My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 676 Respect

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, with a smug look on his face.

But when the words came to his lips, he remembered the three-month limit again, and immediately covered his mouth.

In this way, anyone can see that there is something strange.

The elder brother narrowed his eyes and felt his hands itchy.

The fourth elder brother also frowned even more.

Brother Jiu sensed something was wrong, his eyes rolled around, and he hurriedly said: "The 'foot ban' is true, true, after today, my brother will not come out..."

Speaking of this, he said: "My aunt is still in court, and I have to go to the West Garden to have a look. My brothers are busy first..."

As he said that, he wanted to slip away.

The elder brother grabbed his collar and said: "Don't worry, let me tell you first, what's going on?"

The third elder brother also said beside him: "Yeah, everyone misses you so much, and you still hide it, it's not very authentic!"

Is it Khan Ama who wants to reward the prince with money?
It should be irrelevant, so what good thing did he do?

Like a mouse that stole sesame oil.

The fourth elder brother didn't speak, but moved his feet, blocking the way ahead.

Brother Thirteen glanced at Brother Ten.

The two younger brothers also had a tacit understanding, one hugged the elder brother's waist, and the other hugged the elder brother's arm.

The elder brother was taken aback by the two of them and let go.

The tenth elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother was still standing stupidly, so he pushed and said, "Run!"

Otherwise, with so many older brothers asking together, Brother Jiu might not be able to hide it.

Brother Jiu came to his senses and ran away for more than a dozen feet before stopping and raising his voice: "At most two months of confinement, brothers, if you feel sorry for your younger brother, please prepare money to comfort him, the more the better..."

He was thinking about the land acquisition in Xiaotangshan, and he was waiting for his brothers to come back.

It happened to be possible to take advantage of the "foot ban" to get some money out first.

After the ninth elder brother shouted, he went to the West Garden.

Princess Shuhui and Princess Rongxian returned to court, and the grandparents and grandchildren were placed in the West Garden tonight.

It is the side hall next to the Empress Dowager's Danbo Weide Palace.

Brother Nine is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it is reasonable to pay respects to the Eldest Princess in the past.

The others didn't move, but Elder Fourteen couldn't hold back, trotting to follow.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, can't you really say it?"

Fourteenth elder brother became alert and said: "Did sister-in-law Jiu not let you say it?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows proudly, and said, "Then why do you ask? Do you want to be beaten?"

The fourteenth brother said "haha" twice: "The younger brother will not ask, but what is the matter with collecting the money? Is the ninth brother short of money, and the younger brother and the thirteenth brother will also help you collect it?"

Brother Nine hesitated after hearing this.

This collecting money is not just collecting money.

Right now, he has limited money in his hands, and he really can't swallow much land in Xiaotangshan, so he wants to swipe around.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields.

He didn't intend to speak to others, but Yuqian and his brothers.

But brothers, he really didn't think of it before...

This is a rare opportunity, and I don't know when the next time I will make such a stable money-making transaction.

It's not good to leave the younger brothers behind.

Compared with the elder brothers who have already been knighted, these half-old elder brothers are the most embarrassing.

Nine elder brothers have had tight hands before, and know that the feeling is not good.

He pondered and said: "Then let's make it together, do our best, and Master Twelve will also tell Elder Brother Twelve."

As for the fifteenth elder brother, forget it.

It is too small, and there are not many silver coins in total.

There are still more than ten years before they grow up and need money.

Elder Fourteen nodded in agreement, but felt a little worried.

How big a hole is this?

It's not enough to borrow money from my brothers, so I have to borrow it from them?
He didn't have the mind to mess around anymore, he watched Brother Jiu enter the West Garden and then turned back.

At this moment, the princes and elder brothers also came from the small east gate.

Eldest Brother squinted at Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen and said, "Okay, we will sneak attack!"

The tenth elder brother flattered and said: "Brother, ninth brother doesn't say anything, because he has his own reasons, and you will know later."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "Brother Ninth is so proud, don't rush to ask, I guess Brother Nine will tell you in a few days."

The eighth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother twice.

Because of the age difference, the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother did not move around much before.

Now it looks like a wave.

When did you get close?

The thirteenth brother moved to Ganxitou?

The closer you live, the more you get along with each other if you don't look up and look down.

Many years ago, it was the same with him, Brother Nine and Brother Ten.

Thinking of this, Eighth Brother breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe when the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are out of the palace and live next to each other, they will naturally move around.

Seeing the fourteenth elder brother go and come back, with his head drooping, everyone just thought he was going to ask.

Brother Wu said: "If he doesn't want to say it, don't ask. If he says it later, he will know."

Brother Fourteen nodded, pulled Brother Thirteen and said, "Brother Thirteen, let's go back, I'm hungry..."

The accompanying princes are temporarily staying in the new fifth house outside the West Garden today.

Because I already knew that the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother would come to pick him up, so there are ten princes in total.

Therefore, here in the new fifth institute, there are two people in one courtyard.

The eldest brother and the third elder brother are in the first place, the fourth and fifth elder brothers are in the second place, the seventh and eighth elder brothers are in the third place, and the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers are in the fifth place.

There are four vacant places in the middle, reserved for the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

Because elder brother's place is in the third yard, the front and back yards are also spacious, and it's just a temporary stay, so there's nothing inconvenient...

Qingxi Bookstore.

The royal meal has been set up.

In addition to the eight dishes, there are two dishes of pasta, one dish of fried rice, and one dish of noodle soup.

Kangxi saw the dishes clearly, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the eunuch serving food beside him.

Today is beyond the example of the past.

The serving eunuch bowed and said, "This sour radish and old duck noodle soup was ordered by Brother Jiu, and so is that one of millet flour, corn flour, red bean steamed stuffed bun!"

Kangxi was a little surprised.

But for his son's concern about his own meals, he is really ironic in his heart.

He nodded and took a sip of the old duck soup.

There is no trace of meaty and greasy, but it feels a bit sour and delicious.

The noodles inside are also fresh noodles, which are very strong.

He drank a few sips and felt his appetite was whetted.

He clamped the cornbread again.

During the first lunar month, when the elder brother Jiu and his wife lived in the West Garden, they worshiped corn buns.

The taste is soft and easy to eat.

Thinking about the two mixed steamed buns again?

It seems that Brother Nine mentioned grains for health, not just talking about it, the dining room of the prince's house should be the same.

Kangxi was relieved a lot.

To know how to cherish your body is to grow up.

Brother Jiu is like this, he can be regarded as "near Zhu Zhe Chi"...

West Garden, Qianzun Hall.

Eldest Princess Shuhui has finished grooming, Princess Rongxian came over, and the grandfather and grandson are ready to eat.

I heard that elder brother Jiu is here.

Princess Shuhui said with a smile: "Go and meet me, I'm also an errand brother."

This is to worry that Brother Nine is here on an errand.

Princess Rong Xian agreed, got up and went out.

Brother Jiu is already waiting outside.

He was thinking for a while what to say.

In the past, I just wanted to get rid of my brothers, so I made an excuse to come to West Garden.

But I'm really not familiar with that great-aunt, I don't even know her.

There is also Princess Rongxian here, since Kangxi got married 30 years ago, the siblings have never seen each other again.

It's been eight or nine years.

Brother Thirteen mentioned in his letter that Princess Rongxian gave the prince a horse, and everyone prepared a gift in return.

It seems that the Bahrain Department is now struggling, as we all know.

Then should he and Elder Brother Ten also do their part?
Or wait and see?
Do you want Princess Rongxian to also give a horse, and they will return the gift, so as not to be "unknown"?
"Little Nine..."

Princess Rong Xian's voice was crisp, and she opened her arms when she saw her younger brother.

This is the first time she has returned to Beijing since she landed, and she feels very different. Everything she sees is close, and she doesn't feel unfamiliar at all.

Perhaps this is blood relatives.

Brother Nine hesitated.

Is this a big gift to hug and meet?

This is a great gift to meet relatives who haven't seen each other for a long time.

Brother Jiu felt that he was a little shy and shy.

But seeing the tears in Princess Rongxian's eyes, the wrinkles around her eyes disappeared, and she was no longer the proud and flamboyant eldest daughter of the emperor in memory.

His heart softened, and he stretched out his hand to meet him.

Princess Rong Xian hugged him, leaned against him, looked at him carefully, and saw that he was obedient, and said with a smile: "I really don't dare to recognize him, I can find flowers when I was young!"

The siblings are ten years apart.

Brother Jiu didn't dare to be shy, and respectfully said: "I was still young at that time, but now my younger brother has grown up and married Fujin."

Thinking of the roasted red flower, Princess Rong Xian's face became more gentle, and said: "It's very good. I heard that you, Fujin, have a good body and a good temper. Xiaojiu is very lucky."

Brother Jiu feels that he has made great progress now, and he is also a person of the scene.

He replied: "I heard that the second brother-in-law is also good, and now there are nephews and nieces added, the second sister is very lucky!"

Princess Rongxian smiled and nodded, "Well, we are all blessed."

She took Brother Jiu's hand and entered the Qianzun Hall.

Princess Shuhui was sitting on the next kang, lovingly watching the two sisters and younger brothers come in.

"Grandmother, this is Xiaojiu, born of Concubine Yi, who is now in charge of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Princess Rong Xian introduced.

Brother Jiu felt a little sour when he saw the white-haired eldest princess.

In the early years, when I heard the word "Fu Meng", I didn't feel much.

Now that I am about to have children, I seem to be able to empathize.

Every daughter of the Daqing clan who Fumeng is worthy of respect.

In the past, because of Fu Song's marriage, he complained a little to Bahrain Tai Fujin, and he even complained about bringing Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian.

If it weren't for the eldest princess' mother-in-law and princess daughter-in-law who gave Bahrain Tai Fujin the confidence, how could she dare to ask for marriage?

Now, he felt that he was too narrow-minded.

He stepped forward respectfully, hugged his waist without losing affection, and said warmly: "Grandmother, you are home now..."

The eldest princess touched Brother Jiu's back, and when she heard this, she paused with her hands.

Got home?
Is this still her home?
Her Ernie and her younger brother are gone...

The older brothers and sisters are only the younger brother Chang Shu and the younger sister Kechun.

After the meeting of grandparents and grandchildren, brother Jiu got up and was dragged to sit by the kang by the eldest princess.

The eldest princess looked at Brother Jiu several times, and said: "It's different from when I was a child. When I was a child, my face was fleshy, but now it's too thin..."

Brother Jiu said unexpectedly: "Has my aunt seen her grandson?"

The Eldest Princess nodded lovingly, and said: "That year you were only four or five years old, and you came to the Compassionate Ning Palace to see the puppy after Fifth Elder Brother..."

Brother Jiu laughed twice.

Did you love puppies so much when you were a child?

Not only did I go to tease the puppy in Jingren Palace, but I even went to see the puppy in Compassion Palace...

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