My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 663 Reminder

Chapter 663 Reminder (second update)

Early the next morning, Shu Shu sent Walnut and Xiaochun to Yikun Palace.

Concubine Yi felt strange when she heard the people from the two institutes.

I just saw it yesterday, what's the matter?
After seeing Xiaochun, Xiaochun said that Shushu wanted to come to pay her respects.

Concubine Yi said: "I'm free in the morning, let her come over, just go back after lunch."

Speaking of this, she remembered the eight-treasure pickles that were sent over by the Second Institute before, and said: "If you have eight-treasure pickles, bring some over here, it's good to use with porridge."

The dining room of Yikun Palace also pickled pickles, but they were very salty and had no other taste; the pickles of Ersuo were more like side dishes, not so salty, and tasted better.

Concubine Yi still has some taboos in her diet, she feels dull, so she wants to eat pickles.

Xiaochun agreed and took the walnuts back.

Concubine Yi said to Pei Lan: "The walnut who followed just now belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but does he often go out with him?"

Pei Lan nodded and said, "She was one of the four maids sent by the House of Internal Affairs after Jiufu Jin entered the door last year. It is indeed very useful, in front of the deputy steward."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Very good, when the older ones get married, the people below will be able to keep up."

Living in this palace, where can I live without the coat?
Like when Ba Fujin was in the palace last year, he only used his dowry mother and girl, and didn't use any of the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was a fool.

Live blind and deaf.

The daughter-in-law is not very old, but it is rare to be transparent.

Even though the two institutes and the coating were a little unhappy before, they didn't give up eating because of choking.

That's right.

If the road for coating is really going to be blocked, who would know how those slaves are holding back.

Here at the second office, Shu Shu got the letter and asked Xiaotang to prepare.

Although Concubine Yi only ordered eight-treasure pickles, it was as if she only prepared eight-treasure pickles.

It happened that the dining room just made eggplant and sugar garlic, plus the previously made seaweed and meat floss to make four pieces.

She ordered someone to pack it in a jar, and then asked someone to lift it up. She stepped on it a little bit, and went to Yikun Palace at about two o'clock.

Going too late, it's mealtime, disrespectful; going too early, when the business is done, you will be relatively speechless and awkward.

After all, it is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, not sister-in-law, who can gossip.

After a while, Shu Shu's master and servants arrived at Yikun Palace.

Concubine Yi poked her head out to have a look, and saw two palace servants following Shu Shu, carrying two baskets, she asked excitedly, "Is there anything I can eat directly?"

Shu Shu said: "Meat floss can be used as a snack."

"Then try it first!" Yi Fei laughed.

Shu Shu took the meat floss jar with her own hands and handed it to Pei Lan.

Perrin took it down and put a plate on it.

There are pieces of seaweed sandwiched in the meat floss, and sesame seeds are sprinkled, which smells delicious.

Concubine Yi was having tea, and she asked Shu Shu to sit opposite, so she took a bite of dried meat floss first.

It is fragrant and crisp in the mouth, and the saltiness is just right.

Eating with an empty mouth is not salty.

Yifei nodded and said: "This tastes good, and sandwiches with steamed buns must be delicious too."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Let me tell you, Master Jiu likes to eat with this steamed bun. He said that the white steamed bun makes me choke and I don't like to eat it..."

Concubine Yi said disgustedly: "How old is he, and he is still picky, don't spoil him all the time!"

Shu Shu smiled and didn't speak.

If I really get used to it, I'm afraid Concubine Yi will be the first to be unhappy.

Seeing her like this, Concubine Yi said: "You just get used to it, it's you who will worry about it later."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No, Master Jiu is also good to his daughter-in-law."

Concubine Yi snorted lightly, and said: "Tell me, what happened to him again, sent you here?"

Known child Moruomu.

If it was Shu Shu's own business, he would have taken the time to talk about it when he came to say hello yesterday, so he didn't have to make a special trip.

Shu Shu said: "Master Jiu sent his daughter-in-law over to borrow that green hairpin from you..."

Concubine Yi was very surprised, she really didn't expect it to be this, she said: "A big man, what is he doing with this?"

Shu Shu said: "He went to the internal construction office last night and saw the craftsman burning blue, so he thought about holding it to see if he could imitate the color."

As for respecting Concubine Yi, Shu Shu didn't mention it now.

No matter how much you talk, it's like she's still gossiping, and it doesn't do any good.

Because she was the one who had seen the Diancui hairpin, not Brother Jiu, and it wasn't that he could push the matter to Brother Jiu.

On the contrary, he appeared to be eloquent.

Concubine Yi became interested, and hurriedly told Peilan, "Take out the hairpin and give it to Jiufujin..."

Afterwards, she said to Shu Shu: "If you really want to imitate it, it will be great. I will draw a few tricks later, when the time comes, let's bring some gold materials over there and ask them to try it out."

Shu Shu agreed, and lowered his voice, "Jiu Ye was just talking about last year's gold belt business, and also thinking about making money from Mongolia. He had no other thoughts for a while, and my daughter-in-law thought of empress dot emerald hairpins, such a rare thing There are quite a few of them in the capital, and there are none in Mongolia, so I mentioned it, but Jiuye said that there are few kingfishers, and they can be found all over the world, and there are quite a few of them. If only blue, there are enamel device..."

She deftly adjusted the sequence.

In this way, she didn't mean to talk too much when she mentioned some emerald hairpins.

Concubine Yi couldn't stop laughing, and said with a smile: "Really, how can you be fooled by the Mongols!"

Shu Shudao: "Jiuye is a responsible manager. He is determined to finish the job well, and he wants people to praise him."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "That's the problem when I was young, I like to listen to good things, and I don't know how much I am!"

But Shu Shu thinks Brother Jiu is just right now.

Maybe there were deficiencies before, but it is also growing.

It was a crooked little tree before, but now it is about to slip straight.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked and laughed for a while, and then it was lunch time.

When the dining table was served, there was a stewed beef, a white cut beef, a beef and white radish soup, and a fried tripe.

There are eight dishes in total, four of which are beef.

Shu Shu watched, her saliva was about to flow down.

She looked at Concubine Yi with gratitude, if she hadn't ordered it specially, it wouldn't be such a dish.

Concubine Yi saw it, and said: "Since I like beef, and it's not a precious food, I just say hello to the imperial dining room, and it doesn't take much to add some every day..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, it's not in the order after all. Yuqian doesn't supply beef every day yet."

Concubine Yi knew that Shu Shu acted so restrainedly because she cared about Brother Nine.

If Brother Nine hadn't been the head of the House of Internal Affairs, he would have been more comfortable doing things.

If you take the post of the manager, you need to take more care of it.

This is true of her biological mother, and so is Shu Shu.

She sighed in her heart, and said, "How is the repair of the Prince's Mansion going?"

Shu Shu said: "It's almost the same, only some paintings are left..."

Speaking of this, she remembered the incident of going to Hongluo Temple a few days ago, and said with a smile: "I am going to send people to Hongluo Temple to move bamboo these few days. I have agreed with the abbot that I want two clumps of bamboo first. Live, come back and ask for more..."

Concubine Yi remembered that the Prince's Mansion is next to the Babeile Mansion to the east, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

Originally, they thought that it would be better for them to move out earlier, and live a more comfortable life outside the palace by themselves; but this neighbor is a bit uneasy.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not outsiders.

She thought for a while, and reminded: "Lao Jiu is sincere and likes to listen to good things. He is easy to be fooled by others. If you really want to move out later, you should pay more attention and don't be coaxed..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu understood that the "other" was referring to someone else.

She nodded in response, and said: "Well, daughter-in-law, remember, there is still Elder Brother Shi here. Elder Brother Ten is an introvert with clear eyes and a bright heart, and he will remind you by the side. Don't worry, empress."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Old Ten is indeed more reassuring."

After lunch, Shu Shu came out of Yikun Palace with some emerald hairpins.

In the second house, elder brother Jiu ate by himself and was bored.

Hearing the news of Shu Shu's return, he glanced at the clock and complained: "It's not even new, why did you stay so long?"

I have a pitiful lunch by myself, which is tasteless.

Shu Shu rubbed her stomach, and said: "The empress ordered the dining room to cook several beef dishes, so I ate for a while..."

Brother Jiu said: "What's so rare about beef? Ask Zhou Song to order some from the dining room tomorrow!"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, it's dry in summer, just eat it once in a while."

Brother Nine stopped talking.

Shu Shu looked at Xiaochun.

Xiao Chun carefully held the brocade box in his hand, and handed it over with both hands.

Shu Shu picked it up, opened it, put it on the Kang table, and said, "This is the hairpin..."

Only then did Brother Jiu think about the business, took it over and looked at it carefully, and said: "It's really bright, it's not as timid as the color from roasted blue..."

The pattern of the feathers on it is clearly visible.

Because it is a collected kingfisher, each feather has a different color.

Brother Jiu held the hairpin, changed the light, and looked very carefully.

Shu Shu laughed and said, "What are you looking at?"

Brother Nine put down his hairpin, his eyes sparkled, and he said, "This is a feather!"

Shu Shu snorted lightly, isn't this nonsense?

It's not a feather, and it's not called Diancui!
Brother Jiu blinked, and said, "It might not be possible to use roasted indigo to imitate it, but to dye it directly with bird feathers, you can also do this!"

what? !

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu and suddenly realized.

I am confused.

I only think about how the history has developed, and I forget that the Chinese people still have a great skill.

Shanzhai has been passed down since ancient times.

It's not just about roasting blue.

"That color..."

Shu Shu wondered: "Can it be adjusted to be similar?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why not? There is no difference between dyeing bird feathers and silk, and now the silk has less color?"

Shu Shu thought of the disadvantages of dyeing now.

Now they are all natural dyeing ingredients of plants and minerals, unlike the chemical dyes of later generations to fix the color.

Just like their clothes, why do they have to make more than ten or twenty sets every season? That's because the clothes can't be worn outside once or twice in the water.

Also, with their identities, as long as they show up in front of people, it's not good to wear the same clothes all the time, it looks undignified, and they probably don't have the same clothes.

After washing once or twice, half-new is not old, so I wear it at home.

"What about fading?"

Shu Shu said: "After all, this emerald green is natural, and it will not fade for hundreds of years..."

I don't know how the dyed feathers will be fixed.

According to the material of the clothes, the current dyes will fade when exposed to the sun, and they will also fade when wet.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "With such a precious thing, there shouldn't be any idiot who would go out in the rain directly. As for the long-term fading, there is no way to do it. If it lasts for three or five years, it will be considered a success... ..."

After three or five years, I will think about other good things and sell them to Prince Fujin of Mongolia...

Don't ask for a monthly ticket, please help me stay for a few more days, vote again on 29, double, ^_^.Book friends who have already voted, here is a bow to thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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