My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 679 Happy Pulse

Chapter 679 Happy Pulse

Brother Jiu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Then I will accompany you back to the Dutong Mansion in the afternoon?" Brother Nine said.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, when I go back at this time, I can't be sure what to say. Everyone is also worried, and we will talk about it at the end of the month."

For the first time, Brother Nine felt that the wait was so difficult, and said: "On weekdays, I ask for a pulse every three times. If the thirteenth time is not counted, it will be 23..."

There is a fixed time for taking the pulse in the palace.

Like their husband and wife, they are invited once every ten days, and they are arranged on the third day.

Hearing Brother Jiu's urgency, Shu Shu moved his arms away, looked at him, and said, "No, it's less than half a month..."

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand, placed it carefully on Shu Shu's stomach, and muttered: "I'm impatient to wait, I still want to know a certain letter."

Seeing that he was uneasy, Shu Shu calmed down instead, and said, "Then do some serious business with me these few days!"

"What's the matter?"

Brother Jiu looked at her.

Right now, is there anything better than raising a baby?
Shu Shu smiled and said, "We're going to move out. Although we still have to pay for it from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we still have to think about how to make money. Shouldn't the property and business outside be brought together?"

The two lived in the palace before, and there were not enough people to order them around. When they thought of what to order people to do, they were all hammered here and there, which was relatively scattered.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said: "Those are trivial things, the most important thing right now is that you are well, eat well, sleep well, and relax your heart, that's really good!"

Although he loves money, he doesn't take money too seriously.

He just enjoys making money.

With his status, does he really have to worry about supporting his family?
Shu Shu looked at him, couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth, and said, "What kind of stuffing is the wonton you ate at noon, why does it look like you ate honey?"

This is also a good thing to say, which is rare.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said puzzledly: "It's strange, it's been less than an hour, and I can't remember it. You are all on my mind now!"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, deliberately sternly said: "Do you miss me or miss little brother, I told you before, you want to put me first..."

Brother Nine hurriedly took her hand and said: "Do you still need to ask? What do you mean by 'child is more expensive than mother', the little boy in this belly is 'child is more expensive than mother', if it wasn't for you, the master would be I'm too lazy to deal with it..."

Seeing his seriousness, Shu Shu couldn't tease him anymore, and said: "Don't say that, sir, this is the big treasure that master and I are looking forward to."

Do not speak indecently, it is not good for children to hear.

The couple seemed to have a lot to say.

But because of Shu Shu's itchy throat, most of the time it was Brother Jiu who was talking, and Shu Shu just listened.

By the second watch, the couple fell into a drowsy sleep.

When the couple woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun.

Brother Jiu stretched his waist and said: "This kind of life is not bad, let alone half a month, I will not get tired of staying in the first half of the year!"

Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table and couldn't help smiling.

That is to say.

If we really want to lock him up for half a year, I'm afraid he will be suffocated.

Obviously it is a pig, but it has an impatient temper.

Brother Jiu counted the time and said: "Shengjia Maochu set off from the garden, and now he has returned to the palace..."

During the two-month tour to the north, I must be busy with a lot of business when I return to the palace.

Brother Nine comfortably picked up the tea and took a sip.

This is the hard work of the capable.

Just after a meal that was neither early nor late, there was movement outside.

He Yuzhu trotted in and reported, "Master, Fujin, Director Liang is here..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine got up and said, "Sit down properly, Master, go ahead and have a look!"

Could it be Khan Ama who summoned him?

Are you angry that you came back yesterday?
Brother Nine felt guilty.

When Brother Jiu arrived at the front yard, besides Liang Jiugong, there were two people behind him.

An old man with white beard and hair, looks over seventy years old, but has a sturdy appearance; half a step behind him stands a person, an imperial physician in his fifties.

This imperial physician, Brother Nine, knew him. He was the imperial physician Jiang who was in charge of Yikun Palace's Ping An pulse when Concubine Yi was pregnant.

That old man has some similarities to Doctor Jiang...

Brother Jiu didn't realize it for a moment, looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Ada, is this the one who ordered Physician Jiang to come here?"

Khan Ama is more anxious than himself.

Liang Jiugong said: "The emperor is concerned, he can't wait any longer, so he sent word that old doctor Jiang, who has already retired, has entered the palace and asked for Fujin's pulse!"

Physician Jiang next to him also bowed and said, "My father is good at breaking the pulse..."

Brother Jiu was pleasantly surprised, looked at the old man's eyes, and said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

A group of people followed Brother Jiu to the main room.

Shu Shu knew the identity of the old man, and knew that he was a senior official in the imperial hospital, so she felt uneasy.

If it is calculated after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will only be about [-] days, about three weeks. According to later generations, it will take six weeks to diagnose the pulse.

There shouldn't be a slippery pulse, right?

It's all the fault of elder brother Jiu, who couldn't hold his breath and alarmed the imperial court.

I'm afraid it's going to be a joke.

She calmed herself down and sat on the edge of the kang.

Xiao Chun took the silk scarf and wanted to cover Shu Shu's wrist.

This is the custom in the palace to ask for peace of mind.

There is a difference between men and women, separated by a very thin silk scarf, there is less rhetoric.

Shu Shu said: "No need."

The old doctor's appearance is over seventy years old, and it is already an age where there is no need to shy away from men and women.

Xiaochun bowed and took the silk scarf and stepped back.

Walnut put a round stool over, the old doctor sat down, stretched out his hand, and put it on Shushu's wrist.

The old man moved his fingers lightly, and his expression turned serious.

Brother Jiu sat on the other side of the Kang table, holding his breath and concentrating.

Standing beside him were Liang Jiugong, Xiaochun, He Tao, He Yuzhu and others who were also staring at the old doctor.

Everyone followed suit.

Looking forward to good results.

Guessing that half a cup of tea had passed, the old doctor withdrew his hand and glanced at Doctor Jiang and Liang Jiugong with weird eyes.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said, "Old Doctor Jiang, Jiufu Jin is..."

Could something be wrong?

The emperor is still waiting, he also plans to be a bird of good news and receive a big reward.

The old doctor Jiang nodded and said: "The pulse of Jiufu Jin flows smoothly, like beads rolling on a plate, it is indeed a slippery pulse, and it has been more than a month and a half..."

It was for this reason that he saw his son before.

It may take more than two months for the doctors outside to diagnose the Huamai, but if the imperial doctor in the palace is like this, then the medical skills will be too bad.

Shu Shu heard the old doctor's words clearly, and tightened her handkerchief, both surprised and delighted.

The good news is that the dust has settled, so I don't have to scratch my head and wait for the end of the month.

Surprisingly, if it was a month and a half, it would be from the end of July to the beginning of August, after which my little days would come, and unlike this time it was only a little bit, almost normal.

Shu Shu is not a person who shies away from medical treatment. Looking at the old lady doctor, she said, "But my period last month was as usual. Is this... not good for the fetus?"

The old doctor's eyes were steady, and he said unhurriedly: "Fu Jin's pulse is strong, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is no need to worry too much about the letter period. I also encountered a similar case in the early years. As the date approaches, some people will go on as usual, it's not unusual, Fujin can rest assured..."

The old man's tone was calm and his expression was soothing.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt at ease.

It seems that elder brother Jiu has not moved.

Shu Shu turned her head to look over, and saw Brother Nine sitting stupidly, her eyes fixed on her stomach.

Obviously happy to be silly!

She had no choice but to look at Xiao Chun.

Get ready for the wedding!
Happy event!
When Xiaochun came out with the purse, brother Jiu jumped off the kang and said excitedly, "Go and tell Khan Ama the good news!"

After all, he ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this, He Yuzhu hurriedly followed behind.

Liang Jiugong looked at Brother Jiu's back and hummed in his heart, feeling that Brother Jiu was not likable.

How can you steal your own errands? !

I thought well when I came here, today is the bird of good news.

Now, the bird is flying!

Seeing this, Shu Shu looked at Xiao Chun and said, "Take the things Jiu Ye left for Wen Da."

Xiaochun responded, turned and went into the back room.

Liang Jiugong was a little surprised when he heard this.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "A while ago, the internal construction office tried to burn some small objects, and when I saw the Jiu Ye, I agreed to keep them for Wenda."

While talking, Xiao Chun took out the brocade box from the inside and opened it.

Inside is a small one-inch-diameter gold medal, which is small in size but extremely delicate. It is red and blue on the top, with a burnt blue ground as a whole, and a burnt red bottom in the middle. Silk red gold ingots.

Liang Jiugong was a close servant of the imperial court, so he naturally knew the value of this thing. Now many Mongolian princes are thinking about it, and hurriedly said: "Oh, Lord Jiu's kindness has been accepted, this old slave can't bear it."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Let's put it away, this is the fourth furnace, and the first three furnaces have been archived..."

Needless to say, the first batch was the reward from the Dragon Finger and the princesses.

The second furnace is all kinds of Ruyi and various flower cards. These are prepared by the queen mother and concubines and put into the inner treasury. As for how to distribute them, it is the emperor Kangxi who decides.

The third furnace is some fingers and brands, which are also included in the inner library for Kangxi to reward the clan princes.

The fourth furnace is a bit more complicated, with various auspicious words, small brands and so on.

Brother Jiu didn't keep more, only this one.

It was originally an auspicious word he liked, but after getting it, he felt that it was inappropriate.

With his current status, if he really wants to go out wearing the sign of "Ri Jin Dou Jin" in a big way, he will probably be misunderstood by those in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as asking for bribes.

He decided to make the best use of everything and leave it to Liang Jiugong.

That one is also a money lover.

As for whether Liang Jiugong dares to wear it, that is Liang Jiugong's own business.

After listening to Shu Shu's words, Liang Jiugong knew that this was not a taboo, so he took it with both hands, and said with a smile: "The slave just accepted Jiu Ye's reward boldly!"

Mrs. Jiang, the doctor and his son, watched everything.

It seems that the rumors that Brother Nine is the "Aizi" are not groundless.

Look at the familiarity between the man in front of the imperial court and elder brother, what can be revealed...

Outside the Qing Palace, Brother Jiu ran like a gust of wind.

He Yuzhu chased after him panting...

(End of this chapter)

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