My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 642 Punishment

Chapter 642 Punishment (Second Change)

Four, go to the room.

Everyone dispersed and quiet was restored.

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang, looking down at the wound on his hand, not daring to look up at Shu Shu.

A layer of ointment was applied to the wound, exuding a strong medicinal smell.

Seeing his guilty look, Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she picked up the curtain and went out.

Brother Jiu raised his head, looked at Shu Shu's back, got up to catch up, and said, "Are you angry?"

Shu Shu glanced at him and said, "It's time for dinner!"

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "I was so angry that my lungs exploded, and I would go crazy if I didn't do it!"

Shu Shu pointed to his tiger's mouth and said, "Is it comfortable now?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "It hurts!"

After a while, the dining table came up.

Brother Jiu's right hand was useless, so Shu Shu stuffed a spoon into his left hand.

After all, it was inconvenient to use a spoon, and she was busy twice in the middle, making Brother Jiu's rice into egg custard to make it easier for him to eat.

It was difficult, Brother Jiu didn't babble anymore.

It was only after the dining table was removed that he said: "I seem to have offended Yuqing Palace..."

The wife has always been kind to others, so she bothered to deal with the palace.

Shu Shu glanced at him and said, "If you offend, you will be offended!"

She was also holding her breath.

Even if Yuqing Palace didn't know about this before, they should know now, but they didn't express any apologies.

Don't they think that with a high status, black and white can be turned upside down, so Brother Jiu must hold back his anger and apologize?
Not to mention Brother Nine, even Shu Shu, he couldn't see it.

That is to say, he knew that the prince would end badly, otherwise his heart would be really hard to calm down.

"That's the prince..." Brother Jiu looked at her and said.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said, "So what? Don't talk about the prince, so what if you offend the emperor? Can the emperor kill his son? Except for life and death, there is no big deal!"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "You really think highly of me!"

"Are you scared?" Shu Shu asked back.

Brother Nine nodded, then shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I'm afraid, I don't want to be next to you..."

Before, he could comfort himself not to take Yuqing Palace's anger, the culprit was Suo'etu.

But right now, he didn't want to lie to himself anymore.

He just doesn't like Yuqing Palace's people!
Shu Shu whispered: "It's still the same sentence, sir, don't be the 'instigator', the emperor's fatherly heart is ten percent, and now five percent is on the prince, and he will not allow others to bully the prince..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "I know, and I also know myself. It's not bad if I don't get bullied, but I'm going to bully the prince?!"

Shu Shu leaned over, leaned on his shoulder, and whispered: "We don't end, just watch jokes outside!"

"What joke?"

Brother Jiu's heart skipped a beat, he looked at Shu Shu, and said in a low voice: "Brother can pull down the prince?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "You are so smart, you must have thought of something else!"

Shu Shu said: "Let's not worry about other people, the emperor is in his prime, and it is the time when I am the only one to be respected, so I just want to be a favored prince!"

Brother Nine said in a low voice: "Today I thought Khan Ama would reprimand you, but it really hurt Yuqing Palace's face..."

So his tears at that time were indeed a bit of grievance.

As a result, Khan Ama didn't say...

"Ninth Brother..."

Footsteps came from outside, followed by Brother Ten's voice.

Elder Brother Ten went to the city today, and he came back just now after seeing how he looked.

Brother Nine raised his voice, "Come in!"

Elder Brother Ten picked up the curtain and came in, his whole body shrouded in gloom.

Seeing this, Shu Shu sighed, stood up and said, "You brothers talk, I'll ask someone to cut watermelon!"

After all, he picked up the curtain and went out.

Elder Brother Ten nodded, looked up and down at Elder Brother Nine, and his eyes fell on his right hand.

Brother Jiu said: "It's okay, it's just that I used too much strength, and it's all skin trauma!"

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth with the corners of his eyes drooping.

Brother Nine rubbed his head and said: "It's all over, it's over, don't say any more!"

Elder Brother Ten gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Ninth wants to kill a horse, why don't others do it, and even ride on a horse to kill it, it's really amazing, does Sister-in-law Nine know?"

Brother Jiu hurriedly looked towards the door, and said in a low voice, "Okay, keep your voice down, isn't that already there?"

"It's good luck, nothing major happened, if you fell off the horse, it would be a big joke!"

Elder Brother Ten said fiercely.

Brother Jiu lay down on the kang, and said: "I was so shaken that my bones hurt all over, and I was so disgusted that I vomited, you don't talk about comforting brother, you even talk about it..."

Elder Brother Ten sat down on the edge of the kang with a dark face.

He stopped talking, but he didn't seem to calm down.

Brother Nine could only explain: "They are all ponies, they are really big ones. I am so courageous, I dare not do anything!"

Brother Ten glared at him, looked towards the direction of Douyuan Bookstore, and said, "Where are you pretending to be dead again?"

Brother Nine sneered: "I can't say we have to wait for the Lord to confess his crimes in the past. Anyway, the third brother, the fourth brother, and the fifth brother have passed, and there is no follow-up!"

Elder Brother Shi frowned, and said, "Is the prince too arrogant? It's been one time for Akton to get into trouble, and this is the second time?"

Brother Jiu lowered his eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

Just like when he hated Suo'etu before, he knew in his heart that the prince was Suo'etu's confidence.

Akdon's rudeness now, in the final analysis, is also on the prince.

"I wish I were the boss!"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

When the time comes, let's not talk about those who are indisputable, and first find an opportunity to beat the prince twice.

Why are you so proud?
Both are the sons of Khan Ama!

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "You can't show your hostility towards the prince, or Khan Ama won't like it, let's just find an opportunity..."

Brother Jiu blinked his eyes and said: "Add fuel to the fire, take advantage of the fire to rob, and add trouble to the well?"

Elder Brother Ten lowered his eyes and said, "Whatever he is, anyway, find a chance for Brother Nine to vent his anger..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry, let's talk about it after a while, venting out is venting out, and don't fold us in, it's not worth it..."

The brothers were connected with each other, they looked at each other, and kept this matter in their hearts.

Qingxi Bookstore.

When it was time to use it late, the green-headed sign was sent up, not the official's sign, but the concubine's.

Kangxi took a look.

The first one is Yifei's green head card.

He flipped it over.

Eleven brother's death is also a lawsuit.

Suo'etu gets mixed up in Piansheng every time.

Suo'etu's death is not a pity, but Suo'etu's actions are all for Yuqing Palace.

For a long time, Concubine Yi's lineage and the Crown Prince may have had a rift.

Thinking of this, he looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Is there any movement in the Douyuan Bookstore? Has the Prince sent someone to visit Brother Jiu?"

Liang Jiugong shook his head and said, "I have never heard of it..."

Kangxi frowned.

He said before that Brother Jiu didn't know much about the world, but the prince didn't know much.

At this time, even if you don't want to go there by yourself, you should send your confidants there to settle the matter instead of dragging it on.

Brother Nine is not Brother Fifteen.

The fifteenth elder brother is immature and has a deep relationship with Yuqing Palace, so he doesn't hold grudges.

Ninth elder brother is already the prince on duty, and fifth elder brother is still on top.

At this moment, a eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, the crown prince is asking to see you and is waiting outside."

Kangxi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Tell me!"

When the eunuch went out, the prince followed him.

"Khan Ama..."

The prince said with a smile on his face.

Kangxi greeted him to sit by the kang, and said: "How can you be so confused and not ask more questions? It involves the eleventh elder brother, no wonder the ninth elder brother is upset..."

The prince smiled wryly and said: "Akdun was young and ignorant, the people under him flattered him, and made mistakes. If brother Jiu hadn't revealed this matter today, my son would never have known that there was such a lawsuit..."

Kangxi nodded and said: "Although it was not intentional, after all, it hurt the hearts of the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother. You are an elder brother, so you have to make up for it."

The prince nodded and said: "My son understands, my son has prepared two gifts, and I will apologize to my two younger brothers..."

Kangxi nodded when he thought of the crown prince's dowry property and more than a dozen prosperous shops inside and outside the capital, and said, "That's good! Then Akton..."

He mentioned the emperor's eldest grandson with disgust.

To say that before, he was just venting his anger because his biological mother was not happy with him, but now she is completely displeased.

Long crooked.

Although the prince was not close to the princes because of his status, there was no obvious hostility.

But Akton, like a culprit, had several disputes because of him alone.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, Kangxi naturally hoped that the prince and the princes could have a blind date.

As a result of the current situation, he naturally disliked Akton even more.

The prince's heart trembled, he braced himself, and said: "Akdon's son was negligent, and the people around him taught him wrongly. Last time, my son should punish him..."

Kangxi looked at the prince, a little surprised.

Knowing son Moruo father.

How can he not know the prince's faults when he brought up his son single-handedly?
The most important thing is to protect your shortcomings.

This is why when Kangxi dealt with the people belonging to the East Palace, he dealt with them directly every time.

Otherwise, wrangling afterwards will only hurt the relationship between father and son.

That is to say, Akton, after all, is the grandson of the emperor, and Kangxi didn't want to intervene in his education, so he ignored it.

Are you willing to punish Akton today?
The prince said: "He was raised in Yuqing Palace since he was a child, surrounded by flatterers, that's why he became arrogant..."

"Three-year-old looks old, as it is now, there will be limited future prospects..."

"My son is thinking about whether he should be handed over to Uncle Chunjing..."

Kangxi heard the last and understood the prince's intention.

This is to see his dislike for Akton and worry about Akton's future.

Kangxi looked at the prince, his expression turned pale, and said: "Prince, do you know what you are talking about?"

The prince nodded and said: "My son has been thinking about how to punish Akdon all afternoon. He has already aroused public anger. If the punishment is light, the younger brothers will not be satisfied; but he is only nine years old. How can he be punished if he is severely punished?" ?”

Kangxi sneered, and said: "And then? Just come up with such a way to hand him over to the Chunwang Mansion? Picking up Prince Heshuo or Prince Duoluo for nothing, is this punishment?"

The prince blushed, and said: "Akdun is naive, he was coaxed by others when he was young, and he held his own identity. He has always been proud of his status as the eldest son of Yuqing Palace. Adoption is the greatest punishment for him!"

Kangxi frowned and said: "You love your son, and I love my son too. Prince, you shouldn't purify the palace..."

The crown prince was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Ama Khan, Brother Seven has already been knighted..."

Kangxi said with disappointment on his face: "But Seventh Elder Brother is sealed in Xiangbaiqi, Qibeile Mansion is adjacent to Chunwang Mansion..."

Qi Fujin was also seen by Mr. Chun Wang Fujin.

The prince was ashamed and said: "It's my son who is careless and didn't pay attention to this..."

I can't sit still, let's do this for today.

The next update will be at 12:19 noon on November 12th. Welcome to the Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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