Chapter 646 Interfering (first update)
Shu Shu didn't want to tell whether it was deliberate contempt or inadvertent mistake.

Anyway, slow waiting is slow waiting.

Just looking at the eunuchs sent by the East Palace, one can tell that in the eyes of the Prince, Brother Jiu is not taken seriously.

It is impossible to say that he would dislike Brother Ninth's meddling and cause trouble for Yuqing Palace.

Shu Shu feels that being a human being doesn't have to be so considerate to others, but to follow one's heart when one should.

If you are too considerate and thoughtful, you will suffer more grievances.

Brother Jiu said something, then put it down, and said: "If you don't want to see people these few days, let's go to Huairou?"

It takes three or four days to go back and forth, just enough to avoid this wave.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't worry."

The road is only a hundred miles one way, and the weather is hot, and the car also suffers.

Wait until it cools down for a while.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Shengjia will be on a tour of the north in the middle of next month, and before that, he will return to the palace with the Queen Mother, and then we have to go back together..."

Shu Shu knew that if Shengjia was not in the capital, it would be too eye-catching for elder brother Jiu to leave the capital.

Even if the emperor said hello, it would be inconvenient.

The censor said that he might have to make trouble, even if he made it clear at that time, it would be troublesome.

She said: "Then go to Hongluo Temple at the beginning of the month, and I will take good care of it these few days, don't think so much."

Although I don't have any energy to vomit blood, but it's dry in summer, and I suffer from anger, and my mouth is full of blisters.

Ninth elder brother snorted, "My lord is actually fine, it's just that it's hot and I'm a little tired..."

Shu Shu held a fan in his hand and said, "Then I'll fan you?"

Brother Jiu immediately spread it into a cake and said, "Come on..."

Shu Shu snorted lightly, and moved her hands lightly.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Brother Jiu's breathing became heavy.

fell asleep again.

Shu Shu didn't move, and only tiptoed out when he fell asleep soundly.

Thinking about Brother Jiu's words before, Shu Shu told Xiaochun: "Go to the third place to see if the crown prince has sent someone to send an apology gift, and if so, ask what did you get?"

Xiao Chun responded and went to the three schools.

The fifth elder brother and his wife who live in the third house are their own brothers and sisters-in-law, and there is nothing they cannot ask.

Shu Shu sat in the next room, thinking about the relationship between her family and Yuqing Palace.

Kangxi would not be happy if he froze like this, but he couldn't be confused.

Always let Yuqing Palace know that the face on his side is also face, so be more polite in future dealings.

The gift list, wherever you get it, is said to be simple and thin, and it cannot be drawn up by the princess.

In the Douyuan Bookstore, aren't all the princes and concubines in charge?

Didn't notice this before.

The prince's nurse and nurse are dead, so who is Li Gege who decides?

Akedun and Hongxi's biological mother?
Shu Shu had a sneer on her face.

If that's the case, this gift list may not be "unintentional", it may be a deliberate slap in the face.

Because the concubine was born here, Kangxi valued it, so the prince had never formally invited the concubine to be the concubine before the "abandoned prince".

It wasn't until later that the crown prince was abolished, and Hongxi became the heir of this line, that the Li family "mother is more valuable than the son" and became the prince side Fujin.

Now if he is being promoted inside Yuqing Palace, it will be a shame on the surface.

The prince is so ridiculous, allowing a princess to hit the prince in the face? !

From the child to the mother, the character of this Gege can be roughly outlined.

Stupid, arrogant.

After a while, Xiaochun came back, and Wu Fujin followed.

Seeing this, Shu Shu went out to meet Xici to talk.

"Is there something wrong with the prince's gift?"

Wu Fujin asked.

Shu Shu didn't answer immediately, but looked at Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun shook her head and said, "They are all different. Among the four kinds, only Shanhu Chaozhu matches, and it is not good enough."

Then, he described in detail the white jade ruyi, century-old ginseng, Kesi material, and blood coral beads.

Shu Shu's expression was normal, she was not surprised when she thought of this before.

Wu Fujin understood, and frowned, "Did you prepare two gifts? How could this be?"

Shu Shu sneered and said, "Who knows, there are always new things..."

Wu Fujin couldn't sit still.

She really didn't expect this, otherwise she wouldn't have accepted it.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said: "It has nothing to do with Fifth Sister-in-Law. Fifth Sister-in-Law doesn't have to think so much. The Crown Princess just sent someone over to talk, but I rejected her. She should come back tomorrow. There must be an explanation for what will happen then." ..."

Wu Fujin nodded and said, "Well, let's see tomorrow, how could it be so messy..."

Shu Shu said: "What else is there, there is no shortage of deception..."

Wu Fujin nodded, with lingering fears in his heart, he said to Shu Shu: "My slaves, I wish the masters would be at odds, so they can play tricks and take advantage of it. From now on, you have to be more careful here..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, everyone has their own selfishness, so we have to be careful..."

Just like the previous second institute, mistakes were found one after another.

It's all slaves' selfishness.

Looking at it now, it's okay, but it was also shocked by the previous cleanups.

Wu Fujin sat for a while, figured out why and left.

Although Shu Shu said it had nothing to do with them, but Wu Fujin knew in his heart that it still had something to do with them.

The fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother are brothers, they must be consistent with each other, not to tear each other down.

Otherwise, it becomes a joke.

When the fifth elder brother came back, Wu Fujin talked about the different gifts.

The fifth elder brother exploded immediately.

"It's too rude to be so rude!"

The fifth elder brother blushed with anger and said: "Who cares about his things, take them quickly, and I will send them back to him!"

He said before that he would avoid Yuqing Palace, but now is not the time to avoid it.

Wu Fujin hesitated for a moment, but still did not dissuade him.

At this time, I can't persuade him, but I will be angered instead.

She regretted that she didn't ask more questions when she accepted it.

If you collect it like this and send it back, it will also offend people.

The fifth elder brother came here in anger, but calmed down outside the Douyuan bookstore.

He knew that it was meaningless to see the prince or not, it was nothing more than a servant made a mistake, and it seemed like he was making a big fuss.

He just told people to put down their things, turned around and left.

If you say no communication, it's better not to communicate, so as not to be involved in what they say.

When the prince and concubine got the news, when they arrived at the door of the Douyuan Bookstore, the fifth elder brother had already led people away.

Looking at the brocade box lying on the ground, the prince blushed with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell does the fifth one mean? What's going on?"

The princess was not surprised.

That's Brother Jiu's fellow brother, so it's no surprise that he doesn't feel annoyed knowing that there is a discrepancy between the two gifts.

The prince couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked a brocade box away.

It contained white jade Ruyi, and Lixia fell from the brocade box to the ground and broke into several pieces.

The crown prince pointed at Ruyi, and just about to tell someone to throw it away, he saw Liang Jiugong bringing a little eunuch and coming slowly.

The prince endured the anger and said, "But Khan Ama has something to say?"

Liang Jiugong didn't seem to notice the mess on the ground, he bowed and said: "The emperor sent this old servant over to have a look, the matter of yesterday's racecourse can be solved..."

Prince: "..."

He laughed stiffly, and said: "Ama Khan takes care of everything and makes Ama Khan worry about it, it's our son's unfilial piety..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and listened.

It's just nonsense, but it hasn't been resolved yet.

It's unfilial enough, the emperor is still fine, so don't take the prince seriously.

Liang Jiugong glanced at the princess next to him, and felt sympathy in his heart.

This family still needs a sensible person to be in charge.

Liang Jiugong didn't talk too much, he heard the prince say a few nonsense, and said: "Then you are busy, the old slave has other errands..."

In addition to sending him to the Douyuan Bookstore, the Emperor also sent him to the Four Bookstores to see how Brother Nine was doing.

Master Qi Xi did not work in vain this morning, but also let the emperor know that brother Jiu was wronged again.

People were already sick, and they vomited again, which made people worry.

The prince nodded and watched Liang Jiugong leave.

As for Liang Jiugong leaving the West Garden, he went in the direction of the New Fifth Institute. No one was watching, so someone came over to tell the prince courteously.

The prince and the princess sat opposite each other for a while, and said, "Ama Khan pays more and more attention to Lao Jiu..."

The princess did not speak.

Which of the grown-up princes does not take seriously?
Brother Nine is not the only one.

The prince looked at the princess, hesitant to speak.

The princess lowered her eyes and said, "I'll send someone over there tomorrow..."

The crown prince sighed and said: "I've wronged you, Yuqing Palace can't be the enemy of all eyes, the fifth child is straighter, but he doesn't have any evil intentions, the ninth child is also childish..."

Four, main house.

Liang Jiugong stood by the kang, glanced at the sleeping brother Jiu, then retreated, and said to Shu Shu: "The emperor is worried about Lord Jiu, and sent this old servant to take a look..."

Shu Shu said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. Master Jiu is fine, but he didn't sleep well last night, and fell asleep again after waking up for a while."

Liang Jiugong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is Master Jiu bothered by the East Palace gift list?"

This is what the emperor is worried about. He is afraid that there will be a rift between the brothers.

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "I didn't know at the beginning, but when I found out, our master said that the servant must have made a mistake. The crown prince is not a stingy person. He has always been big-hearted and doesn't care about it, but I am narrow-minded. The servant made a mistake, and it also hurt our master's dignity, the prince will always give us an explanation, or else everyone will turn around and think that our master will not know how to count..."

Liang Jiugong looked at Shu Shu with admiration.

Small-minded people say it so straightforwardly.

Lord Qi Xi is even more awesome, every time he goes to the imperial court, the nagging is to protect the children.

Piansheng also knows how to measure, can speak, and the emperor is not annoyed.

He nodded and said: "This servant knows, and will truthfully report this matter to the emperor..."

When he returned to Qingxi Bookstore, Liang Jiugong truthfully reported what he had seen and heard about the Douyuan Bookstore and the four schools.

Kangxi was silent for a long time.

He thought that the prince was arrogant and careless before, and he was a little annoyed, but he never thought that there was a possibility of making a mistake.

As Brother Jiu said, the prince has always been generous in his actions, and the simple gift list is really not in line with the prince's temperament, nor is it the concubine's handwriting.

So who else can deceive the source bookstore?

Apart from that "Prince Concubine", there is no one else.

It has been ten years since the fight in Akton, and he said that the Li family should not be allowed to exceed the rules. Where did the prince put his words?

(End of this chapter)

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