Chapter 643 Trouble Accounting (Part [-])
When the prince left, he drooped his shoulders.

Kangxi watched him go out, and sighed heavily.

He saw the shortcomings of the prince, but he couldn't directly reprimand him.

The prince is already in his twenties, and he still has to save face.

It's just that the prince is too cold.

The family in his heart should be Yuqing Palace, not other people in this palace.

How can this be so?

Could it be that the brothers of the same father are not close, and they want to have a blind date with the distant clan?

The royal family and the clan are in a relationship of mutual checks and balances, which can last for a long time.

The royal family is heavy and loses support; the clan is heavy and threatens the imperial power.

Supporting the near branch to check and balance the far branch has been like this since the time of Emperor Shizu.

I also deal with it like this.

The prince can't see it...

The prince was not so alienated from the Hesheli family before.

Kangxi was a little disappointed, the prince was not as perfect as he thought before.

After dinner, Kangxi didn't call the chariot, but walked to Huifangshu where Concubine Yi was staying.

We have already got the news here, knowing that Kangxi has flipped the sign.

Yifei was a little disappointed.

On hot days, I don't like to accompany the driver.

Otherwise, you can play cards in the branch.

Unable to play cards, she was bored, so she asked someone to hug Seventeenth Brother and enlighten Seventeenth Brother.

To say it is enlightenment is to teach the national language.

When a child is so small, it is time to learn to speak.

There is no specific plan, just what to teach.

"Lotus leaf..."


When Kangxi entered the room, he saw this picture of a concubine teaching his son.

"Khan Ama..."

Brother Seventeen's voice was crisp.

Under Yifei's ear-to-eye order, he can already distinguish between people.

The man who can be seen in the garden, the one with the yellow belt and the beard, is Khan Ama.

Concubine Yi tenderly touched him, and said: "Our Seventeen is really smart!"

Kangxi couldn't see it, he shook his head and said, "I'm already three years old, it's time to learn the rules!"

Concubine Yi said: "Isn't it too early to go to the study?"

When she said this, Kangxi thought of Elder Sixteen.

Brother Sixteen is two years older than Brother Seventeen. This year he is five years old, and next year he will be six years old. He should be old enough to go to the study.

There are also several grandsons of the emperor mentioned by the ninth elder brother, who are also between the ages of the sixteenth elder brother and the seventeenth elder brother.

This wave of uncles and nephews can grow up together.

There shouldn't be a grandson like Akdon who dares to bully his uncle, regardless of his dignity...

"Hold it down!"

Kangxi gave instructions, then sat down on the edge of the kang, looked at Concubine Yi and said: "Don't get too used to it, brother, you are too spoiled."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Chen Gui is respectful, Elder Seventeen is also a good teacher, he is well-behaved, not domineering."

Kangxi said: "You can't be too honest, so as not to be bullied in the future."

Concubine Yi raised her eyebrows and said: "He is the emperor's elder brother, only those who bully others, can they still be bullied by others?"

Kangxi thought about it for a while, and it was the same reason, and said: "Yes, he is the only one who bullies others!"

When mentioning the Book of Children, Kangxi thought of the Eighteenth Elder Brother, and said, "Don't worry about sending Eighteenth Elder Brother to Zhaoxiang Office?"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "With Sister Hui Concubine here, why worry? Speaking of which, I still took advantage of it. The confinement baby was sent there, and when I picked it up, she was crawling all over the floor. Don't worry?"

Kangxi's expression softened slightly.

With so many concubines in the palace, Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi are rare people with righteous hearts.

Only Zhaoxiang raised so many princes and princesses safely, Concubine Hui could be a noble concubine.

Concubine Yi has made great achievements in childbirth, so she is also eligible for another promotion.

It's a pity that, because of the crown prince, it's hard for the fourth concubine to be promoted again...

What happened at the racecourse happened in full view, and immediately spread throughout the Eight Banners.

They are all under the noses of the guards and guards, and everyone knows more details.

In the past, he thought it was Brother Nine who was wronged, too arrogant, and slapped Yuqing Palace in the face.

After knowing the inside story, everyone realized that there was a previous reason, and it was Yuqing Palace elder brother who was rude.

In the past six months, this elder brother of Yuqing Palace has made a lot of news, one after another.

But Brother Nine is also impressive.

In the past, when everyone dealt with this elder brother, they still felt that he was a relatively easy person to get along with.

He doesn't have the appearance of a "corporate of courtesy and virtuousness", but he is also comfortable and generous.

As for being narrow-minded, fond of holding grudges, and fond of tidying up clothes, that's not a problem.

If you change to another master, if you are offended by the slave, you won't let it go easily.

Others just watched the excitement, but Ma Qi couldn't sit still.

That's my disciple...

Even those who are unwilling and unwilling to admit it, they still admit it.

Yuqing Palace is the crown prince, so it's too stupid to confront each other head-on like this.

The next day, brother Jiu asked for leave and didn't go to the house to do errands, so Ma Qi went to the four schools in person.

After hearing the news, Shu Shu came out in person, welcomed her in, and said: "Last night it was hot, I tossed and tossed for half the night, and I didn't sleep until five o'clock..."

Even brought the imperial doctor to follow along, but fortunately the fever subsided in the morning, otherwise it would be really scary.

After hearing this, Ma Qi said: "In this way, you can rest for a few more days, and don't need to rush to the Yamen..."

In that case, blur the matter to avoid attracting attention.

This is the teacher, not someone else.

At least not on the face of others.

Shu Shu led directly to the main room.

Brother Nine is fast asleep, and his eyes are a little black.

It looks cute and cute.

Seeing this, Ma Qi was also speechless.

He even forgot that his disciple was still a "beauty lamp", and he hadn't stopped using this medicine since last year.

No wonder the emperor didn't reprimand him this time.

There is no need to reprimand, I will toss myself in bed.

He put a "Ninja" in his cuff, after thinking about it, he took it out, handed it to Shu Shu, and said, "Brother wants to learn etiquette, but also learn how to deal with the world. When brother is done, you can let him copy it." Just copy this book a hundred times!"

Shu Shu took it with both hands, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

It is not easy for a person who is about to be appointed as a prime minister, busy with many important national affairs, and also has to worry about Brother Nine.

Ma Qi waved his hand and said, "I'm just making a point or two at most, what happens in the future, I have to go by myself."

He has a lot of errands on his body, and he is also busy with government affairs. After seeing Brother Jiu, he left.

Shu Shu sent it to the fourth institute in person.

After a while, Qi Xi came.

He, the governor of Manchuria, had to work shifts in Yuqian, and he happened to be on duty today. Hearing that there was an accident with his son-in-law, he came here when he was free at noon.

Brother Jiu is still asleep.

Qi Xi comforted Shu Shu, saying: "Don't worry, this time my elder brother will take advantage..."

Shu Shu personally served the tea and said, "Ama, don't worry, my daughter is not worried!"

If she offends the fourth elder brother, Shu Shu thinks she will worry a little bit, but not too much.

Who said that it is only 38 years now, and there are still 61 years before 24 years.

This prince is still a steady job, and he didn't say who goes up and who goes down.

As for the prince, if you offend, you will be offended.

Seeing her like this, Qi Xi felt uneasy again, and said: "You should be more respectful in front of people, that's the prince!"

Shu Shu gritted her teeth and said, "How much more respectful is there? I've held it everywhere, but it's still not settled!"

Thinking of it, she regretted the half car of watermelons before.

I'm afraid that if the bookstore accepts it, it will be taken away. It doesn't even think about "reciprocity", just treat it as filial piety.

Otherwise, so what if he pressed Akton to apologize?
Is that a nephew, or a nephew who did something wrong, why can't I bend down to apologize to my uncle?

The father and daughter were talking, when He Yuzhu came in and said, "Fujin, someone from Yuqing Palace is here..."

Shu Shu didn't get up, and said, "Who is here?"

"It's a young eunuch..."

He Yuzhu said.

Shu Shu's face drooped immediately, and she said, "Bring it in!"

The people who came out of Yuqing Palace were also divided into ranks.

To be honest, there is no difference from the second institute.

Needless to say, Nanny Qi and Manager Cui, the nanny of the mistress and the eunuch who are familiar with it, are first-class people.

He is old and has high qualifications, and he is also qualified to travel outside on behalf of his master.

What is this young eunuch?
This eunuch is a typical Yuqing palace man, with a very straight waist. Seeing that Shu Shu didn't get up, and Brother Jiu didn't show his face, the smile on his face was also suppressed, and he said solemnly: "The prince sent the servant here Give Jiu Ye something..."

So what about the Lord?

Shu Shu raised her eyelids, glanced at the eunuch, and said, "The crown prince has spoken, did you tell us to kneel down to receive the reward?"

The eunuch was startled, and hurriedly said: "That's not true..."

Shu Shu said nonchalantly: "Then my prince Fujin can't accept the gift on behalf of Elder Brother?"

Seeing that she didn't speak according to the usual etiquette, the eunuch didn't dare to be arrogant, and said: "This is the gift list!"

Shu Shu directly asked He Yuzhu to pick it up, transferred it to herself, and opened it to take a look.

A pair of Hetian jade and green horse paperweights, two boxes of heat-dispelling pills, a hanging of coral beads, two Ning satin clothes...

What kind of messy gift is this?
Shu Shu looked at the eunuch and said, "Is this an apology gift from the crown prince on behalf of the elder brother of Yuqing Palace?"

The eunuch said with a stiff face: "The crown prince has prepared two gifts, one is for the fifth master and the other is for the ninth master..."

Isn't that obvious?

It was prepared by the eldest brother on behalf of the eldest brother, and he just accepted it, so it's fine if we have a step up?

"Where's Elder Brother Yuqing Palace? Like our Ninth Master, he's sick and bedridden?"

Shushu said.

The eunuch was speechless.

Eldest Brother, of course he is studying in Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu snorted coldly: "This gift is too expensive, we can't afford it, please tell the prince to return our half carload of watermelon, if you eat it, then we will pay in silver!"

The eunuch wanted to say more, Shu Shu looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Seeing off the guests!"

He Yuzhu sent the eunuch out.

Qi Xi looked at Shu Shu and said, "Are you more comfortable?"

Shu Shu snorted softly: "Even I'm going to die of anger, let alone Jiuye, really, the people in Yuqing Palace are not rich, the emperor's grandson's face is face, and the prince's face is not face?"

Qi Xi said: "What did you give?"

Shu Shu said the four things on the gift list, and said: "You are too small on our master, give me a slap, give a sweet date, it must be a serious sweet date, right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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