My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 657 Filial Piety

Chapter 657 Filial piety (second update)

At the beginning of the unitary year, the group arrived at the post station outside Changping County and settled down directly.

Shu Shu then mentioned to Brother Jiu that he wanted to go to the county town to eat out.

Summer days are long, and there is still more than an hour before it gets dark, so there is enough time.

Brother Nine naturally agreed, but he also sent He Yuzhu to tell Bose and Deyi.

Those who enter the county do not need to mobilize a large number of troops. The accompanying hundred guards can be placed in the post station, but they must also be accompanied by guards.

For a while, the guards and the luggage cart were left behind, and the others continued to walk along the official road.

The county seat is still about ten miles away from the post station, so it will be fast, and it will arrive in two or three quarters of an hour.

At the gate of the county seat, Bose called the city gate official, flashed the guard's waist plate, and directly ordered: "Which is the biggest restaurant in the city, ask someone to take the master there..."

The city gate official hurriedly said: "It's the Sifang Restaurant, the little one took the adults there personally..."

The first-class guards are the third rank.

You know, the county lord is the seventh rank.

Looking at the group of tall and burly guards, there is no need to think that there are also nobles in the carriage, it is a red-covered carriage, and there is no room for neglect.

Bose let the city gate officials lead the way, and the group went directly to Sifang Restaurant.

It is a restaurant with a width of five rooms and a height of two floors, which is located in the lively area along the street.

Because it was meal time, there were already many people sitting in the lobby of the restaurant.

The city gate official was so obedient, he entered the restaurant and told the shopkeeper: "Quickly make the second floor empty, the nobleman is here..."

The shopkeeper hurriedly asked someone to tidy up the second floor, and then sent someone to inform the owner.

By the time Shu Shu helped Brother Jiu get off the carriage, the owner had already brought the shopkeeper to welcome him at the entrance of the restaurant.

When Brother Nine got out of the carriage, the owner was already counted, this one was wearing a yellow belt, he was a patriarch.

Looking at the regulation of the carriage, this is a vermilion red covered carriage that can only be used by the family above the county prince's mansion.

Shi Fujin was most afraid of being seen as a monkey. When he got out of the car and saw the women on the street dressed in Han Chinese costumes, he thought he would be watched by crowds.

But I think too much.

Surrounded by so many guards, how could anyone dare to stare at him?
Even if you are curious, just take a look at it from a distance.

Just like when everyone passed by the lobby, there was no sound in the lobby, and diners were also careful.

In the private room on the second floor, everyone felt much more at ease.

Brother Nine glanced at He Yuzhu, and He Yuzhu told the owner: "Come together for a few tables, order some quick dishes, a total of four tables, all in the same style..."

The owner agreed.

This is also Brother Jiu's habit of going out. He would not say that in order to appear superior or humble, he divided his food into three, six, and nine grades.

It's not that I eat it every day, since I come out to taste something new, I will not be stingy with money.

When the owner brought the shopkeeper down, Shu Shu also told Xiaochun and the others: "There is no need to wait, you can go down and eat too..."

As for the guards, they sat in the left and right private rooms.

Xiaochun agreed, but did not leave in a hurry, but poured some tea, waited for Shushu to wipe her hands, and then brought Xiaotang and Xiaosong down.

Brother Jiu gave He Yuzhu a disgusted look, and said, "What are you still doing, you don't even look at me at all!"

He Yuzhu looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu put a clean towel in her hand and said with a smile, "I'll serve you..."

Brother Jiu proudly took the towel and wiped his hands.

Shi Fujin looked at it and smiled sullenly.

Ninth elder brother couldn't talk about her directly, so he showed off to tenth elder brother: "Look how blessed you are, ninth elder brother, your caring sister-in-law..."

Elder Brother Shi smiled, took the towel from the girl's hand, and said: "The younger brother will learn from sister-in-law Jiu, so he should be more considerate..."

As he spoke, he took Shi Fujin's hand and wiped it carefully.

Ten Fujin smiled and said, "I'm as lucky as Brother Nine!"

Brother Nine: "..."

Inexplicably feel hot eyes.

He couldn't help but murmured to Shu Shu in a low voice: "So it's okay for us to have a little princess. Brats are not good at all. If you have a daughter-in-law, you will always see a daughter-in-law..."

These words are sour.

Shu Shu grabbed his waist.

She somewhat understood Kangxi's mood.

Brother Nine felt sour seeing Brother Ten and Shi Fujin getting close, and guessed that Kangxi's acidity would double.

Brother Jiu is at best a "fake mother-in-law" mentality, and Kangxi should have a "real mother-in-law" mentality.

After a while, the dried fruit, fresh fruit, candied fruit, and pastry on the table came up first.

The fresh fruits are peaches, crisp pears, apples and small black grapes.

Now is not the time for apples and grapes.

The small black grapes are not big, but they are sour and sweet, and they are delicious.

Apples are not big, but they are good to eat.

When Xiao Er served the dishes, Shu Shu stopped and asked, "Are these apples and grapes from local production?"

The little girl replied respectfully: "It's from the Wang family's orchard in the north of the city. This is the first crop of fruit this year..."

Brother Nine was beside him, and he also became interested, and said: "I was thinking about bringing something back, this is just right..."

Just when Xiao Chun came in to pour tea, Shu Shu ordered: "Bring some money, and trouble the shop assistant to come and order some apples and grapes!"

Xiao Chun agreed, took 20 taels of silver, and handed it to Xiao Er.

Xiaoer accepted it respectfully, and went over to send a message to the owner.

After a quarter of an hour, some dishes came up one after another.

In this kind of restaurant, there are some semi-finished dishes of big dishes.

For example, a dish of crispy pork knuckle and a dish of braised silver carp in sauce. Although they are big dishes, they are served very quickly.

Ten Fujin was thinking about eating mutton, so there were really two mutton dishes, mutton balls with boiled winter melon, another braised lamb chops, and other dishes such as stir-fried turtledove with sauce and hare balls, all of which were eaten fresh.

The rest is stir-fried, stir-fried mixed vegetables, fried spinach powder, fried river prawns, fried tofu.

There are also a few cold dishes, fried small river fish, fried mushrooms, salted almonds, and dried spiced radish.

Although it is not as exquisite as the prince's dining room, it has a new taste after all.

The "getting pot smell" is a common problem, not only Shi Fujin has it, but Shu Shu feels that she has it too, and she eats it with great relish.

Even brother Jiu ate a few more bites than usual.

By the time the group finished their meal, it was already evening.

There was a carriage parked at the entrance of the restaurant, and there were several baskets of apples and grapes on it, which were delivered by the orchard.

He Yuzhu ordered the people to drive the car directly to the post station with them.

When they arrived at the post station, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu came to watch and thought the fruit was good.

The person driving the car to deliver the fruit is the little owner of the orchard.

Brother Nine asked, "How much is left for the first crop? When will the second crop come down?"

The little boss thought for a while, and said, "I can still pick a few baskets of apples, and the grapes are all ripe, and the rest will take three to five days..."

Calculated in that way, the grapes ripen earlier than the other places.

What is rare is that this grape is sweet and not sour.

Brother Jiu discussed with Shu Shu: "Would you like to order some more, send someone to pick them up in a few days, and send some to the city later, and ask father-in-law and mother-in-law to try it too?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Definitely, not only this crop, but also those that mature at the end of the month can be settled, and directly added to the Mid-Autumn Festival ceremony."

In addition, it can be steamed like canned peaches, or canned apples can be steamed and eaten in winter.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Then make more, and you can always get out."

He ordered He Yuzhu to make a deal with the little boss.

Not only a few days later, but also fruits and grapes before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

I left a deposit of 50 taels of silver, and simply wrote a receipt.

When you come to pick up the fruit, you will settle according to the current price.

Elder Brother Ten and Fujin Ten were beside each other holding a bunch of grapes.

Brother Ten said, "Sister-in-law Nine, if there are rich grapes, can we make wine?"

Shu Shu asked someone to restore thick wine before, and also brewed pear wine, but he had never tried wine.

She said: "You can try it first..."

If it is successful, it is wine, and if it is not successful, it is a microbial aggregate.

Shi Fujin looked at the half-bunch of grapes in his hand and said, "Can I dry raisins? Raisins are delicious, and rice with braised mutton with raisins is also delicious!"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "The grapes are small and contain little sugar. When they are dried, they become skin buns, which are not tasty. The raisins we eat are all from the Northwest, and they are dried from big grapes."

Shi Fujin was not disappointed either, and said, "Then eat this dry, it's delicious!"

Shu Shu couldn't help reminding: "It doesn't taste sour, but if you eat too much, it's easy to lose your teeth."

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "It's okay, I've got my teeth knocked out, I'll have porridge tomorrow!"

I really can't talk about it, but during breakfast the next day, Shi Fujin's teeth fell.

She was so pitiful, she covered her cheeks when she was eating white water eggs.

It is only more than 40 miles away from Haidian. We set off after breakfast, and we arrived at the New Fifth Institute at noon.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine washed up briefly, and then distributed the apples and grapes.

The garden dining room is the big head, with two baskets of apples and two baskets of grapes. He Yuzhu sent a message to Dong Dianbang, the manager of the garden dining room, to divide half of the basket of grapes and half of the basket of apples to honor Huichun Villa.

The Danbo in the West Garden is also the big head of De Palace, with a basket of apples and a basket of grapes.

The rest are the new fifth house and the fourth Hechi house, where the princes and prince Fujins live, each with two plates of apples and two plates of grapes.

The tenth elder brother and the fifth elder brother are doubled.

The elder brother happened to be away, so the headache was saved.

By supper time there were apples and grapes everywhere.

The apples are not big, only the size of a child's fist. They are very different from those brought in from other places in autumn, but they are fresher than others.

The same goes for grapes, it was the first time the palace saw such small grapes.

Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi looked at it in disgust, but still ate half of the apple and half of the bunch of grapes.

He also thinks the grapes are sweet.

Perhaps the greatest achievement of being a parent is this. When children grow up, they know how to be filial to their parents.

Even if one is not good at writing, not good at martial arts, and has ordinary qualifications, this kind of filial piety is rare.

Kangxi decided to copy a scripture after using it up later, and offered it to the Buddha. He also asked the Buddha to bless him so that his son would be happy and have children. Otherwise, he would be so disappointed...

In Huichun villa, Yifei looked at the two plates of fresh fruit and salivated.

Pei Lan said: "My lady wants to eat, so I just have two grapes, the apple dining room has already been steamed..."

Concubine Yi picked two grapes, put them in her mouth, she showed a sense of satisfaction, and said: "Tomorrow, it's time to ask for a pulse, ask the imperial doctor, how long will you have to avoid eating, it's been two months!"

The fruit can only be eaten steamed, and every time the watermelon is soaked in taste, she feels that she is going to die of hunger.

Pei Lan said: "Last time, the servant asked me a bit, and said that it would be best to persist for three months!"

Concubine Yi said with a bitter face, "In another month, many fruits will be out of the market."

Pei Lan thought for a while, and said: "Then do you want to say hello to Master Jiu and help your mother hide some melons and fruits?"

There are many ice stores under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There should be a lot of space now, and the ice cellar can be used to store things until the ice is harvested this winter.

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "Forget it, it's not worth the hassle just to eat one bite..."

The next update will be very late, so you can watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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