My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 678 Happiness

Almost early, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother returned to the palace.

When he reached the gate of the second school, Elder Brother Jiu stopped in his tracks and said cheerfully, "From tomorrow on, I won't be coming out, and I'll talk to my elder brothers about collecting money, so you can run errands on my behalf..."

He had already mentioned to Elder Brother Ten that he would buy all the land with springs near Xiaotangshan and Datangquan.

That would be a huge expense, and after a few years, it would pay off several times over.

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while and reminded: "Brother Ninth, it's not good to leave Third Brother and Mynah behind, and it's also not good to leave the Crown Prince behind!"

Even if there is some unhappiness between the brothers in private, it is not good to show too much favoritism.

It is possible to keep a distance and keep a respectful distance, but it is not easy to make grudges.

As for the prince, so far, he is still the most valued son of the emperor's father.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Don't worry, don't take it down, even Twelve and the others, I plan to take it..."

Speaking of this, he gloated and said: "Anyway, the God of Wealth has been brought to you, as for how much money you can make, then let your conscience speak!"

Elder Brother Ten thinks this is a good idea.

People are far and near.

This brotherhood is also mutual.

Others treat Brother Ninth well, and it's appropriate to gain a little more.

Those who usually only play lip service can't take advantage of it at this time.

He said: "Then if big brother and the others insist on asking why they collected such a large amount?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's vague, it means that the master has a deficit and needs to embezzle some money, or else he will suffer. You don't know the exact amount, but you know it's quite a lot..."

Elder Brother Shi thought about it for a while, and felt that this argument was a bit plausible, so he said, "If this is the case, maybe someone will go to the cashmere weaving field to guess!"

Brother Nine has not opened the mansion yet, he is in the palace, and his job is also in the House of Internal Affairs, his every move is under everyone's noses.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs acts in a step-by-step manner.

Extraordinary things are all related to business.

Gold belts, medicine pills, and burnt blue and red jewellery, two of which were made inside, and the third was made by the imperial pharmacy. They were all in the palace, and everyone knew about them.

Only about the cashmere weaving field, the elder brother on the southern tour knew something, but he didn't know much.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "That's not a good time! If you are really willing to help and believe in the ability of the master, you will be happy to pay the money; if you are worried that the master will lose all the borrowed money and still not pay, then you must be digging and searching. .”

Elder Brother Ten said: "Okay, then do this."

It just so happens that the cashmere weaving factory is still undergoing trial processing. It seems that the technology for washing wool is immature, only a small number of samples are produced, and it has not yet reached a large scale.

After saying this, the brothers said goodbye.

Brother Jiu reminded: "It's settled, I can't tell you Fujin!"

Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, don't worry!"

Only then did Brother Jiu enter the second school with satisfaction.

Shu Shu had already finished her lunch, and she was leaning on the Kang in the study, holding a "Three Character Classic" in her hand.

Since the seventh day, she has become a porcelain doll.

If you take one more step, everyone around you will follow Xuanxin.

Shu Shu also felt a little uncertain.

After the initial joy, she was a little nervous.

She felt awe and helplessness.

It seems that the pregnancy period is 280 days, nine and a half months.

It's less than a month now...

Eight and a half months to go...

She regretted it a little.

Since you planned to get pregnant after moving, you should control it.

When Brother Jiu came in, he saw Shu Shu's disoriented appearance, sat on the edge of the kang, and said, "What's the matter? Do you feel unwell?"

Shu Shu sat up, shook her head, looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Master, I still want to move, can I go to Qin Tianjian and ask, and see how I can not disturb the fetal god..."

What are taboos and fears?
This is the strength of Taoism, it can be deciphered.

Brother Jiu didn't respond immediately, and said: "Why do you think of this? Did you miss your mother-in-law and uncle's mother-in-law? If that's the case, after a while, I can bring you two into the palace to accompany you..."

The harem is not without relatives.

When the young concubine gives birth, she can give grace, and the elders of the Yun family will enter the palace to accompany her to wait for the birth.

Although there is no precedent for elder brother's side, it should not be difficult to imagine. This side is originally looser than the inner court.

Shu Shu said with a bitter face: "It was well planned before, and we can act more casually in our own mansion, without so many people watching."

Brother Jiu misunderstood.

He thought Shu Shu was worried about the last two grids.

Now speaking, there are indeed inconveniences.

The movements of the prince cannot be concealed from the servants.

Those two princesses are indeed very beautiful. If Khan Ama realizes that there are few people serving here one day, he will just point to two princesses casually, not to mention affecting the relationship between husband and wife, then there will be more idlers to support.

Brother Jiu said: "At the end of the month, I will go to Qintianjian to ask, and I should be able to find a solution."

Shu Shu smiled immediately, and said, "Is there really a solution?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said firmly: "There must be, that is Qin Tianjian. There are several Taoists, all of whom are well-known masters of Taoism."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "That's great, then move at the end of the month, so as not to be cold any later."

Seeing her happy, Brother Jiu was also willing to pamper her, and said: "I listen to you, it's better to go back to our own home, so as not to have to endure two more coughs in the palace."

Shu Shu was tangled again, and said: "Let's see what Qin Tianjian said first, there is really no way to resolve it, then we can move again next year."

Brother Jiu said: "Then we'll talk about it when the time comes, don't think about this for now..."

Having said that, he looked at Shu Shu's belly and said, "At the beginning, I thought that boys and girls are the same. Now that I think about it, let's have a younger brother... I saw my second sister today, 30 years ago It's the first time this year that I've returned..."

The second princess, Princess Heshuo Rongxian?

Shu Shu was very curious.

You must know that there are several princesses in Kangxi who conferred the title of Princess Gulun, but two were conferred and canonized by Yongzheng, and only Princess Rongxian was conferred by Kangxi himself.

This eldest daughter of the emperor was deeply loved by Kangxi.

But Concubine Rong acts with the same temperament as San Elder Brother...

Princess Rongxian is the daughter of Concubine Rong, the elder sister of the third elder brother.

"How is the princess' temperament?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu thought of the hug ceremony at noon, shook his head and said: "It's not like the daughter of Concubine Rong, but the daughter of Concubine Hui and Empress. I seem to have heard that Concubine Hui raised her." Second sister, I don’t know if it’s true or not..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu understood that it was a cheerful personality.

Brother Jiu had already laughed out loud, and said: "I just didn't expect that the second sister who was a bit fierce and aggressive in my impression was actually a short person, almost like sister-in-law Seven..."

When the siblings met at noon, they felt a little uncomfortable at the time, but they didn't expect the height problem.

Thinking about it now, isn't Second Sister much shorter than him?
Shu Shu was a little surprised, and said: "Concubine Rong is not short in stature."

The third elder brother is also above average among the princes.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "That should be following the queen mother. Concubine Tong's mother is not tall, and I remember that Tong Enie is not tall either..."

The queen mother here refers to Empress Xiaokangzhang.

Shu Shu thought of Concubine Tong, and said: "Shengjia will return to the palace tomorrow, so the empresses should also move from the palace?"

Yongshou Palace and Changchun Palace have been repaired.

As early as when Concubine Yi moved back from Changchun Garden in mid-July, no one continued construction on these two palaces.

Brother Nine said: "It should be, just before the winter, but before moving, you should have sealed the honorable Guerjia, right?"

The internal leadership has already been selected, and the apse of the Changchun Palace has also been prepared, the only difference is the name.

The favor of this one is well known.

Last year's draft entry into the palace was directly a nobleman.

Then last year's east tour, this spring's south tour, and this autumn's north tour, Guerjia nobles were all included in the harem.

In the early harem, Concubine Yi was the most favored, and the younger ones were Concubine Zhang and Noble Wang.

But if you really want to say that Zhang Bin and Wang Guiren are not young anymore.

Zhangpin is in her thirties, and Wang Guiren is also nearly thirty.

The age at which the two were favored was about the same as the nobleman Guerjia is now.

Now the old man has not been replaced, and the new man has been born.

Shu Shu said: "Then shall we prepare a congratulatory gift?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'll ask Old Ten to ask Big Brother and Fourth Brother to see if they prepared a congratulatory gift for that time in 29."

In the 29th year, Concubine Tong entered the palace and was conferred as a concubine without a ceremony.

Going forward, in the 28th year, Concubine Wei and Concubine Zhang were conferred as concubines.

can be referenced.

Shu Shu put the matter aside.

Brother Nine simply freshened up and washed up. He didn't want anything else, just a bowl of small wontons.

Because I was afraid that Shu Shu would be hungry, starting from the past few days, the dining room prepared some dumplings and wontons every day, which was more convenient.

Seeing Shu Shu looking eagerly at him, Brother Jiu said: "Why don't you have something to eat with Grandpa?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then I'll have a bowl, not pure meat, but chicken with celery..."

Walnut happened to be waiting at the door, and Brother Jiu told her to go to the dining room to send a message.

Shu Shu rubbed her stomach, feeling that she was acting on her mind, so she still had to restrain herself.

Otherwise, if you continue to eat like this, it will really become a five-day fattening meal.

Brother Nine comforted: "Eat what you want, it's because the child is hungry..."

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him.

How big can a one-month-old fetus be?
Not as big as broad beans.

After eating wontons, Shu Shu started to feel sleepy, which was also because she didn't get a good rest last night.

Brother Jiu didn't leave either, and just watched from the side, feeling a little worried.

I coughed like that last night, it's no wonder I can rest well.

I have to find a way to reduce phlegm and relieve cough.

Brother Nine looked at the bookcase, and also had the idea of ​​flipping through the book.

All afternoon, brother Jiu was reading medical books.

He originally went for the prescription for cough relief, but he couldn't help but also wanted to find a prescription for recuperating the childbirth.

If he thinks it can be used, he will copy it in his notebook.

As soon as Shu Shu woke up, she saw Brother Jiu sitting behind the desk, concentrating on it.

Several of those medical books were tomes, which Shu Shu often read.

She recognized it at a glance, her heart was soft, and she felt a little happy.

Perhaps her uneasiness in the past few days is due to the two grids in the backyard.

After all, according to the norms of today's society, it's not a fault for a couple to love each other, but it's jealousy if they both have a big belly and want to occupy a man.

Bullshit jealousy...

Could it be that I have a big belly, conceived and gave birth hard, and watched Brother Nine at ease...

Shu Shu was depressed and couldn't help grinding her teeth.

If brother Jiu really dares to take that step, then it will be a big deal to "respect each other as guests"...

Brother Jiu was tired of copying, so he put down his pen and rubbed his wrist.

Sensing something was wrong, he looked at the kang, and saw Shu Shu's tears flashing.

He hurriedly got up and went over, "What's the matter?"

Shu Shu covered her eyes with her arms, and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay, I just miss Enie and Amu..."

More than 1 monthly tickets have been added in one day, from 28 on the list to [-], thank you everyone, happy, thankful! ^_^.

The next update will be at 12:30 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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