Chapter 677 Chronic Illness
When Brother Nine came out of West Garden, only Brother Ten was left at the gate of West Garden.

Elder Brother Ten was holding a pocket watch in his hand, looking at the time.

Seeing Brother Nine come out, Brother Ten said: "Brother Nine, it's almost time for dinner, why don't you go to the room to deal with it?"

Now back to the city, there is half an hour on the way.

Brother Ten himself is fine, but he is worried that Brother Jiu has a bad spleen and stomach, and is worried that he will hurt his stomach if he eats irregularly.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Let's deal with it, I just want to ask to see Han Ama to discuss something..."

Elder Brother Ten was curious and asked, "What's the matter?"

Brother Nine said: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs has also stored grain in Shengjing. This year, new grain is put into the warehouse and old grain is released from the warehouse. I want to ask Khan Ama if this year's old grain can be transferred to the Bahrain Ministry. !"

It was old grain that was replaced, and it was also allocated to the paddock before.

The tenth elder brother listened with seriousness on his face, looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "Ninth elder brother, the news of the white disaster in Bahrain has been reported to the imperial court, and the imperial court has also given a solution."

Brother Nine frowned and said: "Yes, I heard about it. I opened a spare official warehouse of the Bahrain Ministry, put a thousand shi of grain in it, and embezzled a thousand shi from the official warehouses of several nearby tribes... That's only two dollars in total. Qian Shi, what is the use of it?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, this is a state matter, and the method given by the court is the most appropriate method."

Brother Nine was dissatisfied and said, "Why is it all right? It's not much better than a drop in the bucket!"

Elder Brother Ten said sternly: "But if it's the first one, as long as the grassland tribes are affected by disasters, they will open their mouths to the imperial court. Has Brother Nine thought about the consequences?"

Brother Jiu hesitated and said, "Will the granary be tight?"

There are too many Mongolian tribes.

There are hundreds of tribes in Monan Mongolia and Mobei Mongolia together.

Elder Brother Ten said: "In the same county, the population in Guanli is tens of thousands, but on the prairie there may be only a few tens. If the people on the prairie don't have enough to eat, they will become horse bandits, caravans, and Mongolian princes. "What will happen if the people in the Central Plains don't have enough to eat?"

Brother Jiu was silent.

This is why Khan Ama spends [-]% of the national treasury tax revenue to raise green camps every year.

There are few people in Manchuria, and there are few people in the Eight Banners. Even if they win the world, they dare not slack off at all.

Elder Brother Shi went on to say: "The same one thousand stones are used to help the people of Zhili, and the nearest storehouse is opened to allocate them, and the loss is not much; the same one thousand stones are transported to Mongolia, even if it is a relatively nearby Bahrain, it is still thousands of miles away. , half of the wasted people will be used for chewing..."

Ninth brother immediately withered.

Before, he thought the Eldest Princess was pitiful, and wanted to help her after traveling all the way back to Beijing for her children and grandchildren.

If it's a little effort, help will help.

But if he is not strong enough, he will not insist on adding chaos to the court.

He sighed and said, "Looking at it this way, the Karaqin Department is still a good place!"

Half farming and half pasturing.

In the event of a white disaster, the livestock were damaged, and there was still food.

It is also closer to the capital.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "That's natural. My brother remembers clearly that there were several Mongolian tribes who asked the court to ask for the princess. Er Niang asked someone to inquire carefully before choosing the Karaqin tribe and begged with Khan Ama. Affection……"

The Karaqin Department is located between the capital and Shengjing, and it is less than a thousand miles away from both the capital and Shengjing.

And because this tribe is next to the northeast, its living habits are similar to those of Manchuria.

Brother Jiu was not in the mood to eat, and said: "I'm not hungry yet, let's go back to the palace and eat."

Elder Brother Ten had no objection, so the two brothers got up and went back to the city.

The Forbidden City, two.

At this moment, Shu Shu is receiving a few neighbors sent by his sister-in-law to visit.

Everyone was a little worried about her, but they thought Brother Jiu was "grounded", so it was not easy to come and visit.

They thought of a way to delay leaving the palace, and sent people around them to the second institute to visit.

As for what to do?
There was Jiugege, so everyone stayed in Gege's place for half an hour on the pretext of visiting Jiugege.

It can only be said that everyone's lights are dark.

I didn't expect to ask Shi Fujin.

Ten Fujin was also confused, and followed everyone to Jiugege.

It wasn't until everyone sent someone to go to the second school with Jiu Gege's mother-in-law that Shi Fujin realized later: "What's wrong with Jiu Gege?"

There are only a handful of people she socializes in the palace, even if she has relatives with the concubine, it's not easy to get old, and she doesn't know anything about the second institute.

Seeing her confused, Sifu Jin said, "Your sister-in-law Jiu didn't come today..."

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "I know, aren't you accompanying Brother Jiu?"

Sifujin and Wufujin looked at each other.

It’s not wrong to say that.

Qifu Jin said quickly: "You are in the palace, have you ever heard Yifei scold your sister-in-law?"

The sisters-in-law are worried.

After all, this excuse of "grounding" is disturbing, more like a mother-in-law picking on her daughter-in-law.

Shi Fujin shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it, what did Concubine Yi's mother reprimand Jiu Sister-in-law for?"

Her appearance of being so uninformed does not seem to be reliable.

Everyone stopped talking and waited for their own people to come back.

Shu Shu met people, met a few nuns, and it was hard to explain Brother Jiu's "foot restraint", and the matter of pregnancy was not settled, so it was hard to speak directly, so she said: "It's nothing, I have a cough, I'm afraid Seeing the cold wind, I asked for leave..."

This is not a lie.

I don't know if it's because of her weakness during pregnancy, but Shu Shu has some signs of getting sick.

Now I drink lotus root powder and eat radish balls every day, and my throat is itchy.

Piansheng can't take medicine now, so he can only drink plenty of water.

In the time it took to summon a few nuns, she coughed several times.

Xiaochun and Walnut served beside him.

Xiaochun is okay, quite calm.

Walnut hurriedly served warm tea over, cautiously.

And because of her cough, Shu Shu didn't rest well last night, and her eyes are also a little blue.

Several nuns came here on orders, but they just talked about whether they were sick or not, looked at Shu Shu carefully for a few times, and then left.

Shu Shu told Xiao Chun: "Give me some tea bags, please take a walk."

Xiao Chun responded, and stuffed the purse she had prepared to the nuns.

The nuns bowed their knees to thank them, they came out from elder brother's office, and went back to Gege's office together with Nurse Lin who was beside Jiugege.

Now that everyone else has left the palace, they are not counted as people in the palace. If there is no one leading them, they are not allowed to walk freely in the palace.

Fujin and Jiu Gege were anxiously waiting.

Seeing several nuns coming back, they were all waiting for an answer.

This unmarried sister-in-law is an aunt, and she should be ranked ahead of the sisters-in-law.

In addition, Nanny Lin is an old man in the palace, so it would be more appropriate to look at it, so everyone looked at Nanny Lin first.

Nanny Lin said: "The Second Institute looks peaceful, and the big girl beside Jiu Fujin is also stable, and she doesn't look anxious, but Jiu Fujin looks a little bad because he hasn't rested well."

Sifujin's nanny said: "When the old slaves passed by, Jiufujin coughed a few times, and there was half a bowl of lotus root powder on the table."

Wu Fujin's nanny said: "Jiu Fujin said, it's nothing, but because he was afraid of the cold wind, he asked for leave and didn't come."

Qi Fujin's nanny took a look at Qi Fujin, nodded and said nothing else.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked at each other, they both knew that Shu Shu had a serious illness, so they both thought of this.

This really needs to be covered up.

Although the elders are very satisfied with Shu Shu now, they will not go past Brother Nine.

Brother Nine is not very strong, if it turns out that Shu Shu has a serious illness, then he might have to start picking side Fujin.

Wu Fujin looked at everyone and said, "It's good that it's okay, then let's leave, as there are still some things to take care of in the mansion."

Qi Fujin also said: "Yeah, who said that the seasons are changing now, if you accidentally catch the wind and catch a cold, if you catch up with the small days, you can't wait to grow on the kang."

Sifujin and sister-in-law Jiu Gege looked at each other, and also thought of Shu Shu's serious illness.

Especially Jiugege, who lived in the West Garden with Shushu during the first month, seeing the sky together, knew that she couldn't eat the cold wind, otherwise she would cough.

Sifujin felt a little regretful, she should have thought of this earlier.

It shouldn't be mobilizing people to send people to visit.

She followed Wufujin and Qifujin's words and said, "It's time to go back. Shengjia will return to Changchun Garden today, and he will enter Beijing tomorrow."

The male masters from all the prefectures have gone with their retinue, and they will be home tomorrow.

These mistresses really need to be prepared.

Jiugege nodded and said: "Then sister-in-laws can go home, we won't keep them for dinner today..."

Sifujin got up several times, went out of Gegesuo, and left the palace through Shenwumen.

All the carriages from various prefectures were waiting outside Di'anmen.

After leaving Di'anmen, it will be divided into two roads.

Sifujin goes north, Wufujin and Qifujin both go east and then south.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin had a tacit understanding, watching Si Fujin get into the carriage, and Qi Fujin got into Wu Fujin's carriage, worried: "Isn't it because of 'whooping cough'? In that case, ten days and a half months would be good." No!"

Wu Fujin was also worried: "It would be great if we moved out, it's really inconvenient in the palace."

Qi Fujin thought for a while, and said: "It's probably because it's not easy to ask the imperial doctor to prescribe a prescription, so I kept it secret."

But how can this cough be concealed?

Is it still possible not to go to say hello?
Wu Fujin thought for a while, and said: "Last year, I seem to have been eating lotus root powder to suppress it. Later, I asked someone to inquire at the pharmacy outside to see if there is any prescription for cough."

Qifujin said helplessly: "That's the only way to go."

Not to mention the royal family, even if you marry into an ordinary noble family, as long as you live with your in-laws, you will not be able to show your "serious illness".

Wouldn't that be a cheating marriage?

"Before, I thought Concubine Yi's mother's seizures were a bit too much this time, and she was completely different from her usual behavior. So it was because of this, it was a cover for Shu Shu..."

Thinking of this, Qifujin looked at Wufujin with envy and said, "A mother-in-law who is so considerate to her daughter-in-law is really rare in the world."

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "It's my brother and sister's blessing, my mother is kind."

Seeing Qi Fujin showing envy, Wu Fujin hesitated, and said: "What's the matter? But is it difficult between Fujin and the nobleman?"

Qi Fujin shook his head, feeling disappointed, and said: "No, they are not mean people, but they are too polite, they don't look like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along..."

Wu Fujin said: "Only look forward to it."

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "Then I have nothing to be dissatisfied with, Fujin doesn't meddle in the affairs of our mansion, he goes over to pay his respects on weekdays, and the questions are all about Qi Ye's diet and daily life, and he doesn't say a word about it; The nobleman is even more reticent, every time I pass by, there are not a few words in total..."

In fact, she was in trouble too.

It seems that the pure prince Fujin cares more about the seventh elder brother, and the nobleman is a little cold and distant, and has no intention of getting close to his son.

Earlier, Qi Fujin also murmured in his heart that the biological mother and child were not close, and it seemed that they might not be as close as the adoptive mother and child.

But now that he has become Er Nie, Qi Fujin has changed his mind.

Conceived in October, she gave birth to the flesh and blood that was conceived on her body, which mother doesn't love her child...

Thank you all for rolling, 11826 cards, thank you everyone.

Thank you for the addition of two new leaders "May Embroidered Sky" and "Fireworks One Cold and One Hot". The leader will make up for it in a few days.Other old alliance leaders will continue to make up updates, thank you for your monthly ticket support today.

Thanks to all the book friends for their rewards, and Jiuhui will work hard to add more thanks from time to time.

Tonight there is a chapter to thank Jiageng, but it will be later, everyone go to bed early, and watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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