My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 667 Details

Chapter 667 Details (Third Change)

There are already many Mongolian tribes in the camp.

Naturally, everyone paid attention to the movement of Yuzhang.

Many people inquired about it in private.

When it is known that the emperor bestowed it on the five eldest princesses, eldest princesses, and princesses who came to court, there is nothing they can do to make others feel angry.

Who said that there is no princess in his tribe now?

Just "built-in"? !

The prince who got the inner-made belt earlier remembered his treasure and began to wear it.

Suddenly, during the camp, several golden belts could be seen.

The lifelike wolf head and leopard head caught many people's eyes.

It's a pity that I didn't catch up with that wave, and I was disappointed.

In a few days, the Khalkha Khan of Outer Mongolia came to court, and Kangxi gave a banquet.

What is Tian Khan wearing on his hand?
It's not a jade wrench, but a gold wrench? !
The eldest princesses, eldest princesses, princesses and others who received rewards also brought rewards when they appeared in front of people.

The half-inch-thick weight, the half-palm-sized card, and the roasted red and blue on it are in line with the aesthetics of the Mongolians.

With her husband coming to the DPRK, Fujin couldn't take her eyes off her.

Not only the brand is good, but the shredded roasted blue gourd is also good, and the group flower is also good.

Being clever, remembering the matter of the golden belt last year, I started to inquire about Brother Nine.

Everyone knows that the youngest son is Tian Khan's favorite, and now he is in charge of Tian Khan's housework, and he is the one who can call the shots.

As long as you make friends with him, you can exchange the worthless wool for exquisite utensils from the House of Internal Affairs and good medicines from the Royal Pharmacy.

And because of his brother, he was very close to the Mongolian prince.


Brother Nine has no retinue this year, and when everyone couldn't find Brother Nine, people began to find Brother Fifth.

"Honorable Fifth Baylor, Sunite will always be your closest friend..."

Prince Sunit found the fifth elder brother, and when he came up, he got close for a while.

Because of the queen mother, Wubeile also has a good impression of the Mongolian prince, and said with a smile: "That is my honor, I am also a friend of the Sunite department!"

The king of Sunite County took the fifth elder brother's hand and said: "My friend has encountered difficulties, and I have come to ask Wu Baylor for your help!"

The fifth elder brother was honest, and immediately thought of the Bahrain department, and said, "Did the Sunite department also suffer from white disasters last year?"

King Sunit quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, thanks to the protection of Bogda Khan, all the ministries on our Xilin Gol Grassland are enjoying good weather, and life is as sweet as honey, unlike those unlucky people in Zhao Uda..."

Fifth elder brother laughed.

Mongolia is also a territory of the Qing Dynasty, and the fewer tribes affected by the disaster, the better.

Brother Thirteen was by the side, and he already understood the general meaning.

Since the reward was given last time, Kangxi ordered him to follow the fifth elder brother on errands.

He didn't understand it before. After all, the fifth brother was only responsible for patrolling the camp, and it wasn't an urgent job. The big brother and the seventh brother were watching over the security of the camp.

Now I have some understanding of Khan Ama's intentions.

Brother Wu became a target.

Follow Fifth Brother by yourself, don't let him suffer.

Seeing that the fifth elder brother took care of everything, what should he promise?

The thirteenth elder brother said from the side: "If you can help the county king, my fifth brother will not refuse; if you can't help, my fifth brother can also help you pass the message to the emperor."

King Sunit hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, don't disturb Bogda Khan..."

His smile was somewhat flattering, and he said, "I just want to ask my dear Fifth Beile to send a message to the Ninth Prince in Beijing..."

The fifth elder brother asked curiously, "What are you talking about? Is it about wool?"

When the Mongolian ministries arrived at the camp, many people inquired about wool.

Except for the Karaqin tribes next to the Qing Dynasty, which are semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral, the rest of the Mongolian tribes are mainly herding.

Wool is rotten and cheap, and it can be exchanged for money, who doesn't care about it.

Fifth elder brother thought he was asking about this too.

He followed the southern tour, saw the cashmere field in Jiangning, and knew where the wool went.

Sunit County King's eyes brightened, he nodded and said: "Yes, yes, our Sunit sheep are famously delicious, and the wool is also the best. We are extremely honored to be able to serve the Ninth Prince... "

The fifth elder brother smiled and said: "Every day, people from the military department send letters to the capital. If the county king wants to write a letter to ninth elder brother, just write it and leave it to me. I will ask the people from the military department to send it back."

The king of Sunit County was overjoyed, and said: "Okay, okay, then I will trouble Wu Baylor."

The fifth elder brother said proudly: "It's okay, it's okay!"

The thirteenth elder brother was by his side, and he wanted to prevent the fifth elder brother from being disadvantaged. Seeing that he directly sent the ninth elder brother, he was surprised.

When King Sunit left, the fifth elder brother whispered to him: "The king specified that he wanted a brand or a finger, and let your ninth brother fool him so that he could sell it at a high price, just like last year's golden belt."

Brother Thirteen nodded with a smile, and said, "Well, Brother Ninth is amazing."

Fifth brother is also very powerful, he looks silly, but understands in his heart.

Maybe the king of Sunit County said that the five divisions and ten banners of Ximeng have been doing well in recent years, and the princes are also rich.

The princes of several other banners found the fifth elder brother one after another.

Among them is the natal family of Shifu Jin, the people from Aba Haiyou Banner Palace...

A few days later, Brother Jiu began to receive friendly and enthusiastic letters from the princes of various Mongolian tribes.

Those who have dealt with each other last year, needless to say, the words of longing are several pages long, and they can't see the Ninth Prince, and they can't eat the fattest mutton.

Looking at the Sarilang flowers on the grassland, I feel that they are not as gorgeous as last year.

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing, so he picked out a few letters, took them back to the second school, and said to Shu Shu: "Learn, don't be so reserved when writing letters next time, and write more about missing you!"

Shu Shu glanced at him, and said: "Master, this is a plan, will you not take me with you when you have a chance to travel far in the future?"

Brother Jiu also came to his senses, shook his head and said, "Take you, we won't separate, but this letter can also be written, I'm sorry to say it directly in front of the master, why not just write a letter?"

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "Will you write it for me?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "Write, write one in the next year, forget it, there are too few ones, write one every quarter!"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Then I'll wait."

The husband and wife chatted and laughed, and she picked up the letters and read them. Seeing all kinds of nasty and straightforward adjectives, she couldn't help laughing out "haha".

Brother Nine raised his chin and said proudly, "This is what I do so well. If you don't go to Mongolia, you can still sell things there!"

Shu Shu praised: "My lord is amazing! But how can I be sure that the emperor will cooperate?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Because during this northern tour, the five princesses saw that the things that the Lord gave, except for filial piety to Khan Ama, were exactly five things, and there was no need for Khan Ama to show his face. Nature is stable."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine with admiration from the bottom of her heart.

It is said that details determine success or failure, and this is the case with Brother Nine right now.


He is an emperor who cherishes his reputation...

In addition, the current national treasury is still relatively abundant, so even if he agrees with Brother Jiu to collect money in Mongolia, the premise must not hurt the dignity of the court.

Last year's golden belt and Yanziwan were also inadvertently brought about.

Brother Jiu regretted: "It's a pity that several tribes in Zhaowuda suffered from white disasters last year. I heard that livestock froze to death nine out of ten. The eight tribes should be out of luck this time."

Speaking of Zhao Wuda, he thought of the Bahrain Department, and said: "Bahrain Department's Tai Fujin proposed marriage to the youngest son, could it also have something to do with Bai Calamity?"

About the white disaster in Mongolia, when Shu Shu was in Horqin last year, someone had heard about it.

What the ministries fear most is the white disaster.

When the white disaster is mild, it only damages some of the livestock. If it is severe, all the livestock will be frozen to death.

It is said to be begging, but more to plunder.

If you are about to starve to death, you will become more courageous and forget about respect and inferiority.

It will take three to five years to recover from a major white disaster.

Last year, Princess Duanmin took the golden pancakes directly to their princes Fujin as a meeting gift, but was slapped in the face by Shu Shu, and donated the golden pancakes to several flags of Horqin in the name of the Queen Mother to prevent white disasters.

Only then did Shu Shu know that the Bahrain Department was affected by the disaster last year, and said, "The eldest princess is still in court, does it also have something to do with this?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Almost, this is one of the few remaining elders of the clan. When he returns to Beijing to sit in town, Khan Ama will give more relief to the Bahrain Ministry for the sake of her old man."

Shu Shu sighed: "This is the elders. When you get old, you still don't worry about your children and grandchildren."

Ninth elder brother was thoughtful, and said: "The eldest princess has been married to the Bahrain department for more than 50 years. She is no longer the eldest princess of the Qing Dynasty, but the ancestor of the Bahrain department..."

Shu Shu said: "Isn't this very good? There are all her children and grandchildren, Aixinjueluo's blood is fused with Borzigit's blood..."

Brother Jiu said: "Now that the imperial court is on good terms with Mongolia, everything will be fine. If it is not good, the Eldest Princess will only favor her children and grandchildren."

Shu Shu felt normal, it was the continuation of her blood.

Besides, these are just unfounded worries.

To say that Mobei Mongolia may still be restless, the various ministries of Monan Mongolia have been attached to it for many years.

The Eight Banners are deteriorating and their combat power is declining, and the Mongolian ministries are no exception.

It is not their turn to worry about these important national affairs.

Brother Jiu said: "Tomorrow is the ninth day of the lunar new year, and Fu Song is going to end."

Shu Shu nodded, and said, "Xiaochun should be in Dutong Mansion by now."

In July, when Fu Song was about to take the imperial examination, Brother Jiu asked someone to put him in prison for him.

After obtaining the qualification of supervising students, Fu Song can directly participate in the township examination.

Although he studied at a young age, he was not preparing for the imperial examination after all.

In order to be more sure, I chose to take the translation examination in the Eight Banners imperial examination.

If you pass the exam, you will be eligible for juren and the qualification for the examination.

However, Kangxi once ordered that the children of ministers can only rank among the top three in the imperial examination.

Fu Song's status, even if the yellow belt is removed, cannot be classified among the people of the Eight Banners.

So he passed the exam, and the best result was the same Jinshi.

It's still too early to say that, first we have to pass the test of juren.

Shu Shu was a little uneasy before, but when she learned that the Eight Banners Imperial Examination and the Interpretation Examination, she became more at ease.

The translation examination requires man-to-man translation and Mongolian to man-to-man translation, both of which Fusong has no problem with.

What worries him now is that he can't stand the toss of three days and two nights in each township examination.

Shu Shu specially prepared a test bag for him.

With alcohol, it can be wiped and disinfected together with the handkerchief, and it can also be used as fuel.

Seeing that it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be very cold sooner or later.

Because of the rules of the township examination, jackets are not allowed, only single clothes, so Shushu also asked someone to make a cashmere coat, which can be placed in a basket during the day, and worn to keep warm at night...

Seeing a lot of book friends started to become positive. As a person who has experienced it, Xiaojiu talked about his own experience. When the medicine can’t cool down, adding physical cooling, and then drinking a lot of water and sweating will help cool down; try not to take a bath and wash your hair. The later the delay, the better; ensure sleep, and insomnia will double the fatigue; after recovery, avoid all heart-pounding exercises within a month.

The next update will be at 12:27 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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