Chapter 653 Fate (Second)

Shu Shu couldn't say anything.

The relationship between her and Guizhen Gege is not a relationship that can help matchmaking.

The former sister-in-law and the former sister-in-law are embarrassing in the eyes of outsiders.

What's more, with the matter of Niu Hulu Dagege and Fu Song ahead, Shu Shu is also afraid of the matter of the mediator.

Erhe blushed, and said: "I heard that Fujin and Guizhen Gege have a very good relationship..."

Shu Shu said with a sullen face: "Ah guard, it's rude for you to ask Gege directly like this, it's not appropriate, isn't it right that your parents come forward?"

Even if Erhe is not young, but this important matter of marriage still pays attention to "the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker".

Erhe's face turned even redder, and he said: "The slave Enie mentioned it to the slave aunt, but the slave aunt said... Gege said, and you have to choose who you want to marry..."

Shu Shu was not surprised.

Guizhen's first marriage was deceived by her Ama, and she would definitely not be happy to be deceived a second time.

Otherwise, he would have returned to the palace long ago.

Now he doesn't want to be betrayed by her Ama again, so he will firmly hold the dowry in his own hands and live alone outside.

Shu Shu looked at Erhe and said, "I haven't seen Cousin Guizhen since Spring, and I don't know much about Cousin..."

Erhe hesitated for a moment, and said: "I heard that Mrs. Nala used to visit Gege a few days ago..."

Shu Shu was a little surprised. She glanced at Erhe and didn't answer. Instead, she asked, "Your fate is so worrying. Could it be that you have found some way to solve it?"

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a scam if you want to propose marriage to Guizhen Gege at this time?

In case of another accident, Erhe would lose his second wife, and he could continue to look for his third wife, but Guizhen Gege would die.

Erhe hurriedly said: "The slaves Ama and Ene have asked the master to look at them. They said that the slaves are born as boys. Because of the merits of the ancestors and the protection of the descendants, there is no death. After the twentieth birthday, there will be no problem. ..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

This kind of metaphysical matter is not clear, but the few Ge Ge that disappeared before are also bad luck.

But after being a loyal minister, it looks quite sincere, and I don't know what Guizhen Gege thinks, but Shu Shu still tells the truth: "Mrs. Nala really intends to hire a wife for the eldest son..."

Erhe's face turned pale, and he said: "Thank you, Fujin, for telling me, the servant knows!"

He didn't say any more, got the news, and went down.

Brother Jiu listened completely, and said: "If their family has buried Guizhen Gege, although Erhe can't attack the duke, he seems to have a loose duke on him..."

This is the case with honorable families. The more achievements the ancestors made, the titles would be dispersed.

In addition to the main title, there are also one or two scattered titles.

Shu Shu hesitated and said: "It's the theory of destiny, it's too mysterious, I don't know what Cousin Guizhen thinks..."

Brother Jiu blinked, remembering Erhe's words just now.

Is that still a boy? !


In their twenties, it is indeed pitiful!

If that's the case, Guizhen Gege is really not at a loss, and married a boy for the second time.

Xiaotang came in and said, "Fu Jin, the meal is ready..."

Shu Shu nodded, and told Xiao Chun: "Then invite Master Shi and Fujin Shi to come over..."

There are only four people in total, and they are away from home, so there is no need to separate male and female seats.

After a while, Elder Brother Shi brought Shi Fujin here.

The two also simply washed up.

The dining table was set up.

Hot and sour cabbage, fungus bamboo shoots, braised dried tofu, grilled gluten, sweet and sour poached eggs, shredded milk tofu.

The staple food is noodles with mushrooms and steamed rice.

The current ingredients, eggs are divided into meat and vegetables.

Eggs that can hatch chicks are considered meat, while eggs that cannot hatch chicks are considered vegetarian.

As for how to distinguish, you can use a lamp to illuminate it, so today the table is full of vegetarian dishes.

Although there is no meat, the braised dried tofu and grilled gluten are all cooked in thick oily red sauce, and they are delicious to eat.

Sweet and sour poached eggs are also served with rice, which is just right for now.

There are four people at a table, three of them eat well, and the chopsticks move fast.

A table of six dishes, almost eating CDs.

After putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Shi Fujin whispered to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Jiu's food is so good, I only put an inch of my belt..."

Her current clothes are also improved, with a belt added like a Mongolian robe.

On weekdays, when I go to pay my respects to the elders, I still follow the crowd to change the flag and dress, and I usually come as I feel at home.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "The road has been hard these days, so eat more!"

Shi Fujin swallowed his saliva, and said: "Then do you have to eat vegetarian food for four days in a row? I'm hungry for meat..."

Shu Shu was speechless, and saw Elder Brother Ten also looked forward to him, looking at him anxiously, waiting for his answer.

Yep, that one is also carnivorous.

But to be honest, counting from the morning departure, at most there would be three meals without meat.

Shu Shu said: "Then eat it on the way back..."

Depart tomorrow morning and arrive at Hongluo Temple at noon.

The current rule of offering incense is to burn morning incense, that is, to burn incense the day after tomorrow.

You can return at noon that day.

Ten Fujin smiled openly and said, "I brought a bow, shall we shoot rabbits then?"

Shu Shu nodded with a smile.

This jumps a little fast.

From being a vegetarian directly to killing animals.

But it should be fine.

Ten Fujin and Ten Elder Brother were exhausted, and they went out for a walk.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said with dissatisfaction: "They are all married, why are you still acting like a child, let the old ten worry more?"

Shu Shu persuaded: "Master, don't be upset, it's not a bad thing for the tenth brother to have such a lively person by his side."

Brother Ten is a person who is hot on the outside and cold on the inside. He looks carefree, but he is actually very delicate and sensitive.

Brother Nine was still worried and said: "It's fine if we don't have children now, we have to help keep an eye on them if we have children, don't worry about ten Fujin's upbringing..."

Shu Shu: "..."

It always feels weird to say these words from Brother Nine.

It is estimated that among the other older princes, they also look at Brother Jiu in the same way!
He Yuzhu came in and said, "Master, Fujin, there is an outsider at the inn, who knows that Master Jiu is here, and wants to come over to say hello..."

Hearing this, Brother Jiu knew that he was the official of the Eight Banners.

If it is a Han official, even if he knows that the prince is there, he would not dare to take the initiative to join him.

"Where is the Tongzhi, which banner is it..."

Brother Jiu said.

He Yuzhu also asked before, and said, "It's a fellow acquaintance from Yunnan, who was born in the Han army with a white flag, and his name is Nian Xiyao..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Then pass it on..."

He didn't enter the court, so he still had some impressions of nobles, but he was not familiar with these eunuchs.

Shu Shu was at the side, but he knew this person, and said: "This is the eldest son of Nian Xialing, governor of Huguang. ..."

He himself has ordinary aptitude, but his younger siblings are all well-recorded figures in history, his younger brother Nian Gengyao, and younger sister Dunsu Huangguifei.

Brother Nine was not curious about Shu Shu's extensive knowledge, but he thought it was because of the many in-laws in the Dutong Mansion who were well-informed.

Because Mingzhu Mansion is also Shu Shu's in-laws.

Mingzhu's third daughter-in-law is Gege and Shushu's cousin of Prince Kang's Mansion.

While talking, Nian Xiyao followed He Yuzhu in, saluted Qianli and said, "Master Nian Xiyao, the governor of Jingdong Mansion, has met Jiuye and Jiufujin, please give Jiuye and Jiufujin..."

In his thirties, he wore royal blue uniforms, had a handsome face, and had just grown a beard.

His family passed the imperial examinations, his grandfather was a Jinshi, his father also took the imperial examination, and his younger brother was also preparing to take the imperial examination.

Perhaps because of the family style, he looks very elegant, like an imperial official.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said: "Come on, since you are a son of a family of eunuchs, why did you make up for such a place?"

The land of Yunnan and Guizhou is remote and not rich.

Nian Xiyao stood up and said, "This is the place my slave's father chose for this slave. I want this slave to go down to practice and do some practical things..."

In Shu Shu's mind, he was thinking of "Jingdong Mansion".

The name of this place is familiar. In later generations, there is a Pu'er production area under Pu'er City in Yunnan Province, named Jingdong County, which should be passed down in one continuous line with this Jingdong Prefecture.

Shu Shu reminded Brother Nine: "Master, Jingdong Mansion is the place where Pu'er is produced..."

Most of the tea sold on the sidelines is Pu-erh tuancha.

Brother Jiu had seen his wife's brochure, and knew that his wife had a heart for running a tea garden, so he immediately became interested and said: "There is a saying in "Manshu", 'tea comes from the mountains of Yinsheng City', you have to go Is the place where Yinsheng City is?"

Nian Xiyao bowed and said, "The administrative office of Jingdong Mansion is indeed in Yinsheng City..."

Brother Jiu's eyes lit up, and said: "That's just right, I just want to buy a tea garden. Since you are in the past, can I entrust this matter to you?"

He didn't mean to see outsiders, after all, in his eyes, the emperor's father was the master of the Eight Banners, and before he lowered the flag, he was also a little master.

Nian Xiyao was taken aback when he heard that.

He just followed the rules, knowing that the prince elder brother was here, so he came here to say hello as usual, how could he have thought that elder brother Jiu would not see anyone like this?
He hesitated and said, "Master Jiu..."

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "Isn't it convenient?"

Nian Xiyao hurriedly shook his head and said, "That's not true, it's just that the slave is afraid that it won't be done properly, why don't you arrange someone to go south with the slave?"

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "Your master hasn't opened the mansion yet, how can there be any manpower? You should look at who will arrange it first!"

Having said that, he looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu knew that even though such a trust might mean buying and selling by force, it was a rare opportunity.

If it drags on, I don't know when it will be.

She got up and went into the back room, took a few banknotes, and handed them to Brother Jiu.

The total is 8000 taels.

This is the banker's note from the Ministry of Households, which is more convenient to use than the banker's note outside.

Nian Xiyao can change his official bank at the Secretary Yamen, the Chief Envoy of Yunnan.

Brother Jiu glanced at the denomination, then stuffed it to Nian Xiyao and said: "You take these first, if you don't have enough money, I will send someone to give you the money. Don't worry, I won't use you this time, and you can turn back when you are done." If you want to come out, I will help you walk around the official department..."

Although he did not enter the imperial court, he also knew some rules for promotion in the officialdom.

In addition to the grand plan of the court, officials have to wait for vacancies in addition to their seniority and promotion.

After the qualifications are over, if you want to be promoted, you must first grab the vacancy, otherwise there will be no promotion.

Although Nian Xiyao is the governor's son, his father has always been in the local area, not a Beijing official, and it is not easy to help his son operate, otherwise he would not have made it to such a remote place.

Nian Xiyao looked at the sourness of some literati, he was not quick-tempered, and he didn't climb along the pole, so he just said: "I will do my best, so I will run errands, and I will write back when I meet a suitable tea house, please Jiu Ye You decide..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's good, please excuse me, whoever catches up, it's also our fate..."

(End of this chapter)

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