Chapter 666 Angel (Second Change)

Since he pointed to the elder brother who was on an errand, the others all withdrew.

The fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother kept it.

Others have no opinion.

Because the fifth elder brother was raised by the queen mother, he can speak Mongolian fluently, and the Mongolian princes are also willing to get close to him.

As for the thirteenth brother, he is smarter and can help out.

14 is not too young.

Cheng Ding had also sent errands for the princes above.

Kangxi looked at the two of them and said, "Look, how are these distributed..."

There is no objection to the birthday card, and it is designated as the highest-ranking Princess Shuhui.

The fifth elder brother was a little confused, and looked directly at the thirteenth elder brother and said, "Thirteenth brother, what do you think?"

The thirteenth elder brother knew that the fifth elder brother had a honest personality, so asking himself was asking himself sincerely, carefully looked at the remaining four, and said: "The six-character mantra card is bigger, and I can give it to Aunt Duanmin..."

There are three accessories left, exactly three princesses.

The thirteenth brother thought for a while, and said: "The elders and children are orderly, and the blue gold gourd is burnt to represent blessings, and it is unique. It can be given to Sister Chunxi..."

Whether the Heshuo Chunxi princess is the eldest princess or the only adopted princess, the more so, the more emphasis should be placed on it, so as not to cause people to argue.

The remaining two bouquets are the same size, just different colors.

Brother Thirteen said, "The red one is for Sister Rongxian, and the blue one is for Sister Duanjing..."

Both of them are emperor daughters, so they can be divided according to their seniority.

Mongolia is still red, and red jewelry is more decent, so it was given to the older Princess Rongxian.

The Fifth Elder Brother was beside him, nodding repeatedly, and said: "Thirteen Brothers have a good share..."

Kangxi glanced at Brother Thirteen, and was more satisfied with this distribution method, which was exactly what he had in mind.

This son of mine is more sensible than the other elder brothers, and he can take care of the world and the world.

He nodded and said, "Let's reward it like this!"

The fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother bowed in response.

The two carried the brocade box out, handed it to the eunuchs of Haha Beads, and went to the princesses' camp.

Seniors and young are orderly, and there are differences in respect and inferiority.

The first thing the brothers went to was the camp of the Bahrain Ministry.

Princess Shuhui and Princess Rongxian are both there.

These two princesses are aunts and grandnieces from their natal families; they both married into the Bahrain Ministry and became grandparents and granddaughters-in-law.

Princess Rongxian was born in the 30th year of Kangxi. At that time, the thirteenth elder brother was still young and had just entered the study, and the siblings had never had any dealings.

On the contrary, it was the fifth elder brother, who was already 12 years old at the time, and had more contact with the siblings.

Hearing that the two princes came here under orders, Princess Rongxian helped Eldest Princess Shuhui out of the tent to welcome them.

Princess Shuhui's hair is all white, her face is also deeply wrinkled, she is very thin, and she is wearing a blue robe that is old and not old.

Although she is only ten years older than the queen mother, if they stand together, they look like two generations.

Princess Rongxian's complexion is fine, she looks very refreshing.

Although she is young, she is married to a Bahraini family and her husband is a cousin. Now she has both children and lives smoothly.

The fifth elder brother said to the eldest princess: "What the grandson brought is not a will, so you don't have to come out to welcome him."

Princess Shuhui smiled and said, "It's time to come out. Brothers are angels today!"

The fifth elder brother still persisted, and helped the eldest princess Shuhui into the tent, sat down, held the brocade box in both hands and said: "It's a new one made by the company, and it's all unique!"

Eldest Princess Shuhui took it with both hands, facing the direction of the imperial tent, and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I am old and useless, and my grandchildren are not up to date, and I am causing trouble to the Emperor!"

This is about the successive white disasters in the past two years in Bahrain, and the poverty and separation of the people.

The fifth elder brother looked sad, but he didn't know how to comfort him, and looked at the thirteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth brother said: "Don't worry, grandma, Khan Ama is about to summon the great scholars to bring up this matter. There is an example from the Aohan tribe. Whether Khan Ama or the court, I will do my best to the people of Bahrain. Bring up."

Two years ago, the Aohan tribe was hit by a disaster, and the imperial court sent a lot of food there.

Tears flashed in Princess Shuhui's eyes, and said: "That's good, that's good, the people of Bahrain are looking forward to this..."

Seeing the old man's expression moved, the fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also felt sour.

The pastures of different parts of Mongolia are different, and the rich and poor are also different.

In addition, natural disasters are uncontrollable, and there is no way to do it.

Princess Rongxian smiled and said: "Grandmother quickly opened the box to let granddaughter-in-law see and see, this is a unique reward."

Princess Shuhui lowered her head and wiped her tears. When she looked up again, her mood had calmed down. She looked at the brocade box in her hand with a smile and opened it.

The burnt red birthday plaque inside is about the size of a child's palm, three inches long and two inches wide. It is a heavy gold plaque with gorgeous red birthday characters on it.

Princess Shuhui looked at it, her lips trembling, she was speechless.

Princess Rongxian choked with sobs and said, "Ama Khan paid respects to grandma's birthday. He is a Khan from heaven, and he will hear it when he lives forever. Grandma will definitely live a long and healthy life..."

Eldest Princess Shuhui looked at Princess Rongxian lovingly, and said: "But I also miss my Ernie, and I also miss the prince..."

She is the princess of Taizong. She was engaged at the age of ten, married at the age of 12, lost her husband at the age of 13, and remarried at the age of 17.

It has been more than 50 years now.

Her husband has been dead for more than [-] years, and her son has passed away.

She has lived too long.

Princess Rong Xian had red eyes and was speechless.

The fifth elder brother was beside him, a little at a loss.

Elder Brother Thirteen hurriedly said: "There is also Second Sister's share. Since I met here, I will give it together, so as to save us from having to go through it again later."

Princess Rong Xian said unexpectedly: "I still have mine? Then I can look forward to it."

Elder Brother Thirteen took Princess Rong Xian's share and handed it to her with both hands.

Princess Rongxian took the brocade box, and also nodded respectfully in the direction of the imperial tent before opening the brocade box.


Princess Rong Xian was surprised, the gorgeous red flower, one and a half inches in diameter, filigree gold beads as the stamen, and the surrounding red petals were opened layer by layer.

What about a woman who doesn't like jewelry?
Especially such beautiful and rare jewelry!

Princess Rong Xian said: "This color is really bright, even the best rubies are not as bright..."

As she said that, she looked at Brother Thirteen and said, "Is this made by Neizao after learning from Western jewelry?"

Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "I don't know, I only know that the first batch of six pieces came in, except for Khan Ama's dragon pattern finger ring, these five pieces of jewelry..."

Princess Rong Xian softened her brows and eyes.

Although she is not in the capital, there are people from the Bahrain Department who come to Beijing for shifts every year, and they also know the news of the capital, and know that the person in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Brother Nine.

She looked at the fifth elder brother and praised: "Xiao Jiu has a heart. He was naughty when he was young, but he is quite reliable when he grows up."

It's also a coincidence.

The princess handed in the paperwork several months in advance for the audience.

Therefore, Princess Rong Xian thought that elder brother Jiu chose five pieces of jewelry because of this.

The fifth elder brother is here, as long as others praise his younger brother, he will be happy. He nodded and said: "You are sensible, and you behave very well. Khan Ama always praises you."

There are three other princesses to go.

The two brothers did not sit for long, so they took their leave.

Princess Rongxian sent it out in person.

The fifth elder brother thought about the appearance of the eldest princess before, and comforted in a low voice: "Second sister, don't worry, there is the best imperial doctor in the capital, and it will be fine for my aunt to recuperate."

Elder Brother Thirteen also said: "Yes, there are many health-preserving prescriptions in the palace now, all of which are very useful, and the old dukes and old ladies in the clan also use them."

Princess Rongxian nodded and said: "Well, it's bitterly cold outside the pass, we also look forward to grandma's coming back to Beijing for a short stay so that she can recuperate well."

The brothers then went to the tent of Princess Duanmin.

The paddocks were separated from last year and will now be one year.

Princess Duanmin has aged a lot.

Although he still looked serious, he was no longer as unruly as last year.

She has a noble status and is fearless, but she also has weaknesses, which the consort and Taiji have to take into account.

Hearing that the fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were ordered by the emperor to deliver things, Princess Duan Min still bowed and said, "Please trouble the emperor to think of me."

Fifth elder brother took the brocade box with both hands and presented it to him.

Because it contains all small items, the brocade box is only half a foot square.

Princess Duanmin frowned slightly when she saw it.

When she opened it and saw the six-character mantra inside, she frowned.

What does emperor mean?
Does this dislike her for coming to court?
Want her cat to concentrate on worshiping Buddha in Horqin?

Why? !

She felt indignant and indignant, thinking of the news that Eldest Princess Shuhui was about to return, her heart moved.

In the name of offering sacrifices, Princess Dachang actually had selfish intentions, fearing that the imperial court would not value the Bahrain Ministry and rely on the old to sell the old.

She can return the court, why can't she return the court?
The eldest princess just worshiped her late mother, but her own Ernie was in the palace. As a daughter, she should go to visit her, isn't it a matter of course?

The fifth elder brother also saw that Princess Duanmin's complexion was not good, and he didn't know what to say, so he looked at the thirteenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Thirteen knows how arrogant this aunt is, and she is fearless even in front of Khan Ama, let alone their nephews.

Except for the crown prince, I'm afraid the other princes are nothing more than concubines in her eyes.

The thirteenth elder brother signaled the fifth elder brother to leave.

The fifth elder brother also had nothing to say to Princess Duanmin.

He still remembers clearly that the sons of Princess Duanmin were the ones who encouraged others to drink wine to his younger brother last year.

The two stood up and said goodbye.

Princess Duanmin snorted coldly, and didn't intend to get up to see her off.

Coming out of Duan Min Chang Princess's tent, the fifth elder brother said: "It's strange, one shouldn't be happy when you get a reward, why is the eldest princess unhappy instead?"

Brother Thirteen said in a low voice: "The eldest princess likes to make troubles. She must have thought of something else and felt unhappy again."

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said: "Then every day, I will not be happy."

The remaining two places are Princess Chunxi and Princess Duanjing.

The reactions of Princess Chunxi and Princess Rongxian were similar, they were both overwhelmed by this exquisite thing.

When she realized that there was only one gourd, the joy on her face was even greater.

She has always acted like a elder sister, and she acted grandly, said: "I brought a few good horses here this time, and you two will each pick one later!"

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said, "Just let the thirteenth brother choose one. I have a lot of horses, and I don't lack any. The elder sister will help me replace it with beef jerky. The emperor's grandmother loves it, and Xiao Jiu and his wife also love it."

Princess Chunxi smiled and said: "A horse is a horse, and beef jerky is beef jerky. We have the most cattle and sheep in Horqin. Are there any shortages of beef jerky? We have them all!"

The fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother thanked each other with a smile.

The siblings chatted and laughed a few more words before the two brothers came out from Princess Chunxi's tent.

The last stop is Princess Duanjing of the Harqin Department.

Princess Duanjing still had a refined appearance, not as sharp as Princess Rongxian, nor as graceful as Princess Chunxi.

She accepted the reward, but she didn't show much joy, instead she asked about ten elder brothers and ten Fujin.

She was brought up by a noble concubine, and she is the closest to Elder Brother Ten.

The fifth elder brother said: "The tenth brother is doing well now, the errands are fixed, Fujin is also sensible, the young couple is doing well..."

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Sister-in-law Ten comes from a noble family, has a generous dowry, has a simple temperament, gets along well with her sister-in-laws, treats Brother Ten very well, and Brother Ten also treats Sister-in-law very dearly..."

After hearing this, Princess Duanjing was relieved.

Before, she was very worried that Elder Brother Ten would be depressed because he pointed at Fujin Mongol angrily, and she was also worried that Fujin would not adapt to royal life and would not be liked by other sisters-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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