Chapter 659 Side Fujin (first change)
Sheng Jia was not in the palace, and the atmosphere in the palace was relaxed.

Concubine Yi has finished her recuperation, and has resumed the Ningshou Palace greeting every five and ten.

Shu Shu, the daughter-in-law, also needs to resume her schedule.

That is the day to ask for peace, first go to Yikun Palace, and then go to Ningshou Palace with mother-in-law.

But there is not much time, half an hour before and after will do.

Shu Shu can arrange the rest of the time freely.

She was no longer in a hurry to return home.

There are still more than two months before leaving the palace, there is no need to be conspicuous at this time.

In a blink of an eye, it was the twentieth day of the seventh lunar month.

On the day when the palace paid her respects, Shu Shu packed up early and was ready to go to Yikun Palace.

As for the ten blessings, since there is no mother-in-law, just go directly to Ningshou Palace.

The departure time of Yifei is almost fixed.

Shu Shu didn't go in a hurry, but sent Zhou Song to Shenwumen to wait.

Sure enough, Zhou Song came over after a while and said, "Wu Fujin has entered the palace and is coming this way..."

Then Shu Shu brought Xiaochun and Walnut out of elder brother's house.

On the corridor at the entrance of the imperial garden, the sister-in-law happened to run into each other.

Wu Fujin walked a few steps quickly, and said, "Please wait for me, brothers and sisters!"

Shu Shu took Wu Fujin's hand and said, "Ben is coming out too."

Wu Fujin showed hesitation on his face, and whispered: "Just now at Shenwu Gate, I saw the carriage of Babeile Mansion, and Fucha side Fujin has entered the palace!"

Shu Shu was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Why did you enter the palace at this time?"

Regarding the matter of the female relatives of the Babeile Mansion entering the palace to pay their respects, there is no fixed rule yet.

Logically speaking, with the eight Fujin present, it was not the turn of the Fujin to come out to socialize.

The situation in Babeile Mansion is different. Bafujin is equivalent to abolished, and it is really necessary for other female relatives to show up.

It's just, shouldn't Eighth Brother lead it?
You know, although Fujin Fucha came in and had a wedding, but after all, he was far behind Fujin Fujin, and hadn't formally met everyone yet.

This entered the palace by himself?
Some are rash.

Wu Fujin whispered: "If Babeile hadn't nodded, he wouldn't have acted like this."

Shu Shu felt the same way.

Eighth brother...

It's really beyond words...

He guessed that he was not sure what his side Fujin was supposed to do.

If he hasn't come out to socialize all the time, then this side Fujin is married for nothing.

When he was not in the capital, he sent Fucha side Fujin into the palace to pay his respects.

If Concubine Hui didn't speak, it would be a default.

If Concubine Hui had admonished her, it was because Fu Cha and Fujin had not followed the rules.

In this way, the responsibility is all on Fucha side Fujin, but it has nothing to do with him at all.

After this man figured it out, there really was nothing wrong with a woman.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law looked at each other, they both knew it well, but it was none of their business, so there was no need to point it out.

Wu Fujin whispered: "It's also my blessing to point it out to Lord Wu..."

Otherwise, if you point it to the eighth elder brother, you will be unable to use your mind all day long, and you will be very tired.

Shu Shu nodded.

Another half of the benefit is that Concubine Yi, the mother-in-law, can save her worry.

When Fucha side Fujin entered the palace, there were two mother-in-laws on top of him, and there was a miller.

After a while, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law arrived at Yikun Palace, and Pei Lan welcomed them in.

Concubine Yi was sitting in front of the makeup mirror and doing her makeup, when she saw two daughter-in-laws coming in, she turned her head and said with a smile, "Look at how I look like?"

She was wearing a pink-blue flag dress, with a green hairpin on her head and a few pink tourmaline-studded gemstone flowers next to her. She didn't look old-fashioned, but added a bit of playfulness.

On the powder blue flag, there are also eighteen stones of tourmaline.

There are no other decorations, but it does not show simplicity.

Wu Fujin fixed his eyes on the Diancui hairpin, and praised: "Looking at the simplicity alone, it looks much brighter when combined."

Shu Shu also said: "This color looks good, unlike others who are mostly white jade or sapphire."

According to the current rules, gold jewelry should not be worn in summer, but jade jewelry should be replaced.

Today's jade is still dominated by Nanyang jade and Hetian jade, and the color is relatively monotonous.

Concubine Yi said happily: "I think it's better to match clothes like this."

Shu Shu thought of roasted blue jewelry.

In the future, you can tell brother Jiu to let the internal manufacturing office try firing.

Up and down.

If roasted blue jewelry became popular in the palace first, then the outside world would not blindly pursue emerald jewelry.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted a few words, and when the time was almost up, they came out of Yikun Palace.

Now that it's out, it's cool in the morning and evening, Concubine Yi didn't call for a chariot, and took her two daughters-in-law and Chen Guiren to Ningshou Palace on foot.

In the first month, several concubines with sons in the palace officially became nobles, among them were the nobleman Dai Jia, the mother of the seventh elder brother, nobleman Wanliuha, the mother of the twelfth elder brother, and the son of the fifteenth and sixteenth elder brothers. Mother Wang Guiren, mother of the seventeenth elder brother Chen Guiren.

In addition to the rules in the palace, "the son is more valuable than the mother", there is also "the mother is more valuable than the son".

These few noble people are "mothers are more expensive than children".

Long before they were formally canonized, their daily supplies were compared to that of nobles, but they were still concubines and were not eligible to go to Ningshou Palace to pay their respects.

It will be different after being appointed as a nobleman. You can go to Ningshou Palace with the lords of the palaces to pay your respects.

In Ningshou Palace, almost all the concubines have arrived.

The positions of the four concubines, except for the position of Concubine Hui, and the position of Concubine Rong are also vacant.

During this northern tour, the concubines who followed were Concubine Rong, Noble Wang, Noble Guerjia, and a few grand promises from the Qianqing Palace.

This is also to sympathize with Princess Heshuo Rongxian.

Princess Rongxian is the second princess, but because the eldest princess is the adopted daughter, Princess Rongxian is actually the eldest daughter.

It was born by Concubine Rong, the elder sister of the third elder brother.

In the 30th year of Kangxi's Fumeng, it descended to the Ministry of Bahrain.

This year, Shengjia visited the north, and the Bahrain tribe was also one of the many tribes who came to the DPRK.

Seeing Concubine Yi coming in, except Concubine De, Concubine Xianfu and Concubine Tong sitting still, everyone else got up.

When Concubine Yi took her seat, everyone sat down again.

Together with Wu Fujin, Shu Shu stood behind Concubine Yi.

Sifujin has arrived, and he nodded to Shu Shu and his sister-in-law.

Sanfu Jin didn't come, this is also the practice in the palace, if you have a body, you can avoid greetings, so as to avoid troubles and mistakes.

Qifujin has not come yet.

Her mother-in-law Dai Jia lived in Yanxi Palace, and she had always come here with Concubine Hui.

Shu Shu glanced at Concubine Tong's back.

Yongshou Palace and Changchun Palace have been repaired.

It's just that it's a big deal for the concubine to move the palace, and it's estimated that the matter of moving the palace will not be mentioned until Sheng Jia returns from the north tour.

Concubine Tong's noble concubine was out of play, and she took a place to live in Yongshou Palace.

It's not a bad thing to say, but if it's good, it's not much better.

Because she used to live in Jingren Palace, where the two queens of the Tong family lived, the meanings are different after all.

Thinking of the concubine moving to the palace, Shu Shu thought of Concubine Wei again, and looked diagonally across.

The position of Concubine Wei is the last on the east side.

Concubine Wei is still the same as before, calm and uncontested, quiet and docile.

There was nothing behind her.

This is also normal.

What is emphasized in the palace is that nurturing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness.

Fucha side Fujin will still be the same as before, even if he asks An Ri to pay his respects to Concubine Wei, he will still serve Concubine Hui in front of others.


Shu Shu remembered one thing.

When Guerjia nobleman moves to the palace, he will be appointed as a concubine, and there will be an extra chair in the hall, just behind Wei concubine.

Concubine Hui also arrived, and besides Mrs. Wanliuha and Qifujin, she also brought a young woman with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes wearing a persimmon-colored flag dress.

Needless to say, this is Fucha side Fujin.

It can be regarded as a precedent.

It is the first side Fujin of the prince's mansion.

Fucha side Fujin followed Qifujin, greeted all concubines and concubines with Qifujin, and then stood behind Concubine Hui with Qifujin.

Shu Shu raised her head, and only then did she see clearly the appearance of Fu Cha's side Fujin.

Delicate eyebrows and eyes, tall stature, quiet temperament, youthful introverted, not sharp temperament.

Ma Qi's daughter, should she be a city man? !
Shu Shu gave birth to some anticipation.

I don't know if this side Fujin will be evenly matched against the eighth elder brother.

I hope it doesn't fail completely like Fujin.

Seven Fujin stood at the top of Fucha's side Fujin, looked at Shu Shu and glanced here and there, and knew that something was wrong with her. Seeing that the man was growing well, he gave her a sideways glance.

Seeing Shu Shu, she smiled at Qi Fujin.

Coincidentally, there are several prince elder brothers accompanying Shengjia on the north tour this year, more than last year, but there is not a single prince Fujin accompanying him.

Sanfujin is pregnant, Sifujin and Qifujin are children who can't go away, and Wufujin is the same reason.

Bafu Jin is "recovering from illness".

On the contrary, my brother's pets, Gege, can join a table this time.

Tian Gege from Three Baylor House, Li Gege from Four Baylor House, Liu Gege from Five Baylor House, and Nala Gege from Seven Baylor House.

When Chenzheng was approaching, the Queen Mother came out.

The difference from before is that besides the crown princess, there are also ten Fujin.

The Empress Dowager asked Concubine Hui first, and said, "How is Eighteen Brother?"

Concubine Hui smiled and said: "The concubine just went to visit yesterday, it's okay, he's a fat boy, two nannies take turns to feed him enough."

The queen mother smiled and nodded, "It's a blessing to be able to eat, and it's good to be able to eat well. Even if you don't do it for a full moon, you should do it for a hundred days..."

It's not just the little grandson, it's also the son of Concubine Yi, so the queen mother will inevitably ask a few more questions.

Concubine Hui said: "Well, let's do a good job at that time, and you can come and see the little grandson."

Since the eighteenth elder brother is in Zhaoxiang's office, the hundred-day ceremony will be held in Zhaoxiang's office.

Yifei listened with a smile and didn't interrupt.

Concubine Hui said helplessly, "I want to hide away again!"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Sister who is capable will have to work harder, I only have a few days to relax..."

The concubine was happy and happy, and the queen mother felt relieved watching it from above.

However, she glanced at Fucha side Fujin.

Seeing this, Concubine Hui said, "Your Majesty, this is Lao Ba's side Fujin, and it's the first time entering the palace today..."

Fucha's side Fujin came out in response, and a nanny had already brought a brocade mat over, and she knelt down and bowed: "Your slave, Mrs. Fucha, has seen the empress dowager, please be well!"

The queen mother saw that she was respectful, she was not the kind of enchanting and provocative, she looked gentle, and said: "Get up, and serve Babeile and Bafujin well in the future."

Fucha side Fujin respectfully responded and stood up.

The Queen Mother glanced at Nanny Bai.

Nanny Bai presented the prepared rewards.

Fucha side Fujin took it with both hands, and retreated behind Concubine Hui...

(End of this chapter)

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