My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 651 Fortune

Coming out of Huichun Villa, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin breathed a sigh of relief.

The sister-in-law was also torn about how to respond if Concubine Yi mentioned the racecourse.

Brother Eleven...

No need to think about it, knowing that after Yi Fei found out about the horse, she would feel no less sad and angry than Fifth and Ninth Princes, this mother is different after all.

"Children are ignorant, so are adults ignorant? Why don't the nannies and eunuchs around you have adults, and don't know how to stop them?"

Even someone with such a good temper as Wu Fujin couldn't help complaining.

My mother-in-law is still one of the four concubines, and elder brother eleven is not a little elder brother from a humble background.

Shu Shu was silent for a while, then said: "That's from Yuqing Palace, his status is too high..."

Wu Fujin was also silent, and after a while he sighed and said, "The gap will become bigger and bigger in the future..."

In the prince's generation, the gap is better.

In addition to the prince, the others are Baylor and the county king.

This is only the first conferment, if according to the example of Prince Yu's generation, it is impossible to say that all princes can be conferred kings.

But when it comes to the next generation, the gap is huge.

Just like the elder brothers in Prince Gong's mansion, except for the successors, everyone else has limited backgrounds, and they all have low titles like clan generals.

Shu Shu thought of the layout of "Nine Dragons", probably because of this.

They are only the prince Fujin, and they all feel the changes in the different situations of their husbands' status; for the princes, they have a deeper understanding.

It is also common to have the idea of ​​seizing the heir.

It's just that Shu Shu is not a worried person, and she doesn't bother to think about it.

Since he knew that Yuqing Palace was a loser, he just waited and watched.

People's hearts are strange.

The same is the child.

Akton, like Honghui, died in the known history.

Here at Honghui, what Shu Shu thought was whether Honghui's death could be avoided; even if it could not be avoided, would it be possible to prompt Si Fujin to give birth to a second son to replace him.

But when he came to Akdon, he also knew that he was dead, while Shu Shu was much cold-blooded and didn't intend to interfere at all.

Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?

Even without the grievances and grievances of these days, that is, the relationship with Passerby A is not enough for her to display the heart of the Virgin.

It was different from Zhang Bin at that time.

Shu Shu is just an ordinary person, she doesn't think about saving sentient beings, all she pays attention to are those who are related to her.

The next day, the fifth day, was the day when the younger generation went to Danbo Weide Palace to pay respects to the Empress Dowager.

Headed by San Fujin, he took the three of his younger sisters-in-law with him, and walked north along the west wall of the West Garden, entering the garden from the Great North Gate, and within a few steps was the Danbo Weide Palace.

During the tour to the south, Sanfujin got to know the queen mother a lot, and he became more obedient. He was not as competitive as before, and looked much more peaceful.

She also knows that Wufu Jin is here, so there is no need to compete for favor.

Even Shu Shu's dignity in front of the queen mother is not comparable to her.

The queen mother looked at the four sisters-in-law who looked like water onions, and said with a smile: "Shu Shu sent the peaches over, they are just right, you can peel them and eat them..."

Naturally, it's not just this plate of peaches, but also fresh fruits like melons, watermelons, and plums.

Shu Shu laughed and said: "The grandson's daughter-in-law borrowed flowers to offer Buddha. She is from the elder brother's village. She is familiar with them. The people below didn't eat much. The elder brother sent two carts over to pick up the meals for us. The grandson's daughter-in-law is good to eat. I thought you might also like to eat..."

The queen mother showed concern, and said: "Is there no female family member here?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "No, so the dining room is not complete. Jiuye was afraid that it would be inconvenient for him, so he told elder brother to settle here, and the people there directly picked up the meal from the fourth place..."

The queen mother said: "How can we do without a woman? It's also pitiful."

Shu Shu is the sister-in-law, so she has no room to speak.

However, she also felt that it was inappropriate, Ge Ge and elder brother needed someone to take care of them, Shu Fu Jin's status was too low.

If you meet a righteous Ji Fujin, someone who behaves like the Crown Princess, Sifujin, and Wufujin, or someone who is open-minded like the Seventh Fujin and Ten Fujin, it is a good thing to enter the door early.

Ge Ge and Elder Brother are still young, they have been brought up together, and they are getting closer to each other.

After a few years, the little princesses have grown up, and they can't get close to each other when they get along.

But there are pros and cons.

In a few years, the princesses will all grow up, and the little elder brother will also be at the age of studying, so he will not live under the hands of his stepmother.

Eldest brother is kissing Ama, Concubine Hui is kissing Mama, the two of them are not in a hurry, and the others are also not in a hurry.

The Empress Dowager gave orders to Nanny Bai: "I'll give a portion of milk pancakes and beef jerky to Eldest Brother later, and I'll fill them up when I'm hungry sooner or later."

Nanny Bai agreed.

Sanfujin was listening and glanced at Shu Shu and Shifujin.

Among these sisters-in-law, whoever married in was not suffocated.

There are favored princesses standing in front of them.

I was lucky, Tian Gege's elder brother didn't stand up, otherwise, with the third elder brother's eccentricity, there would be no place for the two elder brothers born by me.

As for the others, they are cheap mothers when they enter the door.

Seeing that Shu Shu was sitting next to the queen mother, eating a piece of beef jerky with relish, and chatting with the ten blessings, both of them looked carefree.

San Fujin felt a little bitter, and said: "Say it quickly, there is a draft by the Ministry of Internal Affairs every February, don't you two talk about adding people?"

The room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Sanfujin.

Shu Shu just felt baffled, the serious mother-in-law hasn't said this yet, so it's the sister-in-law's turn to say this?
She smiled slightly, looked at Sanfujin, and said: "We don't lack people, I think the third sister-in-law is in a hurry to choose someone, and she will be thinking about it in half a year."

Shi Fujin followed and said: "We don't lack people, we have Gege... Don't you have Gege in your family, sister-in-law San? Why isn't it enough?"

The corners of the queen mother's eyes were drooping, and she also looked at Sanfujin.

Sanfujin smiled, touched his stomach, and said: "I haven't announced the good news to the emperor's grandmother yet, and the granddaughter-in-law is born again, so I thought that the family is not enough to handle, so I will choose two good ones to serve the third master in the next year... "

The queen mother nodded and said: "You are virtuous, so choose the good-looking ones."

Sanfujin was also unlucky to say the least.

To be honest, there are only four princesses in the backyard of the third elder brother, and there are Tongfang, which is not too small.

But Sanfujin didn't have anything to do with "virtuousness", and there were some criticisms in the past two years.

That's because Tian Gege's second elder brother died.

At the end of last winter, the fourth elder brother who was born to Gege passed away.

In April of this year, another elder brother who was born with Gege passed away.

The three bastards all died.

Moreover, the second elder brother died on the second day after birth, the fourth elder brother died on the ground, and the fifth elder brother died on the ninth day after birth.

Speaking of coincidence, this time, two times, and the third time...

The two elder brothers who were born to her are doing well, and now they are standing still.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin looked at San Fujin with caution, who would have thought that she was pregnant.

I didn't say it before.

Sanfujin dared to stab Shushu and Shifujin, but he didn't dare to stab Wufujin, and said aside: "I just hope that this child will be a girl, as caring and sweet as Jiumeimei."

Jiugege sat beside him, watching Sanfujin with caution.

She thought of Da Fujin, who had such frequent births back then that his body was damaged.

Now Sanfujin is relatively densely populated.

The second son was pregnant with another one before his first birthday.

When it was time to change clothes, Jiugege pulled Shushu and whispered, "With the lessons learned from my sister-in-law, wouldn't my sister-in-law be afraid?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "It's different, the elder sister-in-law is four in five years, and she was still young when she was pregnant; the third sister-in-law was a few years older than the elder sister-in-law at that time, three in five years, and one less..."

Jiugege shook his head and said, "That's also to blame, it's either with a full stomach, or with a baby..."

As for Sanfu Jin, Shu Shu couldn't say well.

If he is really a good abortionist...

Probably not, even if they are bastards, those are also grandsons of emperors.

If San Fujin did something wrong, San Elder Brother and Concubine Rong would not tolerate it.

Kangxi is not a vegetarian either.

He is not only his father-in-law, but also his mother-in-law.

It can only be said that Sanfujin is unlucky, her own two sons, even if they have bastards, it doesn't matter, but they can still look virtuous.

But this one can't stand up, Guadain Lixia will be suspected.

When they came out of Weide Palace in Danbo, everyone kept a few steps away from Sanfujin and asked her to go ahead.

San Fujin touched his temples and said, "I didn't sincerely want to hide it from you, it was less than three months ago..."

The current rules say that children are delicate, and they should be kept secret for the first three months, so as not to be unable to sit still.

In fact, it was also because it was not visible before that the recent Ping An pulse was diagnosed.

Sanfujin was depressed to death.

You must know that she has never forgotten about this year's northern tour, and she is almost ready for it.

Who would have thought that the happy pulse would be discovered at this time, and the matter of following the northern tour would be in vain, perhaps following the mind of the third elder brother and allowing Tian Gege to follow.

Wu Fujin said: "You should be careful after all, it only rained yesterday..."

Here is the corridor paved with bluestone slabs, which is a bit slippery.

Sanfujin loves beauty again, and now she is wearing flag shoes.

Sanfujin supported the girl and walked steadily, said: "It's not that delicate, I guess it's still a little young now, it will take five months before my body sinks..."

She was arrogant when she talked about her pregnancy experience, Wu Fujin smiled lightly and listened.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin were impatient to hear this.

Shu Shu recalled what she had just said about Xiu Nu in front of the Empress Dowager, snorted softly and said: "The third sister-in-law is pregnant, just take good care of her, why are you still worrying about other people's affairs?"

That is to say, the queen mother does not interfere in the affairs of her grandchildren's house, otherwise what is it called.

Sanfujin chuckled lightly and said, "Isn't it because you haven't moved yet? Lao Jiu is not young anymore..."

Shu Shu said: "Our lady hasn't spoken yet, it's not your turn to worry about this, just save yourself!"

Shi Fujin nodded and agreed: "Our Master Shi is different from Sanbeile, he doesn't like Gege, he only likes me!"

Sanfujin almost choked, coughed twice and said: "The tenth sibling is being naughty again, Jingli is not happy to talk about 'like'..."

Shi Fujin was puzzled and said, "What can't be said, this is all the truth, isn't it a lie?"

Sanfujin covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said, "It seems frivolous..."

Shi Fujin pouted, and said, "It's frivolous to like Fujin, but what is liking Gege?"

Sanfujin felt that these words were harsh, and said: "What kind of thing is Ge Ge, she is just a girl who serves men, what do you like or not?"

Shi Fujin frowned and said: "Then your family is really Feigege, our master doesn't like to use girls, but likes to use eunuchs!"

Sanfujin coughed twice again, and said, "Okay, tenth sibling, don't make me laugh!"

Ten Fujin said in a daze, "Why do you love to laugh so much, I'm telling the truth!"

Sanfujin shook his head and said: "Anyway, I won't tell the truth like this in the future. As for why, you can ask Elder Brother Ten later..."

I saw a lot of book friends, everyone, drink plenty of water and sleep more, insomnia will double the fatigue, nine is a lesson learned from the past, I started to suffer from insomnia for three days, and I have been fatigued until now.

The next update will be at 12:22 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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