My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 644 Replacement

Chapter 644 Replacement (Second Change)

Qi Xi wrote down a few items on the gift list.

The daughter is angry, and he, the Ama, can't just watch in vain.

If you don't make it clear, you may think that his daughter is meddling.

After leaving the fourth institute, he entered the Changchun Garden again, and went to see him outside the Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi listened and rubbed his temples.

In the morning, I just read Brother Jiu's pulse report, and knew that Brother Jiu had a high fever last night. Fortunately, the imperial doctor passed on the medicine, and the medicine was appropriate, and the temperature had cooled down before dawn.

What's wrong with this?
"Let's pass it on!"

Kangxi was a little tired.

Qi Xi has nothing to choose in official affairs, but he is too sticky in private matters.

This must be feeling sorry for my uncle again, so come over and chatter.

When Qi Xi came in, his face was full of shame.


Kangxi took a look at him and said, "Why do you have such an expression, something went wrong in business, or what?"

Qi Xi said in shame: "The slave is here to plead guilty on behalf of Jiufujin..."

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about? Jiufujin is considerate in handling things, and considerate in serving Brother Jiu, so don't be too modest!"

Over the past year, elder brother Jiu has been ill several times, if it wasn't for Jiu Fujin, a careful person watching by his side, it would be really worrying.

Qi Xi shook his head and said: "Jiu Fujin sometimes has a bad temper and doesn't know how to do things properly. It's all a slave's habit in the early years, so I can't bear it!"

Kangxi snorted softly, and said, "Stop going around in circles, what happened to Jiufu Jin?"

Could it be because of Brother Nine's illness, he went to discuss the source bookstore to ask for an explanation?

Kangxi was really worried.

This daughter-in-law is too defensive.

Sometimes it is too rash.

The recklessness of some generals is not tactful enough.

Qi Xi said: "Just now, the servant went to visit Brother Jiu, just in time for the prince to send someone over to give gifts, and just in time for Jiufu Jin to give gifts with a red face, you said this child is too ignorant..."

Kangxi glanced at him, and said: "The prince sent someone over? What kind of gift did you send, but it made Jiufu Jin unhappy?"

As my own daughter-in-law, she acts grandly, and her hands are loose.

People do not blame.

If there is no movement at the Douyuan Bookstore, Jiufu Jin will be annoyed.

This is all in the past, are you still annoyed that you have too much temper?
Qi Xi thought for a while, and said: "There are quite a few, such as paperweights, court beads, clothes materials, etc. By the way, there are human pills, which are currently in use..."

Kangxi's face darkened, and he understood why Jiufujin was angry.

This gift is too thin.

"You said that this child is so angry with the servants that the little eunuch was scared..."

Qi Xi was still rambling.

Kangxi glared at him, and said: "Okay, I understand, you are here to complain!"

It was the little eunuch who went there, not the prominent figure in Yuqing Palace.

Qi Xi hurriedly said: "I don't dare, my slave is eager to love my daughter, I'm afraid that your majesty may misunderstand, Jiu Fujin's actions are indeed not proper, but there are reasons for it, and it is because I am worried about Jiu'er brother's health, this time I invite you Forgive her for once..."

Kangxi sighed: "Children are debts, we think about them, they don't know how to be considerate to their parents!"

Just like Brother Nine, if you hold back your anger and come over and tell yourself, can you not let him decide?
He killed the horse, vomited, and fell ill himself.

The prince is also, how can there be such a preparatory ceremony? !

If Brother Jiu is seven years old, these preparations are enough, but Brother Jiu is 17 years old!
No wonder Jiufu Jin was unhappy, such a gift might as well not be given, and it would be even more frustrating to accept it.

Qi Xi said: "If the little tree doesn't repair it, it won't slip away. If it should be beaten, it must be beaten!"

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "You sons, have you ever beaten them?"

Qi Xi nodded and said: "Of course, I was naughty when I was a child, and it was all because of the servant's big stick!"

Kangxi snorted softly, but did not expose Qi Xi's cowhide.

Still do it?
Jue Luoshi did make a move, but he was still hesitant, not daring to stop him.

Other people have strict fathers and loving mothers, and the Dutong Mansion is just upside down.

Qi Xi is still bragging here!
"Then I'll beat Lao Jiu up and say that your father-in-law encouraged me!"

Kangxi joked.

Qi Xi nodded and said: "It's time to knock, it's too worrying. If you dare to ride on the horse and kill the horse, the slave will break out in a cold sweat when he hears it. You should remember it!"

Kangxi: "..."

I didn't think of this yesterday, but brother Jiu's riding skills and strength are really disturbing.

There is no one around Brother Jiu, and there are no guards who need it.

Really, I have been working as an errand for nearly a year, and I have taken two people, one and a half older children are not suitable for use.

A Cao Shun, who can make do with it, is also a person who can be used economically.

Kangxi snorted coldly: "Keep the account, deal with him later, see if he dares to be self-willed or not!"

When the monarch and his ministers talked about the Jiaozi Jing, their hearts were connected.

Qi Xidao: "Jiufujin is not right either, as a woman and daughter-in-law, she was not in her mother's house, she was so petty, she would care about petty things, she didn't know the overall situation, it was the emperor and the empress who were generous, she was so used to it that she didn't look like that !"

Kangxi said: "Okay, they are all children, who will care about these things with her?"

Besides, he also knew that this was his daughter-in-law protecting his son.

Qi Xi was relieved when he got the right words, and said: "The emperor is generous, Jiu Fujin is a lucky one, I will be the prince Fujin for your family."

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "Don't pour me the ecstasy soup, one size is one size, if she is really wrong, I will punish her too!"

Qi Xi hurriedly said: "That's what it should be. If you don't punish your mistakes and don't teach them a lesson, then you will be more courageous next time. This kid can't just keep getting used to it. He has to be taught what he should..."

Kangxi: "..."

He still felt that Qi Xi had a bad heart and encouraged him to punish his son.

As for which son was punished, it's hard to say...

Discuss source bookstore.

Looking at the four gifts brought back by the eunuch, the prince said angrily: "This is a gift that was taken in the past. Gu ordered it like this yesterday?"

He asked people to prepare four rituals yesterday, but they were not these four.

It is a white jade ruyi, a box of century-old ginseng, a hanging coral pearl, and two pieces of silk tapestry.

As a result, Jiufujin directly rejected him today, asking for some watermelon money.

The prince felt that something was wrong and asked someone to take out the gift.

Although he had never dealt with Jiufujin, he usually looked at her as a grand, not unreasonable temper.

The gift that I carefully prepared can be handed out, why is it still being picked on?
He had a bad premonition, and asked someone to take it out for a look, and sure enough, something was wrong.

All replaced.

The top-grade white jade Ruyi becomes a jasper paperweight.

The century-old ginseng has become a medicine for dispelling heat.

Coral beads are still coral beads, but they have also been reduced from blood corals to pink corals.

Clothes are the most speechless.

Directly Kesi became Ningsi.

No wonder Jiufu Jin was annoyed, even if he sent a disciple to reward him, it was all so simple.

The prince was so angry that his head was about to explode, he looked at the eunuch and said, "Is Mrs. Li changing something?"

The eunuch didn't dare to speak.

"Damn things!"

The prince was really annoyed, and walked to the annex in the backyard with a "drum, pedal, pedal".

There are not many female relatives in the prince's backyard.

In addition to the crown princess, there are two Li Gege, one is the eldest Li who gave birth to the elder brother and the second elder brother, and the younger Li who gave birth to the elder brother and the second elder brother.

It's a pity that the two little princesses died.

There is a gap between Xiao Li and Da Li.

Whether it's in Yuqing Palace or in Douyuan Bookstore, Da Li's family has a separate room.

When the prince came in, he saw that there were gift boxes on the kang.

Seeing the prince coming in, Mrs. Da Li hurriedly got up to greet him.

The prince looked at her with an unfriendly expression, then glanced at the brocade boxes, and said, "What are these?"

Mrs. Da Li touched her temples and said, "Isn't this my slave, Ama, who is about to celebrate her birthday? If it's still a whole life, the slave will dig out some and make a few gifts..."

The prince took two steps forward and directly opened a brocade box.

Sure enough, it was a ginseng.

He opened several other brocade boxes, white jade ruyi, Kesi clothes material, coral pearls, none of them fell out.

He looked at Da Li with frost on his face, and said, "Is this how you made it up, replacing it from the lonely thing?"

Mrs. Da Li rubbed her handkerchief, gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Jiu killed Akedun's horse..."

"That's Brother Eleven's horse!"

The prince said with a pale face.

Mrs. Da Li rubbed her eyes and said, "Big brother was so angry that he didn't eat last night..."

The crown prince pointed in the direction of the new No. [-] Institute, and said, "Then there is another man who is out of breath and bedridden to recuperate!"

Da Li said unhappily: "It's just pretending to be sick, I must have a guilty conscience, so I deliberately pretended to be sick!"

The prince knew it was not like this.

The imperial physician was alarmed, and brother Jiu is not the kind of character to pretend to be coquettish.

He took a closer look at the brocade boxes and said, "You only exchanged Brother Jiu's share, and you didn't dare to touch Brother Fifth's share?"

There are only four brocade boxes, each of which is a single serving.

Da Li said: "Behind Wubeile is the Empress Dowager, and Wu Fujin often goes to the Empress Dowager's place to pay her respects!"

The prince laughed angrily, and said, "Okay, Brother Jiu doesn't have a queen mother behind him, so you can bully him? It's ridiculous!"

Having said this, he lowered his face and said: "Mr. Li, I will say it again, you are not allowed to meddle in the inner treasury of Yuqing Palace..."

Mrs. Li was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Master, but... Isn't this servant afraid that the elder brother and the second elder brother will be wronged..."

The prince said with a cold face: "If it's their fault, I won't make them short; if it's not their fault, you can't even worry about it!"

After finishing speaking, he shouted outside: "Who is here, get out!"

Two eunuchs and two palace servants came in.

The prince pointed to those brocade boxes and said, "Take it!"

The two eunuchs responded and embraced the brocade box.

Da Li still wanted to stop her, but the prince glared at her and said: "For the sake of the two elder brothers, I will show you face and allow you to be in front of Ge Ge. If you are not willing, it is inappropriate for Ge Ge!"

Da Li's eyes were red, and he murmured that he didn't dare to speak.

The prince strode out, hesitated for a moment, then turned and went to the residence of the princess.

The princess is here, besides San Gege, San Age is also there.

San Gege is three years old, and San Age is four years old. Both brothers and sisters are not mischievous, they just sit there obediently.

Ever since the third elder brother sent her here and was raised under her name, she became taciturn.

It's just that no one except the people around me found out...

(End of this chapter)

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