Chapter 671 Blaming the Lord for not living up to expectations (third update)
These two days were indeed Shu Shu's little days, but she also realized the difference after a while.

It's different every time.

only a little bit.

It seems that in the first trimester, because of the implantation, there will be some bleeding.

She couldn't help rubbing her chest. She had indeed lost her appetite in the past two days, and her chest was still a little swollen.

Although she has no childbirth experience, after all, she was in the information society in her previous life, and she also knows some reactions to early pregnancy.

All three are right.

It's just that it shouldn't take more than a month.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the slippery pulse should not be obvious.

It takes one and a half months to have a slippery pulse.

Shu Shu felt a little excited, and didn't think about making soup any more, so she told Xiaotang, "I won't go to the dining room, you cook it..."

As for the fried conch crisps, they were meant to be given away as snacks.

Shu Shu said: "Send some fried conch cakes to the third and fifth institutes."

After all, today is the first time, and the number is limited, but if you try something new, you will not pay tribute to Ningshou Palace and Yikun Palace.

Xiaotang listened to the order, but didn't move, she still looked at Shu Shu, her eyes sparkled, and she asked expectantly: "Does Fujin want to eat sour?"

Although she is a girl, she has also heard people mention that her mouth will hurt when she is pregnant.

I don't know if it's a physical reaction or a psychological effect. When Shu Shu heard the word "sour", she was really speechless, and said, "Cook a bowl of hot and sour rice noodles, add more chili oil, and also add a spoonful of vinegar!"

After Xiaotang heard this, confusion appeared on his face.

This is chili and vinegar, so what do you think of "sour and spicy girl"?
In the sour, or in the spicy?
Xiao Chun had already held Shu Shu's arm, looked at Xiao Tang and said, "What are you doing standing there, don't starve Fujin!"

"Hey, hey!"

Xiaotang agreed and left quickly.

Shu Shu looked at Xiaochun's nervous look, and said in a low voice, "Only half of it is, and the other half may be due to some nervousness during the past few days thinking about the dragon and tiger rankings..."

Xiaochun said firmly: "It must be that the little master is coming. The servant girl had a dream a few days ago, and she dreamed of a little dragon. At that time, she thought that it would not be scary. It was quite rare to see. After touching it a few times, it turned out that it should be there. here!"

This year is the year of Jimao, and next year will be the year of Gengchen, and the baby will be born in the zodiac of the dragon.

Shu Shu reminded: "Just in case, it will take a month and a half to diagnose Huamai, and it will be at the end of the month at the earliest. There will be a lot of trouble, and if it doesn't happen, it will be a joke!"

Xiaochun thought for a while and said, "Then you should be more careful, I heard that you will have to rest for the first three months."

The master and servant went to the upper room while talking.

Brother Jiu has finished washing and washing. Seeing the posture of the master and servant coming in, he sensed something was wrong. He stood up to meet Shu Shu, looked Shu Shu up and down, and said, "What's the matter? I don't feel comfortable, maybe I haven't rested well in the past few days. Short of spirit, pass it on to the imperial physician?"

Shu Shu pulled his hand and said, "It's okay, I have something to discuss with my master."

Brother Jiu looked at her carefully, saw that her eyes were shining brightly, and she did not look tired, so she was relieved and said, "What's the matter? We still need to discuss it. You are the one who decides. Didn't listen to you?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Then this time, Master will listen to me!"

Brother Jiu blinked, but didn't nod immediately. Instead, he glanced at Xiao Chun next to him, thinking that this girl was an eyesore.

Xiaochun was still thinking about finding Nanny Qi, so she retreated knowingly.

Brother Nine had a smirk on his face, and said in a low voice, "Do you want to torment me again? Fight over?"

Shu Shu's hands were itchy, but he didn't hold back, he scratched his waist, and said: "Then, do you want to go up, or do you want to go down?"

Brother Nine coughed lightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Anything is fine, I don't choose!"

Shu Shu suppressed the smile on her face and showed seriousness.

Seeing her like this, Brother Jiu no longer smiled playfully, looking at Shu Shu, he felt a little uncertain.

I really can't guess what else is going on, so serious.

Shu Shu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and said: "Master, you must promise me that you will not be surprised before the end of the month, and you should be more strict with your mouth, and you are not allowed to tell others about the Second Institute!"

Brother Jiu blinked, understood what she meant, and said, "Is there something to keep secret at home that even the tenth old man can't tell?"

He is not a gossip, and he can count the people who come and go on a daily basis with one slap.

Among them, there is no one else who can mention his own private affairs except Brother Ten.

Has the old ten become a "other person"?

"It's old ten Fujin who is ignorant, and you blamed old ten?"

Brother Nine was concerned, but he was a little worried.

With the lessons learned from the eighth elder brother, he is also worried that the poor relationship between his sister-in-law and his sister-in-law will affect the brotherhood.

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Where did you go? I was afraid of making a joke, so I told you in advance..."

Speaking of which, she didn't hold back, touched her chest and said: "I feel a little nauseated, and my chest is also a little swollen, maybe it's a reaction in the first trimester..."

"What is the first trimester?"

Brother Jiu was muttering, and when he understood, he stood up abruptly and stared at Shu Shu speechlessly.

Seeing that his face turned pale, Shu Shu didn't seem to be happy, but rather surprised, and felt uncomfortable.

Brother Jiu's lips trembled, and said: "This...could it be a misunderstanding, maybe it's because of something else?"

Shu Shu snorted lightly, and said, "Well, there's still a [-]% chance of feeling uncomfortable..."

Brother Nine panicked immediately, and said: "I'm not feeling well, so I have to tell the imperial doctor, how can I delay this?!"

As he said that, he was about to shout outside.

Shu Shu hurriedly took his hand, and said: "Master, if you don't pass on to the imperial physician, it will be the day to ask for a safe pulse in two days, there is no need to advance."

Brother Jiu was really frightened, his body was shaking.

Shu Shu looked at him, surprised by his reaction.

Brother Jiu returned and held her hand tightly, his eyes slowly turning red.

Shu Shu was a little dumbfounded.

It's not like weeping with joy, on the contrary, it seems to hide sadness, which makes people unbearable.

She was helpless.

What exactly happened here?
Childbirth phobia?
My righteous master has not responded yet...

After a while, Brother Nine hoarsely said: "If the little brother comes, it will be a blessing for both of us. Let's go to Hongluo Temple to fulfill our vows and gild the Buddha's body... If the little brother doesn't come, it's the Lord's fault." Don't be sad if your body isn't recovering yet..."

Shu Shu's heart was soft, she shook her head, and said softly: "I don't know if my master is in good health? If not, it means that the fate has not come yet, Ene 26 gave birth to me, and I am only now 17 years old, what is there to worry about!"

Brother Jiu stared at Shu Shu's face, as if he wanted to see her heart, and said, "Are you really not in a hurry?"

Shu Shu looked back calmly, and said: "Of course, I am still a child, how can I have the patience to raise a child? Even if I really give birth, I will not take it with me, and I will hand it over to Amu and Nanny to raise... "

Brother Jiu said with a bit of uneasiness: "I am afraid that you will complain that you are not up to date..."

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "How can I live up to my expectations? I'm not made of iron either!"

Brother Nine breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I promise you, I will not show it before the Huamai is diagnosed; you also promise me, if not, don't be sad, let's go to Hongluo Temple..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm still thinking about moving, so there's nothing to be sad about!"

Brother Jiu heard this, hesitantly said: "But if you really have one, will you still move?"

Shu Shu couldn't help frowning after hearing this.

There is really a saying nowadays that you cannot move when you are pregnant.

Because moving will move the bed, it will offend the fetus god, which is not good for the child.

Shu Shu was a little confused.

Obviously knowing that these are all superstitions, but because she has paid more attention to bad omens and good omens in the past two years, she is still a little worried.

Worried that something will be wrong afterwards, I feel taboo.

If it doesn't work, you can only postpone the move.

Compared with going out of the palace, the child's health is naturally more important.

Immediately, she stopped being entangled and said, "Don't think about this for now, wait until the end of the month when you have a letter of approval!"

Brother Jiu took two deep breaths, and only then did he feel the joy of being Ama.

He grinned, looked at Shu Shu's stomach, and said with bright eyes: "I remembered, it must be the time after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was cooler, and I had a late rest, haha..."

Young couples live in the same room, how can they be honest?

But when it was hot before, I really didn't like to toss.

Shu Shu did some calculations, the days of messing around were in mid-August, and it was really during the ovulation period.

If it was seven points before, it is now eight points.

It's really speechless. Before, she vowed to avoid confinement in summer and do confinement when it cools down.

But pushed back from the day of conception, it happened to be at the end of May.

It happens to be the hottest time of the year.

She couldn't bear it anymore, and pinched Brother Jiu again.

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to keep you warm. "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" mentioned "seven-wheel fan", and "Tang Yulin" also mentioned "water-induced fan cart" ', there is still more than half a year of work, how can I get it out, and I will also tidy up a 'cold palace' for you..."

In the past, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu had talked about preparing for pregnancy twice, and the most worrying thing was that the puerperium would catch up with the heat.

Brother Jiu also thought of this, so he comforted him.

Seeing him being so attentive, Shu Shu's irritability just disappeared all of a sudden.

She shook her head and said, "If there is ice, the front can be used; when the ice can no longer be used, the wind cannot be blown..."

The most important thing is that Concubine Yi just gave birth this year, so Brother Jiu didn't even think about being filial at that time.

When I come to my place, I have to make a big splash, even if the cheap concubine doesn't blame her, but others don't look like it.

Only then did Brother Jiu think of the taboos of confinement, and also avoid the wind, frowned and said: "That's too much to suffer, can't we really move? It's best to go to Haidian to give birth, it's much cooler than in the city..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Hongluo Temple again, and said: "The climate in the mountains is even colder. Hongluo Temple is too far away, and the road is also bumpy, which is very inconvenient. Xiangshan is right in front of you, and there is also a palace. It will be more difficult than Haidian at that time." My brother is still cool..."

The next update will be at 12:28 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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