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother to come over, and said: "You will follow the holy driver to tour the north next month, and the ninth elder brother has nothing to give. I will send each of you a horse..."

At this time, it was the time for the older elder brothers to practice riding and archery.

The silver-maned horse was taller and bigger, Brother Nine said, "This is for Thirteen..."

Burning mouth burning eye pony is shorter, Jiu elder brother said: "This is for fourteen..."

After that, he ordered the people in the racecourse, and said: "Don't get confused, burn a mark on your butt!"

The third elder brother was beside him, so angry that his head was going to explode.

Brother Nine took a look, but didn't take it seriously, and found that Brother Twelve was not far away.


They are all younger brothers!

He muttered in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, and ordered He Yuzhu to pick out a tall black-maned yellow horse from his own horses, and then called Twelve Brothers to come over, saying: "Come on, let's share the horses. Anyone who sees them will have a share. This horse was given to you by my brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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