Chapter 645 Not Empty (Third)
Seeing the prince coming in, the princess stood up to meet him.

San Age pulled up San Ge, and the two children also stood up.

Sangege is fairly familiar with the prince, but Sangege doesn't see him many times.

The prince glanced at it, there were only three elder brothers in the East Palace, the eldest elder brother and the second elder brother were favored, but the third elder brother was usually invisible.

Just looking at his small nose and small eyes, his actions are also cautious, his appearance and behavior are a bit worse than that of the eldest brother and the second elder brother.

Seeing the serious look on the prince's face, the princess ordered someone to carry San Age and San Gege down.

The prince said: "Is the third elder brother naughty?"

The concubine smiled lightly: "Ling Gege taught the children very well, and the third elder brother is very well-behaved."

After hearing this, the prince felt a little awkward.

Because of the example of Da Li taking the elder brother and the second elder brother, the third elder brother followed his biological mother after he was born.

A princess, where can I educate my children?
The Da Li family was from an official family, but when it came to Lingege, it was an ordinary coat-coating family, and there was no official in the family.

Fortunately, the third elder brother is still young, and he can still come forward, otherwise, these emperors and grandchildren, I am afraid that Khan Ama will not look down on any of them.

Thinking of this, he became a little irritable, and said: "Ms. Akdun's mother is shameless, I will order her down, and she will not be allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of Yuqing Palace in the future!"

The princess was silent and did not answer.

I married in late, and the internal affairs of Yuqing Palace were in the hands of the crown prince's wet nurse, Mother He and Mrs. Li.

Later, the prince asked Nanny He to hand over the errand, but not Mrs. Li.

Da Li is responsible for the general affairs and personnel affairs of himself and the two elder brothers.

Although the crown princess felt that it was against the rules, she was happy and at ease.

When did it change?

It was Akdon who beat the fifteen elder brothers.

The prince went to Qingxi Bookstore to plead guilty, and when he came back, he cut Da Li's daily supply and sent the third elder brother to him to be educated.

Needless to say, the princess also knew that this was an order from Kangxi.

It seems that Mrs. Da Li didn't realize it, or she didn't feel afraid when she realized it.

If it hadn't been for the crown prince changing the orders day and night and pampering Da Li too much, how would she dare to be so bold?
The princess is too lazy to be a villain, so she doesn't want to answer the question at this moment.

The crown prince rubbed his forehead and said: "I just sent someone to Xinsi, Jiufujin is annoyed, and wants to settle the watermelon money!"

After hearing this, the princess became serious and said, "What's going on?"

A few days ago, Jiufu Jin gave half a carload of watermelons, which were from the dowry Zhuangzi, and they were very sweet.

There are three places in total, the Imperial Palace, the Empress Dowager's Office and the Douyuan Bookstore.

The princess is planning to return an extra portion of melons and fruits during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also a courtesy.

The prince smiled wryly, pointed to the brocade box in the eunuch's hand, and explained the reason.

Concubine Crown Princess was astonished, and after a while, she said, "Did you forget the bowl of glutinous rice balls for the Shangyuan Festival?"

What was the situation at the Douyuan Bookstore at that time?
The guards at the gate were not allowed to enter or exit, and everyone was panicked.

Only Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin who lived in Hechi South Office sent glutinous rice balls over, and they didn't fear or avoid the Douyuan Bookstore because of the guards.

The prince was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "It's only been half a year, how can I forget it!"

The princess said: "Jiu elder brother is innocent, Jiufu Jin is generous and thoughtful, there is no disrespect for these two when they are younger brothers and sister-in-law..."

The key is that these two people are very friendly to Yuqing Palace.

"It's Mr. He's place. It's not convenient for Brother Jiu to raise his hand, and he won't provide Yuqing Palace with such comprehensiveness. However, Brother Jiu has no intention of accepting credit and selling favors..."

The princess took a long breath and said.

If the other party doesn't receive credit, is it worthless?
I shouldn't know the good and the bad, and recognize this favor.

The crown prince frowned and said, "If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have prepared a gift, I was planning to make an apology! But Mrs. Li, that bastard, replaced the things!"

The Crown Princess sneered and said, "Then what? What punishment did Mrs. Li receive?"

Prince: "..."

He looked at the princess, only to find that the princess was not as lenient as before.

"Aren't you looking at Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin now? It's just a misunderstanding, and there's nothing serious about it. Is it possible to have a serious enmity? As an elder brother, I can't say anything to Jiu Fujin, so I have to bother the princess to go away for a while. trip……"

The prince said patiently.

The Crown Princess sneered and said, "What did I say in the past? To be honest, the Crown Prince didn't know about Li's change of things? As a result, Li didn't punish him either?"

The crown prince frowned and said, "Isn't that family ugliness being publicized? Just push it on the servants."

The Crown Princess looked at the Prince and said, "Then what? Big things turned into small, small things turned into small things?"

The crown prince rubbed his forehead and said: "Who said that? Li Shi was punished for one year and her feet were grounded! When I went back to the palace, the elder brother and the second elder brother also moved out, and she was not allowed to be raised again."

The Crown Princess said coldly: "Is this the end of the punishment?"

The prince looked at her and said, "What else?"

The princess said: "I don't dare to touch the presents that the Lord ordered to pack up, but she can move? This kind of deception, throwing all face out, makes people misunderstand that the Lord is petty and rude, shouldn't it be beaten dozens of times?" board?"

The prince was surprised and said: "That's the elder brother and the second elder brother's mother, and the dignity of the eldest brother and the second elder brother..."

The crown princess said solemnly: "But Li's temperament is there. If you don't punish, there will be a next time. There are two brothers who are clean now. Aren't you afraid of causing a third disaster? You are a fist love The heart of a child, but how many times can the emperor tolerate it?"

The prince was agitated.

He already regretted it in his heart.

If he had punished Akton heavily last time before pleading guilty, Khan Ama might not have completely disliked Akton.

Even the second elder brother was implicated.

The upbringing of the Crown Princess is absolutely fine, just looking at Brother Fifteen, he was taught very well by her.

If when the Crown Princess married into the East Palace, I would have been more straightforward and handed over the elder brother and the second elder brother to the Crown Princess to discipline, wouldn't it be a different situation?
Why didn't I hand it over to the princess?
Mrs. Li was weeping, talking inside and outside, because she was worried that the princess would hide her selfish intentions and kill the two elder brothers by flattering her.

What's more, Madam He talked about the concubines in the harem. The young concubines don't raise the prince, but they are worried that they are young and inexperienced, so they won't be able to take care of children.

When you grow up, it doesn't matter.

The Crown Princess' words are indeed reasonable, but he can't punish people at this time.

Can't let go of that face.

The prince said: "There are too many people in the garden, I will punish her after returning to the palace... For Jiufujin, please change your words and explain carefully..."

The princess looked at the prince.

The prince looked directly at the princess, but he didn't mean to change his mind.

The princess nodded and said, "I see..."

The prince breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's lucky to have you..."

After all, he got up and went out.

The Crown Princess sat there with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

She lowered her head and looked at her stomach, thinking of the baby boy who had miscarried last year, her eyes were red.


San GeGe leaned on the door frame and tilted his head to look at her.

The villain with three heads looks immature and cute.

The princess lowered her head, wiped her eyes, and called San Gege to come closer, and said softly: "Ene will take you out as a guest?"

San Gege asked curiously, "Is it Madam's place?"

She thought she was going to the Danbo Weide Palace.

The Crown Princess took her there twice.

The Crown Princess picked her up, held her in her arms, and said, "It's not Madam's house, it's your Ninth Aunt's house..."

"Ninth Aunt..."

San Gege is learning how to count recently, and his two little hands are stretched out, so he can't count.

The Crown Princess was so depressed that she wanted to go out for a walk, so she called the nanny and told her to go to Xinsi Institute first.

Four, go to the room.

Brother Jiu is already awake.

Hearing that Ma Qi was coming, he didn't feel anything. He didn't think so when he read "Ninja", and said: "It's all fallacies and heresies. It's not forbearance, it's forbearance!"

Shu Shu was eating cantaloupe, handed him a piece, and said: "Then you don't plan to copy it? This is the first time Master Ma Qi ordered, so just ignore it, okay?"

Brother Nine sometimes has a bad mouth, but in his bones he is the most well-behaved.

After hearing Shu Shu's words, he hesitated a little, and said, "Isn't it good if you don't listen?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Master Ma Qi will be unhappy, and if it is reported to the imperial court, the emperor will also be unhappy..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Then copy it, anyway, I didn't say how long it took to copy it, so it's not too late..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Shu Shu and said, "You just watch, don't you want to copy it for the master?"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and said, "I'm not as impulsive as Master..."

Nine elder brothers showed disbelief, and said, "Then what would you do if it were you?"

Shu Shu thought about it, but couldn't think of anything else.

The first feeling is to kill a horse.

She looked at Brother Nine helplessly, and said: "When you get close to vermilion, you get red, and when you get close to ink, you get black. I must have been abducted by the master. I'm so stupid!"

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing "haha", and said: "This is the same smell, who told you that you are just like the master, you are both quick-tempered!"

While the husband and wife were talking, Xiao Chun came in and said, "Fu Jin, the Crown Princess sent the nanny over."

Normally, Shu Shu would stand up to greet her, but right now she didn't move, and said, "What are you here for?"

You don't need to guess to know that this is the princess concubine trying to make up for the prince.

Although Shu Shu respected the princess on weekdays, she was not willing to show too bad temper.

Once or twice, no one will take it seriously.

Xiaochun said: "It should be the princess who wants to visit, so I sent the nanny to come over and ask first!"

Shu Shu said: "Let's say Master Jiu is not comfortable, he can't leave people around, I'm inconvenient to entertain guests, I'll invite the Crown Princess to talk when I have time!"

Xiaochun agreed, and went down to answer.

Brother Jiu was curious, and said, "Is there anything I don't know? Why are you even annoyed by her?"

On weekdays, Shu Shu is very polite to the princess.

Not only towards the crown princess, brother Jiu found that Shu Shu was very tolerant towards women, and it was rare for him to be so narrow-minded.

Shu Shu then talked about the prince sending someone to give gifts, and said: "I confiscated the things, and I guess the princess didn't say anything when she came over, it's just that the servants were negligent and prepared the wrong gift list or something..."

Ninth elder brother was thoughtful, and said: "Perhaps it is true that the subordinates made a mistake in preparing, the prince is not stingy..."

There are a lot of good things in Yuqing Palace, and the crown prince is also very generous. Even if they are sending people to give gifts, they must all be good things...

The antigen turned negative today, but my muscles are still sore, I hope it will be better tomorrow.

The next update will be at 12:20 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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