My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 672 Compassionate

Chapter 672 Compassionate (first update)
Shu Shu smiled and looked at Brother Jiu.

Really want to come out is one out.

It is not convenient to move, and it is even more impossible to go to the mountains to produce.

The elders won't let it go.

Even Shu Shu would not agree to such a toss.

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he also knew the inconvenience, so he glanced at Shu Shu cautiously, and said, "Is it difficult to move for ten months?"

Shu Shu rubbed her stomach, and heard a "gurgling" sound inside. She ate little in the morning, and now she is hungry.

"Eat first, and wait until the end of the month to think about it!"

Shu Shu immediately made a decision.

Brother Jiu took a look at Shu Shu, even though his heart was like grass, he didn't dare to swear to be too sure, fearing that in case, she would be more hopeful and disappointed, so he nodded and said: "Okay, okay , wait until the end of the month!"

At this moment, when Nanny Qi got the news, she couldn't sit still for a long time, and she had already come with Xiao Chun.

It's just that Brother Jiu was there, so the two of them waited outside and didn't come in directly.

It wasn't until the dining room delivered the dining table that the two of them followed in.

Nanny Qi looked at Shu Shu, she was also so excited that she was speechless for a while.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't be nervous right now, Mommy, there's still time to be nervous when the end of the month is over."

Nanny Qi nodded and said, "Don't be nervous, this old slave has to make clothes for the little master."

Afraid that she would be tired, Shu Shu said, "Don't worry, you have to use thinner fabrics. The current Songjiang cloth is a bit thick, and the silk ones don't absorb sweat. I will send someone to look for thinner Songjiang cloth, which is suitable for children." .”

Nanny Qi nodded: "Then the old slave will make the meson first, and it will be soft after kneading, wash it a few more times..."

Shu Shu had no choice but to follow her, but said: "You can just cut it to size, and leave the rest to Master Xie Xi."

At this moment, Xiaotang also set the dining table.

Nanny Qi also retreated.

Xiaochun and Xiaotang were serving the dishes.

In addition to two bowls of cat ear soup, there is also a bowl of hot and sour powder and four dishes.

Sweet and sour poached eggs, vinegar cabbage, boiled pork slices, sweet and sour pork tenderloin.

The aroma of hot and sour powder is overbearing and tangy.

Shu Shu couldn't help swallowing.

Brother Nine was also sitting at the dining table and saw the owl ear soup.

Since I ate this noodle dish in Shengjing last year, Ersho Dining Room has added this.

It's just that today's soup looks different.

The cat ears inside looked not so neat, some were like small bowls, and some were like gnocchi, which were very rough.

He raised his eyebrows, just about to be picky, when he remembered Shu Shu's previous reaction, he understood, couldn't help smiling, looked at Shu Shu and said, "You did this?"

Shu Shu also took a look at the cat's ears, and said, "Did you see it?"

Brother Jiu said triumphantly: "Master, with his eyes, you still can't see this? Today's ears are well done, and they look smarter than the cat's ears I ate before!"

Shu Shu also laughed, and said: "At first I wanted to handle the spoon myself, but I was smoked by the oily smell of the dining room!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "How can you go to the dining room? It's so smoky! If you want to make anything in the future, ask someone to bring it directly to the house..."

Having said that, he shook his head again and said, "Forget it, don't get tired..."

Seeing that he was already taking herself as cautious as a pregnant woman, Shu Shu knew that she should remind her a few more times, but the atmosphere was just right and she didn't want to spoil the fun.

She glanced at Xiaochun and Xiaotang, and said, "Don't stick around, you guys go eat too!"

The two bowed down.

Shu Shu picked up the chopsticks, seeing the hot and sour noodles, she couldn't bear it anymore.

It smells sour and fragrant, and it adds spiciness to your mouth when you eat it, which is very appetizing.

The mung bean vermicelli is used, which is very strong, and even the thin vermicelli does not swell.

Seeing her contented appearance, Brother Jiu said: "I like to eat this, so Zhou Song will have to pay a few dozen catties to prepare it for the imperial dining room?"

Shu Shu swallowed it all, and then said: "There are still two catties in the dining room, enough to eat for quite a while..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "How can two catties be enough? Let's prepare more."

Shu Shu pointed to her sea bowl, and said, "You won't need two or two of these, after all, they are dry goods, and they are promising."

Brother Jiu still made a note in his heart, if there is too much, there will be more, it is better than not eating when you want to eat.

Seeing that he didn't move the cat ears, Shu Shu said, "Why don't you try hot and sour noodles?"

Brother Jiu looked at the red soup bowl, and was really worried. He said, "Try whether it's spicy or not. If it's too spicy, eat less."

Shu Shu took the clean bowl and chopsticks and picked out two chopsticks for him.

Brother Jiu took a bite and couldn't help frowning.

The spiciness is okay, but it is very sour.

He looked at Shu Shu and said, "You didn't like sour food much before, did you?"

Shu Shu didn't understand why.

Anyway, the phrase "sour and hot girl" is not guaranteed.

Brother Jiu ate the cat's ear soup, took a bite, and took a look at Shushu.

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Master, are you taking me to dinner?"

Brother Jiu said: "Master, I'm thinking of you. If it's not Huamai that can be determined at the end of the month, what should I do in the middle of the few times? The tenth, fifteenth, twenty, twenty-fiveth day, that's four times, not yet. Chariot, it is raining continuously in autumn, and the corridor is also slippery..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu also hesitated.

Logically speaking, it's not a big deal to go back and forth four or five miles every time to ask for safety, but who knows.

If you are really pregnant, you should be careful in the first three months.

Brother Nine said: "Or else when the time comes, the master will take sick leave, and you will also take leave after that, and stay in the second place to take care of the master?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu shook her head and said, "There is a pulse case, and I have to alarm the elders."

It is not so easy to pretend to be sick in the palace.

Besides, it's not auspicious, so curse yourself to be sick.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then said: "Why don't you ask your mother and see what she says?"

Even if you really want to hide it for three months, you can hide it from the outside world, but it's not easy to hide it from Concubine Yi.

Brother Jiu said: "It's okay, the empress has given birth so many times, she must have experience."

He was worried about Nanny Qi again, she had no childbirth experience.

Shu Shu was still worried about getting an oolong, which made Yi Fei happy.

Brother Jiu said seriously: "Don't worry, even if it's a false alarm this time, the empress won't complain, we can gain some experience."

Shu Shu has read a lot of books in her two lifetimes, but she never paid attention to pregnancy and childbirth.

Now I only know some public information, and others are ignorant, and I really need someone who understands to teach me.

She just nodded: "Well, I'd better ask your mother to take the trouble to help us think of a comprehensive solution."

After lunch, Shu Shu told Xiaochun to send her to Yikun Palace.

Walnut is on vacation today and went home, so Xiaochun took Xiaosong to Yikun Palace.

Yikun Palace, main hall, second room.

Concubine Yi also just had her meal and was pacing around the room.

Although it's not too cold or hot outside now, but the sun is shining fiercely, she just takes a walk in the house.

Hearing that the second institute sent someone, Yi Fei calculated the time in her heart.

The fifth day of the day before yesterday, the tenth day of the day after tomorrow.

It shouldn't be something wrong with the daughter-in-law.

Is this old nine making trouble again? !

Last time I got roasted blue and roasted red jewelry, what is it this time?
When Xiao Chun came in and talked about Shu Shu's early pregnancy reaction, Concubine Yi couldn't help being stunned, and said: "What about the little days, how many days have passed?"

Xiaochun said truthfully: "I changed the laundry yesterday, but not much, it's different every time..."

Shu Shu was born in a wealthy family, her body is in good condition, and her childhood is relatively stable.

Concubine Yi had given birth four times and gained experience, she said: "Sometimes it happens like this, so you have to be careful..."

Not necessarily a good sign.

In the first three months, no matter how careful you should be.

But the imperial physician didn't make a diagnosis, so it's not easy to directly talk about raising a baby.

Even if the imperial doctor diagnoses it, he still has to hide it for the first three months.

Children are squeamish.

But greetings from Ningshou Palace...

Concubine Yi thought about it for a while, and when she made up her mind, she said: "Tell me what the ninth elder brother prepared for the eighteenth elder brother's [-]th birthday ceremony. Copy the scriptures of filial piety!"

Xiaochun was taken aback when he heard the words. Wouldn't this damage Jiuye's reputation?
Besides, it's been a month since the "Hundred Days Ceremony" of the [-]th elder brother...

Concubine Yi waved her hand and said: "Listen to me, just pass it on like this, you Fujin just need someone to accompany you at this time, so you can kill two birds with one stone."

But Xiaochun knew Brother Jiu's itinerary, and said: "Madam, Master Jiu is going to Changchun Garden to greet him on the tenth day..."

Concubine Yi said: "It doesn't matter, the emperor should be in the front row, wait until you come back and continue to 'ground'!"

Xiao Chun agreed and withdrew.

Concubine Yi lost her composure just now, she danced and said, "My God! Am I going to be a grandma?"

Perrin beside him also laughed.

Although there are little Elder Brother and Little Gege in Wubeile's house, but because of the empress dowager and Wufujin, it's not easy for my own mother to get close to and value them.

Concubine Yi turned her head, looked at the three-story jewelry box on the dressing table, and said, "Hurry up!"

Perrin responded and carried her out.

Concubine Yi opened it, looked at the various jewelry inside, and said: "If you have a pink and tender little princess, these jewelry will have owners..."

As she said that, she shook her head again, and said, "The first child, let's be the little elder brother!"

She looked in the direction of Hongluo Temple again, folded her hands together and bowed.

I thought it would be difficult for Lao Jiu to have an heir, and it would take a few years before there was any movement. I didn't expect the incense in Hongluo Temple to be so effective. It was only two months before "seeking a child" and there was movement!

Concubine Yi smiled and told Pei Lan, "Help me write it down. When Jiufu Jin gives birth safely, we will give Hongluo Temple some money..."

Perrin bowed and said, "The slave has written it down."

Thinking of the incense in Hongluo Temple, Concubine Yi couldn't help but think of her own mother.

Back then, she had Shu Shu as her first child, and she gave birth to six sons like dumplings!

Six sons!

From this point of view, it doesn't matter if Shu Shu's baby is a little princess, maybe he has several older brothers behind him...

The second house, the main house.

Hearing Xiao Chun's message, Brother Jiu had no objection, nodded and said: "Your Majesty is very considerate, not only do you want to take care of her, but I also want to accompany you well..."

Shu Shu is not of the nature of "forgetting selfishness because of work", and she is very considerate to her mother-in-law.

She didn't even think of letting Brother Jiu accompany her, but Concubine Yi thought of it.

As for Brother Jiu's reputation...

It seems that it has not been very good, and there should be nothing wrong with this one...

As long as Kangxi and Concubine Yi are considerate, don't care about the outside rhetoric.

Everyone talks about people behind their backs, and everyone is told behind their backs...
Insomnia too late in the morning, useless in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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