My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 654 Mountain Temple

Chapter 654 Mountain Temple (third update)

When Nian Xiyao withdrew, his body was bent.

It is estimated that he is also confused, and somehow he has a "fate" with the prince.

Brother Jiu looked at his back, and it was rare for him to realize his conscience. He said to Shu Shu, "I seem to be taken aback. Is it unkind for you to order people around like this?"

In fact, he didn't intend to use people in vain, didn't he propose an exchange?
The other party helped him set up property, and he went back to help him fill in the vacancy, and transferred out of that poor place.

But Nian Xiyao was not very clever, so he didn't pick up on it.

Shu Shu said: "Ask someone to prepare a letter from Cheng Yi!"

It's a bit immoral.

He took office well, and found a job before he arrived at the place.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Okay, let's make two envelopes of silver."

Not only did they come to pray for blessings, but they also brought a lot of gold and silver.

It is also convenient to move out two envelopes of silver.

Nine elder brothers just hired people easily, and didn't think about taking advantage or extorting money.

Seeing Nian Xiyao go out dejectedly, Elder Brother Shi was a little surprised and couldn't help being curious, so he came over and asked, "Brother Ninth has scolded him, why does he seem to be in a bad mood?"

Brother Nine rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, what does my master teach him? I just know that he went to Jingdong Mansion, a place where tea is produced, and asked him to help me buy a tea garden..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and his heart skipped a beat.

If you have your own tea garden, this can be added to Abahai.

In Mongolia, they really recognize the Tuancha from Yunnan.

However, he still restrained himself.

He knew that he was different from Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother did not enter the court, but only in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it was not taboo to have private contacts with officials.

It's not suitable for me here.

In fact, Brother Jiu has a tea garden, so he can use it too.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "That's really convenient, it's a peace of mind, and someone who is safe will send another one to take care of it later."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, there is a shortage of envoys right now. There is really no manpower. I don't know what will happen after we move out..."

Living in Haidian now is much more comfortable than living in the palace.

Both brothers don't want to procrastinate too much, it's better to move out as soon as possible.

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said, "Baqi Zuoling is useless, but the population of the coats should be divided first..."

Otherwise, how would a prince's mansion work?

In the palace, they command the eunuchs and servants who are on shift in the palace, and when they go out, they also need to coat the population.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's good, I can always pull out a few people who can be used..."

Because the brothers at the top only allocated the coated population last year, Brother Nine remembers clearly that even though the titles are different and the assigned Eight Banners are different, the coated population is almost the same here, and they are all "following the king's rule".

For example, from the generation of Prince Yu and Prince Gong, each prince opened a mansion, and from the House of Internal Affairs, he was assigned a Manchuria Zuoring, a Qigu Zuoring, and an Internal Guanling, which amounted to almost 250 households.

Because there is still a long way to go tomorrow, Elder Brother Ten will go back.

Shu Shu filled two envelopes of silver and sent He Yuzhu to send Cheng Yi to Nian Xiyao.

When Nian Xiyao found out about He Yuzhu's intentions, he was a little surprised. He really didn't expect the dignified prince to think of this.

After all, they are the relationship between the master and the slave, and it is not a normal communication.

When the other party met him, he ordered him casually, regardless of whether he was happy or not.

But after making up the etiquette, it's different.

He actually felt flattered.

When He Yuzhu left, he opened it and saw that it was not too small. A letter was 200 taels of silver, and the total was 400 taels.

For this Ninth Prince, Nian Xiyao didn't say it was like thunder, but he had already heard about it, and knew that he was the favorite concubine and son.

But to be honest, there are still more rumors of "domineering".

When I saw him today, he was a kind of naive, generous and free-spirited person...

The next morning, after breakfast, Shu Shu and his party continued to go north.

Today is almost here, and we will travel another forty miles, and arrive at Hongluo Temple before noon.

Sun Jin took people one step ahead yesterday and went to Hongluo Temple to prepare.

Hongluo Temple is the common name of Huguo Zifu Temple. This is a thousand-year-old temple in northern Beijing. It was first built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and was originally named "Daming Temple".

Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been under the official repair of the Zen Temple, and it became a royal temple in the Yuan Dynasty.

When it was repaired in the Ming Dynasty, it was changed to "Huguo Zifu Temple".

In the Qing Dynasty, it was also one of the royal temples, and all the abbots were appointed by the royal family.

A few years ago, Sheng Jia also came to drop incense in person.

When the carriage stopped at the mountain gate, the abbot and monks in Hongluo Temple were already waiting.

Looking at the old monk with a gray beard, Shu Shu and the ninth elder brother got off the carriage to greet him without any worries, and the tenth elder brother and his wife did the same.

A group of people were welcomed into the guest house.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, Shu Shu noticed the difference, all eyes were green, but it was actually a few clumps of green bamboos.

The winter in the capital is bitterly cold, which is not suitable for bamboo growth, so it is rare to see bamboo in the capital.

Now this species should be hardy bamboo.

As the saying goes, "I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo".

With just a few more clumps of bamboo, the guest courtyard becomes simple and elegant.

Shangxiang is tomorrow, and I am free this afternoon.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother went to drink tea with the abbot, and they are also discussing the matter of inviting incense tomorrow morning.

Shi Fujin couldn't stay in the house, so he came over to look for Shu Shu, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, are we just cats in the house? I was so stiff when I was riding in a carriage..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Then take a walk around..."

She said so, but she didn't go out immediately, but told Xiao Chun: "Go out and ask the people in the temple, is there a market nearby..."

Xiao Chun went down in response.

Ten Fujin remembered the big fair in front of the temple he visited during his southern tour, and said uncomfortablely: "Would it be strange to be treated like a monkey again?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, nodded and said, "It should."

Because there is no banner camp nearby, people should rarely see women in banner clothes.

In that case, it would be very different for them to stand in the crowd wearing flag dresses.

Shi Fujin shook his head and said: "Then let's not go out, just walk around the temple, let Xiaochun and the others go to the market to buy food..."

Shu Shu said: "Well, it's good to go around the temple."

Otherwise, when they go out, the guards and guards will follow suit.

In the past two days, they were in a hurry to travel, and they could still ride in a car, and they could sit and rest. The guards and guards all rode horses, so it was more difficult.

Hongluo Temple is a mountain temple built on the mountain.

In the later generations, Shu Shu came here. At that time, there was a "Guanyin Road", which was also a holy place for seeking children and marriage. I don't know if it exists now.

According to later generations, if you are looking for marriage, "men go to Yonghe, and women go to Hongluo".

There is no Lama Temple yet, and that is Sibeile Mansion.

Time has turned back, and I don't know if there was a "Guanyin Road" 300 years ago.

For a while, Xiaochun asked around, came back and said, "Zhaogezhuang, two miles away from the foot of the mountain, is at the [-]th Daji, today..."

After hearing this, Shi Fujin swallowed.

As long as it is in the market, there are all kinds of food.

Shu Shu glanced at Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun's clothes are different from those outside, and they are eye-catching enough.

She called Zhou Song and said: "Take a few guards and go to the big market nearby. If there is food, buy more and share it with everyone. Forget the meat, and leave fresh fruits and small delicate objects. Also buy some back…”

Zhou Song agreed.

Shu Shu then instructed Xiaochun: "Take out the copper coins and coarse cloth that you prepared earlier, and ask Zhou Song to take them with you. When you meet the poor and old people, you will give them directly..."

Xiaochun also agreed, and took Zhou Song down to distribute things.

Ten Fujin was a little surprised and said: "Sister-in-law Nine is giving to people outside? Isn't it for the monks in the temple?"

Shu Shu said: "This is the Royal Zen Temple, all supported by the royal family, there is no shortage of things, and the mountain and the land next to it are also the property of the temple..."

Ten Fujin said: "That's different from our side, where we serve the monks..."

Shu Shu said: "There is no set rule at all, just follow your heart!"

Really, she was curious about the old woman Ama and Ernie met at that time.

If you can also meet yourself, that is fate.

But it's just thinking about it, since it can be called an "old woman", it is an old woman who is not young.

Now 17 years have passed, and most of them are dead after thinking about it.

After a while, He Yuzhu came back.

It turned out that the abbot asked Brother Jiu and Brother Ten to keep a fast meal, and they didn't come back to eat, so that Shu Shu and Shi Fujin could use it for themselves.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin were also hungry.

I set off early in the morning, and now it is two or three hours.

After a while, the little novice was ordered to send a food box over.

Xiaochun, Walnut, and the girl from Shifujin set up a meal by the side.

In addition to avoiding meat and meat, vegetarian meals should also avoid "five spices", namely onions, onions, garlic sprouts, garlic, and leeks.

So the taste is very light, there are four dishes in total, cold lotus white, stewed tofu, three shredded spring rolls, sliced ​​mushrooms, and the staple food is plain noodles, called Ruyi noodles, which are made of fungus, yellow flowers, shiitake mushrooms, and magnolia slices With vegetarian toppings, the taste is suddenly enriched.

Ten Fujin ate with relish.

Shu Shu is also very easy to eat.

But when he put down his chopsticks, Shi Fujin still couldn't help asking: "Sister-in-law Jiu, it's agreed, can I eat meat when I return tomorrow?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, tomorrow night at the post station, you can eat meat if you want..."

Although Shi Fujin still wanted to shoot rabbits before, but unless he stayed outside for an extra night, he didn't have time.

Worship Buddha tomorrow morning, depart in the afternoon, and stay at the post that night.

We will be on the road the whole day after tomorrow, and we can return to Haidian before the evening.

There are more than a hundred people in this group, and it is not very convenient to stay outside for an extra day.

With anticipation, Shi Fujin said: "It was nothing when I was eating a meal before. Once meat is not allowed, my stomach will not be dry, and all I think about is meat..."

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law didn't go anywhere else, they walked around the guest courtyard a few times.

The climate in the mountains is cooler than that in Haidian, and the shady places are very cool, and you don't feel the heat at all.

Shi Fujin closed his eyes, felt the gust of mountain wind, and said, "It's really cool, but it's too far away, otherwise we can build a different courtyard here..."

Shu Shu and Ninth Brother were always thinking about being in the Haidian Xiuyuan, and Tenth Brother and the others followed suit.

It's just that elder brother ten is a "brother control", and he has to wait for elder brother nine to choose a location before choosing a nearby location.

Shu Shu thought of another courtyard, but blinked her eyes.

In the past two days, I went north, passing through Changping.

Huairou is far away from the capital, but Xiaotangshan is less than half the distance.

Xiaotangshan is less than 30 miles away from the capital and only [-] miles away from Haidian.

When I turn around, I will send someone to buy the land first, and occupy the hot spring eye first...

The next update will be at 12:23 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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