My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 655 Prayers

Chapter 655 Pray
After a while, Brother Nine and Brother Ten came back.

The walk between Shu Shu and Shi Fujin also ended, and they each followed their husbands into the yard.

The guest courtyard of Hongluo Temple is spacious, so you don’t have to squeeze into one courtyard, as several people occupy several courtyards.

In addition to their own, there is a courtyard for guards.

As for the guards, if there are too many people, they will be placed in another place.

Brother Jiu wiped his face, and said: "The old monk is really good at fooling people, he has fooled the old ten, nodded and promised to give up 800 taels of sesame oil..."

"What did you say?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

In her opinion, it is possible to say that Brother Nine was fooled, but Brother Ten has a clear mind.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "It seems to be something like 'self-nature is lost, Buddha is all living beings; self-nature is enlightened, all living beings are Buddha'..."

Shu Shu thought about these words for a while, and found that they were quite meaningful. Isn't this "seeing one's nature and becoming a Buddha"?

Ten princes have Buddha nature?
Then she thought of where she was now, the Royal Temple.

I'm afraid that every word and deed of the princes will go straight to the imperial court.

It's hard to say whether Brother Ten has Buddha-nature, but the Buddha-nature he wants to show is true.

Shu Shu knew it in her heart, but she said: "It's fine, anyway, I came here to worship the Buddha. If the master is willing, we can give up more..."

Brother Jiu hesitated after hearing this, and said: "Hey, what do you call this? If you don't give up too much, I'm still worried about what to do if the Bodhisattva or Buddha doesn't work; but if you give too much, what will you do?" Like buying a child?"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

Can it still be counted like this?

The truth is a bit crooked, but it seems to be close to the edge...

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, his eyes burning like a thief, and said: "I feel that I have lost money, it's all because of my hard work, what's the matter with Buddha?! If you give money, you should also give it to Fujin!"

Shu Shu pinched his waist and said, "Don't talk nonsense here!"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Master told the truth, he didn't lie!"

Shu Shu snorted softly and said: "If you feel that you are at a loss, then I will work hard and give birth to a little elder brother who will call me Ama?"

After hearing this, Brother Jiu quickly lowered his head, looked at his stomach, and said, "If you want to be Ernie, you can't do it, right?"

Shu Shu teased him: "Who knows, what if..."

Brother Nine showed panic on his face, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I don't want to be a monster!"

Shu Shu recalled what Sanfujin said to Shifujin the day before yesterday, and she was a little curious, and asked in a low voice: "Well, the two or three things about the prince and the little eunuch, are they true or not?"

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "Why did you remember to ask this?"

Shu Shu said Sanfujin's words.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's wrong with Sanfujin, are you looking for trouble?"

You can't manage your own family's affairs well, and you still worry about other people's families?

What do you need so many Gege for?
Aren't food and clothing money silver?
You also need to support those who serve.

Just like the second school now, those in the backyard are all idlers, so it's a loss if you think about it.

Others have to work when they get their monthly salary, but the six masters and servants don't do much work.

Shu Shu asked: "Whether there is a shadow or not, have you heard of it?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said: "It's not good for the little eunuch, but the year before last, Khan Ama ordered the disposal of the prince's haha ​​beads, and only one survived, and the other three were directly executed..."

Shu Shu was stunned.

She was very surprised.

Do you think that the conflict between Kangxi and the prince will be a few years later, and there will be signs before?
Every turn is human life? !
Brother Jiu held her hand and said, "Are you scared? Don't worry, Xiao Liu is fine, the prince is different..."

"What's the charge?" Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu thought about it carefully, and said: "It seems that I didn't say anything specific, just saying that 'walking in private with the prince is really rebellious'..."

Speaking of this, he himself felt that something was wrong, and said, "There should be something else going on here, otherwise, it wouldn't be related to rebellion..."

Those people were people around the prince, including ministers' children, Bao Yi, and young eunuchs.

But they all have a unified name, "Haha beads".

As an old man in the East Palace, he still held a position in the East Palace before, so the "master of the waiter" and "master of the meal" are not related to disobedience.

"One of the minister's sons is fine, his Ama is the leader of the Zhengbai Banner forward, and there is an uncle, Qi Shiwu..."

Brother Jiu said.

This Qi Shiwu is also a member of the Tong family. He was previously the chief envoy of Shanxi.

Brother Jiu mentioned to Shu Shu once that Ma Qi went to Shanxi at the end of May, just for the case of mutual criticism between the governor of Shanxi and the chief envoy of Shanxi.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little relieved.

This honorable background is also a layer of protection.

For example, the four close relatives of the prince, Bao Yi and the little eunuch were all executed directly, but Ke Xungui's children were just cleared out and handed over to their family members to take care of them.

However, this unclear punishment is indeed tantalizing.

Nine Elder Brothers said: "Have you held grudges? Want to see Yuqing Palace's jokes?"

My wife has always been generous, but she pays more attention to Yuqing Palace.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, I'm just curious. I heard that the Eight Banners disciples also hold opera singers."

Nowadays, there are no kun roles in the actors, they are all male roles.

It is not without reason that actors are classified as "lower class".

If it's an actor, there are some unspeakable things in it.

Brother Jiu said with disgust: "Everyone is full, idle, and not on the right path..."

The couple chatted for a long time, and then they took a break.

In the pure place of Buddhism, it is not easy to be sidelined, and the two of them also had a peaceful sleep.

But before going to bed, Shu Shu thought of the few clumps of bamboo outside, and said: "Could I ask the abbot to transplant some clumps of bamboo to our mansion, the garden over there is still empty..."

Brother Jiu said: "What's the matter, isn't it just a matter of one sentence? Tomorrow, the master will tell the old monk..."

A good night's sleep.

The next morning, the couple got up early.

It's still the vegetarian meal delivered by the kitchen in the temple, a bowl of porridge with four side dishes.

Fried tofu, fungus and small rapeseed, steamed gluten, and roasted radish in soy sauce.

Brother Jiu said: "This gluten is well made, it has a meaty taste, and it can also satisfy your gluttony!"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "My brother and sister are going to cry after eating vegetarian food for two days."

Brother Nine whispered: "Send him to the temple for two or three months, and lose weight..."

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Why is this so? If others criticize me behind my back, would I be happy?"

Brother Nine was surprised and said: "There are still people who will pick on you? How can you pick, where is there anything wrong? Isn't that just talking nonsense?"

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Anyway, don't say that in the future, it won't be good if you get used to bringing it out in front of the tenth brother."

Brother Nine reluctantly nodded and said, "Old Ten's eyes are too numb!"

Shu Shu couldn't bear it anymore, pinched his waist, and said: "Master Xing's 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', why is it that the tenth brother is so numb?"

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and said: "Why are you flattering others? If you are too humble, you are deceitful. You are not sincere!"

Shu Shu really wanted to gag Brother Nine, so she did the same thing. She casually took out a plum from the fruit plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

Brother Jiu was taken aback, then took the plum from his mouth, and said with a smile: "This is 'Shu Shu', Shu Shu stuffed 'Shu Shu' into Grandpa's mouth..."

It turned out to be a purple plum.

They had to go to pray to Buddha. Both husband and wife dressed neatly and left the guest house.

At the entrance of the guest courtyard, Ten Fujin and Ten Elder Brothers were already there.

The two were talking around the bamboo.

"Bamboo shoots are delicious, does this bamboo grow bamboo shoots?"

Ten Fujin asked.

Brother Ten said: "It should be long, but I don't know if it is delicious or not. The bamboo here is probably not the same species as the bamboo we saw in the south."

Ten Fujin nodded and said: "I can tell, the bamboo here is thinner, not as thick as the one in the south, and it probably grows small bamboo shoots..."

When they heard the movement and saw Shu Shu and Brother Nine coming out, the couple stopped talking.

Shi Fujin greeted him, held hands with Shu Shu, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, the steamed gluten in the morning is also delicious, can we make this by ourselves?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It can be done, you can send someone over later and we will learn from the dining room."


Ten Fujin nodded happily and said, "When the time comes, put meat stuffing in it, it will definitely taste better after steaming."

Hearing what she said, Shu Shu also got hungry.

Later generations really have this stuffed gluten.

Brother Jiu couldn't listen anymore, and said: "Don't talk about meat anymore, or it will be a waste of food for a few days!"


Ten Fujin made a decision to be obedient, and kept his mouth shut.

Shu Shu gave Brother Jiu a white look, and squeezed Shi Fujin's little hand to show comfort.

Ninth elder brother looked awkwardly, looked at tenth elder brother and said: "Old ten, what you said is right, it's not good to mention this again..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "Yes, I will worship Buddha soon, it's not good to think about these things, think about other things."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Then let's have a little brother first, after two years you will be sensible, and you will be a big brother, and then ask for a little princess..."

Brother Ten took a look at Brother Nine, hoping that his brother and sister-in-law would get what they wanted.

If you can't get what you want, you have to use your own strength.

Ask the two little elder brothers to make a bottom line!

It is still very early because of the morning incense.

Only at the beginning of the morning.

In order to prevent people from colliding, the gate of the temple was not opened.

Shu Shu and his party went to the main hall, knelt down and prayed for blessings.

At the entrance of the main hall is a copper incense burner five feet high and six feet in diameter.

A sage monk has long prepared high incense.

This tall incense is five feet five inches high, and it takes four hours to burn completely.

At this moment, Shu Shu felt that she was devout.

Pray for the blessing of Buddha, so that I can get pregnant smoothly.

Then she gave birth to a little elder brother in peace, and completed the great cause of having a child.

In that case, I will also come here to fulfill my vows and gild the body of the Buddha.

Brother Jiu also had a rare seriousness on his face, silently praying to the Buddha in his heart.

It's just that he hesitated for a while when he was "seeking a child" and asking himself and his wife to live a long and healthy life.

Finally decided to ask for a few more.

If you only want a son, what if the son is not filial?

It is common for parents to be loving, but it is also common for children and grandchildren to be unfilial.

Relying on no one is worse than relying on yourself...

Thank you lord dad!

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(End of this chapter)

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