My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 675 9 points

Chapter 675 Nine Points

While speaking, the imperial chariot arrived at the gate of Changchun Garden.

The imperial chariot did not stop, nor did it enter the Great Palace Gate, but followed the imperial road, along the east wall of the garden all the way to the north, arrived at the Xiaodongmen, and stopped at the Xiaodongmen.

The prince's elder brother who was riding a horse and the accompanying civil and military officials got off the car and horse early, and followed each other on foot.

The same is true of the people who greet them.

At the gate of Xiaodongmen, Kangxi got off the imperial chariot.

A long time ago, Luan Yiwei carried his chariot and waited here.

Kangxi got out of the imperial chariot, changed into a shoulder chariot, and entered the garden.

Brother Nine was at the side and took a closer look.

Compared with two months ago, the emperor looked a little thinner, but he was energetic and not tired.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also got off the royal chariot and followed behind the elder brothers.

Elder Fourteen couldn't hold back anymore, he leaned in front of Elder Ninth and said, "Brother Ninth, Brother Ninth, do you miss my younger brother?"

Although only half of his face was exposed, but this color...

Brother Jiu said with disgust: "What is this? Why does it look like a little black carbon? It's dirty!"

Elder Fourteen laughed and said, "Horse racing, tying horses, beating wolves, and catching foxes are so interesting!"

Brother Nine heard him speak in a low voice, and said: "You are so capable, why are you still tossing about getting sick?"

The fourteenth elder brother felt lingering fear, and said: "Okay, it suddenly snowed that day, my brother wore less clothes..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What does the nanny who follows you do? Is this how you serve the master?"

The fourteenth elder brother is still an immature little elder brother, and the ones who go out are not the female relatives, but the familiar eunuch and the nanny.

As he said that, he reprimanded Elder Fourteen again: "You think that your illness is only related to yourself, why don't you think about Khan Ama and his concubine? Your body is affected by your parents. Not caring about your body is unfilial!"

The older elder brothers were listening to the words of elder brother Jiu, feeling very delicate.

He spoke out of tune at the front, but at the back he really looked like an older brother.

Is this a long memory?

I was sick before, but now I know what filial piety is?
The fourteenth elder brother was very obedient, and he was not stubborn. He nodded and said, "It's my younger brother's fault. Let Khan Ama worry about it. The increase or decrease of clothes in the future can't be ignored."

He is the prince who is going to be an errand, and it really shouldn't be like this.

In this case, the imperial father should not worry about him going out.

Others are fine, the fourth elder brother is listening to the brother's question and answer, grinding his teeth beside him.

In the same way, Brother Nine listened to Brother Fourteen when he said it; Brother Fourteen said it himself, and Brother Fourteen impatiently kicked his head and said what he said.

This little brother deserves a beating!

The eighth elder brother still kept a smile on his face, but his heart was also sour.

In the past, he was the one who taught the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother in this way, and the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were also obedient and obedient to the fourteenth elder brother.

just now……

Seeing him from the gate of the Grand Palace of the Yuanzi, the two greeted him warmly, and looked like they did to the other brothers, without any intention of alienation.

But this is the biggest difference from the past.

And this trip to the north...

The Mongolian prince valued the first elder brother and the fifth elder brother, and even the fourth and thirteenth elder brothers were close to each other.

On the contrary, he, like the third elder brother, was ignored by the princes.

Although there are Seventh Brother and Fourteenth Brother who are in the same situation.

But different.

The seventh elder brother didn't like to be in front of others, and he was in charge of guarding the barracks. He had serious errands and was responsible for the security of the road, and he avoided the Mongolian princes.

Fourteen is here because he is still young, and this year's Mongolian prince is a little smarter than last year.

Last year, those princes thought that Brother Thirteen was the youngest son of Bogda Khan, and gave him a high look.

This year everyone knows that there are several Khan's youngest sons.

The youngest among them is the brother of the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother. It is said that he was born by the most favored empress, and he is still in his infancy.

The fourteenth elder brother is no longer the youngest son, and he is not as decent as the thirteenth elder brother last year when he came out with his retinue for the first time.

A group of people arrived at the gate of Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi got off the chariot, looked at the accompanying prince, clan and ministers of civil and military affairs and said: "Okay, I'm tired, you guys also go down to rest..."

Everyone bowed in response.

Kangxi looked at the prince and ministers who came to meet him again, and said, "Come in and talk!"

The people outside the study were divided into two groups.

One group went out, and the other group followed into the study.

After entering the study and taking a seat, Kangxi looked at Ma Qi and said, "The governor of Zhili has written the booklet, have you read it?"

Ma Qi bowed and said: "I saw it, please expel the money and food that are directly subordinate to Bazhou, Yongqing, Wanping, Liangxiang, Gu'an, Gaoyang, and Xinhe in Qizhou County..."

After hearing this, Kangxi asked, "How does the Ministry of Households discuss the matter?"

Ma Qi said: "Master Li's words are true, you should do as you please, and you will be exempted from money and food after 37 years."

Kangxi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Kangxi looked at Zhang Ying again and said, "Have you not investigated the descendants of the former Ming Dynasty?"

Zhang Ying bowed and said: "It's difficult to verify the identity, and you can't pretend to be a surname when it comes to the ceremony. I feel that it is more appropriate to entrust a member of the local second official to specialize in the ceremony and to offer sacrifices at the right time."

Kangxi nodded and said, "Yes!"

After the two went down to the palace, Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, snorted softly and said, "Finally, what's the matter, made your mother-in-law angry?"

It's really strange.

Counting from the birth of the fifth child, Concubine Yi has been the mother-in-law for more than 20 years, and this is the first time she has punished her son.

Brother Jiu didn't answer immediately, but looked at Kangxi with complicated eyes.

It seemed to be joyful, but also melancholy, and also mixed with admiration, but it was a little excited, moved its lips, but did not say anything.

When Kangxi saw it, he felt more and more surprised. He looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "Say it for him!"

Elder Brother Ten also had a look of confusion on his face.

Concubine Yi's mother put up a cover with great fanfare, and Sister-in-law Jiu accepted it calmly.

Something is wrong with this!
Even if Brother Jiu was confused for a while, the concubine and sister-in-law Jiu also understand.

The joy of Jiusao's pregnancy seems to be real, not just Jiuge's hysterical fantasy!

Kangxi felt something was wrong, looked at Elder Brother Ten, and urged him.

Brother Ten thought for a while, then looked at Brother Nine, and reminded, "Brother Ninth, hurry up and announce the good news to Ama Khan!"

Brother Nine nodded, looked at Kangxi, his eyes were already red, and said: "Khan Ama, son... seems to be Ama too!"

Kangxi had already thought of this when he heard the ten princes mentioned "announcement".

But he was still a little excited when he heard Brother Jiu's words. He was sitting cross-legged before, and now he leaned forward slightly, and said, "Oh? How long has it been? What did the imperial doctor say?"

Brother Nine: "..."

He said with a "hehe" smile, "I haven't seen the imperial doctor yet, but I just have some morning sickness. I guess it won't be diagnosed until the end of the month..."

Speaking of this, thinking of his mother, he hurriedly explained: "It's only been a month now, and my son was worried about Fujin's hard work when paying his respects, so he sent someone to ask his mother to help him think of a way, and then there was the matter of 'foot restraint to copy books', and my mother was not annoyed... ..."

He also knows the taboos of his own Khan Ama, he doesn't like the prince to be raised in the hands of the harem concubines, and he doesn't like the harem concubines to intervene in the affairs of the princes.

Kangxi glared at him angrily.

The imperial doctor has not made a diagnosis yet, so he just messed around for a while!
However, he also understood Brother Jiu's eagerness to seek a child, sighed in his heart, and asked, "How accurate is it?"

If there were seven points before, now it is nine points.

Because Shu Shu's little days are gone the next day.

Just a little bit before and after.

This is seven points divided into eight points.

In addition, Shu Shu actually ordered fried bitter gourd by name, and ordered a bowl of Kuding tea, which was also the first time in history.

Before, she didn't like anything that tasted bitter.

Now that the taste has changed drastically, it is also one of the signs of pregnancy, which is eight points to nine points.

Brother Nine grinned, showing his small white teeth, and said, "Nine points are right!"

As he said that, he thought of another thing, and said, "Ama Khan, this son is the eldest son, you should give your son a good name when the time comes..."

This reminds her that San Fujin is still pregnant, and she is afraid that the two families will compete for her name.

The names of the emperor's grandchildren are all next to the Japanese character, but now that there are more and more emperors and grandchildren, there are countless good characters next to the Japanese character.

Kangxi couldn't help but glared at Brother Jiu again.


There are still nine months to worry about the name!
It was already noon, and when it was time for the imperial meal to be served, Brother Nine and Brother Ten withdrew.

The two of them can stay in Elder Brother's place for one night, and will return to the palace with Sheng Jia tomorrow.

But the ninth elder brother was worried about the family, so he told the tenth elder brother: "I plan to go back, or I won't sleep well here."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Then come back tomorrow morning?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Don't bother. In order not to disturb the people, Khan Ama sets out early every time she returns to the palace from the garden. Even if we make trouble, we will go back and don't talk about that nonsense."

Elder Brother Ten was speechless.

Why did this bastard leave today?
Brother Nine whispered: "Even if you are courteous, you have to be moderate, if it's too much, it's fake!"

Elder Brother Ten smiled and nodded, feeling that Brother Ninth was also very good.

Let's talk about his innocent heart, and these little calculations.

Let's say he loves to calculate, but he really doesn't have that kind of cleverness, so people can't see it.

As it stands now, it's not bad.

Others thought Brother Nine was not very smart, but Brother Nine actually started to know.

The two brothers talked and arrived at Xiaodongmen.

Outside the Xiaodong Gate, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, all the elder brothers who followed were there.

Brother Jiu was very curious: "Why are you all here, what's the matter, and you don't go to wash up?"

This is talking about the princes who are riding horses, and they are still wearing horse riding clothes. It can't be said that they are full of dust, and there is a lot of dust.

The eldest elder brother looked at him, looked at him twice, and said: "Did you not be reprimanded by Khan Ama? Then what happened to the 'foot restraint'? What are you doing, so angry that the concubine is even annoyed?"

The third elder brother also said beside him: "Ninth brother, it shouldn't be like this, this 'hundreds of goodness and filial piety first'..."

Fourth elder brother did not reprimand, but frowned at ninth elder brother.

Looking at this heartless look, is it really okay, or is she used to being shameless?
The fifth elder brother worried: "Is there anything to be picky about the eighteenth brother's 'centenary gift'? The younger brother and sister are considerate people, did the subordinate slaves play tricks and damage the gift?"

Seventh elder brother's eyes flicked over ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother, and settled on tenth elder brother.

Seeing that the tenth elder brother is not worried, the seventh elder brother knows that the rumors may not be true, and the ninth elder brother is fine.

He didn't even bother to open his mouth.

Brother Ba sighed and said, "If there's any misunderstanding, it's better to talk it over as soon as possible. If it's difficult for you Fujin to get over, please ask sister-in-law Wu to come forward..."

The thirteenth elder brother took a look at the fifth elder brother, and it was also conspiratorial, thinking of the servant destroying the gift.

Anything that can annoy Concubine Yi must be offensive, for example, the lock of longevity is broken, or Ruyi is broken.

Did Brother Nine offend someone again at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Brother Thirteen is not at ease either.

The fourteenth brother asked directly: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, is the 'foot ban' a rumor? Didn't you come out today? Looks like you're in good spirits..."

I finally waited until today, turned around and asked for a monthly pass, doubled!

(End of this chapter)

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