My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 650 Debt Collection

Chapter 650 Debt Collection (Second Change)
Regarding the Huangzhuang under his name, Brother Jiu never thought of moving it at all.

What I want is to collect food normally and make a profit.

After talking about it today, I realized that Huangzhuang can be operated just like a shop.

"Then try?"

He said with interest.

Shu Shu thought of corn, which already existed in the suburbs of Beijing, but the common people didn't recognize it.

She said: "Then try it, it can be matched with raising pigs and chickens."

At that time, it will also be a farm model, and the income should be better than tenants going out to collect rent.

Brother Jiu said: "It's okay to raise pigs. Pork is also valuable. What's the point of raising chickens? It's not worth much?"

Shu Shu said: "The chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken..."

Brother Nine knows that eggs are expensive, and said: "That's right, it's good to use this as a gift..."

When they move out, there will be more places that need favors to move around, and the ceremony is a big waste of money. If they can solve it by themselves, they can save a lot of expenses.

The Prince's Mansion has almost been built, and only the finishing touches are left.

Fosong can also find time.

It's just that Fu Song is here at this age, no matter how old he looks, he just looks at it, and has never traveled far.

Most of Huangzhuang is in Baoding, and there are a few places in Shengjing, all of which need to go out of Beijing.

Brother Jiu said: "Cao Shun wrote a letter a while ago, and he is going to go to Beijing. When he arrives, let him go out with Fu Song to tour the village..."

Shu Shu thought about the identities of these two people, one is the young master, and the other is also the young master.

For farming, it should be the limited knowledge read in books.

She thought of her companion.

It was not easy to use the Xing family because of Xizhu before, should I use it now?

She couldn't make up her mind for a moment.

Xingquan and his son looked honest and honest, but they knew people and faces but didn't know their hearts.

If Xing Quan knew that he had doubts about Xi Zhu's identity and still held back, then he would be suspected of "doves occupying the magpie's nest" and the plot would be huge.

In that case, it would be treacherous and loyal.

But if he thought too much, misunderstood, and left Xing Quan and his son idle, that would be too mean.

Seeing her serious face, Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "What's wrong? What embarrassment did you think of?"

Shu Shu talked about her scruples.

Brother Jiu said: "There is no heart in judging traces, there is no sage in judging heart, just look at whether it can be used or not. Are you afraid that he will plot against us?"

Even if he had a messy account with his uncle back then, it was a last resort.

Which man is not crazy wearing a green hat?
Shu Shu thought about it, and said: "The Xing family father and son can propose it. They have been silent in Zhuangzi for 20 years, and they have listened to our orders for more than a year. They raise pigs and chickens. Ripe..."

Xing Quan is the uncle's book boy, and he will be the uncle's long-term follower when he grows up. Before leaving the uncle's mansion, he also managed to be a foreign manager on his own.

Brother Nine said: "Isn't that just right? Then you don't have to wait for Cao Shun specially. After a few days it will cool down, and Fu Song and the others can go out to visit the village."

Shu Shu said: "Alright..."

Not to mention other people, that Nanny Xing is an old friend of Ah Mou's, and Ah Mou has a relationship with her.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been away from his side for more than ten years and still be thinking about it, so he gave this family to him as a companion.

I think more.

Amu is older than himself, and sees things more deeply than himself. If he didn't believe in the character of Xingquan and his wife, he wouldn't think of using people under his command.

Even if she arranges the old person, she is also in front, and it will definitely not harm her own interests.

Shu Shu put aside one concern, and talked about her other two companions: "The rest of the people are normal, they are separated from the family members, and the two daughters-in-law are my big girls when I was young..."

Speaking of this, she smiled and said: "The two sister-in-laws are rushing to conceive and have children, thinking that we will have little brother and little Gege, come in and serve..."

The nursing mother depends on the time, so it doesn't matter what the babysitter says.

The key is that the next group, who are a few years older, can just come in and serve the little master.

Brother Jiu thought of Nanny Qi, and complained: "What did mother-in-law think, why did Nanny Qi become a nanny..."

How do you take care of children if you have never given birth?

That is to say, Shu Shu is smart, and I guess she was precocious when she was a child. Otherwise, how can such a nanny take care of children so that people can rest assured?
Shu Shu pinched him, and said, "What's wrong with Mammy? Mammy has never neglected to take care of me..."

If it weren't for this carefulness, E Nie and Amu wouldn't trust her to take care of their daily life.

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and tasted it: "How many people are you thinking about? Father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, and Nanny Qi and girls, there is no room for you..."

Shu Shu sighed and said, "They can only accompany me for half the walk, and the one who will accompany me to the end of my life is still Grandpa..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, proudly, and said: "Just remember this, even if you really have a cub, you are not allowed to be in front of the master..."

Seeing that he was eating the invisible dry vinegar, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Don't worry, I'm still waiting for the master to love me, and I don't allow the master to put the child before me..."

Brother Jiu looked at her seriously, and said, "Of course, you are the one who will accompany you to the end of the old age. If you give birth to a boy, you will give birth to your mother-in-law; if you give birth to a child, it is not uncomfortable enough, and you have to worry about dowry..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "My master thinks so far..."

In fact, even though Shu Shu said that she was looking forward to having a baby sooner and picked Amu over, she still felt strange in her heart.

This child looks cute in other people's homes, but if he really wants to give birth to his own, he is inexplicably scared.

It scares people to death.

If it was left in later generations, she would definitely choose not to give birth.

But in this era, with such an identity, the trouble of not having children is even more troublesome than having children.

She doesn't like complicated relationships, and doesn't want her elders to worry about her, so she was born early.

Early the next morning, Shu Shu was not in a hurry to send someone to Changchun Garden.

Wu Fujin also lives here now, so it's not easy to leave her alone to pay respects to Concubine Yi.

The two sisters-in-law still need to go in and out together.

Shu Shu first sent someone to go to the three temples, knowing that the fifth elder brother was not there and that Wu Fujin was free, so she went there in person and said, "Sister-in-law Wu, Master Jiu and I are going to Hongluo Temple to offer incense the day after tomorrow. Going to report to the empress, are you free in the morning? If you are free, let's go to say hello together?"

Wu Fujin nodded, and said, "They're all idle, if they have time."

The poker table that their sisters-in-law had set up for a few days left early.

Later, Sifujin moved away and Sanfujin came in instead, and everyone couldn't talk about going together, and the small gatherings between sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law stopped.

Now they are closing their doors and living their own lives, which is similar to the situation in the palace.

So when Wu Fujin said he was idle, he was indeed idle.

Shu Shu sent Xiao Chun and Walnut to Changchun Garden.

Changchun Garden, Huichun Villa.

Concubine Yi had breakfast, and was thinking about whether to have a poker game in the morning or in the afternoon.

After all, it is in the garden, there are too many people, it is not easy to branch out from morning to night, even if you play cards every time, it is limited to half a day.

After she moved into the garden, Chen Guiren's mother and son followed.

Chen Guiren is a card player these days.

The remaining two are nobleman Wang and nobleman Guerjia.

The two are a beautiful couple, pleasing to the eye, with a pleasing temperament, and everyone gets along happily.

As for Concubine De, forget it.

Concubine Yi and her look down on each other.

Concubine Yi thinks that Concubine De is carrying too much, and she likes to have a sour face.

Concubine De dislikes Concubine Yi for being too lively and not stable in her old age.

Hearing that the youngest daughter-in-law sent someone to pay her respects, Concubine Yi raised her eyebrows.

This is also the principle of "nothing goes to the Three Treasures Hall".

It's not that the children are not filial, but that the emperor manages the government in the garden, and the civil and military ministers are also on duty in the garden, so it's inconvenient to come and go, so Concubine Yi has long said that Wu Fujin and Shu Shu should not come over to settle the province. When the time comes, someone will be sent over.

After seeing Xiao Chun, Concubine Yi said: "I'm idle, but what's the matter with Jiufu Jin?"

Xiaochun then said that the two masters would go to Hongluo Temple to offer incense in the future.

Concubine Yi was stunned when she heard the words, and knew why Shu Shu was in a hurry.

Brother Nine is in good health, and Shu Shu will be in the third year of entering the school next year, and she must be looking forward to conceiving and having a baby.


Concubine Yi was a little worried...

There is really no way to say the fate of women here, the more anxious you are, the less likely you will be able to get what you want.

Just like Wu Fujin and fifth elder brother.

It's just that she put these worried words in her heart, but it's hard to say them out, otherwise it would be like a crow's mouth, so she nodded and said: "I have time in the morning, let their sisters-in-law come over! Bring more people, don't be bumped... ..."

Xiao Chun agreed and brought back walnuts.

After hearing the message, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin came directly to the garden without delay.

Compared with coming out of the palace, Concubine Yi's complexion is much better, and her chin is not so round anymore.

She smiled and beckoned the two daughters-in-law to sit closer, and said to Wu Fujin first: "I heard that I brought elder brother here this time, are you naughty?"

Wu Fujin said: "Be well-behaved and don't worry, Liu Gege teaches very well..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "That's good, if Liu Gege doesn't know how to teach, you don't have to make trouble, tell Er Niang that Er Niang arranges to educate the nanny..."

Wu Fujin shook his head and said, "Daughter-in-law is not in trouble, it's a daughter-in-law's job..."

Concubine Yi is a sensible person, one generation only cares about one generation, and she doesn't intend to interfere in the upbringing of her grandchildren.


Thinking of her seniority, she also felt a little heartbroken.

She looked at Shu Shu and said, "Good boy, don't worry, two years is not a bad thing."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law is still a child, I really don't worry at all, that is, our father, I guess he is holding back hard, looking for a reason to go out to relax, and greeted the imperial court early..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Wu Fujin and said: "This time I won't make an appointment with Fifth Brother. Our master is afraid that Fifth Brother will say him, and doesn't like to go out with Fifth Brother, so we have an appointment with Tenth Brother..."

Wu Fujin smiled and said, "You guys go first, we'll go later."

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said: "As long as he is more prudent, can his Fifth Brother talk about him? He is still unknown, how old is he, and people still worry about him..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Who told him to be young, the emperor and the empress doted on him, and the fifth elder brother and fifth sister-in-law also loved him, so he just did as he wanted. This is the blessing of the ninth master!"

Concubine Yi rubbed her chest and said: "It's his blessing, not mine. It's what I owed in my previous life, and I'm here to collect the debt..."

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, and he exchanged a glance with Wu Fujin.

The mother-in-law has something in her words, it seems that the news from the racecourse has also reached the ears of the empress.

Concubine Yi didn't intend to break up the matter with them, instead she said: "Is everything ready for incense?"

Shu Shu said: "I have prepared sesame oil money for the temple, and asked people to prepare some loose money and coarse cloth, which will be used when the time comes..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "It's very appropriate, it's just that doing good deeds has to be divided into people. When you meet the elderly and frail, showing kindness is also a good deed. If you are in the prime of life, you will be kicked out..."

(End of this chapter)

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