Chapter 658 Sharing Benefits (Third Change)

The place in the lotus pond.

Now that the nine princes and ten princes don't live in the west garden, the residence in the west garden is relaxed.

The thirteenth elder brother lived alone in the middle office, and the fourteenth elder brother who lived with him before went to the south office.

However, when eating every day, the fourteenth elder brother still came over, and the two brothers ate together.

Otherwise it would be boring.

The two have been with Zhaoxiang for several years, and they are already used to going in and out together, and they are comfortable with each other.

There were more apples and grapes today, Brother Fourteen felt a little regretful and said: "Brother Ninth and the others went to play for four days, and it was interesting, if only we followed suit!"

The thirteenth brother glanced at him and said: "The round trip is more than 200 miles, and most of the time is on the road. What's the fun?"

Brother Fourteen snorted softly: "Haven't I never traveled far on horseback?"

In the first half of the southern tour, we took a boat and were not allowed to move freely.

Brother Thirteen said: "I'm going to go out in a few days, I'm afraid you don't want to ride a horse at all..."

The fourteenth elder brother beamed and said: "No, I am the Baturu of our generation, a man who grows on horseback!"

Brother Thirteen nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait and see."

Anyway, he was going to take the car.

I used to ride a horse last year, but then I couldn't even close my legs when I walked.

Brother Fourteen blinked his eyes, pointed to the direction of the Douyuan Bookstore, and whispered: "Brother Ninth has a grudge, it seems that he didn't send it to the Douyuan Bookstore?"

Elder Brother Thirteen's smile faded, and he said: "The crown prince has a noble status, so he is different from you and my brother. Brother Ninth was too sincere before, so it's better to be far away."

The fourteenth elder brother said unhappily: "Why is it different, they are all the sons of Khan Ama?"

The thirteenth elder brother lowered his eyes and said: "A child is more expensive than a mother, and it is also the rule of the harem of the Qing Dynasty!"

The fourteenth elder brother snorted softly: "Then it's still a Manchurian custom to be a concubine, so where is the reasoning?"

The east place of the lotus pond.

The twelfth elder brother lives here.

He is sitting in the study with a book in his hand.

The aroma of apples hits the nose.

He looked at the fruit and his expression eased.

Before, he was like a lonely ghost, alone and alone.

Before I knew it, I became one with my brothers.

This feeling is a bit strange, but it also feels good.

It seems that some of the resentment in my heart has dissipated a lot.

Since when did it change?
He was a little dazed.

It seems that at the end of last year, the elder elder brother and Fujin all moved out, and sister-in-law Jiu became the elder sister-in-law...

Hechi Xisuo.

This is the smallest of the four yards and the least number of houses, so in the first month and this time, the youngest elder brother fifteen lived here.

He was urging Mammy to put on a plate.

He asked Mammy to put a plate of apples and a plate of grapes into a food box, and planned to send them to the Douyuan Bookstore as a respect for the princess.

He divided the remaining plate of apples and grapes into two, kept half for himself, and sent the other half to the companion reading institute.

There are only six of his companions left.

There are two vacancies, and no suitable person has yet filled them in.

Earlier, Brother Baofu and Xiaoliu went home to recuperate from illness, and returned after a ten-day rest.

With the friendship of sharing weal and woe, everyone is closer than before.

After a while, the food box was sent to the Douyuan Bookstore.

The princess looked at the two plates of fruit, feeling numb in her heart.

I have never seen such a well-behaved child.

When she started to take over, she just followed the order and thought that there would be no mistakes.

As a result, the [-]th elder brother has a childlike heart, but he is wholeheartedly attached to her.

Thinking of what Shu Shu said last time, Akdon privately warned Brother Fifteen not to allow him to visit him, and the Crown Princess turned cold.

After being married to the prince for several years, she understood why the prince was tolerant of Akton.

The emperor didn't like Akton, and he didn't even want to see him with his mother and brother.

But who knows what will happen next?

If the crown prince is in power, this guilt will be doubled and compensated to Akdon.

Akdon has been misled by his mother, and he lacks respect for himself.

If there is a day when Akdon will inherit the throne, then his mother, the empress dowager, will not be so easy to do.

The princess was a little indifferent.

For a while, she didn't want to change the current situation.

The emperor's longevity is not a good thing for the prince, but it is a good thing for her.

If the third elder brother becomes a talent, or if there are other younger elder brothers who can teach him in the future, will Akdon's position be detached?

Accompanied by reading.

The apples and grapes have arrived.

There are six apples, exactly one for each person.

There are three big bunches of grapes, which are easier to divide, two people in one bunch.

Needless to say, the string of Cao Qi was divided with his cousin Li Ding.

Brother Baofu's series is not divided with Xiao Liufen, but with Brother Chang En.

Because Xiao Liu took a bunch and went to share it with the youngest Xi Shan.

Perhaps because of being a younger brother for too long, Xiao Liu is quite happy to be an older brother.

The children who are younger than him are quite taken care of.

It's just that Xishan was surrounded by two ministers' children, which can be regarded as an internal gang.

Now those two have all retired, and Xishan has just left alone.

Xiao Liu is very chivalrous, so he takes care of Xi Shan more.

Xishan is like a little chicken, following around Xiaoliu...

Danbo is the palace of virtue.

Looking at the two big baskets of apples and grapes, the queen mother also distributed them.

"At this time, the apples are crisp, and Qi Muge likes to eat them; the grapes are juicy, and Ao Dun likes to eat them..."

Qi Muge is the concubine Shuhui, and Ao Dun is the concubine Duanshun.

So Concubine Shuhui divided two plates of apples and one plate of grapes; Concubine Duan Shun did the opposite, one plate of apples and two plates of grapes.

The remaining grids are half the same.

Nine grids are double.

New Second Institute.

Seeing the things sent by the four institutes, San Fujin was a little surprised.

A few days ago, she was too careless and spoke harshly, but she was pushed back. She thought that Shu Shu wanted to take revenge.

Then, she also understood.

Shu Shu is trying to save face, after all, under everyone's noses, it's not good to treat brothers and sisters-in-law favorably.

She also breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it.

Everyone lives their own life.

If Shu Shu played a small temper and pulled her sisters-in-law to isolate her, then she would also be embarrassed.

She regretted it a little.

The sisters-in-law counted carefully, but they didn't get along well.

When I was in the palace before, it was okay to walk around with Da Fujin and Si Fujin, but now that Da Fujin is gone, Si Fujin is also not sociable, and I don't even have a speculator.

As long as there is a speculative sister-in-law, there is no need to worry about being alienated by the sister-in-law...

New three.

It was Shu Shu who personally came to deliver the fruit, and told Wu Fujin carefully about the whole journey of the pilgrimage.

How to get on the road, what the regulations are when you arrive at Hongluo Temple, and how you are willing to pay for sesame oil in the temple, as well as the copper plates and clothes materials in the temple outside the temple.

In this way, Wu Fujin and the others can make rough arrangements based on these if they want to go to Shangxiang.

Wu Fujin listened very carefully.

During the southern tour, she followed the Queen Mother to worship Buddha, went to so many temples, and prayed countless times in her heart.

In fact, I am a little discouraged about the gods and Buddhas.

But Hongluo Temple is different.

The experience of Shu Shu's parents begging for a child is so legendary that she also gave birth to hope...

Shu Shu and his party prayed this time. They set off on the sixth day of the seventh lunar month and returned on the ninth day of the seventh month.

Within two days, there was news that the fourteenth holy car was sent back to the palace by the empress dowager.

Four up and down, began to pack luggage.

Although they only stayed for a month or so, everyone had a taste of freedom.

Not only Brother Jiu and Shu Shu are at ease, but the people below are also at ease.

For example, the eunuchs Sun Jin and Zhou Song can go to the nearby market to purchase.

Like Xiaochun and Walnut, they are also much more relaxed.

In the middle of the time, Shu Shu also gave them a holiday and asked them to go home to visit their relatives.

When they return to the palace, things will be different. The entry and exit must be recorded in the palace book, and they must be reported in advance.

"Master, are you ready to move?"

Shu Shu asked.

Like last year when Big Brother and the others moved, it was the end of winter, it was too much trouble.

It is best to move out before winter, which saves a lot of trouble.

Brother Jiu calculated the time and said, "It's impossible to say that we can really move out at the end of September."

The Shengjia North Tour in a few days will be different from last year.

Last year, the northern tour was followed by the eastern tour, which took a little longer, three and a half months before and after.

If it’s just the northern tour, I’ll be back in about two months, that’s mid-September.

At that time, the details of the Prince's Mansion will also be repaired.

They can be moved out by decree before winter.

Shu Shu was a little excited, in that case, there would be less than three months left in the palace, so it wouldn't be difficult.

Xiaochun took most of the luggage and returned to the palace two days early.

On the fourteenth day of the intercalary July, Shu Shu brought the rest of the people back to the palace with the large army.

The Ganxi No. [-] Institute has been cleaned and sprinkled with a new one.

Nanny Qi led the crowd to greet her at the door.

Knowing that Shu Shu went to Hongluo Temple to ask for a child at the beginning of the month, she was overjoyed, and said: "Hongluo Temple is the most effective for seeking a child, the appointment is correct..."

Shu Shu helped her up, and said without shame: "Mama, just wait, there will be a baby at this time next year..."

She plans to prepare for pregnancy in the next two months, and brother Jiu will also "rest and recuperate" for a while.

Wait until the end of September to move, and then toss in the new home.

In this way, the timing is just right, and it can be produced at the end of July next year, just to avoid the hottest time.

Nanny Qi said in her mouth: "Amitabha, that old slave can look forward to it."

Shu Shu recalled her habit of being a vegetarian at every turn, and hurriedly said: "Mama can't be a vegetarian, it will be boring at that time, you should eat and drink, help me take care of my brother next year, I am still a child, how can I take care of a child?" Woolen cloth……"

Nanny Qi did plan to become a vegetarian before, but she hesitated after hearing Shu Shu's words.

Shu Shu said: "Mother, just listen to me!"

Nanny Qi nodded and said: "Well, the old slave is starting to prepare things for the little master."

Shu Shu said: "Do this slowly, there is still one year left..."

A few days after Sheng Jia returned to the palace, he left the palace again.

On the [-]th day of the intercalary month, I visited outside the Great Wall and ordered the eldest son of the emperor Dorobeile Yinti, the third son of the emperor Dorobeile Yinzhi, the fourth son of the emperor Dorobeile Yinzhen, the fifth son of the emperor Dorobeile Yinqi, and the emperor's seventh son Dorobeile Yinqi. Robelle Yinyou, the eighth son of the emperor Dorobel Yinsi, the thirteenth son of the emperor Yinxiang, and the fourteenth son of the emperor Yinxi accompanied him.

The next update will be at 12:24 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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