My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 649 Enriching the People

Chapter 649 Enriching the People (First Change)
When it was later, on the imperial dining table in Qingxi Bookstore, there was a "respectful dish" from elder brother Jiu.

A pair of noodles with sesame sauce and hot and sour flavors, and a plate of sesame seed cakes with meat.

Kangxi couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

If you are in the mood to eat meat, this should be fine.

Kangxi glanced at Liang Jiugong, and Liang Jiugong said: "Jiuye came to the garden in the morning as an errand, and stood by the lake for a while, ordering people to buy some fish fry and fill the pond..."

Kangxi is slightly satisfied, this is the responsibility of an adult man, and he will be too reckless when encountering things.

"Where is the source bookstore?"

Kangxi asked.

Liang Jiugong thought for a while, and said: "I heard that the princess went to the fourth school in the morning, and brought Xiao Gege with her. Jiu Fujin came out to welcome him in person, and when she came out, she also personally sent it out; afterward, the princess went to the third school, too. Wu Fujin welcomes in and sends them out..."

Kangxi was relieved.

With the presence of the Crown Princess, the matter can be resolved satisfactorily.

It should be so.

The prince was reckless yesterday, and he didn't do it well. No wonder a good-tempered person like Lao Wu was so provoked that he lost his temper.

Thinking of this, he looked at "Jing Cai" in front of him, and said, "How many places did Brother Jiu give Jiu Fujin?"

Liang Jiugong really asked, bowed and said: "It's Yuqian and Danbo who are the Virtue Palace, but at noon, brother's place gave them away..."

Kangxi was troubled when he heard this.

If you say Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin are stingy, they gave away several places; if you say they are generous, they left behind the Douyuan Bookstore.

Kangxi didn't need to think about it, he knew that Jiufujin was the master.

In the future, the eating at the source bookstore should stop.

As for when there will be again, I really can't say.

He sighed and didn't say anything else.

Suddenly, I remembered an old folk saying, "If you are not stupid or deaf, you will not be a family member."

Forget it, let them wear it off...

Danbo is the palace of virtue.

The queen mother also likes the meat buns with chopped green peppers, and said: "This one is similar to the previous pair, and it's better than that..."

Jiugege said: "This meat is marinated, with gravy in it; the other side is bacon, which is drier than this one, a bit choking..."

After the meal, the Queen Mother said: "You went to Shu Shu's place and asked if you asked why your fifth brother entered the garden yesterday. I heard that he seemed angry?"

Jiugege said: "Where does Sister-in-law Jiu know about the things in the garden, most of them are misunderstood by others, Fifth Brother is not an angry person, there must be something, he came in and then went out..."

The Empress Dowager pointed to the direction of the Douyuan Bookstore and said, "Is there nothing wrong there? Or is that big brother being mischievous again?"

Jiugege said: "Grandmother, you think too much. If you really go to the study to make a fuss, then the fourth brother should be the one who comes forward. How can the fifth brother care about these..."

The Queen Mother thought about it for the same reason, so she felt relieved and said, "It's fine if you don't, don't let people bully you..."

When Wu Fujin came to pay his respects, Jiu Gege greeted him in advance, and then he was able to blur the matter...

What happened that day was a turning point, as if nothing was left, and something was different.

Brother Nine found out about the Zhuangzi in Haidian, and said, "I know that location is next to the Zhuangzi in Prince Jian's Mansion..."

Shu Shu said: "Can the garden be repaired?"

Brother Nine was not very satisfied, and said: "Go back and see if you can replace it closer..."

The point is that I don't want to have anything to do with the prince.

Especially that Zhuangzi was subsidized by the crown prince before, Brother Jiu also reacted when he thought about it, and said, "According to my master, someone should take over to raise pigs..."

He did think of raising pigs.

Shu Shu also thought of her pigs in Baiwang Mountain, and said, "It will be ready for slaughter by the end of the year..."

Not only this place, but some Zhuangzi in Tongzhou and Daxing have also been raised by people.

Brother Nine said: "Make them into sausages or bacon, and use them as gifts at the end of the year..."

How practical this is.

Then they come up with a better recipe, which tastes better and can be given away.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu is in good spirits, Shu Shu prepares to go out.

Starting directly from Haidian, go all the way north for a hundred miles to Hongluo Temple.

If you really want to hurry, you can get there in one day, but it is too hard and unnecessary.

This road is full of official roads, and there are post stations every forty miles.

When I went, I stayed at the post station for one night in the middle.

Stay overnight in the temple the next day.

Returning on the third day, there will be another night on the road.

In this way, it will be four days and three nights.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is arranging the northern tour, and a rough itinerary has also been released.

Brother Jiu counted the time and said: "The northern tour is in the second half of the month, and Khan Ama will return to the palace with the Queen Mother at about the middle of the month. If we go, we will leave before the tenth day at the latest..."

The husband and wife meet head to head and choose the date with the imperial calendar.

It was July before, and now it is July, leap July.

It is advisable to travel and pray on the sixth and ninth day of the seventh month.

The ninth day of the ninth day is too hasty, hurry up rather than late.

The two discussed the day of the sixth day.

Today is the third day of junior high school, that is three days later.

Shu Shu said: "I'll send someone to the empress's side tomorrow, see if it's convenient to go over and say hello, I have to tell the empress..."

This can be regarded as a "long journey", so it's not easy to be self-sufficient.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Let's go then, Master also greeted the guards and prepared manpower..."

Speaking of this, he said: "I forgot to mention this to Lao Shi, should I invite Lao Shi and his wife to go together?"

Shu Shu naturally had no objection, she also thought of Wu Fujin, and said: "It happens that Brother Wu is here these few days, should I also ask Brother Wu and them?"

After hearing this, Brother Nine hesitated and said, "Fifth Brother is different from us. When we talk about begging for a child, it's more about relaxation. Fifth Brother and the others have been married for three years..."

If you ask for a child and fail to do so, you will be laughed at.

Shu Shu was speechless.

She hadn't thought about it that much before.

How old is Fifth Brother?
Four years older than Brother Jiu, 21 this year.

Wu Fujin is younger, 19 years old this year.

Is this the fertility difficulty in the eyes of others? !

According to the current statement, it really is.

After three years of marriage, there is no movement. If it is an ordinary family, they can divorce their wives.

"But I'm called the tenth younger brother, the tenth younger brother and sister, instead of the fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law, okay?"

Shu Shu hesitated.

Brother Nine said: "Anyway, I don't want to go with them, so let's go beg first and let them go by themselves later."

Shu Shu is fine, she doesn't feel any restraint when getting along with Wu Fujin.

Ninth elder brother is afraid of fifth elder brother nagging.

Then let him go.

Brother Nine didn't delay, and immediately sent someone to invite Brother Ten to come over and talk about it.

Elder Brother Ten took Shi Fujin out for a walk while he was thinking about Xiumu, and he agreed with his heart and said, "Go, let's go together!"

Otherwise, when he arrived in Haidian, he would stay at Elder Brother's house, not much different from the palace. He was worried that Ten Fujin would be bored.

Brother Nine said: "For four days before and after, bring enough luggage and manpower..."

Elder Brother Ten went back to the Fifth Institute with great interest.

Xiaochun and Walnut start to make a list, preparing things for Shu Shu and Brother Jiu to go out.

Shu Shu saw that the two of them wrote three lists and said: "Okay, try to be as concise as possible, don't need to be so troublesome..."

There are quilts, quilts, tents, and pillows, all of which are double. In addition to the ones you need to use, you also need to bring replacements.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "There's no need to do this, one set is enough, it's only three nights in total, how dirty can it be?"

Seeing that there were several washbasins and footbasins, Shu Shu also said: "Go, go, just keep two, one to wash the face and one to wash the feet..."

There are three lists, but one and a half is reduced.

Shu Shu recalled that there were poor and handicapped people begging near the temple, so she told Zhou Song, "Take a few coins and go to the nearby town to exchange some money and come back..."

Then he said to Xiao Chun: "Xiao Chun will go with me, if you see the cloth shop, buy a few bolts of rough cloth, the color must be dirty, dark blue, dark blue..."

Xiaochun said: "There are two bolts of Songjiang cloth in the storeroom, it's useless, what is Fujin going to do?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "Don't want Songjiang cloth, just old coarse cloth. Then it will be cut according to the material of a suit of clothes. If someone outside Hongluo Temple needs almsgiving, they will give alms directly..."

As for the Songjiang cloth, it is the top-grade Songjiang cloth from Neigong, which is as soft as silk and satin, and the price is also expensive, and the color is also very light.

Only then did Xiao Chun realize that it was this, and hurriedly agreed, and followed Zhou Song out.

Brother Jiu was listening, thoughtful, and said: "If you don't give the money, is it because you are afraid you won't be able to keep it?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I'm also afraid that I won't be able to bear to spend it, or it may be inconvenient to spend it. The real poor people probably won't see money easily..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and the four people have their own jobs. How can someone beg for money? Is it because of laziness and slippery?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The capital city has experienced nine droughts in ten years, and the income of farmers is limited. If natural disasters and man-made disasters catch up, and they cannot withstand changes, they will be impoverished..."

Brother Jiu said: "But this is Gyeonggi, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, and they can't even take care of the people here, what do those officials think?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Where is the local official who doesn't want to enrich the people? Most likely they can't find a suitable way..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "If you give us a piece of land to enrich the people, do you have any good ideas?"

Shu Shu was not in a hurry to speak.

What Brother Nine said was impossible.

The system of the Eight Banners is different from the suzerain-vassal system of the previous dynasty, which means "do not crack the soil".

She asked back: "What idea did the Lord think of?"

Brother Nine snapped his fingers and said, "Grow vegetables, raise pigs, grow fruit trees..."

Shu Shu said: "In terms of growing vegetables, if the cost of Dongzi vegetables is expensive, the firewood and charcoal invested are expensive, and technology is also required. Seasonal vegetables cannot be sold at a high price, so it is better to grow grain; the same is true for raising pigs, and you have to be careful. Swine fever; as for planting fruit trees, it will take three to five years of effort. There is only investment and no income. I am afraid that it will be difficult for small people to comply, and there is not so much land to plant fruit trees on a large scale..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Then there is no other way to enrich the people?"

Shu Shu recalled a few folk proverbs in later generations, "Without agriculture, there is no stability, without work, there is no wealth, and without business, there is no life."

In today's agrarian society, agriculture is still the foundation of social stability.

She said: "Scholars, farmers, businessmen, farmers have the most people, people depend on food, and farming is also the foundation. If you want people to be rich, you must think about increasing production and income, such as dredging water conservancy and strengthening irrigation; such as introducing grains to resist drought and cold; Such as improving tools, intensive farming, saving manpower, etc..."

Brother Jiu listened carefully, with longing.

He whispered: "It would be great if we cracked the soil and sealed off the domain like the previous dynasty. Our family must be the richest, and the people's lives are the best..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "If you want to try it, you don't have to worry about Feng Fan, isn't it divided into several Huangzhuang..."

(End of this chapter)

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