Chapter 652 The situation of the male protagonist (first update)
Shi Fujin nodded in response, Shu Shu felt a little toothache.

The door to a new world is about to open.

It is estimated that this is not popular on the grassland, and Shi Fujin never thought of it.

It seems that among the princes, only the prince has related scandals.

It is not clear whether it is true or whether it is an attack by political opponents.

After all, history is written by the victors.

But in the way of the fourth elder brother, even if he "uses the problem to make use of it", he still has to "have a problem to do."

Besides, his treatment of the prince is different from that of the eighth and ninth, and he is much more lenient.

Is it true that the prince has a pet? !

Shu Shu's sympathy for the princess increased a bit.

When we arrived at elder brother's office, everyone dispersed.

Shu Shu also received a reward from the Queen Mother, and she also received a portion of beef jerky and a portion of milk pancakes.

Seeing these two things, Shu Shu thought about eating tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will be on the road all day, and I will stay in a post station at night.

"Bring some noodles, and mushroom sauce..."

Shu Shu called Xiaotang and talked about the food on the road.

After all, it was to worship the Buddha, so let’s forget about the meat.

"Bring another jar of spicy dried tofu and eat it directly with sesame seed cakes..."

Now we are talking about the meal at noon tomorrow.

According to the plan, we will travel sixty miles tomorrow, and we will prepare a meal of dry food at noon.

Where is the post station, I am also worried that the food will not go well.

Speaking of this, Shu Shu called Zhou Song again and said, "Go to the nearby town to order some baked pancakes, then go to a pastry shop and order some fried fruits..."

These are prepared for the guards and guards.

Fried dough sticks sandwiched with sesame seed cakes is also a delicious way to eat, and it is not afraid of being cold.

Zhou Song agreed, paid Xiaochun the money, and went down to prepare.

In Changchun Garden, Qingxi Bookstore.

Elder Brother Nine also came to Yuqian and told about going to Huairou tomorrow: "My son was thinking about it, Elder Ten was also free, so I asked him to go with Fujin Ten..."

Mainly to say this.

If it's just the couple going out, there's no need to talk about it, it's been reported before.

After Kangxi heard this, he had no intention of objecting.

It is not uncommon for a newly married couple to think about having a baby.

He said: "Bring one more guard, and the guards should also bring more..."

"Well, my son has already greeted the guards..."

Brother Jiu said, remembering what his wife said about Huairou, chestnuts and walnuts are better, said: "It's a pity that the season is not right now, why don't my son bring chestnuts back..."

Kangxi saw that he was still like a child, but he was also helpless, and said: "If you want to eat, then send someone over to buy it."

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "That's different, it's the son who wants to show filial piety to Ama Khan..."

Kangxi laughed and said, "I'm not a child, but I still like these snacks..."

Brother Jiu blinked his eyes, glanced at Kangxi twice, and gave two smirks of "hehe".

Kangxi felt that his eyes were wrong, and scolded with a smile: "You bastard, where are you looking?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "My son just remembered, so what, what to eat to make up for it..."

Kangxi felt his hands itching again, and said impatiently: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, go down, and ask Fushan to come in!"

Brother Nine responded and came out of Qingxi Bookstore.

Fushan was waiting to meet at the valet outside, and brother Jiu went over to pass on the message.

Fushan is one of the ministers leading the guards, and this position cannot be appointed unless he is trusted.

Brother Nine was not familiar with him before, so he took a second look now.

Seeing that he is about the same age as the emperor's father, with more forehead lines, he may be a few years older.

Fushan's great-grandfather was Yangguli, the founding father of the country, who was given to the king after his death.

You must know that the Duke is the pinnacle of the Duke of the People. There are no more than ten Dukes inside and outside the court, and half of them are Duke Cheng'en.

Such a family status is actually not obvious.

After returning to Elder Brother's place, Nine Elder Brothers also mentioned it to Shu Shu, saying: "Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have been Ministers of Internal Affairs, leading guards and internal ministers, and with such a family background, they were crushed to death by Suo'etu before. First of all, I mentioned the minister of the bodyguard, I only know Suo'etu, but after all, Fushan has been the minister of the bodyguard for 20 years..."

Shu Shu also felt strange when she heard it, and said, "I really haven't paid attention to their house..."

Eight Banners' top nobles, in fact, there are only a few dozen families. They have contacted relatives, and relatives walk around on weekdays. I have never heard of their family.

I heard it once before, during the east tour last year, when Kangxi visited the mausoleum in Shengjing, he personally paid homage to Wu Xun Wang Yangguli.

"Perhaps this kind of people are cautious and alone, so they have less communication..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu was thinking too much now, pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, the ministers who lead the guards are different after all. If the in-laws are everywhere and are too active, I am afraid that Khan Ama will not be at ease."

It's strange to say that I haven't paid attention to their house before, so I can't get along with them.

On this note, I encountered one the next day.

The prince and prince Fujin were traveling, and the guards sent two guards, one of which was Bosenash;

The bodyguard of Bosenash, who has been out with the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, is acquainted with each other.

As for General Deyi, he was the great-grandson of Emperor Taizu, and he was a cousin of the same generation as Kangxi, but he was also the brother-in-law of the prince.

His wife is the eldest sister of the princess.

So this one is Zhuliang's future father-in-law, Qingru's father.

The two families are relatives by marriage and have known each other for a long time. When Shu Shu met, she also called him "uncle".

Seeing that he is a relative of Yue's family again, the ninth elder brother is indispensable and very warm.

But when he saw the guard behind Deyi, he saw a familiar face.

In his twenties, tall and slender, with slender eyebrows and thin eyes, he was dressed like a second-class guard.

"Are you from Shu Mulu's family?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

Otherwise, why would the eyebrows and eyes look a little like Fu Shan's?

The guard bowed and said: "Slave Erhe, his old surname is Shu Mulu, and his father's name is taboo on blessings and goodness on the bottom."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "No wonder the master looks familiar, he does have a bit of Fu Gong's character..."

Among the guards, there is another acquaintance, Gui Dan.

Perhaps because of the daily practice at the bodyguard's office, Gui Dan is no longer the potbellied appearance of last year.

It still looks wider than ordinary people, but it is not fat, but strong.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother did not treat him differently, and he did not dare to play the role of the prince's cousin.

It's just that when you rest on the road, you have to come forward to meet him.

Because Brother Nine had talked to Erhe before, he also talked about Erhe, saying: "He is the youngest son of Lord Fu, Cheng Ding just made up the third-class guard, and he was promoted to the second-class last year. There is no choice for family background, and the future is very good, but it is almost luck, and now I am still a bachelor..."

Brother Jiu said curiously: "No way, I see how much older he is than you!"

Gui Dan nodded and said: "I was born in 19 years, and now I'm [-] years old. He's been seeing him for the past six months..."

"He was born at noon on the Double Ninth Festival, and he seemed to be talking about 'bazi pure yang'. The marriage was not going well. When I was fifteen or six years old, I met one, and the two families exchanged posts. As a result, the woman died of a cold. ..."

"When the guards are replaced, I will see another one. Before the horoscope is formed, Ge Ge in that family has acne, and he burned to death with high fever..."

"This marriage has become a problem. The third time I talked about my aunt and cousin. Finally, my wife went through the motions peacefully. On the day of the wedding, the bride was so thirsty in the sedan chair that she choked to death after eating a bite of an apple... "

"This person has been carried to the front of the house. My mother's family must not be able to carry it back. Then the girl will either become a lonely ghost, or enter the door..."

"Erhe didn't enter the bridal chamber, so he became a widower. There was an original spouse in front of him. Besides, the marriage is the continuation, which is even more difficult..."

Not to mention Brother Jiu was dumbfounded, even Shu Shu was stunned when he heard it.

It is said that there is no coincidence without a book, this is even more coincidental than what is written in the book, it is completely the situation of the male protagonist.

Let alone the present, even if it is left to future generations, the age of science cannot explain this coincidence.

But it's just listening to it, after all, it's someone else's story, and it's irrelevant.

Unexpectedly, there really was an intersection.

In the evening, when they arrived at the station, everyone came down to resettle.

There are several houses in the post station, and there are officials passing by, but it will not delay the arrangement of the nine princes and ten princes.

It's just that some guards are going to sleep in tents outside.

This time, there were a total of 100 guards and 20 guards who followed to Huairou.

Add the maids and eunuchs from the four and five schools, add up to eight carriages, and about 130 people.

Xiaotang took people to the kitchen of the post station.

I ate dry food and noodles for lunch, and I brought some ingredients in the car at night.

Erhe came and waited outside, begging to see Shushu.

He Yuzhu happened to be outside and came in to report.

Shu Shu was a little surprised, even if something happened, shouldn't she look for Brother Jiu?

She glanced at Brother Jiu, but couldn't guess Erhe's purpose.

Brother Nine said: "Did you forget that it's not the father-in-law or mother-in-law's old relative?"

He is used to recognizing relatives among the guards.

Shu Shu was also confused, and said, "I don't know either..."

However, the ancestors of Shu Mulu's family seemed to be married to the clan, who knows where the relatives turned.

Brother Jiu ordered He Yuzhu: "Bring it in!"

He Yuzhu went down in response, and after a while, he brought Erhe in.

Erhe was different from the previous frankness. He was a bit shy. He greeted Shu Shu and Brother Jiu respectfully, and then explained the purpose of coming, saying: "The servant wants to be with Jiu Fujin, ask Gui Zhen Gege's business..."

Shu Shu looked at Erhe seriously.

When a man asks about a woman, and she is of the right age, what other reasons can there be?
"Do you know Guizhen Gege?"

Shu Shu asked.

Erhe said: "Prince Jifujin of Shuncheng County is a slave cousin, and he often went to the palace when he was young..."

Shu Shu's eyes sparkled when he heard it.

childhood sweetheart?

Of course, even childhood sweethearts are pure friendship between children.

Because of the current rules, Xiao Gege keeps his head, so he doesn't play with the little boy very much.

Just like myself, the time when I had the most contact with my cousin Chuntai was before the age of ten.

After ten years old, they stopped playing together.

Immediately, Shu Shu recalled that Erhe had discussed marriage three times, and said: "Why didn't your family propose marriage to the palace at that time?"

Erhe glanced at Shu Shu, smiled wryly and said, "I mentioned it earlier, but it was a step too late. Uncle and Uncle have made an agreement..."

Shu Shu's expression didn't change, but his heart was embarrassing.

My uncle chose Guizhen Gege for Xizhu early on, and in order to make Guizhen Ama agree to the marriage, he even gave him a lot of property.

It's really wrong...

No, didn't the Nala family also take a fancy to Gui Zhengege?
I have all asked Dong E's family about the tone...

(End of this chapter)

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