Chapter 641 The Heart of a Son (Part [-])
Kangxi strode in, just after hearing this sentence, he said, "What does it have to do with the prince's horse? Brother Jiu is riding the prince's horse?"

Hearing the words, the third elder brother hesitated and said: "It's hard to say that it's the prince's horse..."

The fourth elder brother said: "It's the eleventh elder brother's horse!"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also followed and returned.

Even the twelfth elder brother was dragged in by the thirteenth elder brother.

Brother Eleven...

Kangxi frowned and said, "Why are Brother Eleven's horse involved?"

The third elder brother and the fourth elder brother were still deliberating their words, but the fourteenth elder brother had already said quickly: "Suo Etu gave the eleventh elder brother's horse to Akdun, and the ninth elder brother became mad when he found out!"

Only then did Kangxi realize the cause and effect, and glanced at the third and fourth elder brothers.

Shu Shu in the room got the news that Sheng Jia had arrived, pinched Brother Jiu twice, and came out to meet him.

Seeing that she looked okay, Kangxi knew that he should be a servant, and Brother Jiu should not be so serious.

But he was worried about what might happen, so he still asked, "How is Brother Jiu?"

Shu Shu inspected Brother Nine just now, and said truthfully: "The right arm is red and swollen, the tiger's mouth is cracked, and there are a few pieces on the thigh. I need the imperial doctor to check the tailbone. Is there any injury..."

The third elder brother touched his chin, and avoided himself behind the fourth elder brother.

Kangxi felt worried again after hearing this, so he picked up the curtain and went in.

The smell of blood in the house was disgusting.

Brother Jiu has already come out of the tub, his eyes are wet, and he is sitting on the edge of the kang.

Seeing Kangxi coming in, Brother Jiu looked over and moved his lips.

Kangxi glared at him, and said: "I don't know how much I weigh? What can I do?"

Brother Jiu's eye circles were red again, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Khan Ama..."

Kangxi snorted lightly and said, "Hold out your hand!"

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand, the tiger's mouth should have been forced before, and the blood was bloody.

Kangxi frowned and said, "Stupid, don't you know it hurts?"

Brother Jiu grinned, Dou Da tears rolled down, choked up and said: "It hurts!"

Kangxi: "..."

The words to scold came to his lips, and he swallowed them back.

This is really getting bigger and more squeamish...

After a while, the orthopedic doctor was also sent.

When I checked it again, I concluded that it was fine, only some bruises, and the bones were fine.

At this moment, the elder brother and the fifth elder brother also got the news and came to visit.

The four are in a mess.

When they understood the cause and effect, both of them looked unhappy.

Eldest brother was grinding his teeth, but it was related to Yuqing Palace, what he said was inappropriate, and he was suspected of fanning the flames.

The fifth elder brother was full of anger, blaming himself for not discovering this in advance.

Looking at the older sons, Kangxi didn't think they were cute any more, but felt bored, and said: "Okay, okay, don't be crowded here, let's go!"

Big Brother patted Brother Nine on the shoulder and said, "Okay, look like a man!"

Brother Jiu glanced at him angrily.

What do you mean, was I not a man before, or a woman?

The fifth elder brother frowned and said: "I should have told me, I'll go find the prince!"

Even if Suo'etu died, someone had to take the blame.

The crown prince stood on a high place and didn't care about the bottom. Didn't Akton, the person involved, know?
Children in their teens were ignorant earlier, are they still ignorant now?

Discuss source bookstore.

The prince rubbed his temples, looked at Akdon and said, "You don't know whose horses those three horses belong to?"

The accident at the racecourse, in the eyes of others, it was the prince's horse that pulled out.

The guards of Brother Nine and Brother Four killed the horse in the East Palace!
There are a bunch of other elder brothers watching.

The commotion was too loud.

When the news reached the Taoyuan Bookstore, they also said the same.

But the prince knew that even if the ninth elder brother was playing a jerk, the fourth elder brother would only stop him and would not join in the fun, let alone the third elder brother.

When he asked what horse it was, he was dumbfounded.

Didn't know it happened at all.

Thirty horses under his name were all given away from various places. Are there any good horses?
How can someone else's horse be rare?
Brother Eleven's horse is a pony taught to ride, what's so precious?

It's just that Eleventh Brother's horse can't be assigned by Suo'etu, nor can it be assigned to Akton's name.

Suo'etu is not a fool, the prince does not believe that he is greedy for a few horses for no reason.

When Akdon was called, seeing the eldest son's reaction, the prince's heart sank.

"You know whose horse it is, so why are you asking for it?"

The prince said lightly.

Akdon has been neglected these days, so he didn't dare to be stubborn, and said honestly: "My son only has two horses, which are too few, and there happened to be three idle horses over there, so I told Gelfin..."

Gelfin is the son of Suo'etu and was once a member of the East Palace.

In the first month of this year, before Suo'etu committed suicide, he had strangled to death two sons, Gelfin and Aljishan who were servants in the East Palace.

The prince looked at his son, feeling very strange.

The year before last, Akton was only six years old, and he already knew how to compete with others?
"Two horses, why are there less? The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also only have two horses. They are uncles, and they are a few years older than you..."

Prince said.

Akton blushed and was speechless.

The eunuch came in and reported: "Prince, three beiles, four beiles, five beiles are here..."

The prince rubbed his forehead and said, "Please serve tea in the living room!"

Akdon raised his head and said, "Ama is the prince, didn't the Ninth Prince offend Ama's dignity today?"

The prince looked at him and said, "I am the prince, and that is the prince's younger brother. Who are you?"

"I am Ama's son..."

Akton murmured.

The prince shook his head and said: "You have to remember, you are only the grandson of the emperor, and you are not as noble as the prince. In this palace, everyone's honor comes from the emperor. The son of the emperor is more precious than the grandson of the emperor. Don't be confused again, Mrs. Take yourself seriously..."

Akdon's face was pale, and he wanted to argue, but he also knew that these were all truths.

In the living room, the third elder brother was drinking tea, looked at the stern-faced fourth elder brother, and then at the dark-faced fifth elder brother.

He regretted it a little.

It's meal time, what is he still so active in doing?
Even if you want to come to discuss source bookstore, you can come back later.

At this moment, the prince is here.

The three elder brothers all stood up.

The prince sat down on his seat, looked at the three people and said, "I asked Akdon just now, it was his fault, and I saw a few horses idle, so I asked Gelfin for it!"

Then, in the name of Soetu, Gelfin sent a message to the racecourse manager.

Suo'etu was the minister in charge of the guards, so the racecourse manager naturally had no reason why he shouldn't.

"and then?"

The fifth elder brother looked at the prince and said: "He is wrong, is there any punishment?"

Prince: "..."

Seeing Fifth Elder Brother's serious look, the prince let out a long breath and said, "Didn't the horse be killed already?"

The fifth elder brother said stiffly: "Then there is no punishment?"

"Akton was only six years old..."

The prince smiled wryly: "I don't even know the severity..."

As for Gelfin, he's been dead for more than half a year, so how can he make a fuss?
The fifth elder brother was more persistent, and said: "The eleventh elder brother's horse will be taken for nothing, and the ninth elder brother and I will suffer for nothing?"

The prince frowned and said, "Then how do you say punishment?"

"That's the prince's son, not mine!"

The fifth elder brother said: "If it's my son, I'll kill him directly!"

Prince: "..."

He looked at Fifth Prince with a look of unhappiness on his face.

There is something wrong with Akton, but now that this matter is being pursued, is there anything wrong with Brother Fifth and Brother Nine?

If you really want to care about your younger brother, it won't be three years before you think of asking about it.

"You are so cruel. Are you trying to force Gu to kill your own son?"

The prince sneered.

The fifth elder brother said: "But you don't punish every time, just let others suffer? Son kiss, brother don't kiss?"

The prince frowned and said: "When did Gu say that brothers are not close, but Akton is still young..."

"Akton bullied Brother Fifteen, Akton was still young; Akdon despised Brother Eleven, Akton was still young, when will he grow up..."

The fifth prince looked at the prince and asked seriously.

The prince looked at the fifth elder brother, and said coldly: "Are you complaining about the fifteenth elder brother?"

The fifth elder brother said: "Can't you? That's my younger brother too!"

The prince turned red with anger, and said, "It's not your turn to speak, Khan Ama hasn't said anything yet..."

Fifth elder brother got up and said: "Then I won't talk anymore, since I will hide from Yuqing Palace from now on!"

After all, he went out with a "squeak".

The crown prince's temples were throbbing, he looked at the third elder brother and said, "You also feel that you are wrong?"

The third elder brother was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak.

The prince looked at the fourth elder brother again.

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "The crown prince doesn't punish Akdun, I'm afraid it will be hard to convince everyone..."

Not only the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother are uncomfortable, but the other elder brothers also feel uncomfortable watching it.

The prince turned cold, and said: "Gu knows, Gu will punish him!"

The fourth elder brother originally wanted to make an apology, and talk about the fact that he asked A Lin to kill the horse, but seeing the prince like this, he also swallowed his apology.

That was not Yuqing Palace's horse.

What's wrong with helping Ninth Brother deal with Eleventh Brother's horse?
Can't the prince favor his own son, and he favors his younger brother?

The room suddenly became cold.

The third elder brother looked at this, looked at that, and said: "In my opinion, the people around Akdon should clean up well, otherwise all the good children will be exhausted!"

After hearing this, the prince smiled wryly.

Akton was taught by his mother, and now his mother has stopped all the treatment above the rank, which is a rank.

It's because my mind is muddled, and I actually let a Gege teach the emperor's grandson...

The child does not teach, the father too.

I haven't taught Akdon the rules before, how can I have the heart to punish him for his irregularities?

Khan Ama ordered that the princess should teach the third elder brother.

In the future, if there are any emperor's grandsons in Yuqing Palace, they will all follow this example.

But this leaves out the eldest brother and second elder brother born to Li Gege.

There is no need to point out the intention of this.

These two emperors and grandsons registered in the imperial court, and they have no future in the future.

The prince loves his son so much that he really can't bear to criticize...

(End of this chapter)

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