Chapter 640 Lifting the Knife (Third Change)

The twelfth elder brother listened to the ninth elder brother's words, and his face was a little helpless.

Ninth elder brother has already ordered the eunuch who raised the horse, "This horse will be transferred to twelve elder brother's name..."

Brother Twelve came to his senses and said, "Brother Ninth, I have a horse..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I know, you have three horses under your name, who would think too much, well, what should we do?"

The twelfth elder brother still wanted to talk, but the ninth elder brother had already turned his head, drooped his face, and told He Yuzhu, "The manager of the racecourse, go and call me!"

He Yuzhu went down in response.

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother with admiration, and realized that he was not in the right mood, so he waved to the twelve elder brother and said, "It's okay, let's try the new horse!"

Brother Twelve nodded, led the horse and left.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother had already tried the horse first, and they had already got on the horse and started trotting.

These horses are all honored to the prince outside. They are all domesticated and have a very docile temper. It is no problem to change people to drive them.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu's face was getting darker and darker, third elder brother sneered and said: "I was not quite generous just now, now I know that my heart hurts?"

Brother Jiu looked at him with deep eyes.

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Goosebumps are up!

Before, I only thought that Lao Jiu would play tricks, but now I think this look is dark.

I love sour face too much, so I didn't pay back just now!

Why did he look uglier than before when he got something?

"What's the matter?"

The fourth elder brother walked over, put his arms around the ninth elder brother's shoulders, and asked, "What's wrong with the racecourse?"

He knew that Brother Nine was not an unreasonable temperament, and his sudden change of face must be because he found something inappropriate.

Brother Nine looked at him, his eyes were red, and said, "Brother Eleven's horse is gone!"

He also thought of Brother Twelve's horse, and only then did he think of this matter.

Didn't find anything wrong before.

Elder brother learned riding and archery at the age of eight, and he has a horse under his name.

Eleventh elder brother was already 12 years old when he died, so he naturally had a horse under his name.

Like Twelve Brothers, there are three horses.

At this moment, He Yuzhu has brought the racecourse manager over.

He is a middle-aged man in his forties. He greets all the princes and elder brothers.

"Third Master, Fourth Master, Ninth Master..."

Brother Jiu asked directly: "When did you start working at the racecourse?"

The man then said honestly: "The slave has been working at the racecourse for 27 years!"

"Where is the horse under Eleven's name?"

Brother Jiu asked.

The man froze for a moment, his eyes wandered, and he was speechless.

The third elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at each other in blank dismay, and they also noticed that things were different.


Brother Jiu's voice turned cold.

The man was sweating profusely on his forehead, and said: "The year before last, Mr. Suo ordered that Brother Eleven's horse be transferred to Brother Akdun's name..."

Before the words finished, brother Jiu had already kicked him.

The manager was caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

The year before last was the 35th year of Kangxi, when Elder Brother died.

"Ninth brother!"

The fourth elder brother hurriedly stopped.

The third elder brother was taken aback, but he didn't expect the ninth elder brother to dare to do it.

The thirteenth elder brother who was trying to ride a new horse on the field realized that something was wrong here, so he rode over.

The thirteenth brother had already got off his horse and said, "What's wrong with the ninth brother?"

Ninth elder brother did not speak, but looked at thirteenth elder brother twice, and waved to thirteenth elder brother.

When the thirteenth elder brother approached, he "clanged", drew the thirteenth elder brother's saber, pointed to the racecourse manager, and gritted his teeth: "Take me to see the eleventh elder brother's horse..."

The fourteenth and twelve elder brothers are also here.

The fourteenth elder brother looked confused, but the twelfth elder brother was a little dazed.

The manager looked at the third elder brother and the fourth elder brother as if praying.

Third elder brother looked away.

Suo'etu was too arrogant.

That is Brother Eleven's horse.

Eleventh elder brother died, and there are still five elder brothers and ninth elder brothers, so it's his turn to deal with eleventh elder brother's inheritance? !

The fourth elder brother also suppressed his anger, and scolded: "What are you dawdling about, hurry up and lead the way!"

Then the manager stood up and led the crowd to the stables of Yuqing Palace.

The prince has a total of more than twenty horses.

Under the name of Akdon, there are now five horses, three of which are the horses of Brother Eleven.

A big green horse, a big yellow horse with a black mane, and a little yellow horse taught by riding.

Seeing a few horses smooth and smooth, they looked contented, and there were leftover soybeans in the manger.

There is no way to see that the owner has been gone for many years.

That's right, in the eyes of the beast, maybe they don't even know that they have changed their masters.

Brother Jiu took the knife directly and was about to step forward.

The fourth elder brother grabbed his arm and said, "Okay, you don't need to do it!"

This isn't the place to get your hands dirty, either.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Four, and said with a pale face, "This is Brother Eleven's horse..."

Brother Si nodded and said, "I know!"

The twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother followed, and their faces were not good-looking.

They already understood what was going on.

It's Akdon again!
What happened to this grandson?

No wonder he was arrogant and dared to directly bully the fifteenth elder brother. It turned out that he had snatched the eleventh elder brother's horse long ago.

The fourth elder brother motioned for someone to pull the horse out.

The fourth elder brother wanted to ask someone to do it, but the ninth elder brother stopped him and said: "Fourth elder brother, I should do it myself, don't deceive others!"

After finishing speaking, he took the reins of the little yellow horse and got on the horse.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother couldn't help being anxious, and said, "What nonsense!"

Brother Jiu had already aimed at the horse's neck and directly wiped it with a knife.

The horse whined, began to neigh, and struggled vigorously.

Brother Nine tightly reined in the reins so as not to be knocked off, but his expression was extraordinarily calm, he looked at the place where the blood was the most intense, and stabbed it hard.

Everyone didn't dare to blink their eyes, they were worried, but they didn't dare to call anyone, for fear of distracting him.

If this is thrown off the horse, it is no joke.

Brother Jiu seized the time and jumped off the horse before the horse fell to the ground.

With blood on half of his body, he held a bloody knife and looked at the other two horses.

The third elder brother took two steps back in fright, without saying a word.

The fourth elder brother was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he wanted to give him two slaps, but he didn't dare to let him be self-willed, so he immediately called his guard A Lin, and ordered: "Dispose of the remaining two horses!"

The third elder brother heard the words and hurriedly winked at the fourth elder brother.

This also involves the East Palace. Brother Jiu took advantage of it, but others didn't take it, and offended the crown prince.

The fourth elder brother understood, but he didn't intend to change his mind.

When he turned around, he went to the source bookstore to make an apology.

You can't just sit back and watch Brother Nine have an accident.

A Lin made a move, got up quickly, and directly took the knife from Brother Jiu's hand.

After a while, there were two horse corpses on the ground.

Brother Nine's complexion became more and more ugly, he couldn't help but lower his head, and vomited...

When Brother Jiu was sent to the fourth institute, the imperial physicians were also sent in successively.

Looking at the bloody half of Brother Jiu's body, Shu Shu's eyes turned black.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother hurriedly said: "Ninth elder brother is not injured, it's horse blood..."

Brother Jiu lay on Ah Lin's body, wrinkled his nose, and said, "It stinks to death, tell the dining room to boil water..."

Seeing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for the elder brothers, she would really like to pinch Brother Jiu twice.

Make yourself so vain, and still have a smile on your face.

There is no need to boil water in the dining room, and the several large tanks in the yard are scalding hot after a day of exposure to the sun.

Just before putting it in for a bath, the imperial doctor checked the pulse first.

"Jiuye is out of breath, and when the internal fire came up, he palpitated and vomited. He needs to take some medicines to clear the heart..."

The imperial physician thought about it and said.

Shu Shu couldn't care less about disliking Brother Jiu for being dirty.

I really don't understand, it's fine to go out at noon, how can I make myself "out of breath" in half a day.

Right now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is not the time to ask.

The third elder brother touched the back of his neck, feeling a little scared.

Such a big temperament? !

Fortunately, I gave the two horses the first major incident, or I might have been caught.

Brother Nine felt ashamed, You Qi was still in front of his younger brothers, he quickly waved his hands and said: "Why are you still hanging around, go back, don't care about food!"

The twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother are all there.

Brother Fourteen, said: "Brother Ninth, if you feel uncomfortable, just cry out, don't hold back your anger!"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Cry ass, it's just being disgusted, whoever is disgusted will be disgusted!"

The fourteenth elder brother saw that his mouth was stiff, and he wanted to say more, but was held back by the thirteenth elder brother.

Brother Thirteen said: "Then let's go back first, Brother Ninth, you should take medicine and take a rest!"

Brother Jiu's face softened, nodded and said: "Well, go back, go back, I'm fine, just eat and relax!"

The thirteenth elder brother pulled the fourteenth elder brother out.

Elder Brother Twelve hesitated for a moment, but followed suit.

Fourteenth elder brother curled his lips and said: "Ninth brother is still stubborn, his eyes were red when he was at the racecourse before!"

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Okay, there's Sister-in-law Jiu there, save some face for Brother Jiu..."

As soon as the three of them reached the gate of the courtyard, they bumped into Kangxi head-on.

"Khan Ama..."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are humane.

Kangxi said: "What's wrong with Brother Nine? Did you get injured right away?"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother looked at each other.

Elder Brother Thirteen hesitated and said: "I only called the imperial physician of Dafangmai, but did not invite the imperial physician of orthopedics..."

He thought of the fact that Brother Jiu was bumped many times when he killed the horse, and he didn't know if he knocked it enough.

Kangxi thought the injury was real, so he hurriedly ordered the guards behind him: "Go and tell the orthopedic doctor!"

The guard ran away.

Brother Nine wants to take a bath.

The third elder brother and the fourth elder brother escaped.

When a farce happened, the two had to clean up the mess.

It is unavoidable to go to the source bookstore, you need to make it clear to the prince, so as not to misunderstand the prince.

The third elder brother complained: "It's really impatient, let's tell the Douyuan Bookstore first, how many horses can the prince rely on him? The prince is so old that horses are also being fooled by others. Who can sincerely covet a few horses?" a horse?"

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything, he had a temper that couldn't get sand in his eyes, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the ninth elder brother.

If it was him, he wouldn't be able to bear it if someone else directly gave Enie's relics to others behind his back...

I started to feel nauseous today, and it is still in a state of weakness. It may take a few days before it returns to normal.

The next update will be at 12:18 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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