My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 662 Signing the bill

After lunch, brother Jiu went to the imperial dining room.

"Where is the Mid-Autumn Festival tribute list from the governor of Shandong? Show it to my grandfather!"

When the head of the imperial dining room came forward to pay his respects, brother Jiu gave orders.

The manager immediately called someone to fetch the list.

Because this was just put into the warehouse, the inventory was only completed yesterday, and the list has not been filed yet.

Brother Jiu took the order and read it carefully.

Five boxes of auspicious vegetables, five barrels of pomegranates, five boxes of Evergreen, nine baskets of Gengbing cakes, five barrels of longevity fruits, nine boxes of persimmon cream, five barrels of barley, five barrels of papaya, and five barrels of jujubes.

The number of longevity fruits is too small, so it is not easy to get them from the imperial dining room.

But a few other foods...

It is common in other palaces, but papaya is not impressive.

"Papaya" that "throw me with papaya, hold it with Qiongju"?
Brother Jiu asked curiously, "What kind of melon is papaya? Vegetable melon or fresh fruit?"

The manager immediately ordered to go down, and the papaya was brought after a while.

It is the size of a fist, shaped like a goose egg, and smells delicate.

"how to eat?"

Brother Jiu said.

It looks pretty good, I don't know if Shu Shu will like it.

The main channel of the dining room: "This tastes bad when eaten directly, like chewing wood, it needs to be dried in the sun, and it can be used as a medicinal diet..."

Brother Jiu immediately lost interest and left.

Over the past year, he has taken a lot of tonics and medicated food.

Enough is enough.

As long as the word "medicine" is touched, he is not interested.

After coming out of the imperial dining room, he went to the House of Internal Affairs and told Gao Bin, "I don't have any other errands for the past few days. First, go to the Shandong Guild Hall to find someone from the Shandong Governor's Yamen to see if there is any tribute to buy. Some longevity fruits, jujubes, barley, etc. If you don’t have any, go to a shop in the capital to see if there are any merchants who specialize in selling Shandong specialties, and then order these.”

Gao Bin listened carefully and took the order.

Brother Nine is impatient, even if he wanted to grow longevity fruits in the capital, he didn't want to wait until the spring of the next year.

In his view, it is also possible to try to plant a crop now.

It's cold, so cook directly with Dongzi dishes and burn charcoal to heat up.

In this way, one crop can be cultivated in autumn and winter. If there is anything inappropriate, it will be avoided directly next spring.

In this way, there are two crops in a year, and the chances of success are more.

As for why the other two were added, that is incidental and confusing.

There are too many idle people in the Eight Banners outside, and some people are willing to watch the movement in the palace, and talk about big and small things as gossip.

It's not good to just talk about the longevity fruit and let people guess it.

Since it is a beautiful meaning, he also wants to be the champion, so as to make a contribution.

Next, Brother Jiu began to read the official documents. The construction department had an expenditure, which was part of the expenditure for the repair of Princess Shuhui's other courtyard and Princess Jiugege's mansion.

He briefly looked at it, wrote "Quite", and stamped it.

Jiugege's project is huge, and it won't be completed until next year.

Princess Shuhui's other courtyard is only repaired in a few places, where the princess lives, sits and sleeps. The other places are not big, so the construction period will be faster.

The reason why it was not built according to the Princess Mansion was because there was no precedent.

The princess of Fumeng is the princess of Fumeng. If the capital builds a princess mansion, should other princesses build one?
Here is a separate courtyard, and when the eldest princess is used up, she can move it to other princesses who return to Beijing.

The princess is still facing...

The age of Princess Shuhui...

Brother Jiu looked serious. He felt that such a lucky thing as longevity fruit was secondary, and he had to plant potatoes and corn well to get the credit for it.

Otherwise, give birth to a little Gege and caress Meng when he grows up, wouldn't that be picking his heart?
I can't bear to think about it.

It is estimated that in half an hour, the official business will be finished.

Brother Jiu left the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs and headed for the Palace of Compassion.

If you want merit, you can't earn less money.

Although it didn't fall into his pocket, Fengying the internal treasury of the House of Internal Affairs is also the credit of his chief manager.

Brother Jiu felt that he was a little vain and competitive.

Even if the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does a good job or a bad job, Khan Ama will not give him a salary increase, but he still wants to do better, so that others can boast a word or two when they mention it.

In the Compassionate Ning Palace, the internal construction offices are now distributed in the tea dining room.

As soon as Brother Nine arrived, the doctor on duty and the eunuch in charge greeted him.

Brother Nine said: "It's nothing, I'm here to look for the craftsmen in the enamel workshop to see the quality of the current utensils."

The manager was too listening, and immediately asked someone to send a message to the master craftsman who made the enamel, and at the same time took Jiu elder brother there.

Now there are more than 20 workshops in Neizaoban, and enamel work is one of them.

The chief craftsman of the enamel workshop is Si Jiang.

When the craftsman came over, brother Jiu said to the doctor on duty and the eunuch in charge: "Okay, you guys go!"

The two retreated respectfully, and Brother Nine said to Secretary Jiang: "Are there any recent finished products, please take a look?"

Si Jiang said: "There are several pairs of bottles that were ordered by the emperor to be fired in July..."

Brother Jiu nodded, and followed Master Smith to the finished product warehouse.

It's a couple of vases.

Among them is a pair of pastels, with peach blossoms in full bloom on the top, and a few children frolicking below.

There is also a pair of taupe-colored ones with roses on them.

There is also a pair of light blue bottoms with rhododendrons on them.

There is also a pair of blue bases with a clump of orchids on them.

There is also a pair of yellow-bottomed ones, with twigs on the top and a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water below.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows, his mind began to diverge.

Ordered last month?
What happened last month?

The inner court was being repaired, and how many concubines and empresses moved to the palace? !

Is this a reward from Nou Palace?
The one with pink peach blossom belongs to Empress Zhang?
There are children playing here.

Which is the lotus rose?

Rose, the "prosperity" among flowers, the flower of wealth?

Is it Mr. Guarja?

Rhododendron is a beautiful flower among flowers. Is that Empress Wei?
Needless to say about orchids, the gentleman among flowers is Concubine Hui.

The remaining Tangzhilian and Yuanyang...

Brother Jiu is a little embarrassed, my mother-in-law seems to really like this suit...

The old man is quite funny, taking care of both "new love" and "old love".

But this is his own Khan Ama, not as ruthless as the emperor in the history books.

He complained a few words in his heart, picked up the blue-bottomed vase, looked carefully, and said, "Is this a silver tire?"

This blue enamel is very nice in color, but the luster is a bit blunt.

It seems that the wife's idea is feasible. After coloring, it should be able to bake a blue color that is very similar to the color of Diancui.

Si Jiang said: "Yes, this group of vases are all made of silver."

Brother Jiu said: "If it is on a golden tire, can it burn this blue color?"

The craftsman was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "I don't know, I only burned copper and silver tires before. The copper tires are worse, and the color of the silver enamel is more vivid..."

Brother Jiu ordered: "Then try goldware these days. You don't need to start with big pieces, you can burn small pieces first, such as rings, peace cards, etc., try coloring, mainly blue, and adjust the depth some……"

Silverware is considered a good thing in ordinary people's homes, but it is not eye-catching to real princes and nobles.

The price can't come up either.

It's different when you change the goldware.

The craftsman wondered: "Jiuye, this workshop needs to have a list to get the materials for opening the furnace..."

Brother Nine said: "Then can you make an order?"

Si Jiang bowed and said, "Of course it is possible."

Internal Manufacturing Office, the full name is "Ministry of Internal Affairs Office". Brother Jiu is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he naturally has the jurisdiction and control of the Internal Affairs Office.

Brother Jiu was not polite, and called the doctor on duty, and made a list of materials.

Allocate 50 taels of gold to the enamel and make utensils.

Then he signed his own name at the back, drawing a pledge.

When the craftsman took the list and went down, the Lang Zhong whispered to Brother Jiu: "If Master Jiu wants to make jewelry for Fujin, it's better not to take the materials from the inner warehouse, it's more convenient to bring the gold directly, and you don't need to write it down." For this sum, you only need to reward the craftsman."

This is also a kind reminder.

I was afraid that elder brother Jiu would take away the finished utensils, and he would not be able to account for it and be criticized by others.

Brother Nine said: "It's not for the master's own use, it's for his own use, so just use it like this!"

The doctor is relieved now.

But when the doctor mentioned Fujin, Brother Jiu remembered the glass window his wife had mentioned.

If more transparent glass can be fired, it is not a dream to replace it with glass windows.

But the premise is that the number of transparent glass must be increased, and the Qianqing Palace and Ningshou Palace should be replaced first.

The inner court has almost changed, so it will be their turn to be younger, so that they will not be conspicuous.

After he left the enamel work, he went to the glaze work, and also looked at the finished product warehouse here.

The glass factory under Liulizuo is not in the palace, but outside the gate of Xi'an.

But the finished product warehouse is in the palace.

Brother Nine looked at it briefly and was a little disappointed.

At present, the glass that can be fired in glass factories is still mainly colored glass, and very few are transparent.

Those that are fired occasionally are treasures, and if you want to use them to frame windows, there is simply no such quantity.

There can be more milky white ones, which are translucent, but the quantity is limited.

Brother Nine shook his head, temporarily shutting down his thoughts on the glass window.

Or wait and see.

If the burning of blue gold jewelry is completed, and the money earned is more, part of the silver can be set aside to develop the firing process of transparent glass.

Thinking that it was burning silver, Brother Jiu felt a little pained.

Even if it is not your own money, it is still reluctant.

But who told the wife to mention it?
Brother Jiu still has a lot of fighting spirit and plans to surprise Shu Shu when the time comes.

When we got back to the second institute, Brother Jiu mentioned the silver-bodied enamel made of enamel, and said: "There are so many colors, all of which look bright. In addition to burning blue, you can also burn red..."

There are many tribes in Mongolia who are still red, and coral, red agate, and red beeswax jewelry are sought after.

With red-hot gold jewelry, there must be many people who like it.

Shu Shu praised: "Master is really smart..."

Not only are the Mongols still popular, but the Manchus were still white in their early years, and now they have been in the customs for many years, and their lives have become Sinicized, and they have also become popular.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "What's the matter, you are really smart, the master is just giving you 'to make up for the vacancies'..."

He's not the kind of man who can't see a woman's strength.

On the contrary, I am honored with you.

But thinking of the color of Diancui, he still said: "You take some time to go to Yikun Palace tomorrow, and borrow some emerald green hairpins from your empress, so that the enamel maker can refer to the color, otherwise it won't be like building a car behind closed doors..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little numb.

According to what Concubine Yi said, it was a gift from the imperial court, or a gift from the birth of Brother Nine. This excuse will not cause Concubine Yi to misunderstand, right?

Thinking that I have shallow eyelids, trying to beg for it?

She said: "Then how do you tell the empress?"

Brother Jiu remembered those vases, decided to imitate them, and said: "Tell the truth to the empress, just say it as a reference for the enamel. The empress likes Diancui. I can't find a suitable one for a while, so we just want it." Honor some empresses with baked blue jewelry..."

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