Chapter 670 Soup (Second Change)

The second school, the study room in the main courtyard.

Shu Shu sat behind the desk, unable to read or write in the book.

The Eight Banners Imperial Examinations in the early years may have been very simple, and there were many places. At that time, every time in Shuntian Prefecture, there were [-] places in the Eight Banners Manchuria, [-] places in the Eight Banners Mongolia, and [-] places in the Eight Banners Han Army.

But since the eighth year of Kangxi, the number of Eight Banners lifters has been limited.

Manchuria and Mongolia took a total of 40 people, and the Han army only took ten people.

The total is less than half.

Xiaochun came in with a bowl of chrysanthemum tea, looked at the clock, and said, "It should be almost time to release the rankings."

Shu Shu took it, opened the lid of the bowl, looked at the chrysanthemums floating on it, and said, "Do you think Fu Song can be on the list?"

Xiaochun nodded without hesitation and said, "I'm sure I can. To be honest, the outsiders praise the third master and the fourth master a lot, but the servant remembers the truth. When it comes to endorsement, the two young masters are a step behind my elder brother." , it’s just that my elder brother didn’t think about the imperial examinations in the early years, and he slacked off when he was older..."

Shu Shu felt a little regretful, and said, "It's because I didn't plan well..."

Since last year, Fusong stopped studying, and Shu Shu let him take care of several properties with peace of mind.

If he had thought about taking the imperial examination, he would not have been delayed for two years.

Xiaochun said: "My brother was not very energetic in his early years, and his temper was lazy, and he was not self-motivated. After this rough marriage, it can't be said to be a good thing."

Shu Shu caressed his forehead and said: "I originally wanted to make his life smoother, but I didn't expect that there would be trouble instead."

If she could choose, Shu Shu would still be happy to see Fusong live a lazy and casual life.

From Fusong, Shu Shu thought of her two younger brothers who were preparing for the next exam, and said, "It's all right for the third grader. Once you have the title, you will be eligible to fill in the vacancy in the future. I hope the fourth grader's exam will go well, otherwise I will be worried." people……"

Obviously they are twins, and they were in a similar situation before, but now because of the distinction of titles, it is very different.

Xiao Chun whispered: "As long as Fujin is doing well, Uncle will be well, and the future of the young men can't be missed."

Shu Shu was stunned, and then realized that this "uncle" was no longer his uncle, but his own Ama.

Perhaps it was because she lived in the palace and lived in Haidian, she didn't go outside, she really didn't find any difference in the promotion of family status.

But what Xiaochun said was right.

When you are well, you are the confidence of your family.

Just like this year, they can take care of one Fusong, and they can take care of others.

Shu Shu's heart suddenly settled down.

The relationship between the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother is so alienated, so there is no need to worry too much about being dragged into the water, just make achievements silently.

When the clock reached Sizheng, hurried footsteps came from the yard.

Shu Shu immediately stood up from behind the desk, He Yuzhu was already panting outside the door and said: "Fu Jin is overjoyed, brother Fu Song is on the list!"

Shu Shu couldn't wait to call him in, strode out, and said, "Which one is it?"

He Yuzhu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother is lucky, it happens to be No.40!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help clasping his hands together and said, "Thank God!"

Currently, candidates from the Eight Banners take the provincial examination together with candidates from the Han nationality, but they do not take the quota from Shuntianfu, but are admitted separately.

A total of 40 people will be taken from Manmeng!

Fu Song made "Sun Shan"!
However, at his age, and the time to prepare for the exam is short, it is still very rare!

The Eight Banners are still proud of being in the army, and there are not many people who study and start their careers, and the competition is relatively small.

It's just that when it's time to try it, there's no such advantage to take advantage of.

Because there will be no ranking at that time.

Shu Shu smiled from ear to ear, looked at He Yuzhu's sweating profusely, and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

He Yuzhu hurriedly said: "The slave is not working hard, the master is afraid that Fujin will be waiting in a hurry, so he specially asked the slave to come and announce the good news after reading the list."

Shu Shu looked at Xiaochun and said, "Bring the double seal!"

Xiaochun agreed with a smile, went to the next box, took out two purses, and handed them to He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu took it with both hands, and said to Shu Shu, "Thank you for your reward!"

Shu Shu said: "You also take a rest before going to the House of Internal Affairs, don't drink water first, drink slowly."

This trot was panting all the way, and drinking water could easily hurt his lungs.

He Yuzhu agreed and withdrew.

"Congratulations Fujin, I feel at ease now!"

Xiao Chun said with a smile.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Well! I didn't go there for the future, but the result is pretty good now."

Nanny Qi, Xiaosong, Xiaotang and the others also heard the movement and knew that He Yuzhu had come to announce the good news.

Everyone is smiling.

Xiao Song asked: "Then elder brother is still the master of ceremonies of the Prince's Mansion?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Yes!"

He agreed to let Fu Song take part in the Eight Banners imperial examinations, but he just wanted to make him feel depressed and have more qualifications.

But in terms of career development, if you take the imperial examinations to make up for the seventh- and eighth-rank officials of the imperial court, how can there be a direct fourth-rank master of ceremonies to start?
For this starting point, when you are in your twenties and have enough qualifications, you can directly transfer to the Jiuqing Yamen or go to a place where you can be promoted to another level.

Xiaosong immediately felt relieved, and said: "That's good, it's really uncomfortable to change an outside official to be the chief housekeeper."

Xiaochun pointed to her forehead and said: "I'm destined to be naughty, knowing that Fujin is lenient and won't restrain you, so I'm worried that others will take care of me."

Xiao Song hurriedly said: "My sister was wronged, I didn't, I was thinking of my father and my senior brother coming over, I was afraid that they would not get used to it, it would be better to have brother here, we are familiar with each other."

Xiaochun snorted softly: "Anyway, you are obedient, don't think about going out of the palace and being wild!"

Xiaosong smiled "hehe", hid behind Shu Shu, and said, "Look, Fujin, sister Xiaochun is getting more and more fierce!"

Shu Shu glanced at Xiao Chun, and both master and servant smiled.

Heishan promised to bring his apprentice to the Prince's Mansion, and that apprentice should be Xiaosong's son-in-law.

But Xiaosong was still not enlightened, so he didn't think of this at all.

Xiaotang said from the side: "Such a big happy event, do you want to add food at noon?"

If you want to add vegetables, you have to prepare them now.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a headache.

Brother Nine has no food preference.

Every time I coax her, I just eat two more bites.

She thought for a while and said, "Knead a piece of dough, don't need to be too hard..."

Brother Jiu celebrated his birthday a while ago, and Shu Shu didn't bother to prepare anything.

Fortunately, all the needlework she does on weekdays is Brother Nine, and she happened to finish a swastika belt as a birthday gift, so she didn't open the skylight.

Brother Nine is very happy and quite satisfied.

Shu Shu felt a little guilty.

I have become a "Fudimo", too worried about my mother's affairs, and neglected the ninth elder brother.

Today is very happy, she plans to make up, wash her hands and make soup.

Forget about longevity noodles, after time, it doesn't suit the occasion, and it needs technical content.

If it is not successful and broken, it will be unlucky.

Shu Shu felt that she was a little superstitious, and wanted to avoid all kinds of bad luck.

It's cat ear soup.

Xiaotang reconciled the noodles, kneaded the long strips, and cut them into small noodles.

Shu Shu washed her hands with clean water and pressed the cat's ears.

After pressing it for a while, she remembered the snack "Conch Cake" that she ate when she was a child in her previous life, which was similar to cat's ears, so she ordered Walnut to fetch a new comb.

After measuring the amount of two bowls of cat's ears, a new comb was brought.

Sure enough, it's different with tools.

The conch crisps with comb teeth are not a little thinner than those pressed directly with fingers.

Shu Shu tried to make a few, then handed it to Xiaotang and said: "The rest, make them like this, and then blow them up..."

Xiaotang asked: "Sprinkle salt or sugar after frying?"

Instead, Shu Shu was stopped.

She thought about the taste in her memory, and said: "After frying, sprinkle cumin, chili powder and fine salt!"

Xiaotang agreed.

Shu Shu pointed to the cat's ears and said, "I'll put this aside, I'll come and handle the spoon myself, and help me prepare two small rapeseeds and two eggs."

Xiaotang agreed.

Shu Shu came out of the dining room and returned to the main room.

It's late autumn now, and the clothes on his body have also changed to hard-faced ones, and he even put on a vest.

I don't know how about the new house.

In order to test the flue and dry the house over there, I will definitely not wait until October to turn on the furnace.

In the past few days, it has already set people on fire.

The bamboo in Hongluo Temple has also been planted for more than a month.

Fortunately, there were no signs of withering.

As long as it survives the winter smoothly, the transplanting is successful.

Shu Shu had a smile on her face, but she paid attention to the movement outside.

It was estimated that at the second quarter of the afternoon, there were familiar footsteps outside, and Brother Jiu came back.

Shu Shu greeted her with a smile.

Seeing her smiling brightly, Brother Jiu also laughed and said, "Now I feel at ease!"

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "It's mainly because I'm holding back my breath. Now that I see people from Niu Hulu's family, I won't feel depressed anymore."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's not a person, why bother to pay attention to it, Master Huihui finds a more respectable marriage for Fu Song, so as to get back this face..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No, no, this time is enough, let's not be greedy, noble girls are full of energy, we should look for it in the right person's house."

Brother Nine is concerned about Fu Song's marriage.

Mainly on the side of the father-in-law and mother-in-law, he wants to "make atonement".

"What is a suitable family? A family who studied in the imperial examination?"

Brother Ninth said thoughtfully.

After hearing this, Shu Shu hesitated.

Such a family...

If it is an upstart family, I am afraid that the rules will not be enough; if it is an official family like Nian Xiyao, it is no different from a noble family.

Shu Shu said: "Let's not meddle, let Ernie find it from the in-law's house!"

She also finally understood why many of the Eight Banners' families were married.

That's because they know the roots and know the bottom line, and they can rest assured of each other's upbringing.

Otherwise, every time you get married, you will be with a new family, and it will be worrying enough to meet someone like Niu Hulu's family.

That is to say, Fu Song is the man, so the loss is smaller; if the woman is regretted in this way, then people will be picky about the marriage in the future.

Brother Jiu didn't answer the call.

He still has his own plans.

Shu Shu was still thinking about the cat's ears in the dining room, so she casually found a reason, and said, "Grandpa, wash up first, and I'll go have a word with Nanny Qi..."

Brother Jiu agreed.

Shu Shu came out of the house, but went directly to the dining room in the front yard.

A pot of conch crisps has been fried, and the dining room is filled with the smell of deep frying.

Shu Shu heard it, and couldn't help frowning.

There are two types of oil used in dining rooms, large oil and vegetable oil.

Big oil is lard, and vegetable oil is soybean oil.

Soybean oil is used for frying.

Usually it smells no peculiar smell, but now it feels fishy and greasy.


Shu Shu couldn't help retching, and quickly left the dining room.

Seeing him, Xiao Chun hurriedly said, "What's wrong with Fujin?"

When Xiaotang heard the movement, she also came over.

She was just in front of the frying pan, and she smelled of soybean oil.

Shu Shu frowned, waved her hands and said, "Stay away from me first, because I smell the fishy smell..."

Xiaotang was at a loss.

But Xiao Chun was startled, looking at Shu Shu's stomach, a little confused: "Hasn't Fujin's little days come?"

It started yesterday and has been changed and washed...

Tears run, the third episode will be later, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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