My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 661 Longevity Fruit

Chapter 661 Longevity Fruit (Third Change)
When Brother Jiu came back from the House of Internal Affairs, Shu Shu asked about the follow-up of the Babeile House: "It's been a month, Yaqibu hasn't dealt with it yet?"

Now, whether it is the fourth elder brother or the eighth elder brother, they have all gone on the northern tour with the retinue, and it will be two months before they come back.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "I guess Fourth Brother also finds it tricky!"

It's not difficult to deal with a slave, the key is not to hurt the dignity of the eighth elder brother.

Although Yaqibu did not serve as a bureaucrat in the Baylor Mansion, he was an outsider, representing the eighth elder brother walking outside.

If you want to find an excuse directly, even if you send him to the yamen, it will make people see the joke of Babeile Mansion.

If it weren't for this, the ninth elder brother would not have handed over the matter to the fourth elder brother.

"Just wait, the fourth brother said it will be resolved, and it will definitely be resolved. After we move, there won't be such an eye-catching person pestering us."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu just asked casually, that's all.

She remembered the marriage between Erhe and Guizhen Gege, told Brother Jiu again, and said: "I never expected it, but it really happened."

Brother Jiu heard Shu Shu mentioned it twice, and knew that he owed Gui Zhen a favor, and said: "I went to the study today and met him, next time I meet again, I will ask if the date has been set. When the time comes, I will accompany you to add makeup to Guizhen Gege."

Shu Shu has already counted all the property at hand, only the three properties he bought from Gui Dan last year are suitable for giving away.

One is a wine shop outside Di'anmen, the other is a small village in Haidian, and the other is a large village in Daxing.

Haidian Xiaozhuang is located on Baiwang Mountain, next to the Dazhuang that Prince Kang Taifujin added to her, so it is not easy to give it away.

The big villages in Daxing are all good land, with a lot of land, and the price is too high, which is three times the market price of the village that Gege Guizhen bought her back then.

This is not the rule of reciprocity, and it is easy to make people feel burdened.

The only thing left to choose is the shop outside Di'anmen, which is now leased to the original owner. There are five doors, two floors above and below, and eleven rooms attached to the backyard, making a total of 21 rooms.

When I bought it last year, it was 20 taels of silver, and it was also because Gui Dan was forcing the sale at the front, and it was a coincidence.

Under normal circumstances, there is no place to buy even two or three hundred taels of silver.

But because Guizhen gave her more expensive land in Xiaozhuang, this shop is not worth it.

Shu Shu said: "In addition to this shop, let Yinlou make two golden ruyis..."

Real money is the most practical.

There are not too many things in the bottom of the box.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "Didn't you buy a lot of foreign goods during the southern tour? You can also pick up a few Western objects to add makeup, rare things are more expensive..."

When he said this, Shu Shu remembered the Diancui hairpin brought by Concubine Yi, and said: "Today the empress brought a Diancui hairpin, it looks very beautiful, and it is an ancient relic handed down from the previous palace!"

Brother Jiu glanced at her and said, "Like it? Then Master Ming'er ordered people to go outside to find out if they could find it. There are not many Diancui jewelry in the world. Why didn't I think of it when I was in Jiangnan? It came from the south..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not that I want jewelry, it's that the art of emerald green is limited by the kingfisher, and the materials are scarce, so I thought of enamel, and there is blue in enamel!"

The bluing process, which was separated from the enamel process in later generations, should not be complete now.

According to the textual research on the antiques in the palace, the baked blueware handed down from generation to generation is from the Yongzheng period, but it is a fully mature craft.

According to time speculation, there should be the germination of silver burning blue technology now.

Brother Jiu became interested and said, "Tell me carefully..."

Shu Shu said: "It's just a matter of imitation. If the internal manufacturing office has mastered the exclusive burnt-blue enamel process and controlled the quantity, can burnt-blue jewelry be sold at a price of emerald?"

Brother Jiu was moved immediately, and said: "When the time comes, use gold to make embryos and sell them to the Mongolian princes!"

Last year's gold belt business lasted until the first half of the year, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs made a huge profit.

The craftsmen of the internal manufacturing office are also really good. The gold belt they made is exquisite and exquisite, and the tigers, leopards, wolves and eagles on the belt buckle are lifelike.

The Mongols are not conscious of being cheated, but feel that it is worth the money.

If the golden belt made the money of the young prince, then Yanziwan made the money of the old prince.

The women's family has not earned much money yet.

Brother Nine immediately said: "I will go to the Neizao Office in the afternoon!"

The internal construction office in the palace was originally located in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but now it has been moved to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, just behind the Office of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine strolled over, which was very convenient.

Shu Shu also mentioned the Eighteenth Elder Brother's "Hundred Days", saying: "The last time I saw Eighteenth Elder Brother was before we moved the garden, I don't know what's going on now."

Brother Nine said: "When Master comes back from the manufacturing office, the sky will be cool, let's go to Zhaoxiang's place..."

Shu Shu was taken aback, and said, "Is it convenient?"

"Why is it inconvenient? There is no one else in Zhaoxiang's house now, only Shiqi Gege and Xiao 18..." Brother Jiu said.

Last year, a concubine of Zhongcui Palace gave birth to seventeen princesses, half a year older than eighteen elder brothers, and now she is also in Zhaoxiang's place.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No need, it will be a hundred days in a few days, and it will be more appropriate to go there with Fifth Sister-in-law."

Although the palace seemed to be peaceful and peaceful, Shu Shu still felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

If after the husband and wife visited the little elder brother, the little elder brother and little Gege felt uncomfortable or something, I can't tell.

Shu Shu felt that she was quite cool in her bones, avoiding all risks.

Brother Jiu thought of her and started making up stories in his heart, thinking that it was because of Wu Fujin, and said: "Okay, then you will go with Fifth Sister-in-Law."

The lunch was served, there was a plate of boiled edamame and another plate of boiled peanuts.

Snacks that are common in later generations are not easy now.

Peanuts in particular, which are now precious, are called "Longevity Fruits", which are the Mid-Autumn Festival tribute of the governor of Shandong, and they have just been distributed to the palace.

There are two tributes in the imperial dining room.

Brother Jiu looked at this and said: "There are too few Mid-Autumn Festival tributes. There are only a few places. After a while, the Fujian General's autumn tribute should also arrive. There are lotus root noodles; there is also the autumn tribute from the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, which has cantaloupe. Do we want it?" Send someone to buy some tribute?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "During the southern tour, I bought a lot of lotus root powder, which is enough for use; forget about cantaloupe, when the tribute arrives at the palace, we will share some seeds, and let someone try to grow them next year."

It shouldn't be difficult to grow, but because of the sunshine, it won't be as sweet as the cantaloupe in the northwest.

Hearing what Shu Shu said, Brother Jiu made inferences, pointed to the peanut and said, "Isn't that also a way to grow longevity fruit? Ask someone to try it, and if it succeeds, next year's Longevity Festival and Halloween ceremony can be added on this."

It tastes delicious and has an auspicious name.

Shu Shuxin moved a little, and said, "Master, do you really plan to ask someone to try growing peanuts in the capital?"

Brother Jiu said: "What are you lying about? I'm idle, and it doesn't take much trouble. It's just that most of the Huangzhuang under the name of the master are in other places, and the suburbs of Beijing are vegetable fields, orchards and so on. When the time comes, you will have to Trial planting in the Zhuangzi..."

Husband and wife are one body, in the eyes of elder brother Jiu, it doesn't mean that the property of the two must be distinct.

Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat, and said: "Then there are two more things, we can also try various things..."

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "Hami Melon said it just now, what is the other thing?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not cantaloupe, but corn and potatoes?"

"Corn and potatoes?"

Brother Jiu was puzzled and said: "What's so good about these two things? Isn't there someone who has grown them?"

Corn can be used as food, but because it is not tasty, the common people don't recognize it very much. Most of them are planted with corner land, and then corn and corn stalks are used as livestock feed.

Shu Shu said: "There have been nine droughts in Zhili for ten years, maybe corn is a good grain that is more resistant to drought. If intensive cultivation can increase the yield of corn, then I have done a great deed..."

In fact, ten or twenty years later, with the increase in population, high-yield varieties such as corn and potatoes will also be popularized.

It's just that no one pays attention to it yet.

If Brother Nine accomplishes this, the Wan family will be born a Buddha, and he can even change his prince's hat.

This kind of real achievement does not need to be determined solely by the emperor's likes and dislikes.

Whether it's the favored prince or the favored younger brother, depending too much on the emperor's likes and dislikes makes people feel uneasy.

What's more, the elderly Kangxi was moody and angry. After Yongzheng came to power, he implemented the policy of "government and gentry pay the grain together" and "single gentry into the mu".

Why do the clan kings dare to wrestle with the royal family all of them in such a stable manner? That is because the merits are all real, and they are meritorious deeds of the Qing Dynasty, and no one can obliterate them.

If you want to sleep peacefully and live peacefully, you need some real credit.

Brother Jiu looked straight at Shu Shu and said, "When did you start thinking about this?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "When I ate cornmeal and potatoes in the palace, I thought about it, but it was not thorough; before I went to Hongluo Temple a few days ago, when I mentioned Minfu, I thought of this... ..."

Brother Jiu was a little excited and paced on the ground.

He is a smart person, so he naturally knows how much credit it will be if this matter is accomplished.

The wife of this credit can obviously tell her father-in-law, and it can also raise her title, but she chooses to tell herself.

It's all nonsense that "everyone is a husband, but a father is only one".

I am the one who has held hands with Fujin for a hundred years.

"Potatoes are vegetables, and they are not easy to preserve. How can they be used as food?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Shu Shu said: "Isn't there already vermicelli and cornstarch now? Vermicelli should be used directly as a meal, cornstarch mixed with flour, millet flour, etc., should also be a staple food."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with sparkling eyes, and said, "My lord has read the records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the end of the previous dynasty, potatoes were grown in the Huangzhuang and were exclusively eaten by the royal family. They are indeed high-yield, with a yield of up to [-] per mu. catty……"

Shu Shu smiled without saying a word.

Seven hundred catties?
Later generations seem to have over [-] per mu.

Now the varieties are different, the pesticides are not complete, and there is no bonus of agricultural technology, but one or two kilograms should not be a problem.

With corn and potatoes, how can we not mention sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes were popularized in Fujian in the Ming Dynasty, but it seems that they were not popularized in the north until the Qianlong period.

Just like this potato, such a good thing is also submerged in Huangzhuang, and it is not well known to the world.

Still the same.

Shu Shu said: "If the master finds a better planting method and makes the yield of potatoes exceed one thousand catties per mu, it will be an immeasurable merit!"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's stomach, and said with a smile: "The Buddha can open his eyes, remember our merits and virtues, and choose a good son for us, one who is promising, not one who is disobedient..."

The next update will be at 12:25 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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