Chapter 669 Promising (Part [-])
By the end of August, there was news that Sheng Jia was going back to Luang.

Ninth elder brother immediately joined forces with tenth elder brother, went to the invitation paper, mentioned the matter of meeting the driver, and wanted to go to the mouth with tenth elder brother to pick up the driver in person.

Because of smallpox, the Mongolian princes mostly met outside the customs.

This time Shengjia left the customs from Miyun and entered from Zhangjiakou.

The tenth elder brother knew that the ninth elder brother was busy with enamel and gold ornaments recently, so he thought that he was thinking about meeting the Mongolian prince, and said: "Even if Khan Ama agrees to welcome him, it will be too late, right?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "Ama Khan won't agree."

Elder Brother Shi was a little surprised, and said, "Then this it just a formality?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's not all a cutscene, I guess we will be allowed to pick up the driver in Haidian!"

Brother Ten couldn't help laughing.

It is four hundred miles away from Beijing, and less than forty miles away from Haidian.

Ninth brother's filial piety is a bit lacking in quality.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "You should also learn a little bit, this is your intention, whether Khan Ama agrees or not is Khan Ama's business, we as sons have to keep it in mind first, and he will stick it in his heart! "

Elder Brother Shi nodded with a smile and said, "Well, my brother understands, and I will listen to Brother Nine from now on."

Brother Nine whispered: "Isn't there a saying that 'old child', Khan Ama is also a person who is in his fifties, anyway, be more patient, it's all about coaxing the children, it's not bad."

Elder Brother Ten also whispered: "Brother Nine should keep these words in his heart, don't reveal them."

As for the spirit of the imperial father, Ryoma, he definitely doesn't want to be treated as old.

Brother Nine rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not stupid!"

Two days later, the joint brochure of the two princes was handed over to Yuqian.

Out of the mouth, at Bierhan, Angoullihai, Shengjia camped.

Kangxi looked at the joint brochure of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, and laughed and scolded: "It's not over yet, this is thinking about going out again!"

He guessed the same as Elder Brother Ten, thinking that Elder Brother Nine was thinking about coming to fool the Mongolian prince.

In Kangxi's view, it doesn't have to be so.

Like last year, it would be more respectable to wait for people from the inner and outer halls in the capital to come to the door.

Liang Jiugong said beside him: "I heard that many Mongolian princes have written letters to Master Jiu, is Master Jiu worried about this?"

Kangxi shook his head and said: "There is nothing to worry about, frizzy, unsteady!"

All Mongolian ministries will send people to Beijing for shifts at the end of the year, so where is the need for a prince to come to the grassland eagerly?

If Brother Jiu signed his name and mentioned the reception, Kangxi would definitely deny it.

However, he still dragged the ten princes to jointly sign, both of them were princes on errands, and they did not have any credit for staying in the capital for the past two months, but there were no omissions.

Kangxi hesitated, hesitated for a while, and finally approved, "There is no need to go, but Changchun Garden welcomes you."

At this moment, a eunuch came in from outside the door and said: "Your Majesty, Brother Fourteen is asking for an audience and is waiting outside."

Kangxi put down his pen, nodded and said, "Biography!"

He still loves his two youngest sons, Elder Brother Thirteen and Elder Fourteen, otherwise he would not have thought of taking them with him on a trip.

The fourteenth elder brother came in in a hurry, then looked at Kangxi eagerly and said, "Ama Khan, you can also send an errand for your son!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "What can you do?"

The fourteenth elder brother drooped his head and knew that Sheng Jia was going back to Luan soon.

Following the northern tour, I was originally running to hold the flag, but I didn't go to the paddock this year.

Instead, I walked around the Zhaowuda Grassland and the Xilin Gol Grassland, and came out of the mouth.

With a bit of grievance, he said: "Any errand is fine, Brother Thirteen has errands!"

No one would regard the thirteenth elder brother as a younger brother.

Those Mongolian princes were very polite and friendly when they saw Brother Thirteen.

"The thirteenth elder brother got eight horses, and the son only got two..."

Brother Fourteen said aggrievedly.

Two horses were given by the princess, one was given by Princess Chunxi, and the other was given by Princess Rongxian.

Kangxi also heard about it.

The Horqin Department is alright, although there was a disaster last year, but because of the good preparation in advance, the loss was not big.

The Bahrain Department was seriously injured.

Princess Rongxian is the eldest daughter, she is different after all, she is also Kangxi's most beloved princess.

In previous years, it would not be a big deal to give the prince a brother a horse, but it is also embarrassing for the Bahrain Ministry today.

Kangxi said: "Are you ready to return the gift?"

The princess and the elder brothers are siblings, of the same generation, and of equal status, even if it is not a gift, it also needs to be reciprocated.

The fourteenth elder brother nodded and said: "It's ready, the fourth brother helped to prepare it. We brothers collected some money and asked someone to buy [-] shi of grain in Zhangjiakou, and give it back to the second sister."

The imperial court had stored a thousand shi of grain in the official warehouse of the Ministry of Bahrain. After discussing with the University Scholars, Kangxi had ordered the opening of a warehouse to help the people of Bahrain, and also ordered a thousand shi to be allocated from the capital.

Brothers gathered [-] shi of grain, which is not too little.

This time there are eight princes in total, but the titles are different, and there are two elder brothers, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, who are not on errands.

When Kangxi heard this, he knew it well. It should be that the boss took two hundred shi of silver. Fifty stones each.

The sons and daughters are in harmony and support each other, Kangxi is also very pleased in his heart, nodded and said: "That's good, there is a long-term truth."

The fourteenth elder brother still looked at Kangxi anxiously and said, "Ama Khan, do you have any other errands in the second half of the year? My son is already twelve, and he is not young anymore!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm going to visit the river workers in Gyeonggi, if you want to go, just follow me!"

Elder Fourteen quickly shook his head and said, "The capital city is too close, and we can only go out for a few days, so let's forget it."

There are many princes, and there are many errands, so it's not good when it's their turn. They won't be away for a few days, and they have to bear the burden of reputation.

Kangxi said unhappily: "You still pick and choose?"

Elder Fourteen hurriedly said: "My son also wants to be filial to Ama Khan and share your worries..."

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Kangxi snorted lightly, and said, "Okay, I'll make a note, and I'll send you an errand later, just don't complain about suffering!"

The fourteenth elder brother immediately beamed with joy, and said: "No, don't worry, Khan Ama!"

After getting the errand, he was satisfied, so he left, and couldn't wait to find Elder Brother Thirteen to show off.

Looking at the fourteenth elder brother who was only half a head shorter than the guards, Kangxi said to Liang Jiugong: "One year older, there is no time to grow old, you know how to measure it!"

If when I was a child, I saw something in Brother Thirteen's hand, I must have it, or I would grab it and cry, with the same temper as a little bully.

Last year, I was still thinking about Brother Thirteen's yard.

He can be regarded as the youngest son, he is very used to it, and he doesn't know how to be humble to his brother.

This time, he didn't think about Brother Thirteen's errand.

Liang Jiugong said: "It's all taught by the emperor, elder brothers and men are all friendly."

Kangxi nodded, feeling the same way, feeling much more at ease.

In the camp, the fourteenth elder brother smiled happily and found the thirteenth elder brother. His chest was straight and his chin was raised to the sky.

The thirteenth elder brother saw it, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, congratulations, is this an errand?"

These days, the thirteenth elder brother has an errand, and he is patrolling the camp with the fifth elder brother. The fourteenth elder brother's eyes are red with envy.

To patrol the camp, you have to wear armor and ride a horse, with guards and guards behind you, looking like a general, very dignified.

A few days ago, Elder Fourteen was talking about asking for an errand.

The fourteenth elder brother beamed and said: "Khan Ama agreed, but I didn't say what the errand was, but I mentioned Gyeonggi earlier, I rejected it, it should be a long trip..."

The thirteenth elder brother smiled, looking at the fourteenth elder brother with a bit of sympathy.

At the end of the year, what else is there for traveling?
Most of them are retinues visiting the mausoleum.

When the time comes to travel in the twelfth lunar month of winter, the whole process of marching in a hurry, tossing back and forth for more than half a month, should be different from the errands imagined by the fourteenth elder brother.

The fourteenth elder brother didn't realize it, and still guessed happily: "I don't know which brother I should go out with, it is best to be the eldest brother, the fifth brother, and the eighth brother. The third brother is also fine, not the fourth brother. Nagging to death..."

On the contrary, he has self-knowledge, knowing that he is at this age, even if he is sent on an errand, he will still follow behind his brothers.

Brother Thirteen doesn't know who will be there at that time, maybe there will be a bunch of people like this time outside the Great Wall.

Or it is the turn of other brothers, such as Brother Nine and Brother Ten.

He also thought of Brother Twelve.

That is my elder brother who is one year older than me, and he will be a adult next year, but he hasn't followed him yet.

I and the fourteenth sequence tooth are behind, and I have gone out two or three times.

Now Elder Brother Twelve is in the study, so it's not embarrassing.

When he becomes a adult next year, he should be on the job. If Khan Ama still can't remember, what should he do?
The ages are next to each other, although they didn't have much contact with each other before, but now they all live in elder brother's house, and they are much closer in their hearts.

It's just that brother thirteen has no good way.

He decided to wait until he returned to Beijing to discuss the matter with Brother Nine in private.

Whether it's people in the palace or people outside, they are all snobbish.

As time goes on, maybe I will belittle Elder Brother Twelve...

In September, Shu Shu stared at the imperial calendar every day, waiting for the day when the township examination results would be released.

According to the current rules, it is necessary to review the papers and organize the list within half a month after the end of the rural examination.

Then the list will be released on the first "Yin" day or "Chen" day in September.

"Yinhu" and "Chenlong" belong to the twelve earthly branches, so the provincial examination list is also called "Dragon and Tiger List".

And because of the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the south at this time, it is also called "Guibang".

The seventh day of September this year is "Renyin" day, and the ninth day of September is "Jiachen".

A few days in advance, the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture posted a notice, and the list will be released on the seventh day of September.

Brother Jiu has also seen what it means to be stubborn in a woman.

Mingming said before that it doesn't matter if you pass the exam or not, it's just to see the world; but when it comes to the announcement day, Shu Shu is still anxious.

This is expected to be on the list.

Brother Jiu couldn't help feeling a little worried.

If Fusong fails the ranking, I am afraid that his wife will feel bad.

On the seventh day of September, Brother Jiu arrived at the Yamen and ordered He Yuzhu and Gao Bin to go outside the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion to look at the list.

"If Fusong is on the list, He Yuzhu don't delay, go directly to elder brother to announce the good news; if not on the list, then go to Dongsi Street to buy some nuts, candied fruit and so on..."

(End of this chapter)

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