My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 656 Rejection

Chapter 656 Declining

According to the original plan, everyone planned to have lunch at Hongluo Temple and then set off in the afternoon.

But before Chenzheng finished incense burning, Brother Nine couldn't stay any longer, so he discussed with Brother Ten and planned to leave now.

Elder Brother Ten naturally had no objection.

The incense was already burned, and I didn't have the patience to listen to the old abbot continue to fool around.

They are uncomfortable here, and the old monks are also uncomfortable entertaining the prince.

So, everyone packed their luggage and came out from Hongluo Temple.

But before coming out, Brother Jiu mentioned the matter of carrying bamboo.

The old abbot did not refuse, but he also mentioned that the quantity would not be too much.

For example, the magistrate of Huairou County also transplanted before, and only three plants were transplanted.

When Shengjia descended in the 34th year of Kangxi, he also counted these bamboos, totaling 610 and three.

Although hair grows every year, some bamboos will wither due to the cold in the north, so the total number is not much now.

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, I don't move much, first try to see if I can support it, it's not easy to waste it."

When they got on the carriage, Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then murmured to Shu Shu, "It's different after all, I'm in a panic!"

Shu Shu counted the time to go back, and said: "The ten younger brothers and sisters still wanted to shoot and hunt, but this time they have time."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "Forget it this time, let's be more pious."

Originally it took a day and a half to return, but this time it was changed to two days, so there was no need to rush on the road.

But Brother Jiu burned the incense, hoping for a good result in his heart, and didn't want to make taboos.

Shu Shu said: "Let's rest in Changping today, there is Xiaotangshan over there..."

The hot springs in Xiaotangshan are famous now.

Brother Jiu said: "The season is not right, I have never heard of anyone taking a hot spring in summer..."

Shu Shu said: "Master, let's buy the land in Xiaotangshan!"

Brother Nine nodded and said, "If you want to buy it, you can buy it. When the time comes, we will repair it together with Haidian Garden, live in Haidian in summer, and go to Xiaotangshan in winter..."

Shu Shu listened and thought it was beautiful, but she still said, "It's not about buying a piece of land, the more the better."

Brother Jiu turned his head, looked at her, and said, "Why do you buy so much? Xiaotangshan has a lot of sulfur here, it's not a good land, and the production is limited..."

Now Xiaotangshan exists, and it was built in the early years of Kangxi.

In his early years, Shengjia also served the Empress Dowager to Xiaotangshan to recuperate.

Shu Shu said: "Hoard the land! Just walk around and buy land with springs around it... When the emperor builds the Tangquan Palace, Xiaotangshan will be the second Haidian..."

Now the land in Haidian is priceless, it is because the emperor built gardens in Haidian, other princes and nobles followed suit and built gardens in Haidian.

It will naturally be the same when the emperor builds the Tangquan Palace.

Nine elder brothers sat up suddenly, and said: "This is done, our little elder brother already has a wife!"

This is indeed a very profitable long-term investment.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's not good to eat alone. Master can borrow some money privately from Yuqian, and from a few older brothers. You can also borrow it privately. Let's pay it back slowly. When we see the proceeds later, we can share more money." some……"

Brother Jiu narrowed his eyes and said: "It's fine to borrow money directly. You can't tell the reason. It's not good if you reveal it. If someone is unkind, we will lose money..."

Shu Shu said: "Then what if the emperor asks?"

Brother Nine said: "That can't be said, Khan Ama has so many sons, if he knows this, he must ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to enclose all the surrounding land..."

Shu Shu remembered that this Tangquan Palace was built very late in history, it was already the last year of Kangxi, after the second abolished prince.

In that case, this sum of money will be held for too long, it will take more than ten years.

She said: "The emperor is 46 this year, and in four years it will be his fiftieth birthday. Why don't you think of a way to build Xiaotangshan Palace before that to celebrate his birthday?"

Not all the emperor's palaces were officially built. It seems that the southern gentry donated silver to practice the palace after Kangxi and Qianlong toured the south.

A gentry can do it, so should a prince.

In that case, the construction was completed in the 42nd year of Kangxi, more than ten years earlier than in history.

The speed at which this income is collected will also be accelerated.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "If we want to build a palace, we have to expand it on top of the excavated Datang Spring, and then we have to pass through the Imperial Palace..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Then through the imperial court, the official salt does not need to be sold as private salt, that is, the master can inform the other elder brothers when the time comes, and treat it as respected by the princes, not from the Ministry of User and the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Yinzi, I don’t think there will be a Yushi who is long-winded.”

Otherwise, the construction of the palace will easily attract criticism.

Especially in times of natural and man-made disasters and injustice, it is not appropriate to show the extravagant life of the emperor.

Shu Shu didn't know when the northwest began to be uneasy, but it should be around the same time as the construction of the Xiaotangshan Palace.

At that time, the treasury also seemed to be empty.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Then we are not at a loss? Then this time, we can borrow more money..."

Speaking of this, he said with a smirk: "When the time comes, I will show them what 'good people get rewarded'. As for the stingy ones, I can't rely on you..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was a little alert.

This group should be large rather than small.

If you are small, you will become a small gang.

When it comes time to seize the heir, the small gang is both an eyesore and a danger.

She said: "When dividing the profits, you can pay according to the proportion of the borrowed money. If you really want to name the practice palace, you don't have to worry about it. You are considerate on the surface. This is also related to the dignity of the emperor. It seems that the princes are filial. As for the inside The emperor knows how much money he took."

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "Isn't that cheap?"

Thinking of the brothers who are stingy and don't borrow money, there is no one else except the third elder brother.

Shu Shu didn't like Sanfujin's mouth, but there was no need to make so many enemies, so she said: "The emperor knows it well, it will only appear to be magnanimous..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "This word doesn't fit with me. I don't want to be generous. Outsiders will think I'm easy to bully. This person has a bully in his heart..."

A group of people went south along the official road.

At noon, I arrived at the post station the night before.

Yi Cheng came up to greet him graciously.

Brother Jiu ordered: "Stop, prepare a meal, feed the horses, and leave in the afternoon."

Yi Cheng respectfully agreed, and took people down to prepare to go.

Because I was resting here tonight, the ingredients and feed are all ready.

The house is tidy and clean.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin took the girl with them, and simply washed and changed their clothes.

After lunch, everyone continued to set off and had to rest at the next station.

Ten Fujin couldn't hold back anymore, and begged Ten Elder Brother to come over and speak.

I want to change carriages with Brother Jiu, and I want to come and sit with Shu Shu.

It just so happened that the ninth elder brother also wanted to talk to the tenth elder brother about the hoarding of land in Xiaotangshan, so he readily agreed.

Ten Fujin came over and said with anticipation: "Sister-in-law Nine, I heard that the next inn is next to the county town, so let's go to the restaurant?"

This is fragrant from the pot, and there is no chance to eat it outside.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "If you want to go, go..."

I don't know if there are any special delicacies in Changping County.

Ten Fujin smiled and said, "I want to eat mutton..."

Shu Shu was greedy after talking about it.

There is no vegetarian food at noon, and there are also chicken and pork dishes, but they are all quick-hand dishes, and the taste is also ordinary.

On the carriage of the tenth elder brother, I heard the ninth elder brother talking enthusiastically about the land hoarding plan and the plan to make a fortune.

According to Ninth Brother's idea, he wants to bring Tenth Brother together.

Elder Brother Ten has a lot of spare money on his hands, so he just put it away.

This is indeed a good opportunity, who would think too much money.

Elder Brother Shi listened with a smile, but his heart was as calm as water.

When Brother Jiu finished speaking, he smiled and said, "If you use money, Brother Jiu will use it, don't need to say anything about partnership..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What is that for?"

As he said that, he looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "Why are you still a heretic? We brothers, are you still so clear about it? Could it be possible to hurt your friendship because of a partnership?"

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "It's not because of that. One is that my younger brother is not short of money, so it doesn't make any sense to have more money; second, there are still Fifth Brother and Eighteenth Brother here, so we don't have to worry about being widowed but about being uneven..."

After hearing this, Brother Nine was not happy and said: "Fifth Brother is okay, but the younger one has to be in front of you, what's the reason for that?"

He felt a little sour.

Is it necessary to divide brothers according to their biological mothers?

In that case, Lao Shi has no siblings, how pitiful...

Elder Brother Ten saw him sad, sighed, and whispered: "Brother Ninth has a lot of money in his hand, it doesn't matter, if younger brother has a lot of money in his hand, I'm afraid Ama Khan will feel uneasy..."

Brother Nine: "..."

He's not that stupid either, after Elder Brother Shi pointed it out, he knew Elder Brother Ten's scruples.

Not without reason.

He thought more, and said: "Then from now on, I can't get too close to Big Brother!"

The elder brother made it clear that the horses and chariots did not accept Yuqing Palace.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "It's just a normal relationship between brothers, you don't need to be too close, not just the eldest brother, if other brothers have thoughts, let's stay away!"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course, I'm not stupid, but I can still be a pouch for other people? What are you trying to do? Is it easier to ask for a title with my brother, or is it easier to ask for a title with Han Ama? With that money, Lord, just pay tribute to Khan Ama..."

Having said that, he glanced at Elder Brother Shi with regret in his heart.

Whenever the crown prince is insecure, the tenth younger brother is the most qualified reserve candidate.

It's a pity that the tenth brother's sequence is too far behind, and there are too many older brothers in the front, so it's hard to convince the crowd.

In addition, the imperial concubine died too early, and there was no help from the harem.

If there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. Khan Ama's treatment of the old ten is not kind.

After listening to Brother Jiu's words, Elder Brother Ten was relieved.

He thought of Eighth Prince.

That elder brother is ambitious and unwilling to be subordinated to others.

Right now there is no chance.

But if the boss makes a mistake, maybe the eighth elder brother will show up.

At that time, he will definitely keep an eye on Brother Nine.

Now that the relationship is alienated, it is not a bad thing...

Don't miss out on Gagen in the morning.

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(End of this chapter)

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