Chapter 660 It's not over (second update)
After two quarters of an hour, the Queen Mother called out.

Fucha side Fujin left with Concubine Wei, it seems that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law still have private things to say.

The younger sisters-in-law are outside the Ningshou Palace, you look at me, and I look at yours.

It has not been so complete in a long time.

Seventh Fujin has been recuperating at home before, and Sifujin has also moved out of Haidian Garden for a month.

Shu Shu said: "Sister-in-laws go to my place to have a sit, and it happened that a lot of melons and fruits were brought in..."

Everyone had no objection, so they followed to the Second Institute.

In addition to the apples and grapes ordered in Changping, the watermelons from Shushu Daxing Zhuangzi, and the big peaches from Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

Not only grapes are good, but Shu Shu's watermelon is also delicious.

Small in size, but thin-skinned and red-fleshed, eating sand.

Qifujin ate a piece of watermelon, took another piece and said, "It feels sweeter than the outside!"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Sister-in-law Seven just likes to eat, as a gift at the end of the month, there is a carload of watermelons!"

There is still a small month for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the Mid-Autumn Festival gift must be delivered in advance.

Qi Fujin hurriedly said: "One cart is not enough, you need two carts. I heard that your watermelon field is hundreds of acres..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "In a small village with more than 300 mu of land, except for dozens of mu of woodland where chickens and pigs are scattered, the rest are planted with watermelons."

On sandy land, there are limited prospects for species.

It's just right to grow watermelons, because there is no rainwater, and the watermelons are sweeter.

Ten Fujin said: "Our boxing gifts are also given at the end of the month!"

When she got married at that time, in addition to a large amount of gold and silver as a dowry, she also had some horses and sheep.

The big head of the horse was decided by Brother Ten and sold directly to the court.

There are also some sheep that have only come down to the south this summer, and they seem to be arriving soon.

Ten Fujin intends to send some sheep to each family.

Seeing that the two sisters-in-law were successful, Sifujin and Wufujin smiled and said nothing.

Qifujin caressed his forehead and said: "I'm still worried, and I don't know how to prepare..."

As she spoke, she looked at Si Fujin and Wu Fujin.

This means that it has to be a salute between brothers, it is a salute by the elders in the palace and the elders of the clan.

Si Fujin smiled wryly and said: "There is no set rule, I plan to go to Prince Yu's mansion to pay my respects in these two days..."

There is no example of Mid-Autumn Festival etiquette for the prince elder brother who founded the mansion of the younger generation, but there are some for the older generation.

Now that Dafujin is gone, it is inconvenient for Sanfujin to go out, only Sifujin has the courage to ask his elders for advice.

Everyone will not be picky about the salute between brothers, and the salute to the palace, I don’t know what the rules are, too much or too little is not good, and you have to act like the elder sisters-in-law.

It's not good for these granddaughters-in-laws to surpass daughters-in-laws like Prince Yu Fujin and Prince Gong Fujin, or else it would be rude.

After hearing this, Qi Fujin's heart moved, and he said, "Then I can also ask Aunt Wang..."

Everyone looked at her.

To be honest, it is indeed more convenient for Qifu Jin to live next to the Pure Prince's Mansion, and to save every day.

Seven Fujin took care of everything and said: "Sister-in-law, don't rush to deliver the post to Prince Yu's mansion, let me ask! When I get the news, I will send someone to tell my sister-in-law and younger siblings."

Sifujin smiled and nodded, "Then I will trouble the seventh sibling."

However, she also has inconvenience here, that is, if she is the elder sister-in-law, it is not good to take care of too much, it seems troublesome.

Even though she sympathizes with Sanfujin, Sanfujin is a picky person and may not be sympathetic.

Qi Fujin has always been fond of gossip, thinking of the Fucha side Fujin he met just now, he asked curiously: "It's been a month since I entered the door, has the fourth sister-in-law dealt with each other before, what kind of character is it?"

Si Fujin thought for a while, and said: "It's a very steady temperament, Babeile handed over the internal affairs to her, but I haven't heard of any big moves."

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew in their hearts that this was a smart man.

There was too much news in the first half of the year at the Babeile Mansion, and now everyone is waiting to see the excitement outside, it is not suitable for this time to make a big move, so as not to attract people's attention.

But Shu Shu thought of Yaqibu's family.

Ninth elder brother has already handed over the evidence of that family's greed for ink to fourth elder brother.

Is the fourth elder brother so patient?

Unexpectedly, for a month, I couldn't hold back.

For a while, Qi Fujin was going to change clothes, so he asked Shu Shu to accompany him.

Shu Shu knew that it was Seventh Sister-in-Law who wanted to talk privately.

Sure enough, after changing clothes, Qi Fujin pulled her, with regret on his face, and said: "The matter between Guizhen Gege and my elder brother is probably not going to happen..."

Speaking of before, when her mother's family was hot, Qi Fujin was not in favor of this matter.

After all, they live in front and back streets with Dong E's family, and they communicate a lot on weekdays, so Guizhen's identity easily embarrasses each other.

But it really didn't work out, and she was also a pity, because it was hard to find a sister-in-law like Guizhen Gege who had everything in appearance, background, and dowry.

Shu Shuxin moved, thinking of Erhe, the second-class guard in Duke Shu Mulu's mansion.

With a shy face, he asked himself about Gui Zhen's news, and he himself told the news that Mrs. Nala had a crush on Gui Zhen.

Wouldn't it be your own fault?

She then asked, "Did you decide on someone else's house?"

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "Well, it was the relative that Tai Fujin of Prince Shuncheng's mansion told her, and he told her nephew, Duke Shu Mulu's mansion..."

Tai Fujin of Shuncheng Prince's Mansion is the wife of Prince Shuncheng, the cousin Erhe mentioned.

That is undoubtedly Erhe.

Shu Shu felt a little guilty. To be honest, Qi Fujin's elder brother had a good outlook and a good future, and the family style of Nala's family was also similar to that of Dong E's. They were all married to Prince Li Lie.

On the contrary, Shu Mulu's family didn't move around across the flag, and they didn't know how the family conducts there.

Qi Fujin obviously knew more, and said: "In terms of it, he is not considered as someone else, and he is also related to our two families."

It was the first time Shu Shu heard of it, and said, "Then why didn't you move around before, what's the matter with you?"

Qifujin said: "Speaking of it, it's closer to Sisao, the elder aunt of the Shu Mulu family is the stepwife of Sisao's grandfather..."

Sifujin's grandfather is Mu Erhu, the son of Jigegu Mountain, the second son of Anping Belle Dudu, and the grandson of Guanglue Belle Chu Ying.

His descendant, Fujin, is from Dong E's family, and is Shu Shu's cousin and grandmother.

Si Ji Fujin is Si Fujin's maternal grandmother.

At the same time, Mu Erhu's biological mother was the daughter of Bu Zhantai, the ruler of Ula, and Shu Shu's great-grandmother was also the daughter of Bu Zhantai.

Anyway, among the clan, Mu Erhu's family is relatively close to Shu Shu's family.

Shu Shu gasped and said, "It's too convoluted, no wonder no one mentioned it."

Qifujin said: "Guizhen Gege is not easy, I hope there will be a good result this time!"

Shu Shu nodded, she was really looking forward to it.

It's just that if Gege Guizhen's wedding is approaching, then the shop she wants to prepare should also be prepared.

If there is no suitable one for a while, one has to be drawn from the property under her name.

The makeup of the elders is not easy to do, but the few places she and Fu Song bought from Gui Dan at that time are not easy to fall into the mouth.

Shu Shu kept this matter in mind.

Except for Shu Shu and Shi Fujin who are idlers, everyone else has a lot of things to take care of, and they didn't stay for long. After sitting for half an hour, they got up and said goodbye, ready to leave the palace.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin personally sent the sisters-in-law to the entrance of the corridor where elder brother lived.

The sisters-in-law were saying goodbye when they saw Fucha and Fujin bringing a girl and a nanny over from the long street.

Seeing the princes Fujin, Fucha bowed his knees and said, "Everyone, Fujin..."

Si Fujin said: "Get up, is this going out of the palace?"

"En!" Fucha nodded and said, "I just came out from our concubine..."

Concubine Wei has not moved to the palace yet, she is still in the apse of Qixiang Palace.

Si Fujin said kindly: "Then let's go together, we are going out of the palace just in time."

Fucha side Fujin respectfully responded, stepped back half a step from Si Fujin and the others, and followed.

Ten Fujin glanced curiously, took Shu Shu's arm, and whispered, "What will we call her in the future? Shall we call her sister-in-law? It looks no different from other sister-in-laws..."

Indeed it is.

Although Fucha side Fujin is the eldest daughter of a concubine, she was raised by her aunt's side when she was young, and she was also raised by a noble daughter.

With such a background and appearance, it is not difficult to marry into the clan as the main wife.

It's just that Ma Qi's family didn't intend to cling to the clan before, the eldest daughter originally planned to marry back to Ma Qiyue's family.

As a result, Kangxi was not kind and was cut off.

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, you won't be able to get along easily, wait and see, you can never go wrong with your sisters-in-law..."

Even if they have to deal with each other, they will live next to each other after they move out of the palace, so walking around is indispensable.

But Si Fujin is still there, so he just needs to act with Si Fujin when the time comes.

Shi Fujin nodded obediently and said, "I listened to Mrs. Jiu..."

Having said that, she drooped her head, a little disappointed.

Shu Shu glanced at her and said, "What's wrong?"

Ten Fujin whispered: "I think of Eight Fujin, it seems a bit pitiful, won't I be able to come out in the future?"

She doesn't understand Sinology, otherwise, she would know that her feeling is called "things hurt other people".

Shu Shu was silent.

This is royal.

No matter how warm and affectionate it looks, there is still a cold side inside.

Marrying into another family, the husband and wife are not harmonious, there is still the option of reconciliation; marrying into the royal family, looking at the scenery outside, but if you really make a wrong step, it will not end well.

The eight lucky ones are already a special case, and they are exceptionally handsome due to their noble backgrounds.

It's a series of mistakes that led to today's end, and it's not innocent.

For someone else, after disobeying the Empress Dowager in Ningshou Palace last year, it should be the end of Qingdeng Ancient Buddha.

Ten Fujin whispered: "I don't want to be like Eight Fujin, then I, Hehe, and the others will be worried, and the other tribes will laugh at me. If I can't give birth to a little elder brother in a few years, let others have one, and I won't either. Bullying Grid..."

She has a pure personality, and she really thinks that Fujin is in the current situation because of "jealousy".

Shu Shu was afraid that she would be too virtuous and hurt Elder Brother Shi's heart, and finally the young couple were sweet, so don't create any rift, she said: "Don't worry, you just listen to Brother Ten, and discuss everything. "

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "Well, I will listen to Master Shi right now, Master Shi is smart!"

Shu Shu felt relieved, and said, "You are also smart..."

(End of this chapter)

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