Chapter 674 Parents' Grace (Third)
The next day was the tenth day of September.

Not only is it the day when the Fujins enter the palace to pay their respects, but also the day when Sheng Jia returns to Changchun Garden.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten went to Changchun Garden to welcome them.

Brother Jiu didn't think about being lazy, so he put on his riding clothes consciously, and planned to ride there.

And also got up early.

Shengjia was stationed in Zhangtou Village yesterday, which is still dozens of miles away from Haidian, and it will be around noon today to arrive at Changchun Garden.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother here, even if they set off at the beginning of the year, they still have plenty of time.

But the ninth elder brother still made an appointment with the tenth elder brother, and set off if he wanted to be upright.

"This is our filial piety, it must be sooner rather than later!"

The ninth elder brother taught the tenth elder brother: "This is not hypocrisy, this is also compassionate, and Ama Khan is also pitiful. Only when I lost Ama and Erniang when I was young, will I take my son very seriously. We should also take care of Ama Khan." It is the way of the Son of Man that Ma values ​​it highly.”

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth, seeing that what he said was exactly what he thought in his heart, and he was heartbroken.

It was Brother Nine who had the heart of a child and treated the imperial father like an ordinary ama.

The other elder brothers weighed too much, fearing more than respecting.

Brother Nine remembers the love for parents and love for children that he mentioned to Shu Shu last year, and he is also vigilant.

After you have children, you can't be too partial.

You can't just think about your own children and leave Han Ama and the empress behind, that would be too unconscionable.

I have lived for 17 years, and my parents have given me nothing in return.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of rumors about his "foot restraint" inside and outside the palace, and he has naturally heard a lot of them.

This incident, rather than hurting his face, actually hurt the face of the empress.

It was Er Niang who protected them, so she talked about herself.

Brother Nine felt sore in his heart.

Be eccentric.

He didn't pick either.

Riding all the way, even without galloping, I arrived at Changchun Garden in half an hour.

Brother Jiu went directly to the garden to check the room, found the manager of the dining room, and asked: "Have you prepared the imperial meal list at noon? What are there, let me have a look?"

Sheng Jia doesn't stay in Changchun Garden for a long time, he just stays for one night and returns to the palace tomorrow.

You don't have to worry about the sweeping of Qingxi Bookstore, if someone is watching, brother Jiu thinks of the imperial dining room.

The journey is tiring, and you will feel more comfortable if you eat well.

Dong Dianbang, the manager of the garden dining room, hurriedly said: "It's planned, and the dishes are also prepared..."

After finishing speaking, he personally took the imperial meal list and gave it to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu watched it.

The above is still in accordance with the rules of Kangxi, no food and no taste, today's main dish is duck.

Brother Jiu took a look at Dong Dianbang and said, "It's still hard work, no mutton and big meat..."

Shengjia lived outside the Great Wall for two months, mainly cattle and sheep all day long, and less others.

One dish of steamed white duck with mushrooms, one dish of roasted duck, one dish of shredded duck in hot pot, one dish of hot and sour duck blood paste, and four dishes of duck dishes.

There are also four side dishes, fried bean curd with garlic sprouts, cucumber with coir raincoat, carrot with yam, and braised cabbage with sea rice.

The staple food is duck stuffed buns with mushrooms and fried rice with crispy diced duck.

Brother Jiu thinks the menu is well planned, most of them are hot, and the side dishes are also refreshing.

He thought for a while, and said, "Add another noodle! Use duck soup and sour radish as the base, don't use dried noodles, use fresh noodles directly, don't need to cut too finely, it's good if it has chew..."

There is a folk saying, "Get on the dumplings and get off the noodles".

When Shengjia arrived in Haidian, it was almost the same as returning to the palace, and he also arrived home.

Dong Dianbang hesitated and said: "Master Jiu, then there will be an odd number for this dining table..."

Brother Jiu said: "It's not that there is no pastry today, so let's add a plate of pastry..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the corn that Shu Shu mentioned, and said: "To make red bean buns, mix millet flour and corn flour."

Dong Dianbang agreed, and went down to pass on the message.

Although this is the first time I've heard of this approach, but Brother Nine is in charge, and the people under them just follow orders.

The menu of the second institute is endless.

Can't go wrong.

After arranging the reception of the imperial meal, it's just the beginning of the future.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten were strolling in the garden.

When I was young, even if I read in front of me, I didn't turn it all over.

The place where some palace relatives live is a forbidden place for elder brothers like them.

Now that the garden is empty, there are not so many taboos.

In late autumn, whether it is the front lake or the back lake, the lotus flowers on the water surface have all withered.

Only the broken lotus leaves are left.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he couldn't help but regret it: "I only thought about fish before, but I forgot the lotus leaf. This is dried well and saved, and it can also be used to make lotus leaf rice and lotus leaf chicken. It's a pity..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and said, "The lotus leaves are dry and useless, but the lotus root underneath should be fine."

Brother Jiu said: "That's right, even if the seeds of this thing are saved, some of it should be cleaned up..."

After finishing speaking, he ordered He Yuzhu to call the doctor on duty in the garden, and asked, "How did you dig the lotus root in the past?"

The doctor bowed and said: "Master Jiu, the lotus is for viewing. If you don't dig the lotus, it will be rare and ugly in the coming year!"

Brother Jiu frowned after hearing this, and said, "Don't worry, a lotus will grow many lotus roots, and they will come out from time to time. Every year, there are so many places where hair grows, and most of them rot in the lake..."

There are also lotus jars in the palace.

Every time the lotus flowers fail in autumn and winter, when you open the tank, you can see it clearly, and half the tank will be crowded with lotus roots.

Lotus root is also the seed of lotus flower.

Brother Jiu said: "Forget about it today, the holy car will return to the station, so there is no need to toss; starting tomorrow, put the lotus root in the water, [-]% of the time, and send it directly to the garden dining room."

There is no need to think of a way to make lotus root powder, just store it properly and use it as vegetable lotus root.

The doctor bowed and agreed.

At this time, a gust of autumn wind blew up and rolled up a few leaves next to it.

Brother Jiu said: "You don't need to rush people to work. Don't go into the water when it's cold in the morning and evening. Just work during the day. Then ask the dining room to prepare some ginger soup. Khan Ama is always kind. You order people. Don't waste it!"

The doctor hurriedly said: "I don't dare, I will write it down."

Ninth elder brother nodded, and then sent people to retreat, and tenth elder brother went to the main gate of Changchun garden.

He whispered to Elder Brother Ten: "Everything in this world has a cause and effect, let's hope that good causes will bear good results!"

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth in amazement, and said, "Brother Ninth, do you truly believe in Buddhism?"

Although worshiping Buddhism and Taoism is common nowadays, Brother Ten still finds it strange.

He himself doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, and he doesn't see that his brother has any intention of believing in gods and Buddhas.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "What does it have to do with the Buddha? I believe in your sister-in-law Jiu, and your sister-in-law Jiu is a good person..."

Maybe this is "near Zhu Zhe Chi"?
In front of his wife, Brother Jiu wanted to hide his gloomy side and act like a good person.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Sister-in-law Nine's character and behavior are indeed very good."

There is no dirt in the bottom of my heart, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "So I am grateful, even if Khan Ama treated you badly in the early years, it means that I gave you a good Fujin, so I don't care about it!"

He knew that he was not a big man.

But the amazing thing is that after being with Shu Shu, many things are no longer bothered.

Unknowingly, a lot of generosity.

He also opened up a lot.

When encountering something suffocating, he would think of Shu Shu's words, "There is nothing important except life and death", and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

He himself relaxes.

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak at the side, but also thought of himself.

There were other reasons for the marriage that the emperor's father pointed out to him, but some of it was for his own good.

Elder Brother Ten was also relieved.

He should also be grateful.

Don't think about what you lost, just think about what you got...

At the beginning of noon, the sound of horseshoes came from the official road to the north.

At the entrance of the Changchun Garden, many people were already standing, the ninth and tenth elder brothers, as well as Zhang Ying, Minister of Rites, and Ma Qi, Minister of Household Affairs, and other courtiers who came to welcome them.

Needless to say, Ma Qi is Brother Nine's master, and he has become acquainted with him in the past year.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but take a look at Zhang Ying, the Minister of Rites.

This one has never dealt with him before, but he was also a well-known celebrity in the imperial court in his early years, an old brand minister of the Ministry of Rites, and also served as a bachelor in charge of the Hanlin Academy, and also served as the Zhanshi affairs of the Zhanshifu.

However, the year before last, because of his old age, he resigned from the affairs of the Hanlin Academy and Zhanshifu, which he was also in charge of.

James Mansion is an institution that counsels the Prince of the East Palace.

Retired the year before last?

Brother Jiu was puzzled.

How old can you be if you haven't sealed the cabinet and paid homage to the prime minister?
At most, it is the year of sixtieth.

If it is a low-ranking official, he should be old at this age.

But for Jingtang, it was time to go further after having enough qualifications.

But this lord, the past two years has been very quiet, and he is completely different from Ma Qi.

Although Banner Han is different, Brother Nine still feels that there is something subtle about it.

What happened in the 37th year of Kangxi?

The imperial conquest is in person, and the prince's elder brother, who is in the crowd, holds the flag and follows.

There seems to be something wrong...

After a while, Shengjia also came to the imperial court.

Shengjia travels in a royal chariot.

At this time, not only Kangxi, but also the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were in the royal chariot.

Outside the Great Wall is snow in August.

Although the Zhangbei Grassland is not located in the extreme north, it is where the wind blows.

Before entering the customs a few days ago, there was a heavy snowfall.

The fourteenth brother insisted on riding a horse, so he caught a cold.

In the past two days, the fourteenth elder brother was suffering and couldn't ride a horse. Kangxi felt sorry for his youngest son, so he asked him to come over to the imperial chariot.

Thinking of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother who are inseparable on weekdays, they also called them to the car.

Actually that's against the rules.

Since the fourteenth elder brother is sick, he should stay away from Shengjia, so as not to get sick.

The fourth elder brother said bluntly that he wanted to take the fourteenth elder brother back, but was rejected by Kangxi.

Elder Fourteen also knew the seriousness, even if someone came over, he wore a mask and kept away from Kangxi, saying: "This can isolate the sickness..."

Kangxi glanced at it, but he didn't find it strange.

Something that has existed since ancient times, and is used by doctors for epidemic prevention.

With a soft snort, he reprimanded Fourteenth Elder Brother, "Are you going to be brave next time?"

Brother Fourteen said with a bitter face: "No, who would have thought that it would become so cold all of a sudden, and it would snow if it snowed..."

The speed of the carriage slows down and it will arrive at Changchun Garden.

The fourteenth elder brother couldn't help it, picked up the curtain of the carriage, looked over, and suddenly saw the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, turned his head, and said to the thirteenth elder brother with joy: "It's the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother !"

On the left and right of the royal chariot, several knighted princes followed on horseback.

The eldest brother, fourth elder brother, and seventh elder brother are on the left, and the third elder brother, fifth elder brother, and eighth elder brother are on the right.

Everyone also saw Brother Nine and Brother Ten.

The eldest elder brother said to the fourth elder brother: "These two brothers have been trained, and their behavior is getting better and better!"

The fourth elder brother snorted softly: "That's all for the tenth elder brother, he's going to be a student at the clan's mansion, and the ninth elder brother is too much trouble!

The elder brother smiled and said: "That's not very good, and I didn't throw money outside, so I rushed to the House of Internal Affairs, and the manager is sure!"

The fourth elder brother was speechless, thinking of the hospitality of the Mongolian princes these days.

Especially the several tribes of the Xilin Gol League.

Because the Abahai tribe is among them, several tribes of the alliance also contacted relatives.

In the winter month of last year, when the ten princes got engaged, the princes of these tribes were all guests.

At that time, the fourth elder brother was the best man of the tenth elder brother and had dinner with everyone.

In addition to the fifth elder brother this year, these princes are also eyeing the fourth elder brother.

He took six horses!

Only less than Big Brother, Fifth Brother and Thirteenth Brother, more than other brothers.

It's all because of those blue and red gold ornaments...

There is one more leader, thank you "Moon Shadow Seven" father, the addition of the leader will be two days later, slowly.

Nine days, everyone take care, rest more, don't get tired.There are still 10 minutes, and the monthly ticket will start to double, so ask for the monthly ticket.

The next update will be at 12:29 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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